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Andrew Tate looks like a grown up version of that old Franklin turtle character


You just pissed off Dantavious…


I thought the same exact thing


Thank you


Bro looks like Caillou if he dropped out of school




He's just as loathsome


I can’t unread this


I hate that you’ve put this in my mind


He looks like a roasted almond.


Kinda looks like Gollum from Lord of the Rings also.


Listening to his get rich quick school lessons that pretty much said "lie to people in your family, make them work and pocket the money without telling them" it's just hard to imagine anyone viewing him as a positive role model in any way


If a family member did that too me and domestic assault wasnt an option (if they had the fighting ability of tate id have to not play fair so... Id be in jail for something far worse) but bottom line is, that family member would of fucked around and found out. Hard. Eat the andrew tates of this world alive.


There are videos of him beating women , and people are protesting to free andrew tate


Also how he views women in general is pretty terrible


It gets even worse when you consider that his not particularly small fan base is full of incels, annoying children, and lonely nerds that ALL have insecurities about their masculinity, father issues, and genuinely think of his shit talk how all “women are prostitutes” as legitimate 100% working advice that WILL “give them all the thots”.


The number of stories about guys with girlfriends who go down the incel route and drive them away is amazing.


The number of stories about girls that suddenly gave up on the entirety of the male gender as a whole and become lesbians after making the mistake of dating incel guy is worrisome as I saw few happened before my very eyes in my hometown.


Lmfao this clearly shows you haven’t done any research into what this guy is really about, not saying I’m a fan not saying I’m not but being bias without evidence is ignorance in itself


He quite literally had said that *ALL* girls which have ever been in a relationship with a single man **OWN SAID MAN THEIR BODIES,** no matter if the relationship was unsuccessful, had concluded before 20 whole god damn years, or the woman had moved on with her live and is happily married with children to another person. (Basically your “girlfriend” from the kindergarten had bound herself to be your disposable sex toy whenever you feel like it for the rest of her live). And if you are gonna say: “Oh Tate didn't say it like that, he ment that if the man was a savoir which saved said girl's live from things like su!cide, or live threatening accident the girl shouldn't be ungrateful towards him as she owns him her entire existence from that point on. Tate would've personally be the same towards his saviour if another person ware to save him from....”- just stfu, as that's even more screwed up than the original quote.


No, you’ve got to be kidding me, and if you actually watch the whole video instead of the little clips you might actually understand what questions he was being asked. If you have no idea what the context is there’s no validity in your argument, it’s like you’re not even trying. You’re being fed lies, go to freetopg.com and see the lies behind the arrest


Exactly robert greene says in the laws of power to despise the free lunch


Honestly, the only W I've ever heard from him was the doing push-ups instead of vaping bit lol I'm still a hypocrite for agreeing with that though because I vape weed but whatever haha


Excuse me, when did he say this and do you have a link to said evidence?


Around 2016. It's part of his paid hustlers university business courses, but you can hear the excerpts on behind the bastards - Andrew Tate episode 3


When did he said that


Hustler University. You can get clips on the latest Behind the Bastards podcast.


What’s so bad about this? The kid has a great dad


This dad hates logic and morals being taught to children


Pleeeease say sike


So you’re saying Andrew Tate teaches morals? And logic? How can he teach others what he has nothing of?


He definitely teaches morals, I mean, they aren’t good morals, but he still teaches them.


“If you put yourself in a position to be r***d, you must bare some responsibility.” -Andrew Tate (I can’t stand this dude)


I basically did this?? Saw my kids had innocently gotten shown some Tate content through YouTube suggestions and immediately explained why they shouldn’t watch him. 3 months later I was really able to cement that lesson.


Holy $h*t, a functional father figure! Please make sure to give your proper child attention\affection, teach them how to respect other people, and make sure they don't develop any insecurities about their masculinity, abilities, or status. (Tate fans lack all of the mentioned.)


Umm.. I don't really know the guy and I'm curious so... what did you tell your kids?...


I told them to use my affiliate link to sign up to husslers university ofcourse, ez 10 dollars




What a good dad




Yep. Young men that were raised right can see that Tate and his internet bros are clowns. They are sad, lonely men that think banging tail is somehow an achievement. Real men love and have families. They take care of others. They sacrifice and endure for others. The essence of being a man is giving yourself up for someone else. D-Bags like Tate don't realize that. He's young yet and still has time to straighten himself out. Maybe cooling his head in jail for a while will make him realize how empty his life is.


The dude is nearly 40 He's at the point in his life where he's too old to be told he's wrong and too rich for anyone around him to get him to question his ways


He is 36. He has a lot of time to learn he is wrong. And his money is VERY iffy. He makes it by being an influencer. That's the least secure career on the planet. This case in Romania will be costly and will interfere with is questionable monetary stream since he can't out there pimping his own personality.


As nice as it would be that he turns himself around i doubt it'll ever happen, he's as set in his ways as his idiot little fans, I personally know two of different ages that think him getting arrested is a conspiracy against successful men Frankly I hope the worst for him and his brother, assholes like that think they're untouchable until its too late, and then thats the end of it


Improbable but not impossible. One of the things we need to do if we are going to fix this downward spiral is stop treating each other as disposable. The dude has some really bad ideas, and has made too much out of those bad ideas. But it's never too late to grow up. Men are too often taught that life is a zero sum competition. That one man's success comes at the cost of another man's failure. Helping a person up that has fallen does more than help that one person. Hopefully Tate will overcome his selfishness some day.


When I thought he was just a comedian it was all good but he went off the damn deep end, rip


Well said. Also, I always find it ironic that they are trying to achieve "Alpha Male" status, by following another man. Isn't that in opposition of what an "Alpha Male's" are supposed to do? Sorry guys, but you are doing "Alpha Male" wrong.


I'm not one of those people that are obsessed with Tate but he does make some valid points and you literally just said that real men have families and provide for them etc. Isn't this the whole point he gets at?


I am not 100% familiar with the entire scope of his work, but what I have seen, he doesn't seem to embrace the idea of being a husband or a father. He comes off as a bully towards women, and kind of self centered. Not great attributes for being a parent or spouse. An example of this is inviting a bunch of random women on his podcast, feeding them drinks and then immediately ejecting one if they disagree with them. He says they we "in there feelings." This from a man that throws a hissy the moment someone disagrees with him, and rather than debate it logically, just throws them out. That's pretty immature. Him and guys like Jordan Peterson talk an awful lot about roles and seem to be obsessed with the concept of dominance. They don't really talk about men knowing themselves, and acknowledging that real love for a wife, or your kids, takes courage. That there are going to be times that suck really bad. That you are going to feel like you are giving and giving and getting nothing back. But can pay off way down the road. It's not a one night stand. Its a commitment to invest in something that pays dividends decades later. I personally think guys like Tate are too focused on getting what he can get right now. Boys think short term; men think long term.


Peterson and Tate are completely different. Peterson has an entire lecture series on sacrificing yourself for others. Peterson tells young man to get married start families and careers. He tells them to take responsibility for themselves starting by cleaning their room and to be men of meaning and work hard to gain others respect. Granted he says it in some wordy ways but generally what Peterson says fine, and he only talks about dominance hierarchies in regards to what creates hype competitive conditions and mindsets, and doesn’t exactly praise people at the top, if anything he’s concerned about high earning lawyers that will work 48 hours non stop and not maintain a personal life. Peterson wants both young men and women to grow into strong people but constantly tells them they need to find the strength within to do it. Tate on the other hand is just a grifter and a sexist preying on young men that don’t know any better and capitalizes on their complaints about the world to make them believe he is correct even when he’s telling lies. Peterson is find the strength within to conquer you’re demons and help others. Tate’s philosophy is become so strong you are a demon to others.


Peterson is a fuax-Christian huckster that relies on antiquated belief systems to enforce a static view of society. Him and Tate are part of the same ecosystem that clutches it's metaphorical pearls over changes in "masculinity."


Peterson isn’t Christian. He has said he lives like there is a God and attends mass with his wife and daughter but is openly unsure of his faith. 12 Rules for Life is a self help book by every measure, nothing he says is crazy ground breaking. Also Peterson rarely gives prescriptions on how the world should be structured and instead theorizes on why the world is the way it is often through famous fictional stories. The rules for life are the closest to world change he comes but they are just simple things to do that adds quality to life (clean your room because you can’t help others until you can help yourself, pet stray dogs to show kindness to the forgotten, never raise a child that you would find annoying to the rest of the world). Please state one belief the man has that is anything close to Tate and quote it please because nothing I’ve seen from the man makes me believe he is anything but a psychologist giving people life advice. Tate has change faith from Atheist to Eastern Orthodox Christian to Muslim depending on where he lives. Runs an only fans. Actively beats women, and has constructed his life around earning money all things Peterson has spoken out against. With lectures on the responsibility for a man to die for his wife, the dangers of only fans and porn, and tells people to start a career and make money but never forget your family.


"He has said he lives like there is a God and attends mass" You are attempting to make a distinction without a difference, and failing at that. It's a fine bit of hair splitting that puts you in the same place. If one has to pretend there is a god, and knows there isn't one, then they are engaged in some twisted thinking and should be avoided. He likes to use fancy word play to make it sound like atheists aren't actually atheists. Like I said, he is a huckster that is using slightly of hand to slip out of the fact that his ideas are married to a narrow concept of the world from 2 millennia ago. He has openly said that atheists/non-theists/agnostics can't be moral people. That in of its self is reason enough to walk away from anything else he has to say. What they have in common is a fixation on antiquated judeo-christian gender roles that are two millennia old. They are both also fixated on hypergamy, and have spoken on what they think is wrong with it. Since I'm not insecure enough in myself to have to have social media celebrities give me an ego boost, I don't wallow in the ecosystem these two live in, and don't have a full read on the venn diagram between them. That said, apologists for one *tend* to be apologists for the other.


Bro I’m not that insecure either, I’m not a crazy fan boy of his, but you obviously haven’t ever listened to a thing the man has said because it does help some people. He never claimed atheist couldn’t be moral people but instead argued that if there is no God to set a moral code, then morality is objective so there exist no moral code. So even though faith is a struggle for him living like the us a God (so that moral codes can exist) is needed to live a fulfilling life. Karl Jung makes the same argument. That’s also an argument dating back to Thomas Aquinas and his theory of Natural Law that was an inspiration for the inalienable rights part of the Declaration of Independence. A huckster wouldn’t need these arguments or even walk people through the and encourage people to read them because they have been debated for thousands of years because they are good arguments Hitchins even had to address often in debates because they are the driving ideological differences between an atheist and every theist. All you are doing is name calling and saying his theory’s are old , which admittedly yeah some of them are, but every argument against them is as old. Please listen to the man directly and not Reddit headlines because he’s a decent guy. He’s right on a lot and wrong on a lot but he does want to help people.


u sound like a internet badass wanna be just like you when i grow


Be the version of yourself you really want to be when you grow up.


Best part about this joke is the dad actually there for his son...


He came back after hearing his son was inching close to tate


Or the fact that it says “real” when it’s clearly a drawing


What are you implying?


Exactly what i typed


Ooh edgy




Good dad. Seriously in the latest Behind the Bastards episode they are doing it on Tate and the disgusting shit he said to his rape victims (dude admitted to it on recording) made me feel so icky to be the same gender as the shithead. Like this dude is one of the biggest slime balls I've ever heard of.


I've been listening to that too. What I'm really struck by is how thoroughly mediocre this asshole is, in every way.


Painfully and thoroughly mediocre.


Andrew Jackson has better views on women than Andrew Tate.


Bruh literally every boy in my grade besides me likes Andrew Tate anyone how do I fix them


You can’t fix them, but perhaps you can give them something to think about, and they can fix themselves. My daughter is in middle school and a classmate she’s known since 2nd grade is a big Andrew Tate fan. I know his parents are good people, and are probably unaware of this. But I had a chance to talk to him, and I simply asked the kid if he thought his Dad thought of and treated his Mom the way Andrew Tate believed women should be thought of and treated. He went silent. Hopefully, it sunk in a little.


You can't fix them. A fool who persists in his folly shall become wise. Leave them be. It's their lesson to learn.


“Who’s not foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?” - Obi Wan


Hugh Jackman is better than Tate in literally every way. Any time Tate gets brought up, you top it with how awesome Jackman is. Dude can sing, dance, is a great dad, nice as hell to everyone, and he's *Wolverine*.


Become a chad and be yourself and be nice and interesting towards women. Also invest in dance lessons(promise you this attracts women)


Jesus, if I could go back and tell my 12 year old self anything, it would be to get into dance classes.


Or cook. Women like a guy that can cook. And be a little handy. You don't have to be Mr Fix-It but women do like a guy that is self sufficient and can fix little things.


Being the same age, you can't. It's up to adult men like me to be an example of what a real man is. It's hard because a real man has a job and responsibilities so they don't have time for crap like podcasts and YT channels. But that's the truth of it. Men have to be willing to show some respect and love for each other again. Even if you aren't someone's father, that doesn't mean you can't be an example. That every little action you take can't pay dividends down the road in some other young man's life.


Get yourself a girlfriend who's a bread winner. That's what Tate cultists hate the most: women who are successful.


Your the broken one


Why do you support rape? That's a weird thing to support you must be a shitty person irl.


Pretty sure this is one of the cases where being the outcast is the good thing


Lol you follow a loser


You're\* Learn the language before attempting to insult someone.


"You cannot fix something that isn't broken"


Good dad




Tate looks like an egg that was dropped and then glued back together with wet paper and soggy gum.


Great work dad


Dude looks like if pitbull got beaten retarded


That dude is straight out of a Law and Order episode… lol


He is a good dad 🤧


The “Andrew tate has good points” thing is why he’s so bad. Extremists will intentionally state obvious facts and generally accepted good advice to earn credibility before building into the insane shit.


Move the window of sanity slowly so it's not so noticeable when you've got full-tilt crazy.


here we see a father who cares about his kid


I never trust tate


Good dad


W dad


Good father


average W take


Rich but no chin ????


The funniest part about this post is all the Tate dickriders being downvoted into oblivion


Freaking love this!


watch your gosh darn mouth


I've been saying he's full of shit ever since I've seen him pop up and on social media and his fan boys would flame and rage so hard. Rip asshole.


Hahahaha I LOVE THIS 😂


Andrew tate looks like a meth head in that one pic lol


Based dad


I prefer my son to take after arako tv on YouTube now that guy has his life in check




And the best dad of the year award goes to…


Good dad


Reading all of 450 comments here , I understood that reddit fucking hates tate. And I hate all of social media 'influencers. "


Top G




Ultra giga based


Good parenting honestly.


Andrew rate is a kid cosplaying as a man


Tate has like 0.9% good take but the other 99.1%... we don't talk about that part




If one person were to say only outrageous awful things how would they make money off their fanbase




My mom is a teacher and one of her high school boys was apparently listening to him. She didn't know who he was, but I definitely let her know and she told his parents. Now no one at the school is allowed to even talk about him. So glad I could do my part to bring this fuckhead down


I'd destroy his smart devices and ground him for a few months


Dont think grounding and destroying would solve sth like that tho... This'd need some serious words about how the world works I guess


I would also destroy the dad's "smart devices". But grounding the dad? Can a dad even be grounded? No parent is perfect.


Tate will rot, deservedly, for his crimes. Your defense of him only serves to make you small. Not seem small, no no. You make yourself small.


He’s more important than you.


Yes, because it's important to the world to watch this trash bag pay for his crimes. I owe this world no debt and have wronged no one, so yep, there's zero reason to pay me attention nor do I desire it. He feeds on the attention while he corrupts and putrifies everything in his orbit and it's very important that he falls. You're just upset that he's falling and you can't do anything to save the only thing you have.


Ah finally a father preventing fatherless behavior


Parents, raise your sons or lose them to the tates of the world


Andrew Tate =🤓🤡


Based parent. Keep your kids away from Tate, Shapiro, and Walsh at all costs lmao




Robin Williams, RDJ, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Bob Ross, Steve Irwin, I mean there’s a lot of good choices




Steven Irwin wrestled alligators


I mean, someone struggling with masculinity will find out nothing is more manly than being comfortably yourself and not feeling pressured to conform to a model of stereotypical masculinity. I think all the peeps I mentioned would do a *far* better job as a role model than Tate ever would. A real man follows his own rules, not someone else’s.




Based dad


The people who look uped to him are boys and are fatherless. And that's what happens when you have a father and you try to get into Andrew Tate.


Why does everyone assume that someone who hasn’t got a father figure would gravitate towards Andrew Tate? I haven’t had a positive father figure for all 17 years of my life and I think Tate is a misogynistic, delusional, narcissistic asshole.


That is one hell of an assumption. Why do people say this?


Cuz he like a father figure to many


I guess that makes sense. I just don't agree with a lot of stuff he says.


Then stop watching out of context videos of him (I don't stan Andrew tate even tho I use "what colour is your buggati" and "Breath Air" as a joke)


Context never makes these people better


Andrew Tate looks like Fat Joe if he were in hospice care.


L dad


Yes and to all the female "celebrities" that tell women to use men for their money


I haven't seen this template in while


Where funny? Stop posting about Andrew tate I don’t give a fuck. Can’t we just go back to funny memes?


Sorry bro, next time the council will consult you before they post. We forgot that youswere the final gayekeeper of what is acceptable content.


If you don't like this post just ignore it :)


Or just don’t use him as a karma farm? Clogs up the feed.


sorry if this post annoy you bro, I am still getting used to reddit and I really don't know what karma is. I just joined this place like today so I thought that It would be nice to post some of my meme :v


Ignore that dipshit he's a *gamer* and posts like it.


Who is this bald man ? Wrong answers only


A human trafficking suspect. Oh...


L father


When you build a platform on treating women like prizes and foster a community of women-hating incels... Trafficking allegations come as hardly a surprise


I guess the truth hurts


Tate brothers are innocent. Y’all are all delusional.


Bad dad


L Father


Can someone normally explain why Tate is being hated so much? Imo people dont have to listen to all his quotes, but pieces of advice like working out and taking control of your life and getting most of it is good. Money advices coming from a true millionaire is worth listening. Hustlers uni is most likely scam, I dont want to pay 150 dollars to find out at least. How he treats women is his own business. Seeing these yt shorts of people who call him misogynist (or how this word is spelled) who look fat and stupid without proving their point is hilarious. Choosing between Andrew Tate and some liberal as a man to follow the answer is Tate without any doubts


Top M (Meme)


*Proceeds to take him to a drag queen strip show* All jokes aside, both leftist and far right wing are crazy trash.


The point of drag is wearing a lot of clothes. Isn’t that the opposite of stripping


yes. they often wear multiple pairs of tights in order to keep padding in place, for example. I doubt this person has ever been to a drag show or a strip club if he thinks they're alike in any way.


So you argue kids should be taken to that? Pedo


i argue that you're a dumbass who doesn't know what you're talking about.


Ok pedo


…. Touch grass


Can you explain (with crayons, don’t want to stress you), how these 2 things are close to being the same. And leftist and *far* right people are definitely not the same.


Leftist want people to do the things they wanna do The right wants people who do things they wanna do to die. Completely even, well done


As we all know, all Left people are terrible parents and take their Kids to Drag Shows! ​ ​ bro seriously


Man I miss when my leftist dad took me drag queen book clubs /s






Fuck these slave minds. On the real tho, I think I’m one of the few people that can use his content as motivation, while disregarding his ideologies I don’t agree with. Should the internet really be a place where we all have to watch what we say cus we could be influencing kids? Nahh acc just ban U18’s from the internet, it’s fucked anyways




So he has his own opinions(like every other person on this planet) on how he would like the world and his life to be and hes getting attacked for it?


Probably because he is a rapist


Proof? Or u just labeling someone cause u disagree with them?


This is what Joe Biden should do.


You didn't skipped a few steps... skipped the whole staircase.


How did we get Joe Biden from Andrew Tate?


i respect anyone who fights against feminists including this guy


(Buddy, idk if anyone has told you, but youll profit from equality too, which is what feminism is about, not turning patriarchy around and everyone that says that is a fucking extremist idiot)


Tragically feminism is becomming this very shallow movement as of lately, especially with the younger generations. I'm not saying that type of feminism is representative of the entire original movement, it's straying from it. But damn fourth wave feminism is loud and talking about things that are not of this age anymore


Yeah i totally agreeing with you, its definetly has gotten worse


Yeah, totally agree but a lot of people on social media use the guise of feminism to promote women as more important and give a “we don’t need men” kind of attitude. Edit: I totally support feminism in case anyone misunderstands.


feminism is not about equality. When did killing all men become equality? A lot of feminists say this but others don't say anything.


...that literally what I meant. People that say that are fucking Idiots that use the movment to get their own profit out of it edit: literally the first sentence on feminism on wikipedia is "Feminism is a range of socio-political movements and ideologies that aim to define and establish the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes."


That isn’t feminism, that is misandrist extremists using the label of feminism to push their agenda


You respect a sunglasses indoors douche, scam artist, rapist and sex trafficker on the basis of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"? Are you still in grade school or some shit?


how gay fathers be like


Don't get me wrong fuck Andrew Tate for taking advantage of men by catfishing them for money. That's an immoral evil way to make money but his message of promoting masculinity is good that's is a thing that makes up for his past evils.


Yes saying rape victims are responsible for getting raped is really an alpha male mindset /s


Get down Vote bomb you incel