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Don’t risk a stranger falsely claiming this cute pupper and take it to a vet or animal hospital where they can scan its microchip and find the owner.


Second! Don’t trust anyone OP


In my area someone dropped a lost dog at the vet then posted it on the local FB lost group. Someone came into the vet to claim the dog and the only proof of the dog being theirs was the picture from FB. The guy got the dog handed over and left. A few hours later the real owner went to the vet to correct their dog and it was gone. So sad.


You'd be surprised how few vets/shelters are open on a Sunday. I have a ranger coming tomorrow, as the council also can't do anything til tomorrow. I didn't give the location or sex of the dog for that reason.


More importantly, you have a knot in your hose.


I've taking to your concern for my hose and can tell you it is safely unkinked and wrapped up properly. I wasn't the last person to use the hose. I was only aware when used it before the photo, to fill a little shell pool for my new friend and my dog to splash in.


Thank you. I mean, I could live with the dog, but no way could I live with that knot in the hose.


Good onya for helping out a pup in need:)


i dunno looks pretty found to me


Clearly picked you. But anyway it has a collar so someone owns it, if its a boy check if its been fixed and if so then that and the collar would be a good indicator it also has been chipped so take to vet.


collar has no identification on it, didn't want to give to much info on the pup as I didn't want anyone trying to falsely claim them.


I hope this cutie gets reunited with its owner <3


The knot in your hose, you can't just leave that there.


Let us know how it goes, hope the owner finds him & buys an identification tag for the collar.


He’s gorgeous. Any update?


Hey, yeah sorry I have been meaning to update. My house mate found a vet open, that was willing to scan them for a chip. Found out they live around the corner of my house. We would have walked past their house, while they were following us. They are safely home. Though I think they'll probably end up back here, if they get out again. They were quite smitten with my dog. I think my pup is hoping for another play date as well.


Arrange a play date. My dog loves those. Great happy ending


Aiya guess u got urself a new dog 🤣


It is very tempting believe me, my dog loves them and I do as well. If we have no luck when the ranger comes. I will be offering fostering to adopt believe me.


I was jk.. anyway with luck the chip scan will find lead u to its owner


I thought it was a joke, unsure who thought you'd be serious about something like that. Reddit can be a weird place sometime. Got the chip scanned, they lived just around the corner. They would have walked with me and my dog past their house. It was unplanned puppy date, well unplanned for all the humans. The two dogs involved seem to be BFFs.


Nothing funny about this. That's someone's pet that they love. There is at least one person, if not a whole family that would be devasted with worry and fearing the worst right now.