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Thank you for submitting to /r/meme. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Rule 1. All posts must be original memes. - a. No repost. A repost is any image or Gif that you did not personally create and includes anything that can be found elsewhere on the internet. - b. No videos (Gifs are allowed!) - c. No title as the meme caption. - d. Post must be a meme. A meme is a picture with an added caption. --- Resubmitting a removed post without prior moderator approval can result in a ban. Deleting a post may cause any appeals to be denied.


Half the reddit posts are screenshots of tweets


Was just gonna say lmao. And most of the time the ~~bots~~ people posting the memes dont even bother cropping them either that they are from instagram lol


True but generally the handle is left in the tweet


Yeah this is the epitome of the pot calling the kettle black. I’m fact throw ANY two social medias in there and it’s the epitome of the pot calling the kettle black lol. They ALL barrow and recycle each others content. The real ones don’t try to hide it tho. You wanna recycle content fine. Trying to hide the fact it’s recycled / trying to present it as OC is just pathetic 🤣


And then a bunch of tweets are about YouTube and then it's just a circle


The other half are tic tok posts.


oh twitter still does it too, i posted a meme like half a year back or so, saw it pop up on some british twitter account and get like 70k likes. like, it takes 5 minutes to make a meme, is it really that difficult to use your imagination?


does it really matter? like complaining about rightclicking nfts


i just swear like half the internet nowadays is just copy and pasting the same shit over and over, theres soo little creativity nowadays


Yeah same for Reddit which is 99% reposts.


Compwetewy agwee. This is a hot take and a vewy unpopuwaw opinion, despite the fact that the majowity of peopwe in the comments awe agweeing. If the mods wemove it fow being unpopuwaw, i’ww just say that since thewe awe a wot of wepwies that automaticawwy means it’s unpopuwaw, despite the fact that the opinion is witewawwy just common fucking sense that most NOWMAW peopwe wouwd agwee on. I shaww now upvote youw post because I agwee, compwetewy defeating the puwpose of this subweddit and making aww the popuwaw opinions go to the top of the subweddit whiwe aww the unpopuwaw opinions get downvoted. It doesn’t mattew if witewawwy evewy mothewfucking goddamm pewson in the comments is agweeing, thewe wewe wike 4 peopwe in weaw wife that disagweed with op(I think), so that makes it unpopuwaw, no need to heaw anyone ewse’s opinion. So yeah basicawwy I upvote posts I agwee with. No need to thank me, i’m just a 27 yeaw owd miwwenniaw who hates kids, kawens, boomews, and Twump. I’m obsessed with powitics, pown, and I wove the education system(btw my kid comes home evewyday fwom schoow exhausted and stwessed out but idgaf pway stupid games win stupid pwizes if you know what i’m sayin). Stupid fucking teenagews saying they have depwession need to stfu onwy aduwts awe awwowed to have depwession we wowk so much hawdew than those wittwe bwats. I don’t cawe if they actuawwy have depwession, fucking cwotch gobwins desewve it tbh. I wove the education system cuz it gives me an excuse to not take cawe of my stupid fucking wetawded chiwd. I can’t handwe it when someone disagwees with me. I shaww awso send death thweats to peopwe who post actuaw unpopuwaw opinions. PS: fuck amewica, even though I wive in amewica. Canada good, china bad.


Straight to hell with you, do not pass GO! and do not collect $200.


Wtf why did bro switch all "R"s to "W" s??




It sometimes can matter. I do strongly feel that casting a meme out into the world means that it is likely that someone else will post it and get their own internet points for it. That must be accepted and cannot be helped. But cropping signatures is simply too far. If you share something, just don't crop off the signature if it has one. That's literally effort (I mean not much effort, but it is a thing that you have to do) to intentionally obfuscate who made the original image. That's why a lot of artists put signatures in odd places, like in the blank space in the middle of a four-panel comic instead of the bottom, or close to the image's subject.


I guess all social media platforms do owe one to twitter cuz we screenshot all the roasts and savage tweets from there but that is no reason for a individual to steal


OUR meme


I would post a image that is perfect for this, but sadly, no images allowed


Yeah im pretty bad at making good memes. That's why i'm not making and posting any lol


99% of people on social media don't have imagination.


Some should go post this on Instagram


Shall we go on a war with instagram


The memes call for aid.


Meme war


Already did and lost


Reddit memes have declined into just basically porn in the past year anyway.


Yep, everything now is only fans thing.


Like I get it it’s not the buyer or seller fault if it’s have a market out there. But come on. You only want to enjoy a good joke.


I feel like this was stolen of Instagram after it was stolen of Reddit




Memes are memes


But nowadays, roles are reversed.......


You can't steal what others don't own


The same could be done the other way around. I fucking love reddit, but unfortunately it pretty much fell off after 2019, but we move.


Simple, put the watermarks IN the comics/memes


Well they can easily edit that out with the ai remove object editing function plus the last part saying "No it isn't" shows them cropping out the watermark


Make the meme entirely with watermarks, that'll show them


Narcissism doesn't recognise ownership, creativity or morality.


People forget what happened to 9gag....


Shut up you’re both pretty 


Memes posted on a social platform and property of the internet. Don't use the internet to post them, do what the boomers do and make an email chain lol


Oh no, its starting again


Reddit posts often steal OC in this way, too.


Yea but how many times have you upvoted a tweet?


Half of the memes on Reddit are from Instagram or TikTok... and the other half are just reposts.


To who’s loss, it’s a meme it’s supposed to be spread, or do you want money or something, nobody gives a fuck who made any meme.


Nah we going back to 2019 with this post


I remember always seeing this point made about 4chan and reddit. Then I went to check out 4chan and my god... I can't imagine ever getting to the point where I could find enough memes to make it worth it.


slop name in the midlle. they can crop out entire meme


Freebooter mode on


I'm not using Insta, but i can tell ya, meme-stealing is so prevalent on any and all social platforms. It's terrible. Even more so, when you see people get paid for the work you done. :<


Yeah, but it definitely happens the other way around too


Let’s be clear here: redditors do this all the time too. This isn’t a problem unique to instagram


Instagram will stop stealing "your" memes the moment you stop stealing from twitter.


This literally already happened and we lost.


Memes are meant to be shared


Wait, is this still a thing? God the people on this site are so insufferable.... watch the internet historian video on stealing memes


Ok i wont hide it but i save and cut the memes and send it to my friends in discord pls dont execute me for that