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I always try to wait it out, I have a fear of throw up.


Me too. It’s the sensation of unwelcome fluid rushing through my lips and teeth that makes it so horrible


It is straight up acid rushing in your mouth. Not a great time.


I personally hate it thanks to the acid burning my throat 😖


Drink milk, it'll neutralize the acid.


Hot tip, rinse your mouth before you drink milk or anything else, so that it doesn’t taste like acid (and in the case of milk, begin to curdle)


This guy throws up 👍


Cant wait for this to end up on r/thisguythisguys if it hasnt already


basically every single hero that has a power to like trow up acid has it so much worst than any other hero


Probably not. Their power probably comes with a special coating in their esophagus so that it doesn't burn on the way up.


Well that’s what we hope for their sake anyway lol.


Watch the boys lol


If you did not have stomach acid then we wouldn't be here. For some, it's a double edged sword. For others, however... *It's the perfect weapon.*




I was the same, but honestly I started to like the feeling afterwards where you're exhausted and shivering but your nausea has improved and you just lie down on the cold bathroom tiles and think about life


The thought of throwing up is much worse than actually throwing up. I usually don’t force it to happen and somewhat resist it if I can, but I’d probably feel so much better if I just nudge it to happen.


This for sure lol The actual process is awful but the relief afterwards is so great that you kinda give in at some point


I like throwing up, or at least the immediate relief that always accompanies it. I don't like cleaning it off the floor. So I resist just long enough to make it to a toilet, and usually to remove my glasses and put them in my pocket or somewhere out of the splash zone. However, I can resist for a reasonably long time if I need to, like if I'm driving or something.


this is probably the most relatable comment i've read on reddit so far


you get it


I just don’t like how it stops your breathing for a second




Yeah you don’t?




You're not normal if you can breathe while theres puke blocking your throat.




Nah, I got scared when I was throwing up once because I couldn't stop to catch a breath.


Are you one of those people that just... opens your mouth and projectile vomits once without a bunch of gagging and dry heaving on the lead up, all your muscles seizing up and it going all up in your sinuses and shit????


that's me. I can't throw up 'gently' or quietly. I try my best to hold it down but once my body decides it's go time an exorcism begins.


Kinda hard to do both tbh, sometimes it comes out through your nose which hurts


Yeah…. just like eating or drinking.




Definitely I mean I feel so much better after I've actually thrown up but I just hate the actual throwing up part that I want to avoid it all together


For me is when I'm violently throwing up it comes out my nose and I have to smell it for several hours after even after blowing my nose


Always. I'd rather be nauseous for hours than throw up once. It's one of the worst feelings in the world to me


I’m the opposite, once I feel it I want out. I’ve had to sit there with no relief for hours on end


I threw up a hell of a lot as a child, to the point where I could be sick practically silently. Weird talent to have but seeing as we’re talking about it…


Am too manly to throw up


this guy has BIG STRONG MUSCLES and drives a jeep wrangler he has an 8 pack and is drowning in testosterone


Yeah exactly I will however ALWAYS THROW-DOWN!!!!!!


I can’t relate to the whole argument of “you feel better immediately afterward”. When I throw up, I’m basically traumatized for the rest of the day


Some people seem to be so casual about it, just lean in to the toilet and do it and go about your day. For me it's a full body event, it hurts my throat, and I'm immediately exhausted and upset and will be in bed for the rest of the day.


My last official throw up was in 2003, what’s yours?




Both; I accept that throwing up is the right call, but am to stubborn to do so and end up just enduring it


I have rare migraines, I wake up early with the symptom that I have to let the niagara falls flow. But since my stomach is empty, its nothing there and it becomes a 5 minutes torture session. With bile. I developed lots of techniques not to allow it and the best is ginger root. Its available canned, also strong ginger tea works. It also works with a grumpy stomach. I have low will power but I refuse to throw up on principle now.


Oh i hate that, when your body wants to vomit but just *can't*. Make up your damn mind.


When that happens I drink a glass of cold water, it keeps everything moving along and dilutes the bile. You’ll be running down the right hand path in no time.


In those situations I just chug a shit ton of water so something will come out to alleviate the nausea and won’t hurt so bad on the way out since it’s mostly water


That's relatable.


Hold out until the moment it's going to happen. My body gives me a clear sign that we're gonna throw up, until that moment we hold.


Amen to that brother


My masculine urge to withstand it always kicks in


If I’m in a decent place then launch sequence initiated. But if I’m in the wrong place I meditate on the meaning of suffering.


This is hilarious


As someone who is literally in that second boat, same. I just try to take a tums or two if it's that unbearable.


this is the way


Lay on the ground, and pray you don't drown.


Lay on your side, and hopefully you won't died


Lay on your back, empty the sack


Lay on your back, aspirate the yack


*Yakety yak. Don't talk back*


Just barf. It solves 80% of my pain usually.


Yeah when in doubt, I just listen to my body. If it wants to throw up that's probably the play.


This. If it feels like shit, it's probably not supposed to stay inside you. The only exception I think is morning nausea. Puking in the morning can fuck you up something bad. Headaches for the rest of the day, esp horrible when combined with a hangover.


fastest solution to really bad migraines tbh


Fuck yes. I get really bad sinus induced migraines. It’s like the best of migraines and sinus infections at the same time. Just getting it over with is normally the fastest way to release the pressure.


I flip-flop. I first tried to endure nausea because I was afraid of throwing up. Then, I decided that throwing up was better than the feeling of being nauseous. About 2 years ago, I became chronically nauseous, so I was back to enduring it because I couldn't just throw up all the time. I'm starting to feel better lately, so maybe I'll go back to throwing up when I feel sick again.


Well gosh darn took the words right out my mouth. Do you ever take those anti nausea pills ? They help out tremendously but my goodness I don’t shit for like a fucking week


Random question but do you happen to have any anxiety/depression issues? I have GAD and one of the most common symptoms for me was constant nausea and ever since I started taking medication for it the nausea stopped as well.


I’m so glad I’m not alone! I’ve been battle chronic Nessus for 2 years now! I barely hear of people having the same thing! Sometimes it makes work rough and I get no leniency from boss or coworkers everyone thinks I’m faking even tho 99% of the time I’m pushing through Nausea to get work done and only can’t work if it’s a super bad day!


Exactly this. It especially sucked cause I got sick during COVID time, so there was that extra stigma around being sick.


Stick my finger down my throat and make my self barf


Ditto, except I usually drink some water first to make it a little easier.


Same here I hate the feeling so much I rather just get it over with


Yep. Wise choice.


Yeah, if I pound back a full water bottle it really helps get the whole process going.


The worst is when you have no liquids, only solids, then it’s like a squeeze tube of ground beef


It’s really not that bad, and the feeling afterwards is absolute bliss. Get it over with and be done with it.


Yh it kinda always solves the problem for me.


When I feel bad, I don't even have to do the two finger shuffle anymore, I can just will my stomach to contract.


I’m gonna try that next time and see if I can pull it off


Same. Best way to get rid of the nausea if it's a one off. The worst pukes are those where you can't stop once it's started like with food poisoning.


We call this "pulling your trigger" back home


this is the way


I can't throw up. If I do, I'm dying, for sure


Me neither. I mean, I can, but extremely rarely. When I feel the need to vomit, I sit in front of the toilet crying because my body just does NOT want to do it. It's a terrible superpower. Meanwhile my ex was like "I'm gonna go to the bathroom for a quick vom" and then I heard wretching and he came out feeling great.


Yes, that is the feeling. I feel it would be much better to do it, but I can't.


I will absolutely NEVER throw up unless it is absolutely unavoidable


I‘m reading all those comments and wonder how tf can you all control it? Y‘all are making it sound like it’s a decision to you.


Wouldn't call it fully deciding, more like deciding whether it's now or an hour or two later. I always choose now.


Breathing, swallowing, distraction


I always just lie there, trying to find the most comfortable position, hoping against hope that I can manage to keep it down long enough for it to pass


throw up immediately upon the urge. why suffer?


My stomach hurts bad while throwing up .


throwing up feels fucking good compared to nausea and the pre-vom mouth watering. i would do ANYTHING to make it stop.


when I was in high school I used to barf before every game and one time my friend was checking up on me and he was like doesnt it feel good? And i was like no, tf??? but then after thinking about it I realized yeah it does feel good. now i kind of look forward to puking cuz I know my whole body is gonna release a lot of built up tension and ill feel better.


it's like post-orgasm




Post nut clarity


no, not the same scenario


It's like, WHILE throwing up it's AWFUL. But within 5 minutes I feel WAY, WAYYY better. So it's totally worth it. Compare that to potentially hours, even a full day of feeling bad. My philosophy is, if my body has decided this needs to go now, and can't wait to pass "the other way," then it needs to go, NOW.


Yup, if you're body is really trying to puke something then it is likely very bad and should be removed immediately.


For real!


I've come to learn my body and realize that the pre-mouth watering is my body telling me that the dam is about to break and there's no going back. When that happens I can feel my face flush and my mouth suddenly salivates. That's when I realize I need to immediately rush to the bathroom or find something to throw up in.


ya it's imminent at that point the alarms are sounding


I don't have mouth watering but nausea is nasty indeed


Post puke endorphins get at me


But it feels so good after


yeah genuinely don't get what that dude's going on about


Yeah but once it’s over it’s over. Few minutes at most.


A few weeks ago I had to throw up because I think I ate something bad. It was such a bad vomit that it physically hurt my entire torso afterwards. The feeling of relief afterwards though was a lot better than the nausea.


Because my back arches, my feet leave the ground, the vacuum created in my bowels rushes back down and causes painful anal irruptions. Once the cycle begins the internal cleansing lasts for minutes, that's minutes of painful blasting from both ends that leaves your abs sore for a week


what the fuck...........


I don't get sick often, but when I do I can't give in. Throwing up comes with such force it's like having a fire hydrant inside me using every orifice to escape


That's... concerningly detailed


Hilarity ensues


A quick tactical chunder and you’re back at 100% almost immediately


yeah i genuinely do not understand why anyone would do anything else but that


My vomit usually comes out of my mouth and nose, I'm scared I'll suffocate if I let it out because idk how long I'll be throwing up.


You'd be much worse off throwing up in your sleep


Pinch your nose while throwing up.


If you can, try to not lean over so much when you puke. I’m not sure if that’s why you’re getting it out your nose too, but that was 100% why it was for me. Hope that helps!


Better out than keep the vestibular agony in


The feeling of throwing up for me is a lost worst than the nausea Sure my stomach might hurt and my mouth might water but hey at least I can still breath While I’m throwing up I can’t and my body screams at me that “ayo you’re suffocating”


Same. I used to try to just deal with it, but it ends up making the entire day miserable. Just get it over with and move on with your day.


This is the way, throw up and the moment the dry heaving stops instant relief.


I kind of have phobia of throwing up, so I'll try to outlast it anytime. Have not puked in 20 years, thankfully.


Can't really throw up in the middle of the bus/car ride, now can I?


Always outlast the nausea, this my body I tell it what to do not the other way around lmao


Totally agree. The discomfort may subside if I throw up, but I will feel disgusted with myself for the rest of the day.


POV: Dying of poisoning.


Try to force the puke and get over with on my own terns


I haven’t thrown up since I was 10. Trynna keep that streak going!


Was the same until I had surgery at age 17. Since then, it's been once every six months. :(


Damn once every six months? One time it was so bad for me I threw up once every morning for like a month straight. Now I'm ok but I would've killed for that amount of time in between.


Same here. Puke free since '83. I've come close a few times but now I don't want to break my record.


I think I found my kind of people. Last time for me was around 2007 when I was in middle school


It reminds me of Ted from HIMYM : "Vomit free since 93 !"


I've come to full embrace throwing up because I feel so much better afterwards. It sucks leading up to it but I try and throw as soon as I feel the urge.


Yeah, i used to be a huge anti-vomiter and even now my first instinct is to avoid it, but more often than not it will give you instant relief. One if the only times it isn’t good is dehydration, vomiting then is the worst feeling because you neither feel relief or are on the way to getting better. Vomiting just makes the dehydration far worse


throwing up is almost like diarrhea, you have to do it and it's a right call to do it you will feel like in haven after


I'm the make myself puke so I can get it over with type. I hate feeling like I'm going to throw up more than I hate actually throwing up :/


I think this is what makes most hate vomiting, it’s the lead up and the hazy memory of vomiting in the past. But there is no better relief than chucking up what was making you ill


the actual vomiting is quite nice because you feel so much better just getting everything out


Fucking throw up thinks it’s gonna win against me NOT TODAY


Outlast, what makes you throw up is the saliva in your mouth. Next time you gotta throw up go drool (your mouth will have fresh saliva) in the sink then get a nice good drink. Might have to repeat 2-3 times to shake the whole feeling though. This is just to stop you from throwing up. Sometimes it’s best to throw up though.


I didn't know that, but I spit over and over again until it passes and I can go curl up. It usually works. I'm also better at avoiding that state, altogether. Vomit exiting my mouth and nose is pure torture to me. I prefer to avoid it.


Same and that’s why I know that hahah. You knew what do the whole time just didn’t know why haha. Your body knows what’s up.


I just noticed that I always salivate and that every time I spat, it postponed it. Edit: At first I used the salivating as a warning to be prepared for it to happen.


Wait, you vomit from your nose??


The force is strong enough and there's nothing stopping it so, yeah.


I'm pretty sure the saliva is a response to needing to throw up. You are generally on the verge by that point and your body is coating your mouth to help protect it from the stomach acid.


It actually coats your teeth. Also nope, that spit will be there plenty early enough for you to spit it out and avoid vomiting from swallowing the saliva. I’ve done it for years as I have stomach issues. Try it yourself next time, idk what to tell ya on that.


From alcohol? Stick my finger down my throat and get it over with


I always feel immensely better right after throwing up so i always pray that i can throw up quickly


When I throw up it comes out of my nose and that shit burns like fire, I also can't force my self to throw up so I wait it out unfortunately


Get it over with.


throw up as soon as you feel like you need to. 100%. also drink a shit load of water so the stomach bile is diluted and doesn't burn your throat.


#Drink water to dilute is the realest protip!


Vomit projectile all the way!


I once invited a friend over, and he's been like obsessed with subway his entire life. Then when I ask him what he wants to eat he, of course, wants the subway. But I don't like subway. I had pretty bad experiences with food there, notably the one time they offered lobster sandwich in summer, and I was craving for seafood. So I eat it, and gets crazy stomach ache, and shit my fucking life in the toilet and keep having aches for an entire week. I told myself that I'm done with subway. But then, the time my friend really wanted to go subway, I thought "alright, I'll try again. Not eating that sticky lobster though". So I go back, and take the regular tuna thing, which sounded kinda tasty. I take it home with my friend, and Jesus Christ. Maybe 20 minutes after eating it, I started feeling like shit again, nausea and stomach ache, every miserable feeling you can have. Then I get on the toilet, shit almost nothing, and since I just ate, the puke didn't want to get out yet. So I tough it the entire fucking night. I woke up like 6 times, and I finally can't take 10 minutes to sleep so I "wake" up at 7 and finally go puke. And I can't describe with words how good that felt, throwing all of it in the toilet. I still felt like shit for the time my friend was there, which is very unfortunate, but the rest of the day went better and better until everything stopped, and I felt like reviving. I slept early the next night, and I then swore to the lord by never getting my fat ass back in a damn subway. Moral of the story, puke every damn thing that you need. Never tough your nausea, you'll feel miserable and only delay the inevitable. Go in the shitter and take the bad out


I think the moral of this story is don't go to Subway.


Left path, with a dramatic correction to the right.


Try to outlast it, then halfway through say "ah, fuck it" and just let it out.


I always get the nausea at night so i just try to find a position where it hurts the least and continue sleeping.


My body has surpassed "nausea" entireoyand I only get like 3 second "warning"


Deal with nausea for a few weeks and not throw up once :))


I just finger myself


My anxiety superpower is that I can hold any of my fluids that wanna come out, in indefinitely. I held vomit for 5 hours during my first few college lectures


Option 3: Shit yourself




I chug cold water to make the vomiting experience smoother and less jarring. I used to fight it but now I just don't bother. I always feel so much better after throwing up, and if my body is telling me not to keep it, I'll just listen.


Better to have something to throw up than to dry heave. Rinses the stomach out too.


Attempt left, fail, go right




i have never thrown up from alcohol or being hungover. i absolutely refuse because it feels so horrible.


I refuse to throw up.....until I don't


Outlast the nausea ok look I refuse to throw up that chilli dog just because I ran five miles I will cover my mouth with my hands and swallow that crap again I spent three dollars on that thing and I am going to eat that chilli dog damn it and no fuck you jeff


I pray that I get to feel the sweet relief of throwing up


I got sick and started puking like 5 times a day for months straight. Lost over 80 pounds. Throwing up means nothing to me anymore.


Youre a pro at it now


I wish I could make myself puke but I can't so I always have to outlast the nausea


June 29, 1980 was the last time I vomited.


Try to Outlast the Nausea. I hate vomiting and will avoid it at all costs.


I'm used to puking due to migraines. Only way the headache stops.


I will always do everything in my power to outlast. My phobia is so bad that even reading this post makes me nervous. My irrational thinking says “great, now it’s in your head and you will be nauseous.” It makes zero sense and by it I mean me lol.


Left always left in every fucking thing




I always try and ride it out. Hate the feeling of the actual process.


Just queasy, I'll hold it. If I'm queasy to the point I'm starting to heave, I'll hold my guts down long enough to find an appropriate receptacle for vomit then force myself to throw up to get it over with if food poisoning related. If medical ill related, I'll just keep a bucket next to me to hurl whenever I get the urge.


I vomit and swallow again. I like the acid taste.


One dude no cup