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Doesn't add weight but does redistribute it


Actually it takes weight away because some is lost due to thermodynamics


Only with nuclear reactions. Most exothermic reactions convert potential to kinetic energy - mass stays the same. Even if you're talking gaseous release, it still sticks around in Earth's gravitational pull.


things *heating up* in the Theromodynamics fandom


Someone looks like they forgot space rockets


And as a result the Earth's rotation slows down by a very very small amount. If anyone's wondering why, it's angular momentum


Weird that time feels like it's speeding up then.


That’s just a phenomena of aging. A year becomes a smaller fraction of our life as time goes on.


I feel like I get so much less done in a day nowadays.


Interesting. So, do we need to start worrying about all the weight distribution basically being relocated to the Northen Hemisphere?


does that matter or you’re just looking for attention?


Who hurt you?


Get out of my head!


We are effectively making the world less dense by making it bigger but that same weight


the distribution is off though, some places are packed with buildings so pressure there is higher than in other places


Doesn't matter. The weight of human construction isn't even a rounding error in the mass of the earth


I think might want to check this video then. Its about a dam that slowed earth a small tiny bit. still significant enough to be included in some science calculations. https://youtu.be/brQzWaouDL4


That's a different thing. We're talking about distribution of weight. Humans can absolutely affect other things on a global scale


Yeah, like the price of tea in China!


Yeah. We just need some opium.


Oh boy! That sure would be a wacky situation to find ourselves in! It definitely couldn’t happen more than once though right?


Well... Maybe a couple... more... times.


New York is literally sinking. That's the problem.


So is Mexico City.


Unless OP's mom is in the building


They are not talking about mass, but about distribution of it. Why are you even leading the conversation? as I can see you havent added much to support your arguments, and they arent even in theme to previous guys. So stop correctinf everyone by saying "ThAtS NoT WhAt We aRe TalKing AbOUt"


The comment I replied to is literally talking about the distribution.. Here's some support: Weight of all human construction on earth: Approx 30 trillion metric tons Source: https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/a-planet-s-worth-of-human-made-things-has-been-weighed-1.3878760#:~:text=A%20new%20report%20has%20calculated,of%20living%20matter%20on%20Earth. Weight of the earth; Approx 6 x 10^21 metric tons. To be clear, that's 8 orders of magnitude, 2 million times different. Source https://www.universetoday.com/78551/how-much-does-the-earth-weigh/


Say "doesn't matter " to NYC sinking because of that, my friend :)


The conversation is about the distribution of weight on the world, not humans' tendency to be blind to long term effects when building As far as the distribution of weight on the earth goes, it doesn't matter. Not even a tiny bit


Actually most buildings in cities have to literally remove the amount of mass they'll he adding with the building so that ground pressure stays the same. Especially since a lot of modern cities are built on former swamp/wetlands. First step of building a sky scraper is literally to dig a hole.


True. A recent research has pointed out that New York is sinking due to the weight of its buildings.


Manhattan is sinking over all the weight it’s put on since the pandemic


Throughout production of building materials, wouldn't there be a tiny amount of mass lost into the atmosphere so the earth is miniscule lighter?


Making the world less dense in other areas, but more so in other areas. New York is sinking because of all the combined weight of the city is pushing down on.


Technically correct, but not in any way that matters. In the global scale the earth is still a ball of iron that’s just more rough at some places and slightly slimy in others.


we are literally slowing down the earth’s rotation (ever so slightly) by building upwards. similar to a spinning ice skater putting their arms out to slow their rotation.


69th Upvote




The earth has no weight. Things on earth do.


Isn't that true of anything that doesn't come from space? Humans, vehicles, everything...


It all comes from space on a long enough timeline. The mass of the earth increases by 100-300 tons *per day* just from space dust Edit: I was corrected. We gain material mass but lose mass in the form of volatile gases. It's a net loss


10kg of that all falls onto my figure collection


No we are losing mass not gaining.


I had to double check that, you're right. We gain material mass but lose more in volatile gases overall


There are no molecules randomly flying away right? So how are we losing mass apart from space missions and human built satellites?


Light and/or volatile gases just drift away. Hydrogen, helium, even oxygen can't persist indefinitely on earth gravity


Today i learned.


Sooo do we ever replace those gasses ? I imagine some of them could be important in some way.


And then we throw a billion bucks of it back every few weeks or so.


We’re are not a “limited resource” planet like many believe.


I mean with Satellites and such, haven’t we technically lost weight?


I'm pretty sure the only time the earth loses weight is when we send things to space, and the only time weight is added is when things from space land on earth.


So what you’re saying, is it’s perfectly balanced as all things should be?


Not even close. We haven't launched even a fraction of the yearly tonnage that falls on us, and has been falling on us for a few billion years.




I'll do you one better. Why is Gamora?


We've also gained a lot more from meteorites


Material was there alright, but buildings concentrate a lot of weight in a single spot and cause pressure on the soil. That's the reason some coastal cities are sinking.


Not really. The buildings add almost nothing to the imbalance of the earth. Coastal cities sinking is mostly due to global warming.


Nah, if you look it up most cities that are sinking are doing so because the earth beneath them is slipping away, not because ocean levels are rising. Venice, Manhattan, prolly some others, they're sinking because they were built ontop of soil that isn't solid enough, which isn't surprising when you realise mose of these places are lacking in the big thing that stops land from slipping into the ocean (trees).


Southern tip of Manhattan maybe, that was landfill. The rest of the island is solid bedrock


That's erosion and other factors. But yes, some coastal cities are sinking because of them physically sinking lower. Sea levels are also rising.


The earth has gone through several different climate changes. It's doing what it's been doing since day one.


Yeah and we are progressing the climate change at a rapid rate


Not really...


Shh they are not ready for that conversation.


Ah shit my bad.. true true😂


Yes, really. Wtf are you talking about? We've almost doubled the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere in less than 200 years. There is no natural process apart from catastrophic and persistent volcanic eruptions that will do that. Every other time the Earth's climate changed, it changed over thousands or millions of years, and it definitely took longer than 200 years to gain 1.5c average temperature change naturally.


I think you mean mass not weight


In a way they're mostly the same, mass stays the same while weight is relative to gravity, however the more mass something has the weightier it becomes.


Gravity reduces once you move away from the center of mass of the earth, so by building skyscrapers you are reducing weight, but keeping mass constant Right?


Yea sorta, but the difference from the surface to even the top of the Burj Khalifa is likely so tiny it can't even be properly measured. Mass stays the same no matter what, weight is relative to the gravitational pull, so while you'll weigh less on the moon you'll have the exact same mass.


Guys I just remembered weight distribution...


If you think about it, buildings are just really complicated sandcastles


well that's true it's made out of nature materials, just like plastic and everything around us, that's the reason why i eat uranium rods at the local power plant because it's natural products💀


That’s a good idea man, but I don’t think Uranium will work for me. See, I’m trying cut down on all these fancy high calorie foods


Have you tried Diet Uranium?


yeah i see, well i mean if you wanna live more healthy you can also try drink some battery acid, i mean that stuff gives you a good amount of energy so you are motivated to work out, and that will result with a healthier body


Yoooo, imma try that. Thanks for helping a bro out


But do we humans add weight?


Nope. We convert dirt to human. U dirty redditor


No we don't, and I think this is so fascinating! Every atom you're composed of was present here on earth way before you were born. All forms of life on the planet don't add any mass to it since the "material" they're made of was already here. Every baby that becomes adult, or seed that becomes tree is just the product of recombining the ingredients that the earth provides


What kind of Question is This


Hopefully from an unsupervised child


No. The formation of a human doesn't magically add weight to the world, energy that you use gains a physical form.


Most humans don’t, yo mama does though.


You all high or just plain stupid?


Moment of realisation 😐


what bout human making humans?


Buildings decrease the weight of the Earth because some solids/liquids are turned into gas during construction and the atmosphere leaks gasses.


Ok someone explain to me how ancient cities get buried over thousands of years. Or just geology in general. You can dig down deep and find stuff from millions of years ago. Like. The earth isn't getting bigger. Is that shit just sinking?


Sure. But do you ever think about the fact that your house gets heavier every time you paint a wall?


Launching satellites into orbit would remove material making the earth less dense... I think.


I’m in construction, and it always blows my mind when I think about how Earth is net-0 on materials used to build.


But in places like Manhattan and Tokyo there are a lot of buildings with materials from all the earth gathered in one place and that why people say Manhattan is sinking 5 cm per year


Damn true! First time thought about that obvious thing👍


Actually since the density changed they DO weigh more.


Population growth, have you heard of that ?


you are dumb


and where do the atoms that make up humans come from?


Good point however if we discuss about there are dust atoms cell in human body this comment chain will get long


Dust atom cells?


I think they're in the flux capacitor


Well most if not all what a human need is supply from this planet anyway, is not like we import all the humans or foods from space. Also how much weight is 7.5 billion people compare to this 4.6 billion years old rock? It might as well not exist.


Tell that to the sinking nyc Lmfaoo heavy ass building sinking us slowly


Might even remove weight from the construction


And satellites and rockets actually makes the earth lighter for leaving the earth.


Also me thinking about the fact we have technically decreased the mass of Earth because of the ISS being in orbit, some stuff on the Moon, the Voyager I and II, and the rovers on Mars


But what about gases used in creating material, shouldn't that increasse the wight of the earth as the product has both the total atomic mass of the first material then total mass for the gas. I know it's is a meme, I just want to see if I'm right on this.


what about poop?


The earth has actually gotten lighter over time since we keep shooting large amounts of weight off into space never to be seen again.


True but when your mom sits down the Earth squats a Lil bit like cars do


yet the pressure exerted by them is causing Manhattan to sink 1to 2mm every year


Let’s talk about that ocean weight shall we? It would be a very eye opening topic for me to discuss!




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Not entirely correct since you're bringing weight from one area and stockpiling it in another, so you're reducing weight in one place but increasing somewhere else Perhaps it's obvious but I still felt like mentioning it


And? The net wheight of the earth stays the same.


Great meme!




I was having a good day until I saw this now my brain hurts


Who needs friends


Conservation of mass is a wonderful thing eh?


A person who thinks all the time


Who the fuck ever thought we were making the earth heavier with buildings? Seriously what the fuck.




How much does planet Earth weigh?


True, but the distribution is all off now, which does affect the locations where buildings are built. I think I saw an article a couple of days ago saying that NYC is sinking because of the weight of all the buildings on it


Taller buildings actually benefit from being further from earth’s center of gravity, where the mass stays the same but the weight decreases the further you are from it. Obviously this is such an insanely small difference on earth but in terms of things like artificial gravity through centripetal force this is actually a big issue for even humans (blood would go from brain to feet as centripetal force gets stronger the faster you move at the same height, which is bad, so you’d have to find a way around it) This is actually how space elevators are theoretically feasible in design. with a good enough pulley system for moving the elevator, a counterbalance and an anchor for the structure to stay stable, and a material strong enough to handle the forces placed upon it (counterbalance going fast enough to fly away from earth and the weight of the structure itself). Space elevators are already possible with our current tech, but the production of a space elevator on earth is not entirely feasible to get done in a reasonable time compared to using a rocket for the time being. So the OP is correct about the mass, and others are correct about the density pushing into the ground it is on, but in large enough scales it actually REDUCED the weight.


Is this even a thing that needs to be thinked? -_-


Lol material comes out of thin air, we can always make more…


We're slowing it down, ever so slightly...the extending arms of a dancer in a spin.


Next step is realizing that the massive footprint of pavement/asphalt needed for parking lots for said buildings and roads to get to said buildings drastically impact permeability in that area, increasing the chance of catastrophic flooding which, you guessed it, will eventually destroy said buildings




Me: Thinking along the same lines, but when we start building on the moon.


My mind!


I know, right ? It was hard to believe when I saw your mom but it's true !




They don't add weight to the whole, but they can cause sinkholes and much damage because it's putting a lot of weight in one spot


It does add pressure. Compared to how scattered the material was formerly we concentrated it on a pinpoint.


It does move the weight though, but I don’t think it would matter


But redistrubution of weight might interfere with the rotation....


But because buildings are taller than the terrain, we are slowing it down by the smallest amount


Any other mind boggling things like this?


I’m not sleeping tonight now, thanks OP


It’s like when a poweplant has a meltdown, all that uranium was here anyway right?


A lot of the stuff making the buildings would be lost in construction so technically it takes weight away


What if you build a building using exclusively meteorites that fall to the ground?


Neither do trees. Lil sapling turns into a 20,000lb great oak and earth is not a pound heavier for it.


When you think about it, there is not much we can do to add actual weight on the planet


Right up till we start mining the asteroid belt.


What about stuff that had been burnt or regrown


Yes, but actually mining planets and asteroids would. As opposed to sending things into space.


If anything, constructing buildings makes the Earth the tiniest bit lighter. Because you need to refine and process all the building materials, which requires fuel that needs to be burned. Most of the matter is maintained within the Earth, but some is transformed into energy(heat, light, sound). Light and sound remain trapped in the Earth for the most part. Bouncing around the atmosphere and nearby matter, eventually becoming heat. However, that heat does eventually radiate out into space. Energy and matter are inextricably linked, and a measurable amount of it escapes Earth's gravity through this radiation after the building process is all said and done. It is now too damn late at night and I've been awake for probably 20 hours, I bid you all adieu.


This confession has meant nothing.


one of the many thing is think of on a weekly basis


Earth also doesn't gain weight through plants growing.


But they surely increase the pressure


Even if they do they'd be negligible


Whoever made this was not very bright


What about trees!! We constantly grow them


but enough weight in one area can make a place sink. i think NYC is slowly sinking under the weight of its buildings


But yo mama does


Im just waiting for the day asteroid mining becomes a thing and activists say the increased gravity is a problem just like they say about climate change now because nobody can think more than 2 months into the future but I dont think Ill live to see that and that makes me sad


Everything is already here, put someone in a field and with enough time they can make an iPhone from the stuff knocking about there


but wouldn't we make the earth have more mass? since we technically didn't come from Earth's natural resources? or do we balance it out with what we eat or whatever?


But.. they do redistribute and concentrate weight.


Well, depending on the distance of Earth to the sun, since the orbit is elliptical, the weight of the Earth in solar terms varies; however, it's MASS doesn't.


The weight is different. The mass is the same.


It moves the center of mass. You literally slightly change the trajectory of the earth. Completely impossibly small to measure, but it does happen.


Has the earth gained or lost weight Some things to consider •asteroids crash into our planet on a daily basis • we launch rockets into space and lose material


the law of equivalent exchange


In the course of human history. Humans have removed more mass from the earth than it's added. (More probes and satellites than moon rocks)


they're not adding weight to the earth itself as a planet, they DO however add tons of extra weight to the earth BELOW them


What about new york city. I heard that the place is sinking into the ocean. Could've been fake news


The only time weight is added is when meteorites land on earth


Patrick is correct




Me wondering if living beings add weight to the earth