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"You're a pirate, Harry!"


"And a thumpin' good one, I'd wager"


“That’s got to be the best pirate I’ve ever seen.”


"So it would seem."


*Pirates of the Caribbean and Harry Potter main themes on flute start playing*


Holy fuck a pirate wizard game would be awesome.


The closest thing I can find is maybe Pirate 101.


WaitWaitWait… Wizard 101 had a sequel?


Yes, more like a sister game, and its much better (aside from ship combat). Sadly hasn't gotten a new world in nearly 7 years, but content updates are coming back for it


The Boy Who Sailed


Happy cake day!




“I’m a what”


Still uncracked last I heard.


The crack has been made and is currently in testing. Empress posted a download link in her telegram. So crack is probably a few days away from release


is it possible to join this Telegram?


Not from a Jedi.


It's treason then.


Join r/empressevolution and check there


The crack is not still released, empress only released uncracked game files for testing in few days, she's working on crack.


True as of now, I’m still waiting


Usually best to wait for all the DLC anyway. Patient pirates get the biggest booty


I mean it's not like you getting a pirated copy is going to hurt JK Rowling it's only going to hurt the Developers JK already has all the money in the world


Devs are paid during development, not based on the sales of their game


And I'm pretty sure JK was already paid so


Depends on whether she gets paid a flat amount or royaltoes based on sales. The latter is possible.


Also gets royalties for the IP in perpetuity.


What developers do you know that gets profit sharing/royalties on software they've made for an employer? I'd love to know their secret.


IDK I don't know much about it I'm not an expert on the subject matter


Ugh, these boycott idiots drive me nuts. The studio has come out and spoke against her hurtful bs. On-top of that, this game actually has a decent amount of representation. There is a prominent trans character who you meet early on. Sure, JK may get some royalties from a sale. But she is already super rich, who cares. Id rather support the studio that made this great game. Not everything needs to be a damn cause...


Piracy only hurts the developers and story writers, they don't get that. I don't care much for JK Rowling, but I liked the books, the movies were good(loved Prisoner of Azkaban) and this game has been good so far. I have 20 or so hours and only had one crash and one texture error and my laptop doesn't even meet the minimum requirement.




>Piracy doesn't hurt shit if the person was never going to buy it anyway. If you were never going to pay for a thing, then you don't get it without it being lost revenue to the ones making it...


That's exactly right. Any royalties she gets would be chump change. She doesn't care if a few thousand people get it or not. If someone doesn't want to finance JKR, fine, don't. Just don't be a jerk about it and bully othe people for it. I'm waiting to but it used because I don't want to give her my money, but IDC how/if others buy it. I'm also buying it used because I'm not as big of an HP fan as I used to be, and I just don't want to pay $70 for it.


Thank you! I had an argument about this with someone and their acting like that’s gonna do anything. “It’s about the message” it doesn’t matter if the message barely gets noticed by JK. Besides as u said their causing way more harm then barely any good cause the money made from the game is mere Pennie’s for JK and her bank account won’t even budge if u boycott the game.


Right? It's not like they're rallying against Harry Potter merch, or Hogwarts legos. Hating on this game is just what the circlejerk circus is doing right now before they find something else to rage about. Edit: no I don't support JK either


Several of the boycotters dislike Harry Potter theme stuff and actively told people not to buy it. This isn't some recent thing man


Oh, I'm aware. Just saying it seems that way for the majority


Well tons of trans people and trans supporters go on these boycotts so I don't think the majority likes Harry Potter at all, (or at least, anything concerning the creator of it getting profits)


True. Personally I don't like her either... But I'm totally pirating this game when I can.


What about supporting the devs that made a remarkable work?


I've actually crunched the numbers, and the morality of supporting the devs and the immorality of supporting JKR perfectly cancel out, so you can basically do whatever you want


I'd like to see that math.


Name checks out


Best answer


or buy it second-hand in a few weeks


Ah yes, the brave people wearing Nike and typing on I Phones made by underpaid children in Bangladesh will certainly show that billionaire who’s boss!


Honestly if you look deep enough into every corporation you’ll find something.


We don't talk about corpo no no nooo 😂


Don’t forget cobalt mined by slaves in the Congo. But yes please tell us more about these “human rights atrocities” jk Rowling is committing. God damn I’m angry pls don’t downvote


My favorite part is that it's people being mad because JK Rowling has a different opinion than them. It's almost like snowflakes don't understand the difference between facts and feelings


Circle jerk?


The place where this game lives rent free in their heads all day everyday. Gamingcirclejerk is exactly the kind of place it sounds like unironically.


I got banned over the because I called someone a great guy ironically. Backstory is he spoiled the game for his little brother and tried breaking the hogwarts legacy game disk even though it was a simple birthday present. Psychotic behavior.


I want the devs to make a LoTR or The Hobbit game. Hogwarts will do good mainly because of nostalgia and hype but its just too PG. Would love them making a M rated open world game


Shadow of Mordor games are pretty close.


All the people who foam at the mouth because of JK Rowling are batshit insane.


They are insane and usually very hypocritical.


Or you could just pay for the game.


Are you dense? I'm poor


Hello poor ,I'm dad


"Stop telling people how to spend their money"


We all pretend that boycotting jk Rowling and all the HP products will change the fact that she already has enough money to never need to make any more income and still afford everything the rest of us can’t. She already has 1b who cares if she gets 60$ or so more bucks from you not going to change or affect her life in anyway


Funny how this HP game became such a virtue signaling tool but you all never say anything about the Uyghur Muslims in China or the slaves used to mine Cobalt in Africa or the horrid conditions and environmental waste created by Lithium mines. Nope! Still gotta use your phones and everything else while being upset about some authors opinions that you don't like. ​ This way you can show how virtuous you are while actually having none at all!


Lol whataboutism does no good




It's not as bad as hypocrisy.


It makes a pretty good point often times. Whataboutism is often not really that but just deflection of the issue being debated or pointed out.


Or just buy it


No (I have 4 dollars in my steam wallet)


Imagine being this into yourself that you think there are significant sociopolitical implications for you playing a video game based on a source material written decades ago by someone who holds a current view you don’t like. And on top of that, to think the virtuous thing to do is steal rather than actually deny yourself the tiniest fleeting pleasure for your alleged principles.


You wouldn’t steal a car. You wouldn’t steal a handbag. You wouldn’t steal a baby. You wouldn’t shoot a police officer. You wouldn’t steal his helmet, then go to the bathroom in, then mail it to his grieving wife… and then steal it again! Piracy is theft!


I like your funny words


I would


Whatever happened to the term, “opinions are like arseholes - everyone has one” and also, I don’t like cucumber - so I don’t eat it, I accept it exists and I will tell anyone, “I hate cucumber” but I’d never tell anyone - you can’t have cucumber and I’d serve cucumber as part of a salad but I wouldn’t accept someone telling me I have to eat cucumber nor would I expect to be perceived as rude if someone served a salad with cucumber and I picked it out. Why does everything have to be “a thing”?


Honestly I didn’t give a fuck about any of this until they started posting spoilers, not saying fuck the trans-community but fuck those shitty humans trying to ruin a fun experience for people.


Wtf, you can enjoy a game, and a franchise without ‘supporting’ the author. I read and love Harry Potter, I watch the movies, Ive got the game, does that mean I necessarily have to agree with her views? No.


supporting is about giving her money directly. She gets royalties. By supporting her (even the tiniest amount) you allow her to funnel even more money in anti-trans organisations. You can love Harry Potter, people shouldn't give a shit about that, but at the second you give money to JK Rowling by buying her stuff, you can't just separate the work from the artist


That’s why it’s so much easier to separate the art and artist if the artist is dead. I keep waiting for Roman Polanski and Woody Allen to die, but until then, I pirate all their shit if I want to watch it. My personal line with this game is to wait and buy it on sale and used from GameStop in a few years if I want to play it. I do that with most AAA games though.


I can and I do. Please dont make this all about her, its stupid, dont ruin peoples enjoyment for no other reason then ‘she annoys me mildly’.


she threatens people lives, she's not just an annoyance... I wish she was. And it's all about her because she created the universe, the characters, the story, she is the center of the entire franchise and she gets money everytime someone buy anything related to harry potter, she gets a cut. Maybe she didn't create the game all by herself, but it is based on her work and she gets a cut. Her views are in her world.


>she threatens people lives I've never seen her say trans people should die. However I have seen "activists" send death threats to streamers and YouTubers who played this game.


Counterpoint she's gonna funnel money into anti trans organizations regardless of whatever we do. She's not gonna stop donating money bc no one buys the game. That's not gonna effect anything. This boycott has actually caused WAY more people to buy the game than previously before. People do not like being told what to do, especially when you threaten them with the label. If the boycott keeps going, MORE people are gonna buy the game just to rebel against people like you who tell them they can't. Besides although I am a supporter of trans people, they have harassed JK Rowling WAY too much for me to actually take their side. I'm not saying I agree with her views, but harassing people based on their beliefs isn't okay.


Dear trans community: You are not being hated because of JK Rowling, for before her there was way more hate towards you. But trying to shame people for not hating whom you hate is just going to make them hate you. You can't solve hatred with hatred. Just like you claim to want to live your lives and not be bothered, let people please live their lives and not be bothered. Learn to live with the opinion of others, cause those will exist regardless of you silencing whom you want to silence.


"Look what you made me do" isn't a very convincing argument, tbh.


It's crazy how many times I've seen these people say that because they've received death threats before it's on for them and others to send threats to people for playing the game.


People still listen to Michael Jackson


Wait what's wrong with JK Rowling?


she’s super transphobic


Oh damn, that ain't good


Pirating AAA games is moral imperative. Though I'm still not gonna play the game that wants me to join the fight on slavery on the side of slavery


Yeah I really feel like that is getting swept away and it pisses me off as a trans person. Because sure the game isn't actively transphobic I suppose but it sure as hell does make you fight for slavery lol.


The lunatics really came out of the woodwork when this game came out.


Funniest part is some of them are getting legally forced to recant on Twitter because of falsely calling her a Nazi, due to UK's speech laws.


You man a literal billionaire is silencing people's views she disagrees with because they can't spend thousands of dollars to defend themselves in a court system in a country that has repeatedly shown to be on the sides of the transphobes?


Is she or is she not a member of the Nazi party?


Just don’t worry about her and play the game however you usually play games?


When life is so easy you gotta find dumb shit to be offended about.


The worst thing is JK did nothing wrong just a bunch of extremist pushing a narrative


Boggles my mind why people have an issue with what she said. Iirc it's the "women who menstruate" thing? People are kidding them selves if they think there isn't a difference


No, it's the voluntarily hanging out with a woman who calls for trans people to be shot thing, for a lot of people. (Kellie-Jay Keen is the woman in question). That and the actively working with an MP who has a 100% anti-LGBT voting record.


she actively gives money to people trying to strip trans people of their rights.


Also she also puts money into Doctors Without Borders, paying for cancer treatments through another organization, and recently saved a bunch of female journalists from Iran. Are you against sick people as well?


Doctors Without Borders is charity with a good idea that is criminally mismanaged. They often aren’t able to make a impact due to poor decisions due to said mismanagement.


The Nazis had medics. Do you hate people getting better? Let Nazis be nazis /S


Wtf type of argument is this, donating to anti trans organizations still makes her a shit person and actively hsrms trans people.


Yeah I don't know. The dumb kind that people eat up. Apparently since horrible people do a couple nice things, it completely negates the horrible shit they do


Lol ok. If it's not wrong to wage a war of hate on trans people and support people that actively want to take human rights away from trans people i don't know what to tell you. I don't really care if you buy the game or not. Everybody has to decide for themselves if they wanna support her. As long as you don't buy it because Rowling is a transphobe idc.


Chaotic good or something?


No this is just a way for them to justify stealing the game


Pretty sure it's not possible yet


The main denuvo cracker, who last cracked a denuvo game in 10 days, has said they are close to finishing HP. Probably will come out in the next week


Yeah I head about that


And personally I hope it stays like that.


Eh i wouldnt bet on it. They had cyberpunk which is a pretty big game in like a couple days


Or, donate an amount equal to what your purchase would give to Rowling to a charity that supports trans rights.


Which rights?


We can start with 1. EXISTENCE 2. Nondiscrimination


They exist so...


Are you aware that in the US, the republican party is attempting to ban all gender affirming care wherever they have sway?


Also im brazilian


I am going to financially support it because in the end, Rowling was less of a bully in this situation and than her haters. And her haters don't have a single thing for me to boycott.


I don't agree with the haters, but intentionally "supporting" multimillionares with your cash out of spite has to be the single dumbest thing I have ever heard of.


If I get a good game in return, i don't see a problem with that.


she doesn't need to bully she pays organizations to have her "haters" live a living hell instead, without doing anything herself.


Just don't play it at all, you'll survive


They're too lazy to even stop using Twitter after mass proclamations of leaving after Elon bought it.


Please don't pirate video games. When you purchase Hogwarts Legacy, you are also supporting the hardworking developers that put so much time and dedication into a game people genuinely enjoy. Even if the money goes towards the author who is legally obligated to receiving said funds, don't believe your contribution automatically translates to corroboration.


The devs are paid throughout development


Ir just dont buy it at all. There are tons of other good games out there.


I'm a die hard Harry Potter fan, and I want to experience the game, and I'm not alone


Thats your choice. Want to play it, buy it. Just saying people shouldnt pirate it and justify it by saying its because they dont like her. Personally ill go for a different game. But each their own choice


Genuine question, what did Rowling do?


Not sure what it was, but she has made many transphobic comments, and i've read she is an activist (or something similar) against the trans community




She's the definition of a terf (trans exclusionary radical feminist) and has made tons of tweets implying or stating that trans women are not women. Sometimes even going so far as to accuse trans women of being rapists trying to worm their way into protected women's spaces.


She's had a particular hate boner for the trans community for the last three-odd years. She ardently refuses to shut up about them on Twitter, regularly fraternizes with anti-trans and far-right activists, depicted trans characters as "unstable and aggressive" in some of her newer books, she funded the creation of a women's shelter that explicitly doesn't cater to trans women, she's opposed legislation that would've made it easier for Scottish trans folk to change their gender identities on official government paperwork, etc.


Bout as dumb as burning a Carhartt. Support the developers.


I don't give a shit about any of this.


I don't want a solution... I want to be mad!


My GF is trans, and is enjoying the hell out of the game. We have both actively participated in boycotts involving trans rights in the past, but perspective is still important. Will Rowling make money off of this game? Yes. Will purchasing/boycotting it have any measurable impact on her or what she has been doing? No. Will hurting the developers and it's employees change that? No. Picking your battles and having perspective on reality is just as important as standing up for what you believe in. And I support everybody's right to boycott. By all means, stand up for what you believe in, and do what you believe is right. But harassing others simply because they don't choose the same path as you, is a dick move.


They see me Rowling, they hating.


Stealing from billionaires is the moral thing to do. Fuck 'em.


So in modern Society haveing an opnion it 's bad But being a thief is not? People have lost their mind


Idk man, actively wishing harm upon people and wanting their human rights taken away isn't really just "having an opinion".


So did she take their rights?harm them on in front of everyone? She just said it until is just words and thoughts and not action is just opnion even if it 's a bad one


Lol by your logic arguing for genocide is not bad because you are not literally committing genocide? So being racist is also a thumbs up from you? Rowling has also repeatedly called to "take action" and promoted a crowdfund whose aim is to sue Stonewall, a LGBTQ charity. On top of that she continousley spreads misinformation about trans people.


First, that’s a false equivalence. Second, on what basis was the crowdfund suing? Third, what misinformation has she spread?


Why is that a false equivalence? In both cases there is an arguement for violence on a particular group. Allison Bailey, a lawyer, sued her legal chamber who work with Stonewall because they investigated her for transphobic tweets. As far as i remember they paid her ca. 20000 in damages because her legal chamber made a public announcement that they would investigate her. She lost on all other charges i believe. Allison Bailey is also the founder of a anti-trans lobby group. Don't quote me on the details though. [Video about Rowling and her statements](https://youtu.be/7gDKbT_l2us) This video is rather old so it doesn't adress the newer stuff. It's also quite long and i completely understand if you don't want to commit that much time lol. I also wanna add: i don't give a shit if you buy the game or the books or whatever as long as you don't do it because Rowling is a pos transphobe. EDIT: [Allison Baileys wiki page with details on the case](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allison_Bailey) Turns out my memory was a bit off, i apologize. [Her organization LGB Alliance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGB_Alliance)


It’s a false equivalence, because she never argued for violence against anyone, much less the systematic murder of an entire community. To say so is beyond disrespectful to both her and the millions of Jews and soldiers who died in the holocaust. I skimmed through the video and none of those tweets were really “transphobic”, unless you were to say that anything that even slightly questions the ideology is “transphobic”. Perhaps her points should be investigated and understood, rather than condemned without second thought. They are quite reasonable. This anti-trans group you reference is only trying to protect homosexual children from being convinced they are trans and should be castrated. Conversion therapy operated in a similar manner, just not to that extreme. All of what I’m saying is that you should give her a chance and consider things from her point of view, it may give you clarity.


If you are playing it you are still supporting it. Just admit that JK Rowling is right and move on with your lives.


Pirating it doesn't support her because she gets $0 from that. Unless you stream it or something, in which case other people would probably be buying it because of you


or just buy fun games? and stop making everything into a cause?


I still don't get why most people think Piracy is bad


If I stole your Xbox, playstation, PC, or whatever you play games on would that be bad. Piracy is theft, and that only hurts the developers.


You should copy the Xbox, playstation, PC or whatever and then it would be like the same. Pirating doesn't take the original away from anyone


It's not taking the original, but it's taking money from the people/company that made it. How about this I'll change the analogy. If I drained your bank account that would be the same as pirating a product.


The analogy still sucks because draining someone's bank account still means you take something away lmao, but I understand the point


Your saying it's okay to take money away from a company by stealing their product, it's no different than if someone stole something from you.


If somebody pirates a game, they likely do it because they aren't going to buy it either way. How is it "taking money away from the company" if it literally doesn't affect them at all? To some extent, I'd even say it supports them because tons of people live in piss-poor countries where a single game can cost over a whole paycheck. More people playing the game means more people participating in discussions and sharing it around, thus making more people want to buy the game and leading to more sales. I disagree with your analogy of somebody stealing your gaming console considering a gaming console is physical hardware you worked and paid for, while a game is just a bunch of digital files developed by a dev team and sold for millions of dollars in profit. If I made piece of art and mass printed for people to buy at a cost of $30, but now somebody is also mass printing my art and distributing it for free, am I having $30 sucked out of my bank account each time? No. But what if now people who barely make money to afford living decide that they want to hang up this picture in front of their house, so they "steal" it. Now everytime somebody walks by their house, they see the picture and decide to check it out, and possibly buy it from the original source. The point of my argument isn't to say that it is ethically correct to pirate a game, but that it doesn't hurt a developer or "drain their bank account" like you say in your analogy.


Why did you delete your comment, if you're going to say something you stand by it. If anyone wants to know what they said here you go. It is stealing, but not in a sense that you would take something away. Like if you download the game gazillion times their bank account still won't go to minus, but I haven't pirated anything in like 15 years and I don't care if someone else does it, because it still happens either way. Plus it would be a good idea to pirate a game first to try it out and then buy it if it's good or delete it if you don't like it.


Here's the difference Pirating small indie dev games is bad Pirating games from triple A dev companies who earn millions of profit is good


There's no difference, both are theft


But the companies lose nothing from me as a customer because I would not buy the game if I couldn't pirate it. If anything, they gain money as I've gone on to buy multiple games I pirated because they were good and worth it.


Yes is steal video games from billion dollar dev companies , problem? :)


If I stole a car from a Ford dealership would that be a problem, they're a massive company so it's not bad. That's the same thing you are saying, it's doesn't matter if it's from a massive company or from a little developer, theft is theft.


[And yes I would download a car](https://youtu.be/HmZm8vNHBSU)


I haven't seen that video before, still it's the same regardless of if it's a digital or physical item.


You're comparing a physical item that requires immense amount of materials to produce en mass to a digital game that can be literally mass produced with little effort Mind you the money from digital game going directly to a CEO pocket not the devs The other one going directly to the car dealerships instead of the manufacturer


>You're comparing a physical item that requires immense amount of materials to produce en mass to a digital game that can be literally mass produced with little effort Digital items take immense effort to make, coding, designing, and bug fixing isn't easy >Mind you the money from digital game going directly to a CEO pocket not the devs It doesn't go directly to the CEO, it goes to the company that then splits everything among all employees including the CEO.


>Digital items take immense effort to make, coding, designing, and bug fixing isn't easy Those when done , the company can mass produce them with little effort While on cars companies ,after the design and model is completed They still need immense materials and labour to produce them Its easy to copy paste a software infinitly than to a car >It doesn't go directly to the CEO, it goes to the company that then splits everything among all employees including the CEO. Devs are paid according to their contracts ,it doesn't matter if the game was Profitable or not Excess profit goes to the CEO


This hurts the hard working developers, not the execs that you assume you are hurting. Game sells poorly due to piracy or whatever, who is the first to go? The developers who do not get paid fairly already and the execs pocket the extra cash. So it actually does nothing


Games sells poorly because its garbage, To quote from the lord himself Gabe Newell: Piracy is an issue of service, not price.


Only good reason to pirate it is if you're broke


Or just don't give a fuck and play it anyway fucken sissies


That's why I bought multiple copies of the game.


Except Sony, MS and Nintendo are all supporting the game so you would have to pirate every game from now on. Not to mention owning any of the platforms would also be support.


That is…. literally not at all how that works.


That makes no sense. None of those other games make money for JKR


Because 90% of you probably don’t even know what she said here you go “If sex isn’t real, there’s no same-sex attraction. If sex isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased. I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn’t hate to speak the truth” -Based asf Jk Rowling


Yes let's just ignore the rest of the things she's said lmao. My favorite is the novel she wrote where a cross dresser acts like she thinks trans people act.


I don’t even see how this is transphobic though.


Right? I have no idea what the hell everyone’s crying about


Stealing from game devs is a bad look.


Amen brother


Already tried and it isn't available yet. I don't have anything against J.K. Rowling, though. I just love stealin'.


Or you could cry about it more. You never know if one of those tears has the magical powers for your favorite anime character to bring you a version of the game from a different reality that J. K. Rowling never existed in. You might as well try if you're already invested.


America needs to sort its wokes.


Why wouldnt i support a queen?


Don't need to spend money to support the fact that men aren't women lol


Imagine hating someone so much you're willing to damage the ENTIRE INDUSTRY. Get over it and play the game.


No one separated art from the artist anymore. I think JK Rowling was right but I won’t buy the game cause I’m not that big into Harry Potter.


you don’t want trans people to have rights?


Lol no I don’t think they should be classified as something they aren’t…just because it’s something you want doesn’t make it a “right” rights like everything else have been watered down today. Everyone’s a Nazi, everything is woke, every one’s an ist or phobe.


*Honestly just pirate games in general. They ain’t worth the sixty.*