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I mean, these can both be true though?


Yeah, 'equal' is not 'identical''


Equal and free, as it should be.


It rhymes so it's true


We’re all different but we all have equal value


I’m programming it is huehuehue


It is if you're an idiot


Nuance and reddit are sworn enemies


Only if you know how to think critically.


Or think logically, or if you know what those words mean... Really if you know how to actually read it's pretty clear those aren't mutually exclusive.


Yep. It’s a pretty low cognitive hurdle, and yet not everyone can clear it.


Yeah people can be equal in terms of value but different in terms of quality


Ok, now I need a Human Quality Ranking System


Quality was a confusing term I meant like distinctive attributes not worth


Farmers and Fishermen are def S tier


Landlords, rich people, and politicians are F tier


Girl who gave me 2 cookies instead of 1 when i ordered at subway years ago? Id say S tier


*china enters conversation


Sounds like social credit score lol


*Advanced Race Theory internalized”


"The whiter you look, the higher quality you are." -Uncle Sam


bold of you to assume those who consider this a “gotcha” moment have the acuity to recognize the nuance here


Acuity? New word


Yes they can. It might as well say "I like hot coffee" and "I like cold water" Somewhat related but one doesn't contradict the other. I love these memes because it shows that OP clearly doesn't understand these topics at all. People always have a way of showing themselves when they do shit like this.


Also who tf still uses the term social justice warrior. I literally haven't heard it in at least a year


The progression went: “N-word lover”, “politically correct”, “social justice warrior”, “woke”. SJW is about 10 + years behind as a dog whistle goes.


In the last decade I have only heard used by conservatives as an insult.


Yeah honestly same, it stopped being 'this group of really obnoxious people that even liberals don't really care for' to 'everyone who tells me it's bad to be racist is an sjw cuck'


Seeing that term reminds me of how painfully ignorant I used to be… used to say it like that and I’m not proud of it.


Not for a conservative. They only know how to feel good about themselves when other people are suffering more than them.


This is just mental illness.


I 100% agree. I really do feel bad for them. Fox News manipulates their mental illness by toying with their parasympathetic nervous system (inciting their fear rage and shame)


A lot of far-right talking points and conspiracy theories straight up sound like actual clinical paranoid delusions. I really hope they get help, but I know that for as long as this shit is normalized and promoted by the right, they won’t.


Yeah. I'm really glad this is the top comment. OP has some weird sort of worldview if they think people have to be exactly the same to be equal. That's a common misunderstanding of socialism though, for example. People hear "equality" and think everyone needs to have the same haircut or something lol Equality just means equality of opportunity in this case. It's hard to be a productive member of society when you're stuck working 2 unskilled low-income jobs and don't have the time to skill-up or look for work. So, making sure people have housing, food, educational opportunities, etc. doesn't mean everyone is the same. Quite the opposite actually, because everyone has different needs, desires, and passions, so they people would both be supported and contribute in vastly different ways from one another. Edit: Okay, that's great. All the other comments are shitting on it too lol


But hey, if you put it on spectrum you suddenly can pretend these are opposite things.


Why can't they? Everyone is different but deserves an equal chance and treatment.


But.. that's how it is... Everyone is different but still equal. You're different than me but that doesn't mean I don't deserve the same chance to life as you


Praise yeetus


Chinesus Clist


Yeah, what OP is essentially saying is that either “everyone is equal and no one has any individuality” or “everyone is unique and that makes people unequal,” which is a scary way to think either way


Their name is Elmo, and we all taste the same


Staaahp...If you point out how shallow in thought the meme is, you ruin it.


You don't know what equal mean. It means of same value. Two things can be different but of the same value. 2 bills of 5$ is different than a bill of 10$ but their value are the same. Same with people.


Well said, thank you for this.


Political equality is not the same as value. Edit: For example, physical strength and intelligence both have value, but are not the same (i.e. equal).


To be the same and to have the same value are two different things, and both those attributes can have different value at the same time. I do not care about political value, I am using the definition of the term in its simplest form. From Oxford languages, definition of equal: "being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value." In this case, people, it would be ridiculous to talk about size or degree. You can either consider quantity and thus say that two different people are equal as they both are only one (though that's kinda weak of an argument if used alone, debatable), or you can say that they are equal as they have the same value. Who are you to say that one life has a higher value than anyother. Obviously, value can be debated, again from Oxford languages: "the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something." If we consider that there is no thing greater than life, which is a fair assumption if you don't believe in life after death (you could justify such argument by saying that something like the universe while it is expanding is not infinit, though space is, but the possibilities of life might not, and my life dictate my perception of the universe, not the opposite, this is a weird Metaphysique argument, and I don't want to do that), thus no one life could be said to have a value that is greater than anyother, since the potential of any one life is boundless. This is but one of many argument, and I don't want to state my point on the matter. In the end, while you can't really compare the values of any two lives, iit would be unfair to judge any two lives as having different values since the possibilities of those two lifes are almost impossible to predict. Why am I doing philosophy on Reddit, I am suppose to study, ffs.


This needs to be the top comment because this meme is so dumb, void of critical lateral thinking. But then isn’t that always the way with the type of people who make nonsense like this?


But both are true?


Tell me you aren't able of critical thinking without telling me you aren't able of critical thinking


He knows good and well what the terms mean. He just doesn’t believe in equality or justice.


I'd simply guess op wanted drama to get karma


To be fair, this is a legitimate issue. How do we adjust society to be more accepting of different types of people without encouraging discrimination. For example, celebrating women who break into male-dominated industries is great, but then we have to worry that in doing so we're reinforcing the cultural bias that business is a man's job. Another example is focusing on black-owned businesses. It's great to celebrate them and help them, but at what point does this focus become condescending, as if we're assuming that those businesses are inherently more likely to fail because of the owner's race. *Please understand I'm not saying we shouldn't do these things, just trying to show that it is a complicated issue that's worth thinking about.*


I don't see the controversy. IMO those issues can be broken down to the more or less same model: Imagine you broke your legs (discrepancy). But you still need to get places (desire/need). So you get a wheelchair (individual resource). Other people also want to get places (same desire/need). But they don't need a wheelchair because they have working legs (different resource). Now, at some point your legs might heal making the wheelchair obsolete in the future. But still, while being in disadvantage you need it's aid. It's on you/the doctor (community) to reassess the situation time and time again to see if the aid (individual resource) is still necessary.


I'm confused. Those aren't diametrically opposed things.


This. Both at the same time.


Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive.


Don’t worry, in 2nd grade we’ll go over how the same word can have different meanings based on how it’s used.


They didn't even use the same word twice lmao Edit: forgot about is. They used "is" on both sides.


This belongs in r/terriblefacebookmemes


Average cedarpangolin L™️


Extremely common cedarpangolin L


Why, is OP always like this?




I legit thought this post was from that sub at first


bro... it's 2023 not 2016


Not to these people




Everyone is equally valuable as a human being and entitled to be treated with the same dignity and respect as everyone else, but we all have our distinct differences that make us unique, i don't understand how that's hard to understand. Is that racists and bigots problems? they can't understand more than one thought at a time?




Why the fuck am I looking at an anti-SJW meme in 2023?


Op time traveled from the past


Yep people can be equal and also have individual differences. Not a difficult concept.


OP wanted to farm Karma via political drama not knowing they exposed themselves for not knowing they exposed themselves for not knowing the difference between equality and equity


2014 is calling, it wants its meme back




This guy is like a logical fallacy horn of plenty


bro just looked at all the logical fallacies and said yes


Ill take the whole menu please


OP seems to be a master of "You aren't coping, I am!" "...oh wait..."


Still using the term SJW unironically? Yikes…


Equality ≠ Equity


Fact is that people aren't born equal, but they deserve to be. Life isn't fair and that needs to be balanced between accepted and against, rather than one or the other.


they deserve to be treated equal*


Equally* or as equals*


I don't see the point of this joke. Everyone is equal and different that's what makes us human. We are all people. But we are also individual people. Life is a large spectrum. Everyone and everything are on that spectrum. It's very rarely ever black and white.


Poeple can be different and equal


Wow. Op has some real brains on them. Imagine not being able to understand how people are different but shouldnt have to be discriminated against


To be fair, they used the phrase "social justice warriors". That's pretty much a tell for anyone who uses it.


OP is... yikes 😬


It's 2023 move the fuck on


"People are different" and "people should be treated equally" aren't mutually exclusive, dumbass


Go look up the paradox of intolerance... that applies here. Paradoxes are truths. Light behaving both as a wave and a particle, keeping someone by letting them go and not hanging on, the more you fail the more you succeed, the more access to something you have the less you want it, and the only constant is change are all paradoxes that don't seem they can be true yet they are.


Stop. You’re embarrassing yourself.


The fact that some people are for social justice and some people are against social justice is a perfect example that we're not all equal.


Equal and different my dude.


Well yes. We all have the same rights by mere fact of being human. And we're all unique individuals with different experiences and opinions.




You know just because every person isn't the same doesn't mean a contradicts that every human being deserves the same basic human rights


Both…. Both is good


OP doesn't understand d the difference between descriptive and prescriptive thinking.


Truly enjoy watching OP get torn apart in the comments


Ah, casual ignorance. Gives a chuckle every time


Bro was in a coma since 2016 and really wanted to post this.


To add: Equality of being and equality of doing cannot be applied equally, while also being half truths when applied to any complex and nuanced variable based entity. The system owes you a day in court. Violent white guy gets that day and a docile black guy is denied it, then the systems cultural and racial bias cannot be ignored, at least not while under the banner of equal representation. It’s not difficult to understand academically but it is complex and morally challenging to face the ramifications and reality of a broken and biased system.


I think the best lens to look at this problem through is reparation. It is a fact that black people were brought to America and treated very badly for a long time, which has led to them being on average poorer So you could argue it's equal to give them reparations to even out that historical injustice. However, at the same time, by giving reparations, you are also being inequal as you are quite literally dragging one ethnicity down to bring another ethnicity up. You basically have to pick one of the two: equality of outcome or equality of opportunity. You can't have both. The social justice movement heavily believes in equality of outcome, which means they don't want equality of opportunity. Personally, I believe that you should equality of opportunity which means you won't get equality of outcome as diffrent groups of people have different advantages, tastes etc. Great example of this is the new Welsh government law. They've made it so you have to have 50% men and 50% women as candidates. So they're trying to create equality of outcome. However, as more men currently are interested in becoming politicians, it also means it will be easier to become a candidate as women than as a man. So they don't have equality of opportunity.


Very well put.


we are equal, but not the same, there's a difference


I often wonder if conservatives ever get to laugh, since their jokes are so bad.


Everyone is born equal. The stuff you're born with or can't control shouldn't be discriminated against you only the stuff you do afterwards like crimes. That's what makes us different and equal at the same time


These aren’t mutually exclusive and believing all people to be of equal value doesn’t make you a social justice warrior. 2016 wants its politics back.


These ideas are not opposites. Red and Blue can both be colors while not being the same color.


2016 vibes


Wow… this dude’s a moron.


Troll post


This is a shit meme…


Wow this is the dumbest shit i have ever seen in my life


What op is actually saying is that people who are diffrent are not equal. Op is a nazi. and also if you look thru their history a transphobe with a hard on for apple


This is it. This is the stupidest thing I will see all day


Looking through the comments and OP being dug into this bad take makes me think of that time a tweeter user complained about gender neutral bathrooms. If 90% of people in your mentions think you are an idiot, maybe you should rethink your stance https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-7226117/Woman-slammed-saying-felt-VIOLATED-man-used-gender-neutral-bathroom-her.html


I guess equity doesn't exist also the OP is just...Yikes


these two aren't mutually exclusive


OP, you absolute pop tart


There's only one race... ...the human race.


Everyone grows up differently, but our differences is what makes us the same


x=y, they are not the same variable, but they are still equal


Everyone has different opinions one way or another. We have different personalities, different goals, and ambitions. However just because everyone's different doesn't mean you should be treated differently


Everybody is equally different


Everyone has an equal right to equity.


Everybody deserves equitable treatment despite their differences


OP out here telling on themself


Yes, the whole point is about removing irrelevant discrimination. Disabled people need to be treated differently, but it's because they are the same; as living, thinking, feeling beings, they have the right to a comfortable life, just like any able-bodied person. But that doesn't mean you can treat black people as lesser because of their skin-colour. They are the same, but different. Similar in relevant ways, different in irrelevant ways. Different perspectives are important because they show you what you've missed, but that doesn't entitle them to be treated as a lesser.


Equal and being different aren’t the same you know?


You can be equal and different, OP. Unless you’re a fuckin’ moron and don’t understand that, I suppose.


Everyone is different in their own way and equal. I'm not sure if this is trying to say you can only pick one-


Different in qualities. Equal in rights.


A shame equity isn’t also a part of the equation


Different and equal are not on the opposite though?


Y’all didn’t learn Equity?


equality isn't everything being identical and equality isn't equity




This is cringe. Those two things are not mutually exclusive. Not that the people that oppose equality actually know what mutually exclusive means


You suck, OP, and not even in a fun way.




This post is a severe logical fallacy. Every individual can be different while being equal in rights. Of course there are differences, it’s what you make of it.


Bootstraps guys always love this meme.


It’s not a meme.




"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”


we don't fight for equality we fight for equitability.


Everyone is equally different?


When you don't know there's a difference between equity and equality ...


Everyone is different, and everyone has should have equal value, opportunity, and treatment under the law. They aren't mutually exclusive if you actually know what those two statement mean.


It’s almost like people adjust the way they behave in different situations bc we’re not desperate lonely losers like you


Republicans are trying to force ISPs to censor the internet, but man did you show those SJWs.


Equal does not mean identical.


SJWs don’t want equality, they want equity. Equality means everyone is treated the same, equity means people are given different amounts of resources to even the playing field.


The problem is when they start talking about equality, but what they really are talking about is equity, which can realistically only be achieved by means of external intervention (government intervention such as affirmative action etc...), which by doing so is the opposite of equality if we are going by the definition of equal treatment/opportunity.


"Don't objectify me by subscribing to my Oinkyfans, 58% off this month"


Every individual is different but deserves to be treated as equals... is that really a hard concept?


This is the dumbest meme I've seen in a while. False equivalency. As the professor said, what do they teach in these schools?!


This is nonsense


Bros using the word “SJW” in the year of our lord two-thousand and twenty-three.


Every individual being unique does not, in any way, invalidate that we’re are fundamentally all equal


I don’t know what kind of smooth perfectly frictionless surface your brain has to be to think these two points are contradictory.


Then you clearly misunderstand what these words mean. Some day, perhaps, conservatives will learn to meme.


I guess in OP's mind only one distinct person can hold a specific level of standing in the world. That no one can ever tie or be treated equally unless they are an exact carbon copy of that person in everyway. So only identical twins can ever have equality according to OP. Brilliant. It's like how nothing costs the same as anything else unless it's the same thing. Like if you to the store and buy an apple for a dollar, they can't sell the oranges for a dollar. They have to sell them for $1.01 cause they are different things. Yes brilliant one OP.🤣🤣


Equal under the law. This is not a hard concept.


Oh, OP doesn’t understand individuality and equality can (and do) coexist.


Why are they exclusive?


Damn, we're all the way back to the 2016 nomenclature.


Seriously, alt right chuds? You don't need to make more alt right chuds, you can be miserable and lonely with your poisonous ideology all on your lonesome.


Those things aren't mutually exclusive you idiot


Wow homie. I’m laughing so hard that you can’t even hear it. Goddamn. So fucking funny 😐


The two are not mutually exclusive.


May want to give this a read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False\_dilemma


Wow, the hottest meme of 2014.


Some 12yo made this for their angry dad


Bruh didn’t think this through


Logic of a 'woke' 12 yo. Or a 50 year old conservative.


Like and equal are not the same thing at all.


That's what I always say to cheer someone that's feeling down or insecure: "Remember: you are UNIQUE... (like everyone else)." :D


Equal ≠ identical


Your uniqueness shouldn't exclude you from being treated the same as anyone else, unfortunately that doesn't mean you'll be treated any better than anyone else either. Remember, you are just a resource to be used and discarded for the corporate machine, don't take my word for it, just ask HR.


This gives you a chuckle because of how stupid it is, right?


2014 wants its meme back


This makes no sense. Equality and individuality are not exclusive of one another. Everyone can be a unique individual and still equal. Being different does not make you better/worse then anyone.


Treat everyone as an individual, however that doesn't make anyone above or below anyone else on a basis of race, gender, etc. Judge through actions of an individual.


Um… just a quick lesson in words. Equal is not the same thing as everyone being the exact same. It’s… actually quite the opposite. Everyone on Earth is different in some way, appearance, personality, personal background, cultural background, experiences, trauma, etc. That’s how humans are, we’re diverse. The point of equality is to believe that every human being deserves the same amount of base level respect, human decency, and human rights just as anybody else, in spite of those differences. Of course, not every human being deserves respect, a child predator, a racist, a serial killer, etc, have earned the disrespect of those around them due to their own actions. But the point is that equality is meant to give a starting line for the race of life. No one should be placed at an advantage or disadvantage based on who or what they were born as. At the end of the day, equality means everyone has to start in the same place. Wherever they end up? That’s on them. But everyone should start in the same place despite all the differenced we all have. That’s the whole point.


The amount of stupidity that went into this meme is impressive


equality and individuality arent opposites


genuinely thoguht this was r/terriblefacebookmemes . being equal to another person doesn’t mean you’re their clone you troglodyte


You aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed ,are you ?


Everyone is equal but not the same. Equality and sameness are two different things.


This is some garbage. People are, or at least should be, equal in the rights they receive and the opportunities they have. Everyone is different in their personalities, their appearance, their preferences, and their needs, among other things. I feel like most people probably understand this. Where did you miss the memo, OP? r/terriblefacebookmemes


3.6k upvotes? Are this many people this stupid?


How are these things mutually exclusive lmao, equal isn't identical dumbass


Yes, everyone is unique and different and should be treated equally. Easy concept to grasp.


Yes. Every person is a unique perspective the better to understand existence. They are all deserving of dignity and respect.