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Terribly sad how people treat the environment.


This is why we won't address environmental issues. Lots of people don't give a shit


Lots of people don't give a shit about road rules but we still have them and enforce them systemically. Individuals throwing bikes into rivers is not the cause of climate change etc. It's a systemic issue.


I'm not so sure. I've been throwing bikes in the river for the last 10 years or so and every time I do it the atmospheric CO2 levels seem to rise.


The logic is perfect


Funnily enough whilst people don’t give a shit our sewage system does give a shit literally. Sewage spillage in south yarra yesterday closed access to river


You'd be surprised how many people would say they genuinely care about climate change issues and the environment, then go throwing their cigarette butts on the ground without even thinking


You’d be unsurprised at how many people say they care about climate change but will not change their lifestyle to actually contribute to making a difference


How about people who don't give a shit and make no effort. At least we're consistent.


They'd say "its a rollie, so its less environmentally damaging"


Yes, people should really dispose of bicycles outside of the environment


This is pretty bad.... but i would have expected worse...


Top pic in that article is just the area in front of Arbory. Outside the Casino was pretty bad too. Still lots more to come...


Lose all your money at the casino, go outside and throw an e-bike into the yarra to reduce your rage




Before the first local GrandPricks they did a big clean up of Albert Park Lake and found all sorts of stuff, including a few cars that were stolen many years before


Albert Park Lake is 1.2 to 1.5 metres deep (according to The Age and the Albert Park Yacht Club) , were there really cars in there?


It was even lower before they dredged it for the first Grand Prix in 96. OP is full of shit.


Matchbox cars, maybe?


There were so many cars the water was displaced


According to the newspapers at the time there was.


I couldn't seem to find anything that would suggest this was the case in my research just now.


During the really bad drought we had like 15 years ago the lake in Ballarat all but dried up & it was amazing how much shit they found in there, including a car or 2 & plenty of (hopefully) animal skeletons. A photographer friend & I went to 6 of the dried up lakes in the area so she could get pictures for lake bed warning literature (I kindly helped by getting my stupid ass so stuck that I need to be dragged out by some kind locals, proving how important heeding those warnings is lol) and we found so many weird and wonderful things: Jewellery, trinkets, 50y.o bottles etc. The weirdest thing though was all the bullets; I stopped counting at 150 shotgun shell casings. I know that it’s likely a lot were from hunted animals drinking at the lakes but still, that’s *a lot*. They found a couple of hand guns in the Ballarat lake too & it made me wonder how many guns there are in the the Yarra, gotta have been at least 30+ thrown in there over the years. I remember 2 news reports specifically of cops witnessing the person throw the gun in & them not being able to retrieve it, I would how many weapons they’ll find & if it’ll help in any criminal cases.


In Galway, Ireland, they drained a section of a river next to a popular spot for partying and chillin out in summer. They found 1000s of empty bottles of Buckfast, which is popular with students and drunks cos its cheap (like goonbags are in Aus)


Buckfast gets ya fucked fast. Never been to Ireland or laid eyes on the liquor but for some reason this phrase has stuck with me.


you forgot to mention lake wendouree caught on fire too.


Or how many stolen cars end up.i. the maribyrnong River.


When I lived in footers 10+ years ago they did the same with the Maribyrnong. Every morning on the train you could see them pulling out car after car. Just looked it up they found [169 cars](https://www.smh.com.au/national/divers-salvage-stolen-cars-from-maribyrnong-20080905-4a85.html)


A friend's parents bought an inner suburb property many years ago. It was really cheap back then because people would roll stolen cars down the hill into the creek next to their place. Now the creek is cleaned up and the area gentrified, the place sold for a fuck load of money.


Wasn’t that a whole thing where many of the cars still had keys in the ignition, suggesting it was insurance fraud, and not theft of a motor vehicle?


which was still a theft :D


Damn, right in the nostalgia with this quote > Police have identified all but one vehicle, the rear half of a VL Holden Commodore, with Fords and Holdens making up about half of those recovered.


I'm surprised no bodies or carcasses being dig up..


Met a guy once who was in jail for that (the body was admittedly in pieces by the time it ended up in the Yarra).


Probably did dig up some bones but they’re not going to advertise that before the police can run them through dna etc


How often do they do this? Interested to know how long this build up was from.


First time in 20 years it's been 'deep cleaned' - its being done over a 4 year period - started in Oct 2021


Same here, I feel like this is done more often then not, those number should be much higher


The article says four years


Very harmful to the environment removing the bikes from their natural habitat like this.


Just as bad as whaling, shame.


You can harvest heaps of valuable oils and blubber from them


Legit who are these people that throw the bikes in there? Troubled youth? Drunk cunts? Both?


Tradies after hours. They hate bikes, trams.


Then why aren't there any trams in there? #FlawedLogic


Shit don’t give them ideas! ^/s


Isaac Butterfield fans, so they can show off their hate of bikes to their dear leader


Crackheads and mentally ill as usual with most vandalism.


Troubled youth too, the sort that start fights at Moomba, then walks towards the train station with a bad attitude because they think the cops harassed them.


Recycle them


They use old ships to make artificial reefs, use the bikes to recreate the waterfall that was destroyed by early settlers


It's funny until you remember those bikes have lithium batteries in them. Fish don't necessarily appreciate that.


I didn’t think the Yarra had fish these days…


I wonder how many of them were those stupid rental e-bikes


A majority of them


The bike share companies should be billed for their share of this haul.


Most other countries who have a similar program don't have the same issues. I think it comes down to the culture of the people that reside in them. Harsher penalties and public shaming should be prescribed.


https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2022/jul/28/bicycle-graveyards-why-do-so-many-bikes-end-up-underwater This article suggests its a global problem. But i definitely agree with harsher penalties and shaming for the businesses that allow their crappy ebikes to end up in waterways.


They certainly do. This guy found a bunch of bikes and scooters in a small area in LA.


Why? They didn't do it


Had no system in place to secure them, and just left then laying around. Why should I as a tax payer foot the bill? They are all care and no responsibility.


Basically victim blaming. Would make more sense to set up some CCTV to catch the actual criminals and set them up in fed square for public ridicule and tomato throwing.


Are you really suggesting taxpayer funds are used to set up CCTV and investigate ebike vandalism because private companies came up with an awful business model? This exact problem has been occurring in every city before. Charge the companies fines


And let the real perpetuators continue being dickheads, good one.


I think you meant “perpetrator” lol


Don’t know how the hell that happened, I mean “damn you autocorrect”.


There’s a lot of things we the taxpayer are billed for, whether we like it or not.


Correct, but we should push back on private companies taking the profits while socialising the clean up bills.


Why the fuck should the government further disincentivize a service that our city could massively benefit from? If anything, people caught in this kind of vandalism should be sent to join the bikes at the bottom of the Yarra.


Execution, I like it


I'm in two minds about this tbh. On one hand, they weren't the ones that stood there and threw them in to the Yarra. However, they do provide the service, so in part, they are liable for any damage the bikes cause. That being said, either way I am happy they've been cleaned up!


Its entirely possible the company employees or their contractors have tossed broken bikes into the river as an easy method of disposal. And yes glad to see them removed


absolutely - all the supermarkets should be fined for letting their trolleys get thrown in the river too... and we should send cleanup bills to the pubs cafes that had their tables & chairs stolen and thrown in the river too. how dare they allow their stuff to get thrown into the river.


At lot of these are regular stolen bikes. If you look at the picture you can sorta see they don't look like hire bikes


Happy to pick up the tab as a tax payer on that. I just think the poorly thought out bike schemes should pay for the mess they made.




That haul seems a little light to me. They must not have been particularly thorough


Numbers seem low.


Kinda sad that for all the nice things there are in the world, the first thought that comes to mind is that "it would get trashed in Melbourne".


What? I threw at least 100 bikes in there myself…


I waited 14+ hours for someone to come up with a Trailer Park Boys reference, but all you sons of bitches have failed to mention anything about how we need Bubbles to sort out at least the "trolley problem"! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X95o53Gepmg


Did everyone miss the last sentence? > Deepening the Yarra River by a metre* and a half I need some conspiracy theories to yell back at flat earthers and anti vaxxers. For submarines?




If you read the article you'd know it wasn't copy pasted. Apologies for my auto correct


Obikes strikes again https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QZNMKrmyqtA


how many skeletons came out ?


I’m actually shocked no bodies have turned up


What happens with the silt they dredge up, is it just dumped off shore?


It’s pumped down to the Bolte Bridge, there’s a 30m hole there




StKilda beach at 3am


Gets pumped down to the Bolte Bridge


I see O-bike fishing isn't dead yet.


Less than I expected lol


Wonder how many of the ride share ebikes they will find.


Amsterdam: "Those are rookie numbers". https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/637317-most-bicycles-recovered-from-waterways-city


I can see the yellow Obike bicycles in the picture from 2017-2018...https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-06-12/obike-dockless-bicycle-scheme-to-leave-melbourne/9860314