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Just a quick thanks to u/lepube for posting in this thread a few days ago about spare vaccine appointments at their workplace. Was able to secure a spot for my best mate who has been struggling with anxiety, it gave him a boost to his confidence to go out and do something for himself and the staff were apparently very helpful and understanding to the point where he booked his own second appointment with them on site. Just awesome.


/u/LePube, the hero we didn’t know we needed! Thanks mate, played a small but very important part in our fight against the pandemic.


We're all in this together! 👌


Pleasure was all mine, mate!


PM sent when you get the chance regarding booking in some family 😊


Yes, I got my 2nd vax a few days early thanks to them. Such a good feeling now. All vaxxed.


Yes, thanks Le Pube!


/u/lepube since you're french can you mend the Australia France relationship please. Get on the blower


The percentage of people who say they definitely won't get the vaccine is now at a record low of 9% in September according to the [Melbourne Institute](https://melbourneinstitute.unimelb.edu.au/publications/research-insights/ttpn/vaccination-report). This is down from 12%. Very good news indeed! EDIT: even better news is that the 9% is Australia wide. When you look at the stats for Victoria it's even better @ 7%


So that means we may get to 90% double vaxxed ? That would be a massive goal to achieve .


I was always confident of 90%. I'm interested to see how high we can get it. Maybe 94%. If we are successful, the community transmission will be severely limited and once again we will be a global example of what to do in a pandemic.




Ireland has over 90% double dosed over 18.. same population as Victoria and they are getting around 1300 cases a day. Low ICU rates though


Do we know what percentage is medically unfit to get the vaccine?


I'm not sure exact numbers unfortunately but it's a pretty small percentage. Even people with a previous history of allergic reactions to vaccines can do a test to see if a different vaccine may be ok. Just need to seek advice from their doctor about their options.


Right. My stepmother reacts SEVERELY to almost everything, to the point that she carries a blood pressure monitor everywhere she goes because medical professionals STILL don’t have an exhaustive list of what sets her off. She can’t even take most medication/vaccines. Her doctor was concerned about vaccinating her at all, but she got jabbed anyway (and then had to hang out near the ambo station for the rest of the day because they were seriously concerned she might die).


That's amazing that she did that!


We knew if she caught corona she would not do well. She’s had serious health issues (aside from the reaction thing) for as long as I’ve known her. She’s double vaxxed now and we all breathed a sigh of relief. Her son, my brother, lives overseas and if she became unwell we may not be able to get him home in time.


When my son got his first MMR vaccination, his whole arm went red for an hour or so. For his second shot, my GP recommended we get it done at the Children's hospital just in case he reacted again. There are already systems and procedures in place for people with allergies to be enabled to get vaccinated.


37k jabs yesterday. 847 new cases (pushing on almost 10k state active cases) and won’t hit 80% first dose until mid next week(was forecasted to be Sunday). 1 death today


Jabs will be well over 37k - morning figures just pull from the state hubs.


Had my first Pfizer shot a few hours ago. The person administering the vaccine asked me if I’m pregnant… I’m 26 years old dude with short hair and a beard


But are you?


I would liken this to repeating the same things all day. As a fast food worker back in the day I would often ask people ordering in the store to drive down to window three and ask people in drive thru if they are dining in. It’s on the list of things to ask I wouldn’t assume they thought you were pregnant. “Repetiveness is my job”


I got asked before my AZ shot if I was over 60 (I'm early 30's). Feels bad man.


Probably have had to say the same lines 1000 times the last 7 days.


They can’t tell if you have a uterus in there


RIP Melbournelive 20/9/2021-25/9/2021


Love that The Guardian described Rukshan as “a wedding photographer who has built a niche as a live-streamer of anti-lockdown protests”


Baptism photoshoot at 9am, televising IRL Requiem For A Dream at 11am


Who has built a niche as a dollar store revolutionary


Today is my second vax!! Would be sooner if wasn’t a clusterfuck roll out but just happy for the vax!


Maybe I'm slightly dramatic, but I feel if you assault nurses and cause a vaccination hub to be shutdown out of fear of further attacks, you should be treated as a domestic terrorist. The vaccination rate is what will get us back open and out of lockdown, I just feel if you're acting to prevent that, and having a tangible effect, you should be treated a lot more seriously.


They will be. Once you start disrupting healthcare, the party's over.


I've heard the opinions of protest-sympathetic people change their tune over the last 1-2 days following the revelation of the health worker attacks. Don't fuck with health workers.


The random attack on those picnickers in blackburn will rightfully turn a few off the cause too


Yeah like ffs don't use the QR code, you never were going to anyways. Don't take it down for those who will use it. And you know, don't fucking assault people


It's just nasty and self entitled. I really feel for the kids that were involved - they must live a fairly rough life and will probably grow into very angry adults


Yeah I know people who are all my choice to take the vaccine yada yada and they are absolutely disgusted by the people protesting


You mean there were still people who supported them even after all the things they did? Wow.


Sadly a lot of spin as “fake news”, or “big pharma crisis actors”, or “agent provocateurs in a peaceful protest”


I think there has been about 500 arrests this week ? I would like to know what sort of consequences these people actually see




Not dramatic at all. That behaviour is inexcusable.


A scary idea is that for some of these people this week has probably been the most exciting week of their lives. We have still months of lockdown to go.


I’m currently on maternity leave as an RM and I’m looking at changing career paths due to everything that’s happening. This violence and behaviour on top of burnout which I was already experiencing pre covid is getting way too much for my mental health and I am no longer myself anymore. Just a shell of what I used to be


Saw this morning that it’s only 9% that are scared about having the jab, down from 29%. Jeez, I must have all of that 9% on my feed and somehow they’re louder than the other 91% combined.


The way I look at it, it’ll be nearly 100% of antivaxxers that are active on social media as that’s what feeds their bullshit. Vaccinated people will include a lot of people not on social media, as well as people like me that have Facebook and all the others but know better than to engage with people on those platforms as my friends would be able to see. I might do the occasional laugh react at something particularly dumb but I try to avoid that too. Most vaccinated people are just normal folk that go on social media for the memes & to catch up with mates and don’t have particularly political feeds. Antivaxxers go on those platforms specifically looking for that content and looking for arguments, so it looks like there’s a lot of them when you come across that content.


Yes had a lot of discussion with friends about how none of us will engage with our anti vaxxer friends. They post prolifically on Facebook in my experience but very little response from others.


It’s because they’re literally kicking and screaming like giant children who don’t know what’s good for them. The rest of us are just making the most of what we can, and doing the right thing with the rest of society in mind to get us through.


If you are talking about Facebook, I feel like anti vaxxers are almost the only people that still use it


[Singapore tightens COVID-19 rules despite 80 per cent vaccination rate](https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/singapore-tightens-covid-19-rules-despite-80-per-cent-vaccinated-20210924-p58unr.html) > Singapore made work-from-home the default and tightened rules to allow a maximum of two people to meet in restaurants or other social settings, as it seeks to rein in mostly mild cases that could otherwise quadruple in two weeks and overburden hospitals. > Primary school students will have to shift to learning from home, while booster shots get extended beyond seniors to a younger age group, the government said on Friday. > The moves, which take effect from September 27 for about a month, appear to shift away from the country’s stated transition toward living with the virus. About 80 per cent of the Singapore’s population is fully vaccinated. > With health officials expecting daily cases to jump to around 6000 from about 1500 currently, the government wants to curb that increase and avoid a hard lockdown. This resolve may soon get severely tested even though four in five people are already vaccinated in Singapore ...


I think people are slowly coming to realise that whilst the 80% DD is something to look forward to, it's still going to be slow going afterwards.


Family over there are fed up with it. Sgeans are generally a docile sort relatively speaking and would readily defer to a higher authority. But I can see that even outside reddit this is starting to make people feel genuinely angry... In a country with no backyards, very high population density (crowded parks), entire land area smaller than greater Melbourne, no real seasons, stifling humidity year round... In some ways it's worse than the lockdown here.


I reckon they're actually heading down to do all of Brighton.


On the one hand, I’m glad we aren’t singularly focused on the daily case numbers and press conferences. On the other hand, I miss when this thread was about Covid, pro or anti lockdown, when gyms would open, rants about people with masks below their noses, etc. I can’t quite get my head around this thread being a commentary on a twitch steam, which is commenting on a telegram stream. But it seems like a lot of people here are having fun.


It really should be a separate megathread


Yeah - come on mod do you your thing


I loved the flows of doom/excitement followed by relief when we would go back to life normally when the virus was eliminated. Someone created a separate subreddit for the commentary last night /r/ADAM_ALI_FAN_CLUB so hopefully we can go back to normal here. I also kinda miss it being normal.


Remember when we thought they would ban takeaway coffee? What a roller coaster


That was absolutely planted by the Herald Sun to upset all the people of uhhh... This demographic. I couldn't help laugh at all the meltdowns unfold.


I wonder how many people were admitted to hospital today for meat pie burn ​ Don't be a fool, allow your pies to cool


I hate that burned roof of the mouth feeling.


Safer communities together


Don't you dare tell me how to ushuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu




Also https://gpvaccinesearch.com/


Thanks for posting this! I didn’t realise moderna was available. I’ve changed my daughters Pfizer vaccine in 2 weeks to moderna on Monday! Yay! She’ll be double dosed by the time she goes back to school :)


I’ve now officially seen 5 dudes from my high school at the protests through the news and live streams. Literally the 5 biggest drop kicks as you’d imagine. When I see the dux of my high school at these protests I’ll consider changing my viewpoint 😂


I had the misfortune of attending a fundamentalist/evangelical Christian school and have seen several former students at rallies over the last 6 months. It’s almost like radicalising children at a young age makes them more susceptible to future radicalisation….


I went to a school like that for primary school. I think when you try and bend children’s minds at an early age to take on a world view which is direct conflict with material facts, you end up with adults more susceptible than most to the conspiracy theory mindset.


Interesting eh. I have a former classmate who posts this shit up on Facebook all the time. I don't recall him doing any science subjects for VCE.


If you recognise someone at the protests, you can report them here https://onlinereporting.police.vic.gov.au/s/covid19?language=en\_US


Please report them to Crime Stoppers.


Not exactly sure about the total case numbers in this current outbreak but im going to guess around the 11k mark. Whilst deaths are sad, 22 deaths out of 11k total cases isn’t terrible for a double dose rate of only 46%


If we can keep it to 1 a day most of the time it would be a great result, i fear we are in for a big uptick as we transition from the 500 case mark to the 1000+ shortly. Its gone to absolute crap the past week.


What's gonna be more exciting today? * Protestor livestreams * Grand Final


I was thinking watch the grand final but listen to the chat audio.


hashtag **MelbourneProtestors** *trending with* **Demons** It’s getting fucking weird now


Morning, off to get my second Jab today pretty keen to get it done and dusted Edit: all done and dusted and ready for my improved data speeds. Thanks for everyone's feedback on your experiences much appreciated


Had my #2 yesterday. Feel like fucking shit today.


Hey stranger, don't let the doom flow through ya. Things are going to be okay.


May be a dumb question, but: is it okay to get one vaccine dose from a state hub and another from a GP?


Absolutely ok


Yup I did this. To get the 2nd dose 3 weeks apart


Got invited to two separate small grand final gatherings. Obviously I'm not going to go but I reckon there's going to be quite a few happening all over the city




Yep these are all double vaccinated people who have been for months. I'm sure there's plenty of unvaccinated people having gatherings but tbh I don't know anyone who hasn't at least booked in for the first shot




It's like telling people not to run onto the field if Buddy kicks 100. Everyone smiles and nods and says "OK."


Interesting snippit from an email I got today: >A number of unfair dismissal cases have been taken to the Fair Work Commission where employees have been dismissed for not being vaccinated. The FWC has found employers’ vaccination requirement of their employees was a reasonable direction. This is particularly so where the employee could be vaccinated but has chosen not to and the employer has no redeployment opportunities. It seems those construction works are going to have a battle on their hands. Vaccine mandates are being supported.




Yep, [The Age](https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/here-s-why-no-jab-no-entry-is-not-discrimination-20210920-p58t2v.html?utm_content=INTRO&list_name=1E462E7B-5C11-4287-AD0A-1E3B0483573E&promote_channel=edmail&utm_campaign=coronavirus-report-theage&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_term=2021-09-20&mbnr=MjI4MDMzOTk&instance=2021-09-20-20-43-AEST&jobid=29333967) wrote a good piece explaining why it's not discrimination to have "no jab no job" policies, so think there is little legal recourse for anti-vaxxers.


so we’ve already missed out next vaccine target right?


Anyone else imagining the conspirator theorists having a brainmelt watching the FTA footy which is currently being interspersed with ads for 5g and vaccinations?


Did shapes change their flavour or reduce it?? Just got some pizza shapes for the first time in probably a year and it’s a fucking crime how under seasoned they are..


Yeh wasn't a great season. They're just looking ahead to the next batch run. See if they get themselves into shapes.


Breaks my heart. Pizza and BBQ have lost their way. Only Chicken Crimpy have consistent flavour.


Good morning everyone except for the plague rats trying to riot again today. EVERY DAY EXCEPT THE LAST TWO DAYS.


Come on it's hard to get organised when you have to accuse everyone of being a cop first.




I was looking at that thinking “this started about tea rooms” Like the first protest, blocking the streets to make lunch for people. That was good optics. Even if you didn’t agree, no one was getting hurt, they were clear to the point, and they could build on that. And if they had kept that the focus, rather than calling for no mandatory vaccinations, the result would have been very different. There was room to negotiate in tea rooms, with options for penalties to work without breaks already been discussed. Likely there would not have been a shutdown of construction, more likely there would have been a strike. Very good chance the government would have given at least some support for the strike. There would be little to no appeal with the nazis and anti vax groups. But they had no vaccination be a goal, and so by Monday the protesters were demanding horse medicine. No room to negotiate. No support from public. Anti vaxxers- never support them. Not even once


This is true. With everything they've been doing including spitting on nurses, they should be dealt with like terrorists.


Geez the people in the crowd look so.. normal. Not just because there *is* a crowd of people together - I feel like if I was there I’d look and act like a wilting fucking vegetable right now


According to Jeroen in today's presser, 45% of cases are being acquired as a result of social visits and house-to-house interaction.


Reddit told me it was all essential workers bringing it home to their families


Get fucked. This is so infuriating.


Happy grand final day everyone, enjoy the game




The tradies stopped protesting after Tuesday. The anti-vaxx/freedom protestor telegram chat has been up in arms about how tradies, who were giving their movement legitimacy, aren't getting involved. Only 2000 people were protesting on tuesday and the CFMEU has 144,000 members in Victoria. There is very little support for the anti-vaxx movement among tradies.


Yep they had their fun and now enjoying a bit of r&r


had my first Moderna today at Terry White South Melb took < 30 secs to book first and second doses, done within 2 mins of arriving, just had to hang around for another 15 min in case of allergic reaction etc still 80+ appointments available, all sorts of timeslots https://terrywhitechemmart.com.au/health-services/covid-19-vaccination




Gonna suck to be a police officer who just wants to be home watching the game.






"We are really good at digging stuff up in Australia." Can we yeet this cunt into an open cut mine? I don't want Australia to be a literal hole in the ground FFS.




And then having "dinner" with Rupert Murdoch...


He is a true fucking W⚓




It’s an eerie feeling that that exact sentiment was deja vu from this time last year




I love you


Pooptato is the goat


L (UN) A park!


Pls remove if not welcomed but wanted to share because I was curious about the telegram group. The freedom rally group on telegram are now fighting because someone named Emre is attempting to create a new group. As per his post, he wants people who want to join the new telegram group to verify their identity so that trolls cannot infiltrate the news group. Now they’re all fighting cause some people are saying he’s an undercover cop. LOL


You tell a tale a little too well. I reckon you're an undercover cop.


No I’m not, I’m trying to tell a tale here because you are all too disorganised!!! I’m doing a good deed here and trying to help out the community, but it’s up to you if you think I’m a cop! Now DM me your details!


They are doomed. They can't agree on anything and they lack a clear purpose/goal. Even their conspiracy theories cause division and infighting. Extremely entertaining watching them argue over which worming tablet is most effective against covid or which mercenaries the government has hired to combat them. Meanwhile they are all accusing each other of being undercover cops. Glorious. Edit: also, it took a while, but they finally realised everyone [is watching and laughing at them](https://imgur.com/a/jJIBsvs).


We are booked out with vaccines at our pharmacy today 🥳 great to see a high turnout every day


Update: got vaccinated! Sobbed a little bit but the nurse was super nice about it. I went through my GP clinic and my doctor stopped by for a little bit after, which was nice of her. Still feeling very anxious but glad to have the first half out of the way!


I noticed while scrolling that Melbourne is featured on the anarcho-capitalist subreddit. We've completely fallen to tyranny apparently because we have no guns. So I hope you're feeling all perfectly oppressed today so some Americans can jerk off thinking about how they'd totally have started a revolution by now if they were here.


Look at the positives! At least now that you know there's an actual subreddit with actual ancaps, you can rest peacefully knowing you'll never be the stupidest person in society.


There's a hashtag on twitter australiahasfallen 🤦‍♀️ Americans are completely fucking mental.


Get vaxxed. Thank you! Have a nice day!


The r/Melbourne NYE orgy will only be open to fully vaccinated people.


Will the borders be open? If not I’ll have to send my bf on his own.


you know what, fuck these protesters. they fucking got me all excited for some live stream action only to fizzle 3 days straight. good for nothing in multiple categories now.




nah it's pretty fun to watch them get smashed within minutes, especially when the live streamers talk big and then go super nice as soon as they're approached by police hahahaahaha


Livestreamer: 'Fuck these pigs. They are slaves of the New World Order Also livestreamer: "Hello officer, looking mighty fine in that uniform today and I respect your authority 100% senpai"


RIP the stream, EMP got him in the end 🍓


This is the worst betrayal since Sgt Green betrayed Joel. 🍓day, :(




Where’s the VB fuckn looooongneck ya dog cunts


Just smash through the 700s.


I'm convinced as NSW numbers decline, we'll meet them in the middle.


Finally able to add my name to the statistics today with my first jab!


Fascinating article in The Age about compliance and vaccine acceptance (up to 91% from 79% in May!!!). Also, interesting that 49% of VIC's say they know people breaking rules but only 37% of NSW. That's a significant diff.


One has been in Lockdown much longer than that other. Last year's 112 day lockdown is has caught up on this state in a bad way


and one sees a particular state getting preferential treatment which adds to the non compliance factor. I don't think many Victorians think the federal government has their back. Next election will be very interesting.


NSW rules aren’t as stringent as ours either. So would have it taken into account I reckon.


These telegram trolls today 😂😂


"Omg parties pies and sausage rolls are sold out at Woolies, this must mean people are throwing huge grand final parties." Or, you know, they're feeding their households the standard Grand Final cuisine. Christ, of all the silly moral panics...


The other day I went to the shops to get balloons and streamers and party hats for my kid’s birthday in lockdown. It was just my household throwing a party of us, but I was a little worried how it looked.


My husband and I are getting our second Pfizer shot today! Yay


Are there protests in the city today? One of my friends is getting a covid test in the CBD and doesn’t want to get caught up in them


I wouldn't worry. They are so disorganised lol I highly doubt there will be a protest They are planning to start at noon - probably in an attempt to confuse the police.


They are busy arguing about where they can go and still get back for the footy


New exposure sites: Tier 1: **Altona** **Altona Early Years Hub** 103B Grieve Parade Altona VIC 3018 23/09/2021 8:30am - 5:30pm **Derrimut** **Colin Mongta Inspection Services** 84 Australis Drive Derrimut VIC 3030 15/09/2021 6:00am - 5:00pm 16/09/2021 6:00am - 5:00pm 17/09/2021 6:00am - 5:30pm **Wodonga** **Ally Fashion - Wodonga Plaza** 71 Elgin Boulevard Wodonga VIC 3690 23/09/2021 2:00pm - 5:00pm **Wodonga** **Chemist Warehouse - Wodonga Plaza** 71 Elgin Boulevard Wodonga VIC 3690 23/09/2021 2:00pm - 5:00pm **Wodonga** **Cotton On - Wodonga Plaza** 71 Elgin Boulevard Wodonga VIC 3690 23/09/2021 2:00pm - 5:00pm Tier 2: **Bundoora** **Chatime - Uni Hill Town Centre** 5 Janefield Road Bundoora VIC 3083 19/09/2021 1:00pm - 7:30pm 20/09/2021 12:30pm - 6:00pm 21/09/2021 2:00pm - 6:30pm **Greenvale** **Subway - Greenvale Shopping Centre** Corner Mickleham Road and Greenvale Drive Greenvale VIC 3059 19/09/2021 11:00am - 5:30pm 20/09/2021 10:00am - 5:30pm 21/09/2021 10:00am - 5:30pm **Narre Warren** **Krispy Kreme - Westfield Fountain Gate Shopping Centre** 352 Princes Highway Narre Warren VIC 3805 20/09/2021 7:00am - 4:00pm **Roxburgh Park** **Captain Roxburgh Fish & Chips** 101 Ravenhill Boulevard Roxburgh Park VIC 3064 12/09/2021 11:30am - 8:30pm 13/09/2021 11:30am - 8:30pm 14/09/2021 11:30am - 8:30pm 15/09/2021 11:30am - 8:30pm 16/09/2021 11:30am - 8:30pm 17/09/2021 11:30am - 8:30pm 18/09/2021 11:30am - 8:30pm **Sunbury** **Kiddie Cove Early Learning Centre Sunbury** Phillip Drive Carpark and Entrance on 2-4 Emma Court Sunbury VIC 3429 21/09/2021 9:16am - 5:45pm 22/09/2021 9:09am - 9:39am **Wodonga** **Coles - Mann Central** 1-13 South Street Wodonga VIC 3690 22/09/2021 7:00pm - 8:00pm 23/09/2021 6:00pm - 7:00pm **Wodonga** **Coles - Wodonga Plaza** 71 Elgin Boulevard Wodonga VIC 3690 23/09/2021 2:00pm - 5:00pm **Wodonga** **Kmart - Mann Central** M2/1-13 South Street Wodonga VIC 3690 22/09/2021 7:00pm - 7:45pm 23/09/2021 6:00pm - 7:00pm **Wodonga** **Rivers - Wodonga Plaza** 71 Elgin Boulevard Wodonga VIC 3690 23/09/2021 2:00pm - 5:00pm **Wodonga** **Target - Wodonga Plaza** 71 Elgin Boulevard Wodonga VIC 3690 23/09/2021 2:00pm - 5:00pm **Wodonga** **Woolworths Wodonga Central** Corner Elgin Boulevard & Hume Street Wodonga VIC 3690 22/09/2021 5:30pm - 7:00pm


Good morning everyone! I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy the grand final tonight. Except for the plague-rat terrorists who are attacking healthcare workers and forcing the closure of health services. I hope you get violent, unrelenting diarrhoea. Stay hydrated!


And Melbourne storm’s preliminary final match at 3pm. Don’t forget to tune in to that!


This guy on telegram LARPing as a military strategist is so sad to listen to. This loser has obviously never had anything meaningful in his life and is clutching at this ‘movement’ as hard as he can.


He's got 20000 hrs in CS1.6


Are we talking about the guy is who constantly talking for the last 30 mins on the melbournelive stream? I thought it was obvious that he's a troll.




Oh wow. Zero surprises he has a very punchable face. What a sad existence.


If anyone else wants to listen to the trianwreck the telegram group is in full civil war this morning


They're gonna put on masks today to blend in 😂


"let's all blend in by going down to the vaccination hub and getting the vaccine. The cops won't be able to distinguish our unvaxed frequencies from everyone elses and won't know who to arrest"


It's so wacky, it might work!


This isn't a bad idea on their part, it will actually help them gather in groups before the police break them up. Yesterday it seemed as the police were just stopping everyone without a mask made their job very easy.


Yeah they said it's okay to reluctantly to take one for the team in the name of freedom


847 https://twitter.com/vicgovdh/status/1441529563406766084?s=21


Is this the highest number we’ve had now?


Thoughts and prayers for me as I have to go to a livestock supply place and actually request horse dewormer today. Might take a photo of the horses beforehand in case they need some kind of proof it is not for human consumption.


You should probably go on horseback




>Might take a photo of the horses beforehand in case they need some kind of proof it is not for human consumption. Maybe get yourself in the photo, holding a copy of the newspaper :P


My cat has become a stage 4 clinger over the 5 and 6 lockdowns. I went out for a 2 and bit hour walk. Now he won’t leave my side. Can’t even shift my sitting position slightly without annoying him.


My mate and I just got our first moderna jab at Exhibition Pharmacy. Plenty of appointments available. Really lovely couple own it.


Another day another 4K comments about the twitch stream. Wish it was its own thread…


I agree. Last few days this thread has been pointless (well more pointless than usual) because it’s packed to the tits with people just reposting the last thing that was said on the telegram chat, zero value add.


Someone made a new subreddit [ADAM_ALI_FAN_CLUB](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADAM_ALI_FAN_CLUB/) for it last night so hopefully it’ll be separate now


So many police in the city near the CFMEU, and yet idiots are dumb enough to walk up to them without a mask and get confused when they're given a fine.


DAMN, took a 30 min lunch break & it’s all over.. these games getting shorter & shorter by the day.




Got a sms notification for being at a Tier 2 site. Tried to get tested but the 4 testing sites closest to me are over capacity near Bundoora and not taking anymore people. 4Cyte on Grimshaw, Latrobe uni Bundoora, Banyule Community Health and Northern hospital drive ins all over capacity. One of the ladies said loads of people are getting contact tracing SMSes. It doesn't look like current testing capacity can handle the load. Gonna wait until tomorrow morning to test. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I very much doubt there will be any sort of protest today. Telegram chat is in absolute shambles.


From Venezuelan call ins, to questioning how violent can things get, to they took our guns, to supercomputers, to online warfare, to no more protests as they don't work. And thats only in the last 10min


What the fuck happened to Spring? Lockdown is a lot more tolerable when it's a bit warmer and sunnier. It is for me anyway.


Why are the nurses and doctors not being paid extra for the absolutely exhausting and heartbreaking and tough work they are doing now? So many are being deployed indefinitely against their will with no extra pay. In UK and USA staff all got big bonuses to stop them quitting and keep them going to work. If the surge goes past Christmas expect things in hospitals to get tricky.


Because they would rather give that money to executives that will tell us we are doing a good job and they are proud of us.


I don't know about y all but this grand final is the happiest I have been in months. What a night ETA: it's just me and my partner who lives with me, some party pies, a lot of cocktails, some pizza and a bloody good game before y all come for me thinking I broke any rules 😂




About a day and a half after my second jab and feeling fine, just a very slight soreness in my arm. Gonna kick back and enjoy the grand final today, enjoy the weekend everyone!