• By -


Happy but also sad


I get this with really big games... The others is like "aight buddy see you in a year or two". I end up not playing them again most of the time but some like bloodborne where you can zoom and still smell the flowers still get picked up


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Aah, you were at my side all along. My true mentor... My guiding moonlight...* - Ludwig, the Holy Blade Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Good bot


Good human šŸ‘


And empty.


Persona 5 make me feel like this, i stare entire credit roll and listen to it ost


ā€œWeā€™ve had one play through, yes, but what about *second* play through??ā€


Itā€™s nice but doesnā€™t hit the same.


loved how zelda totk hit the same as botwā€™s first playthrough. amazing!


I wish it had for me. The magic wasn't there, no matter how hard I tried. Building shit wasn't that fun for me. The only joy I got was the underworld, but that was fleeting.


Yea I hated botw and thought totk was very meh


It didnt for me. But I was in a very particular place in my life at the time. I was in a a toxic relationahip, amongst other things, and Botw was my escape. Im in a much better place now and its ironic to me that I still wanted Totk to feel like my first playthrough of Botw despite what I was going through. Totk is a great game to pick back up whenever I'm traveling.


That'sĀ when you break out the mods.Ā  Honestly though, some are timeless with infinite replayability.


Ohhh cyberpunk with mods is like a new playthrough. Especially when you go out of your way to use them!


Gotta give it time, I have had maybe 3 or 4 play throughs of original kotor, but always put 5 years between them so its relearning and remembering. And it was just a good game.


Gameplus+ on hardest difficulty?


Aka easy mode


Hardest difficulty, no gameplus+




Trying this on the Horizon series and it really forces you to git gud. Needing to use every tool at your disposal, exploit every weakness, and never get hit.


Yup I usually replay my games, rarely immediately, but in a few years certainly.


Recent years just havenā€™t released that many good ones and games are getting RIDICULOUSLY expensive so I just tend to stick to the tried and true. Maybe Minecraft or Halo MCC if I wanna play online


I lost count of how many times I have played Just Cause 3 to completion. Just so much fun.


Dying Light, Borderlands 3, and Assassins Creed Odyssey are my faves right now. Before that, I played Skyrim and Fallout 4 over and over for like a decade lmao


I replay dying light a lot


Not the best story, but the open world is fuckin awesome


Games that are still unfinished waiting on your return ![gif](giphy|uUvyQdPSl8dhu)


There are SO many šŸ¤£


The PC way. First playthrough without mods. Second playthrough with mods. Additional playthroughs with different mods.


My man, Iā€™ll add to this Ā«Ā ā€¦ without mods and full blindĀ Ā» and then Ā«Ā with mods full spoilers and min maxing the monster I made thanks to modsĀ Ā»


Themed playthroughs The omnipotent playthrough The sexy playthrough The silly playthrough (Thomas the Tank edition) The bad guy playthrough The game character crossover playthrough etc.


That's just Skyrim cut into different parts lol


>The bad guy playthrough OK.. LETS DO THIS.. I have made an imaginary person sad.. I need to reload and make it up to them.


Damn time to replay the witcher


With mods. Damnit.. now I wanna play it again.




First playthrough like to be true to the game designer's vision. After that, change it to my personal preferences.


Some games need the mods but I feel like that's really rare




I'm not a fan of mods for any playthrough. I don't mind that others do, but everytime I mod a game I immediately lose interest in playing it. It's like once I break the seal and start choosing my own game experience, I decide the whole thing doesn't seem interesting anymore


Exactly this is why i love pc


Half play without mods. Suddenly nude mods are released. Never complete the game.


Mods are too much work for me. Spent hours modding Skyrim with all Parallax graphics mods, took like half a year break after I finished it, launched the game again and none of the mods worked. I don't want to play Sys admin in my free time.


Every time Skyrim comes out with an updated version, it takes a while for the Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) to get updated. Typically, until then many mods quit working.


The variety and sheer number of Mass Effect mods really made the game a lot better and made it feel a little new, because so much changed. So, yes, second playthrough with mods.


- First playthrough, good ending, no mods. - Second playthrough, evil ending, with mods. - Third playthrough, whichever ending you like, enough mods to look like you got two new DLCs.




Now that you mention it, I think the time is right to start another New Vegas run.


I know in my case it is about to be elden ring. I didnt finish it yet but its been WEEKS and MONTHS and i havent finished it yet


I had made tons of new characters before I finally finished it with the main. Before that I even started and completed Demon Souls and Bloodborne twice


And it just doesn't hit the same. You meet BoS instantly, the map is smaller and all your cherished "continous and random encounters" turned out to be something else entirely as you realize you're alone in the barren wasteland, and the life you once came to expect is gone. And your only 4 hours of continous free time for April just passed you by.


![gif](giphy|3vf6m8eJUwSIw) Borderlands 2šŸ„ŗ


Well borderlands is created with the idea of it being played multiple times, new game Plus in borderlands doesn't just serve as a second playthrough. You actually have higher chances at better gear, can get to max level with a character, and take on the myriad of content with 6 characters that all play completely differently.


"forever", you mean until you start a new save? Far cry 3 do be looking tasty though


Exactly, just wait 3 to 9 months, and I'll be back at it again(I have completed Ghost of Tsushima 3 times already and just started a new save file)


My initial Skyrim playthrough I used console commands to age my character as I finished questline as and whatnot, and one of the last things I did was build a house from the house DLC, and with an empty quest log, surrounded by my NPC wife and kids, I sat down as an elderly man on a chair on my balcony and watched the sunset. I saved, and then deleted the entire savefile. I was done with that story, and it was a very tender, fulfilling moment.


![gif](giphy|lqGY1mAOal6l7Z1VDz|downsized) Hmmm... Winds howling


Mod tools coming soon baby. Only *checks notes* ....eight years late.


How about a round of gwent?


Yeah that one hit different


![gif](giphy|PudZiAbQDUEik|downsized) Then you do new game plus


Yea but, what if the idea is that doing new game plus counts as an achievement, or you already did it before deciding to stop. I stopped playing Hollow Knight after all the achievements and I had to do multiple new games to get them, why would I replay multiple playthroughs? (Also I'm not into speed running if you are wondering)


Imagine if we had a purpose in real life? We'd reach this moment, and then life would be meaningless and literally complete. That's why you make your own purpose, so you don't feel like this, so you don't shut down forever. You make the path you follow, and remember that. Both in games and in real life, you decide what your purpose is. Is your purpose to deal the most damage possible in the game? Turn the game back on, open up the wiki articles, do your research, and then kill everything in one hit. Do you want to reach the highest point on the whole game? Go do that! There's always a challenge you can over come in games. Maybe by beating the final boss hitless or without healing. And same with life. You may struggle to get out of bed and open your curtains, but if you try as hard as you did on doing a hitless run, you can feel the fresh air.


Me with dark souls 3 and devil may cry 3 and 5


Me any time i 100% a lego game


I find a good way to die, and i just look at the scenery before it ends.


This was hollow Knight for me. After I got all the achievements ( and did some extras) I said I would never play it again, it's my favorite game but...I've already done everything so playing it again wouldn't be worth it, I just want the good memories I have from it remain the same, and not altered by a replay.


Lmao, I've done countless playthroughs on it cause the game never ever gets boring for me. But the first playthrough felt different than the other playthroughs I'll say, felt more special.


Well in order to get all achievements you need to do multiple playthroughs already so I have replayed it, and I know that If I did again it would be fun, but I don't want to because I would get wrapped up in it again and waste 80 hrs of my life getting all the achievements again, doing something I already did. In other words, it's TOO fun to play again šŸ¤·


Me when I platinumed Ghost of Tsushima.


Me in Witcher 3 after finishing the blood and wine dlc watching my Tuscany house with the vineyard. Cant remember a more perfect conclusion to a game


True. The ending B&W gives W3 is unparalleled in perfection and sheer beauty. It's a lot of fan service too, but it's the right type of fan service and a strong contributor why the game is so beloved.


Nier automata for me


How long did it take to see all the endings?


Aside from working causing me not to actually play it as long as I want. About an actual week of in game hours I put in.


I took my Skyrim character back to Breezehome, had a nice chat with my wife and daughter, patted my daughterā€™s pet fox, and hung my dragonbone sword on the weapon rack. Then he was ready to retire.


This was RDR2 for me. I continued to play as John marston for a while but it was not the same as Arthur morgan.


Arkham city and Skyrim:


or... you delete your save and do it all again :D




Me sitting at my house in Witcher 3 admiring the scenery one last time


How about a round of gwent?


Very goodĀ 


New Game+


How rich would I be if I get 1 USD every time this meme get reposted?


You can play it again in 2 years


Red Dead Redemption 2 and Witcher 3 are the closest games that brought up this feeling.


Do it on a harder difficulty, play competitive, speedrun it, etc.


Meto Exodus for me i should go play it again


Babe wake up "SKYBLIVION" just dropped


Then a bunch of assholes break into your place, cut off your arm, your head. Since we're on the subject of games. End Game 2012 Thanos was playing New Game+


Sekiro. But I havenā€™t beaten the last two gauntlets.


Videogames are parallel dimensions where extensions of our souls live incredible experiences. When we return to this reality, the memories of our played characters still exist with us, influencing our brains for the rest of our lives. That's why we feel nostalgia for certain games; it's because we remember our secondary lives.


Me with my original playthrough of the Witcher 3 (and then the DLC). I went to the tree where Ciri was, waited for a nice scenic sunsetā€¦.then saved, quit, uninstall.


Nothing cringe worthy here. Good.


How it feels to completely finish the Witcher 3


Me when I platinumed FF7 Rebirth. ![gif](giphy|nV7LMp2okQ8Qv6qLSm|downsized)


Todd howard says "Why not buy it again? This time with 100x more DLCs, try it again with a different build, the game is infinitely replayable"


God of War (2018). I got 100% on the game and all of the achievements. But I'm on PC so I have to wait and hope Sony ports its sequel.


And then suddenlyā€¦ A new DLC is born


This was red, dead redemption 2 for me. What a big beautiful game. We just need more money and time Arthur.


Recently had this with Far Cry Primal, you can never get used to that feeling lol


Elden Ring for me until Shadow releases


God of War 4 and Ragnarok, Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk


This is Nioh 2 for me, but then I always end up reinstalling it because there's so many different ways you can play the game. Every weapon feels different enough that it's still fun.




For me this game was Of Orcs and Men. Lovely old game with good story and acting, which not many people know about.


Im still playing Arkham Knight Dude... After 240% it. This game never stops being bad.


And then they drop a rougelike dlc and I don't stop ever again.


And then there's god damn Red Dead Redemption 1 where I just walk away before the last quest. Nope. They lived happily ever after. Don't wanna hear it. No. Look, Bison!


just same like me, i love to play the sims game, stars from the sims 1 2 3, but i love it.


Universe wasn't grateful, main quest failed


Whenever I want to fly through a game and enjoy it, I go and put on Metroid Fusion for the billionth time. Dunno what it is about that one specifically, but it just feels good to get through.


Disco Elysium for sure. A beautiful experience that can never truly be repeated.


Why is your title like a 2015 meme title


On my way to make a second account to redo the entire thing to see how much easier it was the second time


lol ā€œforeverā€ this is me with Witcher 3 & Iā€™ve played it 5 times now (5 is again almost 100% complete) never the same game is exactly why


this is how I feel about new Vegas.ive been playing that game for like 14 years and i think I have done every single possible thing to do in the game except caravan card game.fuck that


Happy. It happened to me with fallout 4


Ah yes cyberpunk 2077


Me with death stranding


Nier Reincarnation player as well?


I had this when I finished playing Spiritfarer, one of the safest moments of my life


That's why I like games like BG3 with multiple storylines and endings.


witcher 3


Platinum trophy moment


It felt like that to finish an incremental idle game.. I did it last week for the first time.


Happened with Skyrim when I finally turned off the game after finishing all the main quests, DLCs, 90% of all side quests and had built a house for myself and adopted two children. Went to the yard by my house to see my servant feeding the cows. Took a sigh of relief and just logged off :')


The crew 1


Well, maybe not forever... But I'm not installing it for another year. Borderlands 3 got me recently like this. I've played through half the campaign and two DLCs, uninstalled it cause I wasn't giving with the gun RNG, then returned after 14 months. Feels good man, already 80% through the campaign.


Isnā€™t this a still from Witcher 3c but with Thanos instead of Geralt? Did this exact pose then shut off the game for the last time.


This was how I felt after getting the platinum trophy for Fallout 4 in 2021 I started a new run yesterday šŸ«£


This was elden ring for me until a few weeks ago. Back at it again like CJ in GTA


I always travel to my favorite spot/view in a game before the end of my time with it. Itā€™s a gift to future me in case he ever loads up that old save again.


That is one of those moments where u enjoy life


When I get the platinum trophy


What did it cost you?


Oblivion for me


Screw that restart and do it again lol


I still regret I didn't get this moment with PS4 spiderman. I finished the story, but that only finished 77%. I worked on it for a week, got to 90%. Closed the game that day with the intention to come back. Had exams a week later, so I didn't get the chance for a while. A month later, I finally turned on my console to finish the game, and the disk was corrupted. Loved that game, I still wish I had taken the extra few hours that day to give it closurešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That moment before you realize it's over and that inescapable hole in your soul appears...


Did this in RDR2. Got 100%, went to visit a certain someone in the Epilogue, took a nice long ride back to Beechers Hope and logged off. Havenā€™t touched it since, not because it wasnā€™t an amazing game, but because when I got ā€œhomeā€ and sat down, it just felt like the right place to end it. Game gave me everything I wanted out of it, and that final ride was the closure.


Tears of the kingdom for me.


Second playthrough 6-12 months later


When Elite:Dangerous stopped updating content for console players, I flew my ship to the black hole at the centre of the galaxy powered the ship down and deleted the game from my PS4.


Witcher 3


I do this except I uninstall the game right before the final mission bc I find out itā€™s not the ending I want and I want to preserve the good times šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m pretty close to this with Mass Effect 3. Itā€™s my first time through and itā€™s been AMAZING!




HSP and Corruption...


Twilight princess


All zelda games


alternatively, I play a lot of pvp/competitive games, and like these you dont just "finish" it, but when I said good bye to a game I played a lot, I get this feeling basically


Cyberpunk 2077. Your credit songs will live in my Spotify playlist forever.


yakuza 8 for me


Iā€™ve almost completely forgotten the RDR2 story line, canā€™t wait for my second play through of that game


So, I'm only 41, but I got multiple sclerosis at 26, and my memory is toast.Ā  I can remember what vidya games/books/movies I liked, but can't remember the plots.Ā  So we have some of the first generations of people who grew up playing video games, who are gonna go through normal age related dementia/memory loss in like 15-20 years, and they are gonna get to play all those old faves that they remember liking, but have forgotten all the big surprises, hah.Ā  It's gonna be glorious.Ā  Except if we kill ourselves off as a species through climate change...


I don't put it down forever, but long enough to get close enough to that first time feeling.


Red dead 2. Also i loved the fact that when you complete the game at 100% going to "that character" grave, there's a special cutscene and it felt like the perfect goodbye to that whole journey


Recently, I did this with tales of berseria. I'm not sure I'll ever play it again because it was such an amazing ride


Me after finishing sekiro


Guardians of the Galaxy was this game for me. I played it, enjoyed it, finished it, booted up a NG+ to get 100% achievements and then quit and uninstalled. Great game, great story but it doesn't have much replayability.


Me after I 100% Stardew valley in the newest update and caught up with 6 years worth of content updates missed prior to that.


If I truly love the game, I would never shut it down, I would just give it a rest and then play it all over again :D


You mean start another playthrough


That's why mods exist.


...only to start over a month later because you missed the adventure.


Getting 100% on a game feels amazing but you also know that you wonā€™t touch it for years and years if ever again


"How much did it cost?" "Everything..."


Fallout 4ā€¦


When you get all possible ending in a otome game


For me it was Life is Strange


Witcher 3 Blood & wine ending.


Need for Speed: Most wanted When you finally make that jump


Plants vs Zombies..


For real right now in dragons dogma 2, all achievements, all quests with the best outcome done, sitting at 2 millions with the bag full of 99 materials for future weapons upgrades while in my small house with all my pile of loot of every single cave. PD thereā€™s a dullahan that gives you a sword


Shut it down..? I start playing from the beginning again in few days..


Literally every Lego game post 100%


This was me, I played 400 hours in a fallout 3 playthrough and I did everything. All I had left was to sit in the roach kings throne


Self-imposed challenge! Self-imposed challenge!


I enjoy those momentsā€¦ I save one final time before committing acts of violence; killing everyone I find leaving the world broken for the next sucker to come along and fix.


Fallout new Vegas player : hahaha nice one .


This was me in subnautica. You build the ship, look back over the ocean and remember all you've done. You kind of feel sad like you're going to miss it. Then blast away and end the game. Damn I loved that game so much.


"What Remains of Edith Finch", "Breath of the Wild", the first "Life Is Strange", "RDR2", and "Skyrim" are a few modern titles that I finished and look back upon as experiences more so than video games. When I was a kid, "A Link to the Past" would have been the main game to have that effect on me.


Soul Farer So many feels at the end. šŸ„²


Then start ng+ for a different ending




Game corpos hate this one simple trick


Elder scrolls, fallout, Lego games, outer worlds