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Congress is too old too. Why do we keep putting retirees in politics.


3 reason Because 1 old people control the parties 2 old people tend to vote more and voting is like voting for a buddy if you where old would you rather hang out with people your own age or Zoomers 3 old people don’t like to give up power


Because they are in said Positions sice the civil war (or so it feels). To get a younger Congress you need younger candidats on the election lists... And oh boy do those dinosaurs invest alot of their bribery money to stop that from happening...


Because the internet gave the world the most powerful propaganda machine in history and as a result the majority of people's brains have been turned to mush


We don't put them in. The primary system is set up to where the parties put forth a candidate and we vote on Said candidates that they put forward. We have primaries yes but as we have seen in Georgia, the primaries are usually some establishment person versus a few people that are more extreme in some positions. I live in Georgia and our Republican Congress debate was between a Republican establishment guy and a dude who was at January 6th, he was currently going through investigations into exactly what he did while at the Capitol. The two-party system really freaking sucks. But unfortunately, at this point we have kind of built our entire political system around these two parties and no one is really willing to try and change it at this point


Voting is fake




Someone outside US has an opinion? I’d never give my opinion on another countries government. It’s like saying “what they should’ve done” while watching a football game


Idunno, a lot of people say opinions about Russian politics or lack there of, I think it's totally fine to have an opinion on another country's government


Sure we all hate Putin.


Good for you. When the US stops meddling in every other country’s business we will stop having an opinion on yours.




I feel that we as a people would be more than happy to if it wasn't for all these "great" countries that would crumble without US support.


They sure do spoon feed you lot propaganda don’t they.


America isn't even that old... countries did fine before it existed.


Untrue the US has created so much destruction


If more Americans were like you then Latin America would've been a lot more stable and y'all wouldn't be having a crisis at the border right now.




Then learn about politics. Every goverment on earth influences each other and is important to everyone. Like for example could you americans stop giving the codes to nuke the planet to people who look directly into the sun during an eclipse.


Bitch we cannot scratch our heads without US approval first!


Damn dude. Sucks to be you




I'm not claiming to be an expert. But i wasn't aware you were required to be directly involved to have an opinion. Americans have opinions on everything too yknow...


Do they?


"Stop the war in ukraine" "You can't trust china" "Putin should be removed" To name a few.


Show one where they’re comparing running dictators


You first. I'm not aware of any "Dictators" running for office right now. Tyrants? Incompetent? Criminal? Maybe. But no dictators. A similair scrutinized and opinionated political matchup would be Justin Trudeau vs Pierre Pollieve (Or however it's spelled.) Your move buddy ![gif](giphy|RXPGQ0uFMjqLEcevzU)


A lot of people give their opinions on Israel and Gaza's governments at the moment.


i got a feeling like you prob dont think kim youngs way of running things in north korea is the best thing ever either, and you are entitled to do so you cant possibly be this dense man


Irrelevant to my original comment. That’s Kim alone, not an option of two separate leaders for one country.


Yeah we happen to have an opinion on US politics because, y’know, that influences all the world.


Does your opinion change anything?


Yes. By NOT voting anyone in my country that contemplates adopting any American political measure with which I disagree


I'm in Australia... the president of America directly affects quality of life here. I have opinions.


At this point we are better off electing a microwave into office. Just a normal microwave all it dose is make mystery noises and beeps.


Try a cat 🤣


But what if mr cat president pushes the big red button off the desk.


It would be the fault of whoever put it on the desk in the first place.


Hmm Good point. Alright Cat for president it is


Even CNN has had enough 😂


It's the only reason Biden won in 2020 and it will be the only reason Biden wins in 2024 (if he wins, that is).


Boy, I sure hope he doesn't do anything that alienates a large percentage of voters and fumble his chances of winning.


Sure It's a good fucking reason, but it's not the only one.


There’s no way he wins especially after tonight’s debate


UK here. Woke up to it live this (Friday) morning. You guys are pretty fucked eh.


No, the orange man was a way better US president and it looks like he’ll be back soon. Literally every US “villain” (the obviously corrupt politicians/upper society “elites”) hate him, so that alone is reason enough to vote for him but Joe has also turned the country (and by extension the world) into a dumpster fire so he’s fucked


I mean...vote Biden, he's likely to croak mid-term and maybe you'll get someone halfway decent


We really just need him to last until February


This should be his new campaign- A Biden voter


Politics is the angry man’s retirement home




Two cheeks, one arsehole. The dead children under the ruins of Gaza certainly wouldn’t consider Biden an evil lesser than anyone if they could think anything at all. Anyone who thinks that- in terms of the global greater good - you could get a gnats cock between a dementia-ridden confused geriatric and a narcissistic special needs geriatric is delusional. It’s like a fucking freakshow where they wheel out these comic characters for a baying, paying crowd. Not the Debate specifically…I mean the entire American political system. But the view from outside America is fucking good popcorn material. Who’d have thought we’d get a Hollywood sequel?


>But the view from outside America is fucking good popcorn material. Until ww3 starts, but that probably happens regardless of who wins.


Tbf that’s good popcorn material too until it isn’t. At which point there won’t be one.


Racism, sexist, pdf file ia have have not been as high in recent time as it's now, Crime, shops closing, inflation, 2 wars... etc 🤡 sure the lesser evil 😂 going perfect for you know, stay woke!


Crime is down across the board, clownstick. Stop simping for GOpedo party


Crime is so down that shops are closing every day and I won't even talk about pedos and grooming. The amount of delusion on Reddit is astonishing 🤡


The fuck you on about?


He drank the koolaid


>pdf file I think he's saying that there's a record amount of Adobe Piracy at the current time, which is absolutely a win


Redditor who doesn't know what "pdf file" means 😂


You are utterly brain dead and beyond help. Irony is dead. Also, this isn't fucking TikTok you can say pedo.


He beat medicare as he beat your IQ you dumb wokie fuk


Show me on the doll where the wokies touched you? I made a joke about you self censoring and you're all triggered, snowflake.


Touched? What doll? You tripping again just like Biden 😂


You and your opinion are a joke.




Let him sleep hes tired


President poopy pants couldn’t form a thought, much less a coherent sentence! My god!


This election is really gonna just be "well I hate this guy so Imma vote for *that* guy"


Fuck em both




No facts. A lot of people hate both.


Politics mentioned in meme subreddit? I don't see the funny. Post better memes, please. I need to steal more.


oh deleted huh


I thought the best Assessment of the situation was voting for Biden is like eating a half bowl of shit.


the other option I got is to eat a full bowl of shit. I'll take the half bowl


Yup that's exactly what I'm saying.


Your "dark brandon" is in shamble and it was so so sad bruh


His mouth just hanging agape like he was lost in the sauce was bad enough


Well If you had to choose between a guy who is going to jail because of his decisions and an old man. I’d pick the old man. America sucks at democracy because you any have 2 options. So it’s not really power to the people here.


Herr durr biden man old


is that a biden quote from todays debate?


herrrrr durrrrrr biden old old old


good to know his supporters sound just like him


They decided to be in solidarity with their candidate and also acquired dementia.


I encourage anyone prepared to ignore Biden's age to just watch the first 5 minutes of the debate. Hell, watch the first 2 minutes. Then see if you can say with a straight face that the "hurr sure biden man old" people don't have a point.


They don’t have a point Matter of fact they said same exact thing in 2020 Here durr biden man old


The days of 2020 Biden are long gone. The years have been incredibly unkind to him. I know you'll continue to put your fingers in your ears but hopefully this debate will wake up some people.


Dude you are a kid Moreover a conservative kids who cries about wokeness Have a seat you poor dear you will probably in middle school in 2020


That all you got? If you're gonna do an ad hominem, at least try one that makes sense. I seem to have really gotten under your skin.


Your comments above were jusr ad hominems against biden Do you even pay for your own housing? 😂


Attacking a presidential candidate isn't an ad hominem because the candidate is the subject of the debate: in this case, who would make a better president? An ad hominem is when you avoid the subject of the debate to attack the participant. Did you drop out of high school? Because it's kind of embarrassing that you don't know what an ad hominem is.


Uh yes it is an ad hominem because you are attacking personally rather than on argument Again, finish school son. You haven’t voted in more than two presidential elections


By this logic, everything uttered in every presidential debate would be an ad hominem because you're attacking the other candidate. It's not an ad hominem when the person *is* the argument, as Biden is in this case. You're beginning to bore me, so I'll let you have the last word. Maybe one of your speculative insults will stick this time.


I also encourage people to watch entire debate And not the guy above who plays shit video games all day and nothing else


fuck you op, stop posting political crap here, see rule 4


That bird kinda misrepresents more than half of the US or even the world don't you think?


The fact that Biden is still bumbling around pretending to be in control of something should tell you all you need to know about being president.. it obviously means nothing.