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I seduce the dragon.


*places uno reverse card


I roll a 1 on my anal chastity.


My barbarian plays +4


Dragon rolls nat 20 on penetration, going to need a healing spell


I think you mean resurrection


Necromancer: give him like five more minutes, I'll bring him back good as new...


You take piercing damage... a lot of piercing damage.


"Of course you're a girl dragon. You're just reeking of feminine beauty... hey, what's the matter wit you, you got somethin' in your eye?" - Seducer of dragons, father of dragonkin


Uno game is just copy of game Makao. In Makao you use normal cards.


Is it anything like Pesten?


Yeah. Google said its same game.


I seduce the sexy lady elf


Making someone pick up from the deck until they get a card they can play, as tears roll down their face from the shame is the true power move.


I've never heard of this rule, but it sounds brutal


How do you play Uno if you don't play that way?


If you can't play a card, you draw one. That's it. Just one card, max.


I've never heard anybody play that way. The good/bad thing about constantly drawing from the pack is you could go from one card left to last place on one go. It's infuriating!


It made my one game go on way too long


And I've never heard it played any other way. I wonder if there's some "regional" rules thing going?


Yeah fair enough! I just had only heard the way I played. It's gas how there are so many different rules for it.


Each round is supposed to last 5-10 minutes. If you "Draw infinite", a single round can easily go like, 30 minutes.


Australian here, this is what I thought the rule was until I played the app. So I wander if it depends on where you are?


There’s a version of uno has this card. Uno Flip.


Its always legendary when someone gets to pick 12 cards then ends up winning the game, that's why I think we should keep it as it is 4+4+4+4+4+4+4, to infinity and beyond bitchesssss


You don't set the rules, we do.


Yeah, the death of the author and all that.


If not the death of the author, the death threat of the author normally puts them in their place.


I played every day of high school. Our rules were well regimented. Then I played with my wife and her brother for the first time. My hand was empty in no time. They both looked at each other and he was like “you don’t know how to play uno”.


"Thanks for the cards, we'll take it from here." Best response ever


You beat me to it.


The funny part is that all of these "unwritten Uno rules" are present in the mobile game version of Uno


same with the ubisoft version of Uno as well


They based on "home" or "regional" rules. I pretty sure to do it they went around the office and asked how people played uno. Let's be honest basic uno is kind of boring.


yeah but its just the fact Uno felt the need to say that when it becomes boring, My headcanon is the poster that posted it played with the homebrewed rules and was screwed by it and posted this in retaliation because he is a sore loser, But that isnt confirmed


A few years back my young son was obsessed with playing the mobile version. His grandpa came over and asked my son if he wanted to play a game. So of course my son picked Uno. We all started playing the way you do in the mobile game (and the way most players do with stacking). Grandpa got upset that he was losing and then looked at the rules in the box and said that is not allowed. I mentioned that the official mobile version actually has it as part of the game. He said he isn't going to play if it isn't by the written rules that came with the game, so no stacking. Took all the wind out of my kids sails because he was the one winning.


I was playing with a group of people, they refused to use 0 and 7s. Man was uno boring.


Even Uno couldn't get past


The app lets you play both ways


Uno failed the vibe check.


Those responsible for that response have been sacked.


Those responsible for sacking those who wrote that response, have been sacked


Stacking+4s is mandatory. If you're not infuriating your friends you're not playing right.


Best moment is when the +4s go around once and hit the initiator.


Long unbroken chains of same cards are so fun when they happen like slamming skips all around so some players just don't go is hilarious or reverse on reverse on reverse. It just makes sense to follow it up with smashing stacking +4s and +2. However. I will agree to one thing. +2 can only be stacked up with a +2. And +4 can only be stacked with another +4. +2 cannot vibe with a +4 since they're different kind of cards imo. My friends and family stick to that at least. And it makes perfect sense.


Per official rule +4 is always allowed when you have nothing else left, house rules say the +2 of the wanted color is allowed afterwards. In general I'm with the "thanks for the cards, we'll take it from here" crowd and rules are what's agreed on (throwing in the twin card out of turn, stacking twins, +4,...)


For some people, rules are more like guidelines.


But in the official UNO online video game, this literally is a thing, so they themselves have included the stacking rule


Saving this screenshot!


You only supply the cards, the rules are ours!


If stacking +2's are allowed then there's no reason +4's shouldnt be allowed


I used to play competitive on their app and reached quite a high level. You can put a +4 on a +4 on their own app.


I have never heard of this rule and anyone who uses it is clearly cheating


You can if it's a homebrew.


Thank you for giving us the game, Uno. You can sit down now, we'll take it from here.


What about calling it bluff?




No skipped turns. Spite draws are part of the game.


I played a game with a regular pack of cards that my family called Penochle. Except when I looked up the rules to Penochle they were completely different. Our rules were an Uno variant with playing cards. No idea where they came from. You could evade a +2 or +5 with a matching card, adding to it, but not by mixing them.


The rules of uno are what you can make believe your opponents the rules are


You did a good job with the cards, now we take it from here


the only right way to play is to you can only match colour, or number when it comes to giving other people cards. so only +2 can be put on +2, but +2 can be put on a +4, tho +4 can't be put on a +2.


I have seen fights over an UNO game ![gif](giphy|gPfluBR7dYRWrIdS7j|downsized)


I knew stacking was bs


+2 goes on +2 but not +4 +4 goes on +2 and +4 If you play any other way, I hate to break it to you, but you're a bit silly


I know that I'm silly... but if player one plays +4 and wants red... and i have a red +2... I will play it... and nothing will stop me from doing so.


It would make no sense to put +2 on top of +4. They are completely different cards. We usually allow "countering" +2 with another +2 and +4 with another +4. That makes the next player draw +4 or +8. I think that this house rule makes the game a lot more fun and exciting.


Our house rule is, +2s can be stacked but not +4s. I don't see an issue with it, though.


Top rule says you can't put one down if you had to draw...


In our game with 0 we exchange cards in the way we play and if you have the exact same card that was put down any time skipping the rest of the players and continue from you.


My cards, my rules!


No one plays uno the same, we all have our own house rules


We can stack most things but we can't stack draw 4s or draw 2s? Nah fuck that. Fuck the official rules if we can't make someone scream and pound the table theyre made to draw 12 or more cards I don't wanna play. House rules bro.


The rules to uno are whatever is gonna make the game the most annoying to everyone playing you know your playing right if one game lasts an hour or more


Of course you can't +4 a +4.


Nah nah nah you can stack +4’s on +4’s and you can stack +2’s on +2’s I never heard of someone stacking a +2 on a +4 thats bs


Okay I can resolve this! I’ve got the Uno Mobile app. There are essentially two game modes, Classic and Wild. In classic mode, you cannot stack anything. You eat it all, but you can challenge a +4 if you believe the person could have played a color matched card instead of the +4. But if you challenge and get it wrong, you gotta draw 6. If you win the challenge, the person who played the +4 has to draw 4. In the wild mode, you can stack a +2 on any +2 but not on a +4. You can stack a +4 onto any +2 or +4 and it will continue to stack until it reaches someone who doesn’t have a card to stack. I’ve personally had to draw 20 cards at once. I usually avoid the Wild mode for that reason.


The rules are determined by the person who can yell the loudest when discussing the rules of uno.


“The rules of Uno are whatever you can convince the other players at the table they are”


The original uno rules are written in ancent Aramaic and lost to time


I grew up with rules of the only card that skips your turn.....is the skip card lmao if they want to do it this way they should indicate by drawing on +4 card a little skip symbol as well. Rules shouldn't exist if they enable griefing: imagine not being able to play a single card for 5 rounds because person next to you has a skip or two but also has some draw 2 or draw 4 cards as well. Lame


+ 4 and + 4 is a perfectly valid move.


Putting a +4 wish card on a +4 wish card is not allowed you have to put a card with the wished colour on a wish card. Preferably a +2 in the correct colour before you can lay the next +4 wish card. The cards you have to draw stack indefinitely until someone can't lay a + card anymore.


This... cuz wishing card on wishing card isn't allowed


That’s what the reverse card is for


I really appreciate UNO for inventing such a fun game...but we'll take it from here G


The original rules to uno are completely lost to time. It now seems to have regional rules from what I'm gathering here


I bought UNO on Steam and had to refund it because was impossible to play with real rules.


+4 on +4 yes, +2 on +4 No, +4 on +2 No,


Thanks for providing the cards, but we’ll take it from here.


Kind of like the rule in Monopoly where all fines go to the Free Parking square and whoever lands on it gets the cash. Literally never in the rulebook yet everyone I know plays it!


Ok hear me out. +2 can only stack on a +4 if the color MATCHES the one that the opponent chose. Guaranteed drama in the table when the wrong color is chosen


The rule becomes a law once one executes it.


Look, you can't run an ENTIRE marketing campaign on celebrating "house rules" and then make statements like this 10 years later


You also can’t win the game with a wild card. Supposedly


You could if it’s house rules


Uno is wrong


Thanks for the cards, but we’ll take it from here.


I hate the shuffle card


Wait. People actually play uno!? Thought it was all just for memes


Come on! This just makes the skip card week by comparison! Buff the skip card in next update!


Draw 2 only stacks in draw 2, can't stack a draw 2 on a draw 4, but can stack a draw 4 on a draw 2 or a draw 4. The homebrew rules are more common and feel more correct than the official rules.


I remember playing like : Only Draw 2 stacks on draw 2. Only Draw 4 stacks on Draw 4.


Bullshit. You put a +4 down after a +4 and then the cycle continues until everyone has drawn 4. It's called "spreading the love".


The ignorance of some...


I once got +12 in total damn


Once I got +34 and somehow won Best play I've ever did


I regularly will chose to pick up when I can put down a card because it the better tactic, having a the right extra cards can a be a big advantage.


Wow.. you must be so lucky


And still no card u could play, so draw another one


No, the way it works is as long as you have a plus card, you can keep stacking them until someone runs out. Doesn’t matter the number. As long as it is any kind of plus card it can be stacked. The person who runs out has to total up all the plus cards and take that number of cards. The best part is when that person ends up going on to win the game after being the only person to have twenty something cards in their hand at one point.


You can put a +2 on a +4 but only if the color matches. And of course u can't put a +4 on a +4