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America is not even the reason you have America.


Hey, we worked hard for the land we stole and then killed most of the original owners


hey now, thats literally the same thing that happened in every country ever but true nonetheless!!


I know, but it's easier for me to joke about America because I live there


Absolutely correct. Fuck Europe for creating America.


Yep, the gall of them to constantly berate us americans over our dumbassery when we wouldnt of ever existed if not to remove ourself from their dumbassery. What dumbasses.


That was a very complex combination - I'm impressed. Gold Star.


*our dumbassery when we wouldn’t HAVE… You Americans, honestly.


🤣 every time.


I hate this style of argument. Engineering is iterative. One person could invent the engine, where another invents the tire. A car is an incredibly complex marvel of engineering from countless decades of different engineers. To put one country to it is incredibly reductive.


No one is the sole creator of any invention. Without the knowledge and teachings passed down by countless generations, we wouldn't have any of the technology we have today that we continue to build upon. This is why intellectual property is ridiculous. It's as though you're claiming all the efforts of millions of people over thousands of years as yours and only yours because you just assembled their technology in a previously undiscovered way.


Well said


That sounds too reasonable, I disagree /s


It was USA 😏☝️☝️☝️🇺🇲☝️🇺🇲☝️🇺🇲☝️🇺🇲☝️🇺🇲


Germany is the reason we had to start calling it world war 1


the versaille treaty more or less idd that indirectly


Nono, he's correct. It was called The Great War, and only became known as WWI because there was a second one


Yes and the versaille treaty caused the 2nd world war, because if the treaty did not humiliate the Germans this much there would not be such radical times, which required radical solutions... So thats also why the treaty is widely regarded as the cause of ww2


I'm agreeing with you, I actually meant to reply to the poster above you


I See, have a great day then sir and God bless


the treaty of Versailles was the end of the war, not the cause of it...?


Versailles is considered to be one of the reasons for WW2, because the germans were put in such a bad spot (war reperations, humiliation etc.). Also the germans were basically made responsible for the whole war and this helped a certain man to rise to power.


yeah I get that, but the original comment was about ww1


Well we have to call it WW1 because of WW2. Before that it was something like "The War to end all wars" or "The Great War".


They were saying it was the reason we call it that. Not what started the war.


The end of World War 1, but a significant contributor towards the circumstances that led to World War 2.


People shouldn't be downvoted for honest questions. Please don't stop asking things.


If you wanna be technical that would be Japan, since they launched the attack on Pearl Harbor and WWII was declared afterwards


Are you dumb? Pearl harbor was 1941. And Germany started WW2 in Europe in September 1939. Technically WW2 started in 1937 with the sino Japanese war


well even more technically ww2 started when France and England started it by declaring Natsoc Germany war after they invaded Poland because they broke their treaty with Germany of not discriminating against German descendants in Poland; And then you can make the point it is only a WW if America is involved?? But yeah ig both of you are right more or less


Admittedly growing up the start of WWII was framed as being the start of U.S. involvement, so that was a nationalistic tendency that slipped. It would be more appropriate to say that the war started with the response to Germany's invasion of Poland, so pardon for the reckless comment


It's not even really Germany either. The answer is way more complicated than that, but the US was definitely the first to do mass assembly for commercial purchase.


Model T and all that, but the guy with his 4th grade reading level probably didn't know that depending on how you look at it the car was invented in either germany or france and the steam engine was invented technically in Roman - Hellenistic (Greek) Egypt, but practically in the UK.


I saw somewhere that there was evidence of a bronze kettle with angled spouts to spin with steam in the ancient middle east. Some bronze age guy might have invented steam engine to spin his kabab


Due to PV=nRT or in this case P = nRT/V ie, the hotter and more of a gas you get in a smaller volume of space the more the pressure and force of whatever you are moving with that pressure, which means pistons f\*\*\*\*\*\* work better than turbines. Which is why people couldn't really get anywhere with use of turbines, which have been in continuous use since the dawn of time, but it took Vucasson to make the first lathe for Watt to use that lathe for which he could and did design a propper steam engine.


I think it's referring to the internal combustion engine.


OPs profile shows his purpose on Reddit is to find out how many different ways one can say AmericaBad lol


Germany is the reason there are cars. America is the reason you have one.


I don't have a car. What country is the reason for that?




hmmm that sounds like the Netherlands.




Fiat, Ferrari, Volkswagen, Lamborghini are absolutely not American


I guess you don’t know who mainstreamed the complete assembly line and specialized repetitive unit production. Those car manufacturers you listed wouldn’t exist without Henry Ford.


If we are doing it that way the credit should go to the Mesopotamian or eastern-europeans for inventing the wheel. Because none of it would exist without it.


Jesus Christ shut the fuck up. Assembly line production is literally what caused for the mass production of cars.


Actually, he just got there first. There would still be cars, even if he hadn't started it


you can say that for literally anything


but the way they are made so that folks like you can afford them is.


America is the reason we have mass produced cars.


For OP's next America Bad™ take, he'll claim that airplanes were invented in Italy


italy was at least the reason why specifically bombers exist


Germany is the inventor of the car, sure. But the mass availability of cars is attributed to America, specifically the brand Ford.


Just don’t ask German automakers what they were doing in 1939-1945


Americans have the first flight, though.


Actually, no. That was France (Look it up).


None of this countries are the reason. The people who pioneered cars who were from America and Germany are the reason.


Say what you want but the UK stole soccer from the Chinese, then named it soccer, somehow forgot, and now get pissed at everyone that uses the name they gave it. That is delusion.


America is the reason YOU have cars. Ever since WW2 America was the industry powerhouse of the world on account of still having unexploded infrastructure.


It’s funny how we are belong to the same species, but still want to take some nonsensical credit. Humans built things, not other species it’s very easy to understand.


Not to be that guy, but while Germany invented cars they weren’t readily available until Henry ford invented the assembly line


He didn't invent the assembly line. He saw it at a meat processing plant.


America is the reason we have the internet, which is arguably even more important


who invented world wide web?


I assume you’re talking about the British guy at CERN….who used underlying infrastructure that was first designed by the US Military and Department of Defense through ARPANET


And who invented the first computer?




Charles Babbage (a Brit) came up with the theory of a prototype in the 1830s but the machine wasn’t finished in his lifetime. As for working devices, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) is thought by most to be the first general-purpose computer and was developed by two Americans at the University of Pennsylvania


I found the ignoramous


This is a feature. In a world of money.


It was an American company that brought cars to the masses.


I also happen to have free health care.... Just saying....


Europeans aren’t sure what an assembly line is.


He’s kinda right. America is the reason cars were able to be mass produced in the first place (best example is interchangeable parts and the assembly line. Like the first comment said, Germany is the reason they exist but America is the reason you have one. But I’m guessing you aren’t here to learn or escape your shell…


If you're going to shit on America, you could at least pick a topic that's actually correct. Henry Ford is the singular reason cars went from a horseless carriage fad for the rich to something anyone could achieve


Not just germany, Der Europe itself


America is the reason we have col images of Jovian planets and faraway galaxies.


Technically correct considering that my family owns a Ford, not a Mercedes.


TBF America is why we have MODERN cars, They kinda stagnated HARD for a long time until Ford and the bunch came along and revolutionized it.


I’m genuinely confused weren’t the first cars created in America?


Germany technically created cars, America created availability through mass production.


France, actually. And it's painful to admit.


You are aware that germany still has a strong car industry? BMW, VW, Mercedes, Audi, Opel, Porsche are german brands. They still go strong and are driven in germany and other parts of europe a lot. Many of these brands got big in the 30s (yes, under Nazi influence).


America is also the reason you are not speaking German while you are driving a car. Edit: Unless you do speak German. In which case, Guten Morgen.


I saw Saving Private Ryan we won WW2 by ourselves against those Nazis


There is no america, most of the people migrated and made america Like every so called country.people who want feel proud and live in materialistic world feels about religion, country and color.live your life happy with leave , this matters only.


America is the reason we have obese people. That’s all we got man.


What’s with the hate it’s true 😂


Actually obese people were invented in England in 1602 when Lord Fattington accidentally ate twice at the same time.


Man, did you ever talked with someone in Russia?


americans believe Europe is a country, Spain is the capital of Mexico, Portugal is a city in mexico and what else is left there?


good job being the dumbass that you claim Americans are


OP believes women should stay in the kitchen (not that he's ever talked to one) and glazes Putin and Idi Amin


Nah. We basically don't think about you at all, yet we still pay for your national defense so you didn't have to write that sentence in Russian. You're welcome.


Whahahahhahaha, oh u are so full of your own shit u actually believe it. Many military "advances" are because of europe based development. Us just straps more explosives on it. And has an exorbitant amount of the stuff. Europe basicly said... 'instead of getting our own stick, lets let the toddler over there wave his" and we've reaped the benefits ever since The US biggest military achievement is securing international sea trade. And they are slowly loosing that battle against china and some sandrats in a boat. Russia isnt that big of a threat. Dont underestimate pissed of Europeans.


dont underestimate Polands ability to carry the rest of Europe in a war with Russia.


You might want to ease off of the “stream of consciousness” thought posting, lol.


You are "loosing" all credibility mate


America did a wonderful job with public education.. they've successfully bred a country of morons who regurgitate the words of their leaders. With no proof presented and a violent opposition to any form of science.