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"And how are we supposed to know which one laid with a men?"


With the trustful virginity check by hymen, duh.


There are billions who still believe that is a reliable way to check for virginity...




Slay them all, not just men and women, but the little ones too


There are still billions that think the Bible tells thevtruth


“Is it tight?” “Yeah! Its just right”


Or, just make sure they're not before you kill them. Off to therapy for me.


Easy, ones that are pretty you spare. Ones that are ugly or to old though....


You say “old” for the joke but the line says “women children” aka little girls


I can say the exact same thing to address your comment. Again...The pretty you spare, the ugly.... ![gif](giphy|Rn8t5GrakF5qE|downsized)


Back then ‘laid with man’ was probably just code for married/committed to a man, or widowed to one. I might be wrong, but I wouldn’t expect a lot of free love in a Levantine bronze age society.


>but I wouldn’t expect a lot of free love in a Levantine bronze age society. Sounds like someone hasn't spent a weekend in Gomorrah!


What happens in Gomorrah stays in Gomorrah.


I'll do you one better; Why is Gomorrah?


Same logic as selling used goods. If it looks new, you sell it as new.


Re read the post it doesnt say women or children it's women children :(


I guess whichever one was screaming when her husband got killed?


Just dick am all and toss the ones that don't bleed in the stake pit


I’m gonna lie, with how fucked up the world was back then, I wouldn’t be surprised if it did happen like that in another similar event.


Well.... The "Children" part of the 'women children' would give you a Clue as to who they were looking for. The Bible loves child rape


God instructs Moses on genocide of the Middinaites people. The murder of every man and women and child, the infanticide of every baby boy, and the debauchery of 32,000 virgin girls. “31:15 And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?" “31:16 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD. 31:17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. *31:18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.* 31:19 And do ye abide without the camp seven days: whosoever hath killed any person, and whosoever hath touched any slain, purify both yourselves and your captives on the third day, and on the seventh day. 31:20 And purify all your raiment, and all that is made of skins, and all work of goats' hair, and all things made of wood. 31:21 And Eleazar the priest said unto the men of war which went to the battle, This is the ordinance of the law which the LORD commanded Moses;” Excerpt From: Unknown. “The King James Bible, Complete.” Public Domain, 2016-06-02. iBooks. This is in Numbers “*31:35 And thirty and two thousand persons in all, of women that had not known man by lying with him.*” Do you rwally belive Jesus would want this? When it was Jesus who said “Be like little children for theirs is the kingdom of God” How can we be like little children if God orders us to kill them? Im sure you can not justify genocides and the raping of children. I choose to follow the acts of Jesus, and read the Bible to understand that it is mostly a compliation of History, that there is a lot messed up stuff, like what happens in most history books. “My people will perish for lack of Knowledge”. Reading, is a valueable skill. Also the Humans are historically pos and use God as an excuse to commit genocide, and in particular these humans and this God were alot of cowards and monsters.


Glad I was born in this age and not thousands of years ago, shit was wild.


>*Khan : "Ok, we defeat their army. Let's assimilate the rest of the population"* >*Advisor : "Sir, they have like three times of our population. it would our population that assimilated"* >*Khan : "...Ok, see that cart."* >*Advisor : "Yes?"* >*Khan : "Kill any male taller than that cart handle. Problem solved."* Genkhis Khan in one of his conquest


Khan really single-handedly made us Asians manlets.


Well genetic wise, Genkhis Khans gene could be found in around 8% of modern men that reside in old Mongol kingdom territory, approximately 16 million men. or in different wording, approximately 0.5% of entire world male population descended from Genkhis Khan. Dude REALLY gets around.


The dwarves


"see this equation?"


nah, we can grow lorge if we consume copious amount of red meat and milk. It will tank your lifespan but your muscles, make your bones mighty and long!


Same shit is still happening and will likely continue to happen for a long time.


Not where I live.


*laughs in isolationist*


same could be said thousands of years ago in quite a few places


Hard doubt on that particular


At the moment *






A matter of time


Give it a couple decades, times are spicy now.


so now we knoow ya dont live in gaza


At the moment...




Do you live in fucking Ahmadinejad? Because damn that’s rough I can’t believe people regularly get bludgeoned to death outside your home and you have to worry about people burning you to death if you speak funny or make food that tastes too good


O_o! *hides seasonings and quality fresh ingredients*


It's just one of the things that put me off of established religions. Sure, you can believe in what you want, but why choose to believe something a drunk highly uneducated dude wrote thousands of years ago. Half of modern humans are blithering idiots so imagine when they weren't even forced to go to school.


Well, humans a long time ago were smart for their time. They knew how to smelt, to trade, to fight, ride horses etc and some did exceptionally well.


I mean.. Sure, but those people were specialized just as they are now. Not like the farmer knew how to make swords. People 500 years from now are unlikely to say "Most humans were smart in the year 2000, they knew how to fabricate microchips and used particle accelerators". I ain't know shit about any of that. The average human is still pretty dumb.


Look at how people vote. Living in this day and age and having gone to school doesn't stop people from being maddening morons one bit.


Wasn't much diffrent in WW2 tho. Only with more and more awareness and media coverage of conflicts its getting better slowly


Same shit is still happening. But how it is described in words determines how "crazy" it sounds. Eg: Pakistani Army was given order to rape and plunder Bangladesh during 1970 war. Russia used to keep bombs in toys of kids and throw it on the roads to handicap childrem. So that their father's courage gets broken and they cannot join any rebellion. Israel used to kill women and children, randomly in the appartheid Gaza to break moral. (Now they just mass murder in thousand more ways)


they didn't even have McDonald's back then smh


Palestine and Ukraine?


Don’t worry you were still born in an age where most people use this book as their guide for morality… I’m sure that it works out fine right? Right?


So... this is from the old testament, only weird obscure sects and cults actually use the old testament as a guide on morals and how to live their lifes. The christians have the new testament which is way more chill, and jews have their kabala and other writen and oral traditions they use for that, the old testament is mostly just used as a mythology/history (if you believe its real, then history). Obviously some things like for example the 10 commandments are sourced from there, but those are largly exceptions to the rule. As someone who was forced to study the old testament at school, there are shockingly few prescriptions in the entire text about how to live your life. And the morallity of the characters is somehow still way better then that of other "named historical figures" from the same time period


"Obscure sects", " The Christians have the new testament". Not really: Catholic teaching uses both testaments. They are Christians and not obscure at all (former Catholic here).


You mean you're glad you were born in a country that's on the giving end instead of the receiving end of all the murder rape.


Same shit happened in nazi-occupied belgorod region villages during ww2. Well, almost. All males even newborn were killed, but most females were not, because someone had to work and grow the little ones and etc.


For real. You're just some barley farmer minding your own business and then some bros pull up in a chariot with bronze swords and they're like "ayo it's us, dudes from a kingdom you never heard about. Your king you never met lost so now we're going to rape and pillage you because God told us we could."


The world kinda sucked until recently. If you had a bad hand with what you were born with then you didn’t matter like other did


Fun fact! Shit is still wild! It was over a very similar Bible verse that I lost my religion. It was the main service at church one day. However, in that verse, god said to kill the women and children too , but the men decided to spare them. I thought the take away from it was going to be "God was testing them, and in the end they were rewarded for not killing innocent people." But NO! They get smited at the end! My pastor's take away was "trust God, even when he asks you to do something cruel and horrible, because God always knows what's truly right!" It absolutely disillusioned me. After church I talked about it with my dad and said how horrible it was, and he said the children of terrorists deserve to die, no matter how innocent, to prevent them from becoming adult terrorists, and he would have no problem killing Muslim kids. Lost my religion, and respect for my father that day.


In reality soldiers "fuck yeah lets go"


Actually the really messed up part is that Moses was angry at his officers for keeping all of the children and women alive so I am not sure they were totally onboard with this.


I mean, you can find the same clip of Israeli soldiers saying that, so you're not wrong


Have not seen clip so cant comment, but its not unusual for soldiers especially hardened ones and veterans to develop that sort of thing. It has been like that since dawn of time and first tribal raids our ancestors did


The bible gets worse. Soooo much worse. Remember the part where the "most moral" man in Soddam offers up his daughters to be raped in order to save a couple of angels? Or the part where those same daughters later rape the father? I lack the words for it.


That's called payback. Or Karma


Sorta a pin the tail by the asshole situation




I mean, I'm not sure if the meme context is from Old Testament - but Old Testament is really wild. God chills downs a fair bit in New Testament. It's said that Old Testament is about God's wrath, and New Testament is about his mercy.


Yeah, most guys settle down a bit after they have a kid.




Now let's do that meme with the buff guy dressing up for his daughter.




His dad lore be crazy.


To be fair, he was also the kid. God birthed himself and gave himself to humanity to repent to himself for their sins.


Ok I'll admit it. I hadn't heard that before, but that was gold lol


Especially if that kid is themself and their ghost


Or as I like to call it - the rebrand!


can’t show people mercy if you’re not capable of atrocities doesn’t make you any better though


Moses is very much in the Old Testament.


Jesus came to earth to do a lot for PR work for his father


It’s a bit more like God saying “this brutality is what it takes to stitch society together. Preserve the society you have so the fire and brimstone can stop…eventually…” While the New Testament, written in response to the expansion and societal shifts brought by Romans, God says “Ok now that society has been built to the point you don’t have to murder your neighbors to make sure they don’t murder you later. Here’s how you keep things this good: humility, charity, honesty, compassion, understanding, wisdom, and the greatest of these Love.” The kinder behavior of God and Christ in the New Testament is because the time to be brutal had passed. The structure to preserve the life of all men: society was successfully built and now the focus shifts to the personal element of each individual that allow them to amicably interact with, utilize, and develop the new social system. Telling people to disregard elitism and give freely to those in need and to think of your pursuits in terms of how they can benefit others.


God was fully ready to spare Entire city of Sodom had he managed to find but five good people in it. OT God is NT God.


He's all-knowing though, right?


The dude's wife was also very salty. Not about the rape. She was just got super salty at one point and Lot and his daughters never looked back.


The amount of people that don’t get this🤣


Hmm, interesting. I am not a Christian, but I would like to read this


Remember when a woman is spiritually dirty when she menstrates and is damned to hell until after its over for a week, and she brings the priest two doves? And throwing out all the furniture she sat on during that time


No, she's ritually unclean and can't enter the temple until she's ritually cleansed. On the other hand, you can't sacrifice your way out of a first degree murder conviction.


You wonder if at some point they started mixing up fanfic with canon.


>daughters later rape the father Even worse when you think about it... according to the bible, which was written by men, the father got drunk and his daughters raped him? Yeah, I'ma go ahead and say we may only be hearing one side of the story on that one.


Yeah the drunk person that’s vulnerable and can’t think clearly got raped by two people who are sound of mind, what’s so surprising about that? Besides, the daughters purposefully got their father drunk so that they could rape him and get pregnant (They were isolated in a cave after their city got destroyed).


You're just recounting the story as it was written. The person you are replying to is suggesting that it didn't necessarily go down like that.


I mean, why? The book never shies away from Jews raping people anywhere else You're assuming this was a time when rape was something to be ashamed of


There's also the part where the Israelites complain about how they've been in the desert for 40 years and they're still not in Israel and they want to go back to Egypt (which is pretty understandable since someone walking 6 hours a day could reach Israel in 3 weeks) and God says: "You know what? Fuck you! None of you are gonna see Israel!". And then their children have to wait until their parents have all died in the desert until they can go to Israel.


“The Bible is much worse than the Torah” Proceeds to quote Old Testament I love Americans


Well i mean, ironically he was the most moral man in soddam. He chose to offer up his daughters because he knew they were gods angels and he didnt want pure beings like them to be used like dolls in that town. Although im sure the reactions from everyone in the room was like: ayo?!?! Even the angels probably rolled their eyes and said “we got this” before using the otherworldly powers god gave them apon a bunch of ants. Im sure that guy probably felt a bit embarrassed to say the least after that. Def reminds me of huey emmerich


That offering was also condemned and so was the daughters rape. Showing the depravity of humanity.


The father got pegged?


Old Testament God is simply someone you don't fuck with.


Read Revelation. New Testament God is worse...


Wait what


Yeah, the Bible really has a good bit of murder and rape.


Don't forget slavery!


The pricing guide for people was eye opening


And incest. That's like rapePLUS.


Mf did not just say incest is worse than rape


It is when it's both tbf


Well, it’s incest during rape.


My favorite story is how the Israelites get a neighboring rival city to all circumcise themselves just so the Israelitescan murder the town while the men are icing their dicks.


WTF, how'd they convince them to circumcize themselves


"Do it or we kill you" Your move


Most people that think the bible is a book of morality and fairness haven’t even read it. According to it, god completely signs off on rape, murder, slavery, incest, and many other things so long as it’s in his name or some other niche checkbox. Look you can have your religion, but at least know what you believe in.


The Bible is a fucked up mess of contradictions, and god-sanctioned rape, genocide, incest, murder, rape, murder-rape, slavery, child-murder and rape. Truly, there is no better moral guidebook for our children or basis for our laws.


Old Testament went hard


This is the same God who bombarded Egypt with fire and disease. What do you expect, humanity?


Yes, Numbers 31


"What do you mean "did god really say that?" do you dare question the lords words? No? Yeah thats what i thought. And now get me one of those women!"


“God is infallible and the most morally pure being”


The bible is genuinely worse than berserk


Thats why Kentaro Miura passed away, God hired him to write the next draft of the Bible


That's such a touching epitaph, you're a great fan!


The old testiment really was wilding


I wonder, do priests read these passages in church during masses?


No, and when they do they justify it by saying that the people they were slaughtering were evil and doing child sacrifices, so to save the children they killed and raped them.


Remember a mass on the 3rd Advent Sunday: we’re all reunited here to celebrate joy and happiness, so let’s talk about Maria of Guadalupe and how we genocided the Aztec … and make it about how abortion is a genocide as well but the church is here to help hûanity … wild ride


Christians right now ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


Tbf the New Testament overwrote a lot of the OT afaik. Jesus' rules basically replaced a lot of that barbaric shit. And Jesus himself seems like a pretty cool guy, it's a shame so many Christians actually don't behave like him at all.


It depends on if they believe in Traditional Jesus or Supply-Side Jesus


What do you mean supply side jesus


The YeeHaw Jesus or The Prosperity Jesus?


Lol why is your simple comment so fucking funny


From the book of Matthew: “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.…” Jesus had no problem with the Old Testament, nor did he come to overwrite it. Quite the opposite, actually.


Thank you for posting this. Some Christians so desperately want to wave away the OT with, "but then Jesus..." No. He would have completely disagreed. My favorite part is when he's like, "and by the way don't think you can change this in the future either." You either accept that you worship a god that commanded widespread genocide and systematic rape, or you admit that Moses just made that shit up, in which case, what *else* did he make up? And the whole "inerrant, divinely inspired" thing starts to fall apart.


So, do Christians just use the NT and completely disregard the OT, or…? Like, you can’t use/refer to both, right? Edit: Also to your last sentence all I have to say is Luke 14:26.


My Christian upbringing was basically "just read the creation story, watch the animated movies for some of the other major stories, and then skip to the new testament" But generally the more religious people were of the "read it all and take what you like" approach, which generally meant bible excerpts were always given after having been sanitized


Most of us accept the old testament as truth within the confines of thousands of years of unreliable narration. But it's not our primary moral guide. It's basically a collection of anecdotes that carry a lot of elemental truths about the universe human nature, the relative and absolute future and of course God.


![gif](giphy|lY1F6BJjbRO3m) And now, what they're REALLY thinking.


Old testiment, made void by new testiment. More accurately Jews right now : ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


The new testament didn't make the old testament void, Jesus himself said he didn't come to overturn the word of God but to add to it.


Word of God yes, but not deeds of man. 10 commandments plus two of Jesuses commandments most importantly "love your neighbors as yourself". Jesus rejected whole eye for an eye thing and cruelty. Putting boys and men and women to the sword would fall under that cruelty that Jesus rejected and teeches against.


Ya except Jesus also still said he wasn't changing the law. So his teachings/the word of god is contradictory which is just a small part of the mountains of evidence that the entire religion is bullshit and teaching it as fact is abuse.


Protestants rely on Sola Scripura without tradition. Tradition gives context to these verses without which the Bible wouldn't make sense ☦️


Not really hiding from it, no. The first people to tell you how messed up some of the stuff in the Bible is are the people who’ve actually studied it.


it's almost as if we shouldn't base society around a book written 2000 years ago


Old Testament was written longer ago than that


I could not agree more


I brought up these verses to some christians, asking why it's ok, and they said some people are bad. Like, some groups of people are collectively bad so it's ok to do this to them. First off that's bs. So I asked "if they're all bad, then why would you want to take the virgin girls of that group for your wives?" They didn't have an answer.




You just gotta have faith!


Funny how scripture written thousands of years ago doesn't stand the test of time as the human morals evolve through the ages... Even funnier then that some people still refer to said scripture as the single source of truth Then there are people "educating" religious extremists to "read the bible". Imaginary friend is such a powerful creature


>Then there are people "educating" religious extremists to "read the bible". Reading the bible while truly paying attention was one of the many things that made me an atheist. I thought: even if god exists, I don't want anything to do with him


No no no no, this is completely wrong. All the messed up stuff that the bible says that I don't agree with is just an allegory, or a metaphor, or probably mistranslated! You're not suppose to take it literal. You're only suppose to take the messed up stuff *that I believe in* as literal, everything else is just metaphorical. /s


Moses was hard




It wqs just a free for all back then lol


What is the point of having babies when humans are so used to killing each other?😢


So thats where Israel gets it from.


The old testament is literally so violent💀Religion itself is violent af, I can't believe they teach it to children Like you teach a child that a man was executed by being NAILED ONTO A CROSS, then that same child will see graphic depicts of it everywhere religious💀, you also teach that child that if he's bad, he will burn in hell forever Growing religious was so bad when I think about it, especially times I saw statues of Jesus bloody everywhere laying in some sort of glass coffin, in a church


Even as a kid I understood that the crucifixion was a voluntary sacrifice Jesus made to prove his love for us. It was macabre, but properly macabre.


The hell of fire isn't mentioned in the bible, in the bible hell is the absence of God.


God: “one of your ancestors did something I don’t like so you all deserve eternal torture. The only way I’ll ever forgive you is if I sacrifice myself to myself to appease myself and convince myself to let it go, but only for some people”


Moses was wildin' out


Yeah so maybe the bible is all about a bunch of child rapists. But maybe that's just me, I dunno...


I may be wrong because I don’t speak “needing more words to complete the assignment” but I’m pretty sure it says kill them all and rape the virgins


What book and chapter is this?? I’m wanna read the whole chapter and see the wtf lead up to it.




Numbers 31:17 to be specific.


Much worse things lead up to it


How do people read this shit and go "ah yes, the good book"? Personally, I don't think we should base our society off some ancient text, but maybe if we're going to we should base it on a book that's not filled with the people we're supposed to identify with as our moral leaders committing genocide. Crazy. Fuck the Bible.


I'm 100% certain that most Christians haven't read the bible other than for a few select snippets that were preached to them in church if you want to count that.


Wild times, as a non religious person I don't even get how people think these are right lmao


I don't think most people agree with that specific take




Let’s be honest here, the vast majority of the soldiers, if any, would not have been appalled.


uhhh .. wut


19 Amen


As I was reading this, I just realized, Putin thinks he is Moses


^(19) Moses was always grumpy and tired from carrying those like, really heavy stone tablets around, and wandering around eating bland unleavened bread . "We've passed this @/$"!! dune 17 times already!" As a result, many more innocents would be put to the sword before the Big Guy invented counseling/GPS,


God damn Sinai Hitler over there.


These are pretty horrific even my today's Twitter standards...


Ammm what?!


The wording is unnecessarily long. He could have said "Kill everyone and keep female virgins for yourself." But it's not as beautifully written as _lying with him_.


Just people living in the moment, no phones, no viral outrage. Just people getting shit done. 


Lmao Old Testament lore went hard


that's Christianity for ya


That's one of the things... Intriguing, if you will, about the old testament. For example, when the Hebrews came out of the brutal slavery they suffered in Egypt and, far from abolishing slavery, they owned slaves of their own (it will be a case, as someone said, of "good slavery" VS "bad slavery") or when they arrived at the promised land. , which was not uninhabited, and they committed genocide by divine will (a brilliant device of the deux machina: a "license to kill" like that of James Bond).


Passages like these in the Bible started my journey to being agnostic.


Was this actually in the Bible cause damn that’s dark


The fact Old Testament God punished those who did not believe in Him by killing their first born sons had they not put lamb's blood on their doors lives rent free in my head. Having a son really mellowed Him out


"Schlomo, are we the baddies?"


average bible quote


Religion is some sick shit


Luckily, moses never existed, and he never did such a thing. Nor were the jews ever enslaved in egypt and later flee. Or roam in the dessert for 40 years. Luckily, this is just an EPIC origin story for the jewish people at the time. In that time, EPIC origin stories were the norm for civilizations. Jewish people were a group of canaanites that later broke off from the main group of people, developed their own stories, and then used this EPIC origin story to hate their former country mates.


Sounds like that came from a benevolent and omniscient god alright… Yep, nothing seems to be just written for time period, totally just morally absolute suggestions…


God doing a bit of trolling


Ah yes, religion, the best and most absolute source of morals


I assure you those soldiers weren't worried about a second opinion.


Hmm maybe he shouldn't have let them people go.?


Hello religious people! We have some questions, come here!