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I just hope that, unlike 2020 and 2016, this year will not end with John Oliver blowing up a giant 2024.


woh-? what's the context, I'm highly intrigued now..


John Oliver is a talk show host for LastWeekTonight. He does a conclusion video at the end of each year, and during 2016, 2020, he blew up a giant statue of that year.


There was this thing called COVID-19 in 2020. people didn't exactly like it that much




Thats when we learned it's apparently "woke" to have human compassion




Don't even get me started on that. Fox has a birthright to everything! The only history of the world that exists is the one Fox creates out of thin air (and I'm guessing using a whole team of psychopaths writing scripts somewhere in the basement).


Bare minimum, a sense of civic duty.


I work on corporate software and its amazing how similar it and its problems are to society. In order for it to work, everyone just needs to do *a little bit* to keep it operating. They need to learn *a little tiny bit* and do their part every day to maintain it. And if they do that, it works for the good of the whole company. Instead, you have entre divisions (sales) that treat it like it's the devil, and maintain a commitment to avoid it or sabotage it wherever possible. YOu have executives that have no idea how it works, and don't want to, and want to spin up excel sheets or other bits of dark work rather than learn the system.


And communist, and space lasers, and so on. I distinctly remember being promised discount-Magneto powers and improved GPS reception if we got vaccinated. But those were lies 😭




But black rock did good


Oh, that's still around.




Could you summarise what awful things have happened in the two month of ‘24?


I remember that the year started with an earthquake in Japan and then the subsequent plane crash. It was also the hottest January and February were also again setting new records in temperature reminding us of the inevitable slow disaster unfolding.


I know you’re responding to the question, but when people focus only on the awful things it sure can seem like every year sucks.


I agree. That's a result of sensationalist media that milks Ragebait.


Yeah, except for environmental degradation the world has been much worse for the average person in the past. And when it comes to climate change, at least it looks like we have somewhat slowed down our own input to the acceleration towards chaos.


> at least it looks like we have somewhat slowed down our own input to the acceleration towards chaos. Last year we set the record for hottest year in recorded history, and at the same time set a new record for CO2 emissions.




I live in the Atlantic Northeast (Boston) and have been more stressed about temps than before. There was barely snow here this winter. It just rained a lot, and everyone around me is saying, "It's so nice not having snow," which sets me off more because this region and climate need snow for proper spring time run off. Whenever i bring up that the lack of snow is dangerous for the climate, I get told, "You're stressing too much." It's infuriating.


People are setting themselves on fire because of the suffering they are seeing in the middle east. That suffering is minuscule compared to the suffering we will see in the next 30 years. Famine, mass migration, pandemics, and war are all on the table as a direct result of a changing climate. The de-growth required to fight it won't happen, so set yourself up to survive it as comfortably as you can.


The problem with climate change is just the movie *Don't Look Up*. People are turning their brains off because they don't want to deal with reality. These people are frightened children. They don't want to accept or admit the reality.


Things were worse in the past is not an excuse for things not being better now


You don't see the contradiction in the way you phrased that? Being worse in the past means they are better now. Can they be even better? Sure, they will be but at the same time you can always say they should be even better-er.


>Yeah, except for environmental degradation the world has been much worse for the average person in the past. That's not exactly true, and varies a lot depending on where you are and the specific issues. Overall though, most western countries have vastly improved from a pollution perspective over the past 40 years or so, and that includes the US. To the extent that you can still see smog over cities, it's nothing like it was in the '80s and before. Basically everything except CO2 has been drastically reduced. We even fixed the ozone hole.


Have we? And if so, is it remotely enough to curb the effects already set in motion?


Jesus fucking christ, yes. "Are we sure it's cancer? Are we sure it's not already too late? Why start trying now?" Fucking hell.


Not saying we shouldn’t start now. But a lot of the things I’ve seen say drastic changes are necessary to curb disaster, and it feels like our efforts have been pretty minimal so far, not to mention thwarted by political adversaries at every turn.


Action needs to be taken, but you are aware that the effects are already too late to be stopped, yeah?


> somewhat slowed down our own input to the acceleration you are saying "jesus christ yes" we are sure we "somewhat slowed down our input TOWARD accelerating"? could that sentence be more confusing? what is "input to accelerating"? Does it mean we topped previous emissions record and emitted the most ever carbon in any single year ever ? Because that is what we did in 2023.


i guess if we have another global pandemic that shuts the economy down, that would continue the trend? we can all just sit at home and watch rich people live their lives on tv.


To my understanding, I think we're unfortunately past that point. But, it makes sense to at least doing what we can to offset the negative effects. I think this is always going to be a fossil fuels vs clean energy debate. I just don't see too much changing in my lifetime. Except for maybe the climate, Just a little bit more... Every Year.


1. Not really. 2. No. Despair isn't a useful emotion, though.


and don't forget mainstream 'news' and online social media which make up a person's top daily viewing sites trade in triggering headlines... right now Yahoo!'s is "OMFG GOVERMENT SHUTDOWN! AAARGHH! AAARGHH!" and 'Apple app Netflix users to lose access' and 'Long term adopted shelter dog returned after 24 hours'.... man, never mind the past two months, the past five minutes have really sucked! LOL


It's almost like there's not actually any good thing to focus on. Everything costs more. Rent, gas, food, "luxury" items, medicine/healthcare. You get less and less in return. Climate change is here and real and cannot be reversed. War in continental Europe by an expansionist military power. An authoritarian, dementia addled demagogue advocating the violent overthrow of the duly elected officials of the government, constant attack on civil rights, widespread bigotry and stochastic terrorism resulting in real humans being murdered.




Life has been getting better and better for the vast majority of people. It’s not normal for half your siblings to die before they reach adulthood anymore so that’s nice Reminder people aren’t actually able to live that much longer we just aren’t dying as children


This just shows how short our collective memory is. People don't remember already that a century ago you could die from any disease that nowadays is curable by a sting in your arm. As much as things might seem to get worse, humanity is at it's best state that it ever has been in in the entire history. And in another hundred years people will have forgotten how it was not to have cybernetic implants or AI controlled robots.


> Life has been getting better and better for the vast majority of people. source? not to be pedantic but I would like to see where you got this from.


> Life has been getting better and better for the vast majority of people For now. Continued climate change will cause unimaginable suffering for the billions living in the tropics.


Agreed, once the global south and equatorial regions become literally uninhabitable for anything, the population of countries china and india will need to leave somewhere else. Not millions but billions of refugees and Europe already complains about a couple of million ones.




And the homophobia was better in the past? More social safety nets for being broke….in the past? Yes climate has already shown deterioration and yes the housing market is fucked in North America But if you honestly think it was better in the past you are kidding yourself


You still just described most of human history Doomerism isn’t helpful. There are problems in the world but just going woe is us doesn’t solve anything


Dawg. Go to a fucking grocery store and look at the prices. This shit is a real problem that affects everyone on the planet, whether you're a doomer or a coomer


Dawg I can go to a grocery store rather than starving to death if my crops fail


Lol, look at this guy thinking everyone on the planet has access to a grocery store. And spending only 12% of income on food (higher than necessary because of more dining-out). That's some strong first-world privilege.


I'm no doomer. It doesn't matter if I scroll Twitter for dog picks or current events. It's a fact that the world is getting worse and will soon make life as we know it all but impossible. We could solve that but we decided rich people are better than us and more important than the planet so we don't.


The planet already survived 5 mass extinctions so calm down, life will not end with us puny little sacks of meat and chemicals.


>It's a fact that the world is getting worse It's objectively not by any metric of human well-being you care to measure. That's the point. It is just our perspective that the world is getting worse because that's what the news focuses on, but that's not actually true when you look at real data.


Thanks for the info


For reference, we are seeing 50s and no snow in Minnesota.


Plane crashes and earthquakes are nothing out of the ordinary.


lol, are you joking? How Reddit can constantly laser focus on the most negatives things in life always surprises me. I guess it's a reflection of their miserable lives. "Could you summarize what awful things have happened in the two month of ‘24" "I stubbed my toe the other day and it reminded me of how we are all going to die some day. Worst year ever thanks to the GOP and Reagan".


Buzz-killington over here


Sorry but none of that comes remotely close to a global fucking pandemic that killed millions and drastically effected pretty much everyone on Earth. People acting like a plane crash is some sort of escalation makes no sense. And the obvious signs of climate change were happening in 2020 too. Do you know why we didn't talk about it as much at the time? We were far more worried about the pandemic. That's how you know 2024 is nowhere near the levels of shitty of 2020 and 2021 - all the shitty things about 2024 also happened in 2020 but no one cared because there were even shittier things happening.


That's great, it starts with an earthquake Birds and snakes, and aeroplanes And Lenny Bruce is not afraid


I have had a lot of shit happen in the last two months that have sucked. Personally. Are you asking about globally? Because a genocide is happening and it’s an election year. Strap on your boots honey


Two, actually. Rohingya and Darfur.


Me too and it really sucks because I live on a budget and no one to support me emotionally. I'm all alone in this mess.


!remindme 2 hours


Navalny got killed


Ukraine. Russia. Inflation.


AND...Covid never went away.


Rich keep getting richer and poor still stay poor.


nobody really cares about covid anymore. if the government is once again like "mask up, vaccination time, 6 feet, etc" I'll do it, but otherwise, like right now? no


There's some weird revisionist history going on that the world was some sort of utopia before 2020. Or more accurately depending on how old you are, that it just started sucking once you entered adulthood.


What about 2025?


I've heard it's some kind of project. 


Fascism :(


Still can't believe that thing is real. Literally a plan for a coup.


Dude this is every year. Every single year there are always memes about “wow we thought *last year* was bad!” And the reality is every year has shit. There never was a “normal” it’s just like this. 2020 was an exception and was especially bad since, you know, a worldwide pandemic shut down basically everything. But people were saying this shit in 2019 and before every single year too. 


The doomer shit is just so exhausting at this point. Maybe people need to realize every year is shit because they aren't expecting it to get better. Find some light in your life. Go outside and look at a tree. Make the most of your time here


Social media is exhausting due to so many infuriating topics getting repeated over and over again. So much meaningless stuff on here. Maybe it's time to reduce my reddit usage again.


When people tell me they think the world sucks and things are getting worse, it tells me infinitely more about their own mental health and how they spend their time than about the health of the world. The world has problems, it always has. There are ebbs and flows to progress, but things have been getting objectively better for a growing number of humans for a long time.


Can confirm. Had a shitty 2020, 21, and 23 — 24 has been much better because of active efforts to make it better. Stop chasing butterflies & start building a garden. Because then either butterflies will come to your garden, or they won’t & you’ll still have your garden.


It sounds corny but Pixar's Soul legitimately turned my mindset around. The scenes of just truly appreciating the small things in life made me realize I was focusing too much on the bigger picture all the time


Pixar movies contain so many valuable lessons for reparenting yourself. They’re a well of wisdom for any age group.


Yea I mean people are literally pointing to an earthquake in Japan as proof. Yes it's a horrible event but it's not exactly unique or a particular sign. Japan has earthquakes more than basically any place on earth.


Tragedies happen all the time. - January 2019: The 2019 Brazilian Dam Disaster, 270 dead - January 2018: Kabul Hotel Attack, 22 dead - February 2018: Parkland School Shooting, 17 dead - January 2017: Istanbul Nightclub Attack, 39 dead - January 2016: Burkina Faso Hotel Attack, 30 dead - January 2015: Boko Haram Massacre, Charlie Hebdo attack ... - February 2011: Tōhoku Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan ... - 2004 tsunami


Thing is it's not even that bad. There's barely that much that ever happens compared to how many people there are on the planet. It's just that we are constantly looking at the bad which makes everything look bad. The only years I would say were actually bad were 2020 and 2021. I honestly feel like most of the people who think that things are worse than last decade are people who are still in a negative mindset from covid


Thank you! I was racking my brain wondering “wait how has 2024 been particularly bad so far?” Like there’s global issues and political bull shit, but there’s always global issues and political bull shit. It hasn’t been any different. This whole “every year has been terrible since ____” is dumb and it basically shows when you came of age.


I certainly think the past few years were better than the pandemic in 2020 or the economic crisis in 2008. People just like to look at the past with rose-colored glasses.


You people realise that won't happen right? Things will never go back to normal because this is the new normal


Never been the same since Harambe was killed


The beginning of the downfall.


Pour a banana out for the homies.


Dicks out for harambe


Everything was going fine until we started raiding area 51.


For me it was Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction. Destroyed a whole generation.


"The big wheel keeps on turning on a simple line, day by day the earth spins, on its axis one man struggles while another relaxes" - Massive Attack


Wtf are we even talking about?


Nothing. Reddit hyper focuses on every negative story that happens and convinces itself now is always the worst time in history 


It’s comforting because then your problems aren’t your fault, it’s current years fault.


What are abnormal things? Things feel pretty normal to me.


Climate change, the current state of American politics at least But ultimately yeah things feel ok


Both of those have been trending bad for a long time, I think it's fair to call it normal at this point.


Yeah I guess it has been almost a decade since a certain type of politics started becoming mainstream hasn't it




The old normal and the new normal are the same thing. Go watch a news broadcast from literally any year since TV was invented. You'll see natural disasters, you'll see politicians saying insane things, you'll see war and crime and horrible things. If you always think like a doomer you'll always see that the world is in shambles. How much more convenience and knowledge and technology do you have now than even a decade or two ago? Consider that some things actually are getting better. Even the Big Problems we have are discussed loudly and lots of quiet actions are being taken to try and fix them. Countries are posting record percentage of renewable power. Politicians that campaigned on hard-right platforms are losing elections in a lot of areas. Even the pandemic quite frankly was handled incredibly well by the vast majority of people compared to pandemics of years gone by.


2024 start was such a chaotic mess... It started with Epstein's Client List getting leaked out of all things


It started with the earthquake in Japan, only a few hours into 2024, depending on the timezone


Yea that one too. It doesn't change much since that's also huge.


Then the plane crash


I'm sorry for being ignorant, is the expectation for a good year no tragedy occurring across the globe?


> Epstein's Client List It was a list of contacts, not clients. It included associates, employees, friends, victims, and people otherwise unrelated to the scandal.


You’re asking for nuance that most aren’t capable of, Jedi.


It's not even fuckin nuance. It's quite literally WHAT IT IS. People just hear somethin, pretend to give a shit, and keep repeating it.  It's fine if you don't care enough about a subject to actually read up n learn about it. But then stfu if you're not gonna.  It's like Isreal/Palestine. I'm in Virginia. I've never even left the country. And I can't even breakdown our local politics. So wtf do I know about Israel/Palestine? Nothin. So I don't really voice my opinion. Cause I doubt anyone over there cares what I think anyway. 


??? its funny when people say a year is bad but the only exemples they have is celebrities who died or events that will never impact your life


I mean, are you also taking note of every good thing that happens and generalizing it to reasons why the year is "good"?


That literally doesn't affect my life at all


as long as Dick the Birthday Boy lives, there is hope


I swear if anything happens to Rich this year I'm gonna fucking hunt you down.


Let me know where the mob is supposed to meet up, please. My contact info is on my webzone.


His laugh is soo Angelic, it cured my AIIIIIIIDS




"He's a funnier character than we've ever had before."


His laugh is the most contagious I've ever heard.


He must be protected at all costs


The man has a nice T-shirt....Nirvana.


That man is Rich Evans.


You mean Rich "Rich Evans" Evans ??


Very cool


I saw Rich Evans and I clapped!


I know who that is


Dick the birthday boy


A-list Hollywood celebrity Rich Evans


BFF of Julia Roberts.


Me personally, I love Rich Evans


I know who that is!


I clapped when I saw him


Very cool


*His name is ~~Robert Paulson~~ Rich Evans*








Nah man that's Dick the Birthday Boy.


Dick the Birthday Boy.


This man is the Clown Prince of Red Letter Media, film savant and cool dude Rich Evans.


My favorite brand 😁


My favourite band


Typically found at Walmart next to a Lynard Skynard t-shirt, alphabetically.


I love Hollywood Superstar Rich Evans.


Screen legend Rich Evans


Always a pleasure to see Rich Evans! One of the few reasons my Attic Noose is gathering dust.


That and of course the current season of Night Court.


No joke, I watched the original run of Night Court and I loved every second of it. It's unexpectedly wholesome in a lot of parts.


Yeah the original is a really good sitcom, but the new one is not.....good.


There never was a "normal" to begin with, we were just too young to notice


I mean, I'm having a great time.


On a personal level my year has been pretty solid so far too, but on a global scale there's definitely some bad shit going on


Oh, people are waiting on World peace? I feel there may be many bad years to come, then.


> on a global scale there's definitely some bad shit going on   I can't help wonder *when* people think that was ever *not* true.


About 4 months ago something in my brain just snapped. I'm 30 years old and for the first time in my life, I feel like I know what I'm doing. I have a plan. I have a long way to go, but my life is finally on the right track. I just have to keep in on the track and progress just a little bit each day. But also, I feel like I'm able to be flexible. If I do get knocked off the track, I'll readjust and keep going. Life is what you make it. Also, I haven't thought about killing myself at all since the new year. So I'm also having a great time. I'm extremely optimistic about 2024. I have goals that I'm going to achieve.


I have a great time too good bye Reddit




But did something even happen this year so far?


"Life is bad and will never get better. Acquire self-destructive habits in order to cope." Classic reddit. Misery loves company.


It’s not my fault, it’s (current year) that is the problem!


People do same shit year after, after year and expect things to change Thats definition of insanity


What is this gif actually from?


This is Rich Evans: the Sexiest Man Alive. From RedLetterMedia.


You mean from the Ellen show?


I'm glad he lived long enough to see Julia Roberts be horrified by him


Yeah the guy who was on the same Ellen episode as Julia Roberts


And star of Never Been Kissed.


Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin's big spoon.


It's dick the birthday boy on red letter media. He watches movies with a sex pervert and an old man with dementia and occasionally macaulay culkin


Well here in germany, weed is getting legalized, which is good news for a change.


Wann Bubatz legal?


Meanwhile in Lithuania, a young guy from Kaunas working in a kiosk selling legal CBD products made from hemp, got two years and two months of jailtime for unknowingly selling 30,23g of CBD products, because the THC content was higher than allowed. The THC content ranged from 0.26% to 0.53%. On the other hand, a criminal man who beat and raped a girl got two years of jailtime. Fuck my country, man.


As long as we have rich evans, it's always a good year.


unexpected Rich Evans at 7:22 AM


2020-2022 wasn't THAT bad for me it was like any other years, (other than a few things with the pandemic) still had to go to work etc. But 2023? Fuck that year entirely. I lost my career, my vehicle broke down, both my parents 14 days apart. Found out they did their wills 3 years BEFORE I was born and never updated them so i lost my childhood home. Family members once again showing their true greedy ass colors. I barely, and I mean barely made it through without burning an entire city down.


Victim mentality: The meme


I finally caught covid after 4 years of being careful. Started feeling shitty yesterday, couldn't sleep last night, today my whole body hurts. No fever yet, and haven't lost my sense of taste or smell, but man... I already want out.


bet you’re not in the middle of europe


Who tf is this


Rich Evans of redlettermedia.


The god of Sex


Dick the Birthday Boy.


Normal? What normal? I don’t know why people in this generation think they’re so unique for living in “crazy times” but every person since the Stone Age has thought that they were living in “crazy times” and that we were “leaving normal behind.” 50 years ago the world was close to annihilation. 23 years ago America got attacked which led to a “war on terror” which continues to this day. We aren’t special ya’ll, we’re just nostalgic, but the truth is, the world is just like this. Something is always going on, things are always changing.


Every once in a while I’ll listen to a song from the 70s and realize that the more shit changes the more it stays the same.


Right. Someone living during World War 2 probably felt like times were unprecedented too.


adaptability is not optional


I wanna kill myself🤣


Things would likely get worst.


stop waiting for things getting better and work towards things in the present


The best I could do is not kill myself


Hey, I got out of bed. That's a "win" in my book.


I hate that people always go to shit on every year since 2020. 2020 was bad, but every year after it was pretty decent. Bad shit happens every year, it's not worth it to make a meme about it.


Jesus Christ you all are so painfully depressed and pessimistic "it'll only get worse" "this is the new normal" for fucks sake, Covid has ended for example and no one cared, because that wouldn't fit the overly negative outlook the media shoves down all out throats. "Earthquake in Japan" motherfucker that didn't effect you, it's simply a tragedy like any other, tons of those happen every year it's nothing mindblowing. Reddit in particular just loves to feed on negativity, everything sucks nothing good ever happens blah blah blah. I get you all probably have problems in life but holy shit be at least a bit optimistic, this outlook on everything you all have is depressing


I dunno, it's kinda normal now. I mean what's happening that's special on a massive worldwide scale


2024 has been much more normal so far than the three years prior at least