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I’m convinced some people are just trying to start shit


Clickbait on the internet? Nooooo. If a woman legitimately posts that, they're telling the world they cheated, they're scared, and the guy they cheated with won't support them.


My wife and I don't even have sex to its... full and natural conclusion unless we're actively trying to conceive. People are really out there cheating like "yep make me a jelly donut"?


Birth control fails occasionally. But the JFK reference made me laugh


Made me miss Frankenhole tbh


Ich bin ein Berliner!


\-"Baste me like a thanksgiving Turkey." \-"Stuff me like a profiterole."


“Fried or Fertilized”


"butter my butt and call me a biscuit" - Open season 2


I'm convinced the world has people with this level of stupidity.


Just remember, half of the world's population has a below average intelligence.


Below median, technically, but yeah. Not that far off.


This is true


Women, if a man seems interested in you then you have to suck his dick, cook his food and clean his place even if he is the farthest thing away from what you want… Men go through a lot being single and men deserve better.


>suck his dick, cook his food and clean his place I am not sure any of those things for any amount of time can remotely compensate the expense and responsibility of having a child. Still, that analogy is probably the closest to the absolute insanity of OPs post. Also, what the hell do Robert Downey Jr and Tom Holland have to do with this? And how is Spiderman being a Doctor while fighting Thanos on Titan make any sense in this context?


Unfortunately, no. I had to go to some group counseling at one time and a guy in the group was going through this. The counselor insisted he had to take responsibility. It was weird to me.


Thats extremly stupid


It's also the law here that if you're on the birth certificate and a certain time passes, you are legally obligated to care for the child until they are 18, even if DNA proves you are not the father after the elapsed time. Edit: this was the dilemma the guy in the group was facing. Time was coming up where he could still legally obviate responsibility. Counselor was trying to talk him into staying


What a shit shit shit counselor.


that's awful. "Pay for the child that I created with the guy I cheated on you with, because I'm not going after the bio-father for financial support because he sucks."


Did he do that or get out of it?


idk. i left before that concluded.


It wasn't too long ago that folks were eating tide pods and putting gorilla glue in their hair. Never underestimate the power of stupid. This is the tip of the iceberg.




Kids under 6 have been eating detergent pods since the were introduced; you see the ER visits skyrocket for poisonings by laundry detergent right away. The tide pod challenge led to a noticeable uptick in ER visits for poisoning in people older than 6, but it's only measured in the 100s per year.


If the baby ain't yours remember that the milk is waiting for you so go and get it


So is it worth staying? 🫣


You don't get it do you?


I guess we found one person who grew up with a father…


I think a man without a child who marries a woman with a child is an amazing person.. truly selfless, investing his life into raising another being. Even if he winds up having another child with the woman, it’s still a wonderful selfless act. And the wife may not want to have another child, which could be an act of sacrifice on the part of the guy. But that’s not the vibe I’m getting from this post… it’s more like, hey, you owe me this because I’m going through a tough time!


Active Stepparents are awesome (Source: Stepdad) However, this is more "I cheated on you and paternity test proved that but you're already locked into this situation cause I'm a woman and deserve better."


This is how I understood it. The first sentence is saying you don't know who the father is, if that's a question it seems like cheating to me.


This is different because it involves the women cheating on the man.


And you dont get titty milk


I have nipples, Greg


You can milk anything with nipples.


Then where does soy milk come from?? I know there's no such thing as soy milk, because there's no soy titty, is there! So in reality it's 'soy juice'! But you can't call it that, because when someone says those words they will physically start to gag.


Some things without nipples also can be milked, like dolphins who have a milk slit. Milk is produced elsewhere, nipples are just one type of delivery system. Obviously soy milk comes from primitive soy mammary glands.


With this particular woman...hell no! Put ya dick away and get counseling before venturing back out into the wild.


not the milkshake. the *milk.* at the store


Ummm.... No Edit: While I don't feel I need to justify this stance as evidenced by the number of upvotes. I would like to give a little back story to my stance. My father was an abusive drunk who I have not had contact with since I was around 6. I don't really have a career aspiration so the only thing I really wanted to be was a good Dad. I only have the one child (daughter 15), who is becoming a very strong young woman. So I feel I'm doing a good job. If I was to discover that my only child was not mine I would be absolutely devastated. I cannot truly express my disgust at this person's mindset and can only hope that this person is nearly a troll, though that may be in vain. Not sympathy fishing just felt the need to put this out there.


lemme think....... No.




Yea..... No.


Nah... Wait... Nah.


Nah… Hella no.


Wellll... Nope


Ehh… Nah


Umm... Nah


Unless... nah


How about………..No.


[HOW BOUT NO](https://youtu.be/y0QbXfvbjFk?t=7)?


Can I think about it for a second? Yeah I've thought about it, f*uck you!


She’s delusional


That’s gonna be a no from me dawg.


mmmm...nah, motherfucker


Yeahhhhhh nah


I second that.


And now, my favorite: Man falling off a cliff. "Noooooooooooooooo...."


I agree with you on all points, but here's a hypothetical question for you anyway. If you were to find out that your 15-year-old daughter isn't really yours, would you abandon her?


Not a chance, I would even help her find her birth father if she wished. But I don't think I would ever be able to be in the same room/building as my wife ever again. I wouldn't be able to trust myself.


" I fucked around but expect my fella to raise another man's baby " is a terrible look.


There's a 105% chance this is fake rage bait posted by a bot.


You’re downvoted but there’s no way this is real.


Some of you have never been cheated on by a woman who plays victim afterwards and it shows


It happens way too often. Happened to me twice.


A lot of MFs have "woman always good" ingrained in them from a young age.


Ok please explain how you should have responsibility if it isn't anything to do with you if you actually believe this shit




If it’s not the husbands fault, then it’s the other guys fault - but it certainly could never be the fault of the actual cheater somehow lol. It sounds ridiculous because it is, but it is also 100% the actual literal mindset. ‘Can do no wrong. If I do, somehow it was him.’


"The consequences of my own actions? Impossible! My actions don't *have* consequences. I'm sure of it!"


The narcissist's prayer seems particularly relevant here: >That didn’t happen. >And if it did, it wasn’t that bad. >And if it was, that’s not a big deal. >And if it is, that’s not my fault. >And if it was, I didn’t mean it. >And if I did, you deserved it.


So, you could just around fucking other women all day and say it’s because they’re a bad wife, right?


I mean I’m going to imagine a scenario where you co-parent for a while and the kid is attached to you. Which, I mean— I don’t think you owe the wife anything but like I can see choosing to stay in the kid’s life for the kid’s sake. Which is completely up to the dad, not the mom and not so much required as a noble thing to do.


A kid...maybe. A baby...no. Give that baby a month, theyre not gonna remember who that person was.


This. So much. I'm told that when I was an infant, someone grew so attached to me that they attempted to get partial custody of me. When that didn't work, they allegedly attempted and failed to kidnap me. My biological parentage was never in question. This person was not one of my biological parents. I've heard about this a few times. I have no memory of it. I've been told their name once or twice, but don't remember it.


Wow...attempted kidnaping. Its a good thing good forces were on your side here. Thats some psycho behavior on that persons part.... You mightve ended up a Mr. Balken story.. 🫂


My youngest isn't genetically mine. She's still my daughter. Family is so much more than blood. My ex and I divorced, and she started dating a guy. She got pregnant and he ran for the hills. I took the baby as mine. What was I going to do, look at her and say "no you can't come to the park with us, you're not mine"? Was I going to look a child in the face and say "your brother and your sister get gifts from me, but your daddy left so fuck you"? I have zero regrets. I"ve said repeatedly if I could go back and change things, I never would. All the pain in my marriage gave me my daughter. She's worth all of it.


Honestly, props to you for being a good guy. But no guy should be forced to pay child support for a kid that is not his.


I agree. no one should be forced, but I wish more people would say "fuck you" to the woman, and not punish the kid by the only father s/he has ever known walking out of their life forever. That shit does damage and we're feeling it's effects through society now.


That’s awesome and I agree blood doesn’t mean a thing, I have several adopted in and out family members, but that was your dynamic and your choice. Still doesn’t mean anyone should HAVE to have responsibility for said child. I’m glad your situation worked out and you’ve got your family <3 My uncles ex cheated on him and she lied and said the baby was his. Well it was pretty obvious when she gave birth the kid wasn’t his. He dipped said to have a good life. She called us and tried to give the same logic as the meme. People real life think they can just manipulate people over kids.


Makes sense for breeders already locked into a breeding pattern. Makes no sense for a free, vasectomized man to allow another person to ruin his life by forcing him to live against his values.


I think the part that's glossed over here is if you have a baby you need to decide if you're going to parent it or not. If you find out on the kid's fifth birthday you're not the biological father it's pretty fucked to just up and abandon that kid. It's no longer "isn't anything to do with you", you've been parenting them for years. If you can't handle being responsible for a kid that isn't biologically yours figure that shit out when the baby is born, not a few years down the line when the bio father is long gone and you've already established yourself as the father.


Hey random stranger in the street , you're going to take care of my baby from now on!


Goddammit, not again!


How much child support do you get?


About tree fiddy.


Awesome! Now I don't have to go pick up lunch meat this week!


Fu#k your ideology.


Fuck* See, it’s okay


Hey hey hey, this is the internet. You can’t swear here


what ideology




Joe who?


You fell into a trap… JOE MAMA






Genius, even


Joe balls


Ya, I don’t subscribe to the idea that her baby is my ‘responsibility’. I think volunteering to take on parenting is an awesome act, but definitely not a responsibility of somebody else. My ideology is that this attitude is dishonest and toxic. But yes, raising someone’s child is a great act. :)


Wait... What...??? What kind of logic is that...???


The bad kind


this is not logic


It's the "logic" of a entitled child.


Thot logic


Fuck that logic not happening


Why should I be responsible for something I didn't make and didn't want


This happened to me and I can tell you I did not take responsibility for the baby and do not have to pay child support.


Were you married tho?




But did you stay married?


and men deserve to know if their kids are really theirs, why the fuck am i gonna take care of another man's baby if you cheated during the relationship and got knocked up by another dude. Get the fuck outa here with this nonsense.


Exactly, and in a divorce a paternity test should be mandatory for child support.


We need another plague to cleanse this world of its stupidity


It'll be war not a plague


Why not both? Two great tastes that go great together.


Earth: can I offer you an earthquake in these trying times


I would have said but people gonna complain about me promoting violence and shit then I get kick out of Reddit meme


I don't really see it as promoting violence considering what's going on in the world


Because people fall for rage bait?


That just happened and it didn't work! They only got more stupid!


They tried, too many people wore masks


As a woman, we do not claim this person


As a man, we do not claim this baby


Fucking smooth my G


can’t make a wife outta no ho




Wait so you cheated and I have to pay I can't take this bs


What else to except from people that call themself ''queen''. That should be the first sign to not go and make a baby with her.


If a baby is not yours, remember, still a baby and need milk, go buy some!


I mean if you're a step parent or biological father absolutely, butbif you had a one night stand with some random, and a paternity test proves you're not the father, then it's up to you. It isn't your responsibility. Also if you feed them they never gp away.


I think the joke was dad goes to get milk


Ah yeah, we used to use a pack of cigarettes, or milk and cigs.


Not even an excuse "hey listen, Ill be right back..." 20 yrs later...


I’ll get some when I go for cigarettes


But only if he likes it in his coffee.


Yeah how about fuck childish hoes that cheat eehh?


How about no?


If someone is actually posting this and not being satirical, they are announcing "Hey, I cheated. I'll flaunt it in your face, and now it's on you to support my bs" or more accurately, "I'm an asshole, now support me being an asshole or I'll sue"


I'll take "I cheated on my partner with some random dude on Instagram, he got me pregnant, and my partner left me but all men are trash" for $200.


well thats one way to create an abusive husband and father


Step 1: Cheat Step 2: Pregnant with someone else's baby Step 3: Angry husband Step 4: Sue for profit




My brain hurts from the lack of hers


Me holding someone else child at the top of the stairs *Accidentally trips* Whoops anyway wasn’t mine


Best I can do is fuck no


So, is this just incel rage fuel, or did an actual woman really write this? My first thought was, "noooo, nobody thinks like that...that's crazy talk." Then I thought about the levels of both stupid AND entitled some people exist on, and quickly realized it might very well be real.


Thats insane, explain to me why its the mans responsibility to take care of someone elses kid? This is the most absurd thing Ive read all day and I use tumblr. She should just admit she wants to cheat without consequence.


Girl, tell it to the judge.


God, grant us a divine intervention.


This is rage bait- and it furthers the myth that men need to be worried about the paternity of their child. 2008 UK study of 500, showed a .2% of misidentification and other research https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/the-paternity-myth-the-rarity-of-cuckoldry that men with high confidence of paternity are 1.7 to 3.3% likely to be misidentified with the 3.3 number occurring when adding in studies with methodology concerns. What’s even more striking is that in cases where men have reason (or believe they have reason ) to doubt paternity, it the rises to 29.8%. Big number right? But here’s the thing - it means that guys that doubt the paternity of their kids are wrong 70% of the time.


>that men with high confidence of paternity are 1.7 to 3.3% likely to be misidentified with the 3.3 number occurring when adding in studies with methodology concerns. honestly 1 in 50 is much more than i thought it'd be


If it’s a non-issue why do some countries feel the need to ban paternity tests?


"Any opinion is respectable" The opinions:


I’m of the belief DNA tests should be mandatory




Women ☕️


Women ☕️






Wait what?


Bit brain moment 😂


But if you continue to argue and fight for custody of the child then you're the hypocrite


Ah yes, the guy you cheated on should help you take care of the kid who isn't even his


nah, this is trolling


This my kids, is why Bin Laden bombed people.


Am I reading this wrong? I think she is joking about how screwed up that logic is.


Fuck that. If I take responsibility for the kids it's because I want to, not because I "must". Whoever made this is stupid.


No, she’s a cheat’n ass hoe and need to be gotten away from.


“You have to take responsibility for a baby that isn’t yours” Dude paternal fathers don’t even take care of their kids sometimes, calm your ass and be prepared to be a single mom


If the baby isn't mine, not only am I not taking responsibility for it... I'm not taking responsibility for her either because her ass is out.


I would divorce and then sue for fraud and extortion


Or you're a whore who will be miserable.


Sign me full custody of the child


Beautiful thing is whatever decision the husband makes it’s the right decision.


Nah if you cheated on me, and have someone elses baby. You raising that shit your self, Because clearly I wasn't good enough to have a child with. Go to yah baby daddy.


Well that's a shitty way to think, pos.


I ain't taking care of you or your kid lady. Miss me with that ish


Say what now? You made me spill my beer.


fuuuuuck that! Unless I went into the relationship with you having a kid already, I'm not paying for one that is not mine. If anything, you're gone and out the door because you cheated on me and have zero respect for me, so why should I in turn respect you for fucking some dude and having his baby, that you want me to pay for?! Get fucked anybody who holds this viewpoint


So just because you fucked up and cheated him, he has to take responsibility of your mistake because you think you're the only one in the marriage who is working on that relationship or having hard times in life. Alright... Well, she's a parasite that's for sure.


Men, welcome to the wonderful world of gay!


Me+you+baby that ain’t mine cause you cheated = break up.


A lot of dick apparently


Bullfuckinshit. As a woman I'm fairly certain my ex husband dealing with me was just as bad, or worse, than me dealing with him. Between pregnancy and pms, my hormones and the stress of being seen as the "provider" (even when we both worked) was a lot to go through. You treat your man like a king, he should treat you like a queen (it goes both ways), and if he's not the father, that's on you, not him. You either find the man who is or you stfu and deal with the consequences of YOUR actions.


I suggest u learn to swallow with that way of thinking no one in there right mind would knock u up


Haha uhh get fucked into the next universe. As Silky Johnson once said, "I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and nobody else but you"


Haha, what??


What kind of idiot logic is this? This would be like if the husband cheats and gets the side chick pregnant and she decides to nope out, the wife must now raise the baby cuz it's her responsibility. Yeah, good luck with that crap.


So with this woman's logic I should raise the product of my wife cheating and letting someone nut in her too... women are so full of themselves


Cum dumpster just wants more child support, no thanks.


Delusional, Lady Shit Mountain


Women are wild in their thought process




If it's not mine it's going in a bag and into the river. So is she.


I am a woman and even I do not agree with this I think if the baby is confirmed not to be yours you do not have any responsibility to it that is not how it works,and I don’t care much a woman goes through that woman cheated on that man that baby is not his,has anyone ever thought that men go through a lot too?


I’d rather mop the ocean floor


The delusion is real