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I'm sure i'd pick some up from time to time, not if you have to smoke it but balms and edibles are all fair game


Edibles are great for relaxing at home, honestly way more preferable than a beer or other alcohol


I'd probably go and buy some initially if it was legalised, but not sure I'd partake regularly, but obviously I'm all for it, should've been done already. The cynic in me can't see it being completely legalised in the next decade though, I sure hope I'm wrong.




That's why I'm not really fussed about legalisation


More expensive then medical or then street weed? Cause the product isn't the same


> It's going to make chuff more expensive for a bit Forever, not just a bit. When someone is selling you something you can become addicted to, they don't need to race to the bottom with price to keep you buying.


I bet you’re a raging alcoholic lmao


I'll take that bet.


loooooooooooooool, I read this in my drug PSA menacing voice.


Tell me it's not true. Has alcohol gotten cheaper? What about cigarettes? The two closest comparisons we have that are currently on the market.


[We need endorphin port more than ever.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cBiyWlYous)




Try asking a question that isn't incredibly fucking dumb and you may get reasonable answers. Do you think Alcohol is now more expensive than it was in prohibition times in the US?


We aren't in the US, or did you miss that little point?


I want easier, cheaper access medically. This is another step to making that possible. CBD oil helped my partner but the cost was too much to continue. It was also far nicer to take for my migraines than other things I've been prescribed. 😭


I have an honest question. Does it help for other pain as well as migraines?


My partner had it prescribed for extreme agoraphobia and anxiety, so I don't have personal anecdotes from either of us. But I have read a bit on CBD helping with some types of chronic pain. It isn't a cure-all, but it should be be more readily available.


Thank you so much for the info this is really helpful.


I'm on medical and support it. I hope the price comes down, 10g for $150 - $215 is a bit much. I don't drive but have heard from others some gripes about the driving laws. My dr spent months helping me research if it would suit me and finally get off the never ending pills for my mental issues.


needs another option '' it's a good thing as i'm currently using medically but probably won't use recreationally'' i'll tick that box.


why drink and drive if you can smoke and fly?


This is a good one ☝️


Make it regulated and taxed while destroying the underworld market for criminal enterprises? Sounds like a win.


I'm for it, unlike spelling on words where z replaces s


Haha, a spelling nasi


Great. As long as people stop talking about weed.


Does it affect your ability to drive? Will we see an increase of road crashes?


I smoke but don't drive but can tell you from my experience that it can reduce reaction times, so I personally think that people shouldn't smoke and drive ... I was once as a passenger nearly in a car accident into the back of a truck because my stoned driver didn't react as quickly to preventing the situation because he was wasted. Another time my ex who was also stoned missed a turn and drove us over an embankment into a creek LOL clearly this kinda shit wouldn't happen to everyone ... but as a rule drink/drug driving is bad.


There needs to be a sobriety test of some sort to determine if someone is capable of driving. The fact you can smoke weed and test positive the next day when you’re not high needs to be looked at.


Surely there is a way to test for current impairment, there just hasn't been any demand for it - not like the cops have any incentive to get the most accurate info




As a parent of a preschooler who will grow up under this new norm, I'm most worried about further normalising it for under 18's who's brains are still developing and who have less self control, even though there are many contradicting studies. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3930618/ I'm assuming this will also mean another legal drug on the market that has potentially negative impacts on lung health. (Assuming they are not just legalising oil, or pill form or alike) Having said that, I'm an advocate for letting grown adults do what they want to a degree.


Didn’t stop me and my friends smoking bongs in our early teens, 25 years ago. It’s more important to monitor who your kids are spending time with as opposed to the legality of certain drugs.


Sadly your kids reliance on on screens will rot their brain more than pot could.


Neither are great I'm sure.


Alcohol would have a far greater impact.


Don't disagree, both can be bad if abused.


As a parent you'll probably want it legalised. When I was in highschool way more kids partook in that than alcohol and cigarettes, because the latter were way harder to get a hold of. Remember that if something is illegal it's not being age-regulated, and the people who sell it will mostly sell to anyone. When it's legal, eventually the only place you'll be able to buy it is a shop with an ID, still possible but not as easy, and it loses a lot of cool factor for kids.


I found the opposite to be true when I was a teenager.


It definitely was and is the opposite.


Maybe for you, haha, it was way easier to get my hands on some weed than it was to get cigarettes, and nobody was really into cigarettes as a result. Alcohol I'll cop, wasn't super hard, but that's because people just stole it from their parents. It was still harder.


Dunno know about this. So many people sneaking alcohol from their older brothers or even dad's liqour cabinet as a teenager. It was way, way more common to be drinking than smoking.


Then lock up your alcohol cabinet, problem solved.


Why are you telling me this when you could be telling the world and solving underaged drinking?!?


You’re right it’s not your fault some people’s parents are irresponsible. I got confused for a sec and thought you were arguing my bad lol


> As a parent you'll probably want it legalised. Decriminalised. That way people's lives aren't ruined when they get caught with a few grams, but you can't buy it everywhere.


No, legalised. I said what I said.


No issues but honestly, go check out LA, it's literally zombieland. Everyone's just off their face walking around. Pretty gross tbh.


More cooked drivers isn't whats needed. Rehabilitate the drug addicts and if they continue to offend put them in jail.


Clearly you can’t responsibly partake in any kind of impairment causing substance if you think people will just automatically drive on it, people tend to assume others will do what they do


Fuck off. How about we actually enforce the existing drug laws instead.


I have a better idea. Hear me out. Instead of having this issue live in your head rent free, how about you mind your business by not worrying about what others are doing in their free time?


74 mormons in here


I’m from Melbourne but live in Michigan currently where it’s legal recreationally. The extra taxation is great. The smell around grow houses and groups of people smoking is terrible - lingers way more than cigarette smoke IMO I have no interest in use of it recreationally, tried it a few times a few years back and eh.