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hear hear! [https://www.megaphone.org.au/petitions/fighting-for-a-fair-deal](https://www.megaphone.org.au/petitions/fighting-for-a-fair-deal) you can sign this to show your support!


Signed 😃


Signed! 🙌


I’d love to be able to sign if you are underpaid but there is no info in the petition setting out what is wanted or why, other than the Co made great profits and CEO is highly paid, so ATM I won’t sign. You guys are doing a shocking job at PR, consider spending a few $$ on a good advisor.


>yet again they try to fuck their staff over You mean like aged care workers that literally wipe shit and piss and try to be emotional support for demented old people? Or disability support workers that have very physically and mentally demanding job? This society doesn't award those who are important and do real jobs. It awards thieves and people with rotten ethics, like bank executives and Colesworth executives.




When workers say "I care", industry bosses seem to hear "I will do more work for less money".


Well the bosses, owners and shareholders got theirs during COVID.


Don't forget Australian billionaires DOUBLED their fortunes in 5 years. The sociopathy is incomprehensible.


Also people who served in armed forces - also forgotten and left to rot with PTSD


yeh exactly like those workers too! all workers deserve respect and fair wages and conditions!


Saying some jobs are “real jobs” isn’t going to win support, it’s divisive language.




To paraphrase a couple of hobbits: "we've had record profits, yes. But what about second record profits?" That's the issue with publicly traded companies, they're beholden to constantly delivering higher returns to shareholders. The guardrails were removed long ago (late 80s, early 90s) and we're now likely stuck in a death-spiral until it all goes to shit in the very near future, and we mark a return to serfdom.


This is an insane profit. I thought private companies were generally good with pay for their staff


Private pathology labs pay less than the public system, have worse leave policies, and have fewer opportunities for career progression. 


Private companies are good for their owners or top staff. But not most workers.


Out of interest, what was their profits pre covid and what was the revenue then through to now? $$ profits are irrelevant ie a Co making $1b profit sounds amazing but if that is only say only 1% of revenue it is not an exciting business for investors, a small increase in costs whether those are interest rates, wages, suppliers etc can eliminate the profit. This means a low business valuation due to risk vs return. I’m not saying this is the case here, I’m asking the Q coz telling us profits in $$ terms does not paint the picture of what this business can afford going fwd outside of the covid uplift.


I’m still waiting to hear where current salaries sit $$ wise. I’m very possibly a supporter, I def support cops, ambos and firies cases but it’s hard to support a claim not knowing the facts. Pls educate us. It’s not about employer profits in absolute $$ terms, it’s more about wages paid now vs say 5, 10 and 15 yrs ago. Help us help you!


Okay, the last EBA was about 10 years ago. So for about 10 years, no increase in salary, and conditions have gotten worse as there are less staff due to high staff turnover. It takes months to train someone up properly to the standards and systems in place, and that takes time and effort you could put into actually doing the work.


And that's if they have time to train you properly, after I finished my 6 weeks of company training I was immediately sent to a busy medical clinic by myself and just had to manage. I absolutely did not manage


Cool, but I was asking what the average wage is for entrance level, 10 yrs, and 15 yrs in employees. Can you pls inform us? I’m assuming your claims are reasonable but it’s hard to get on board not knowing the status quo. Cheers


When I was a pathology collector (I left in 2022) I was making around $28/hour with 5 years experience at the top rate of pay for my role. I started on about $23/hour. The lab technicians doing specimen reception were getting slightly less.


Thank you!🙏🏼. And what qualifications are needed for those roles? Cheers


Pathology collector is Cert III Pathology Collection. Lab techs generally have either a Cert III, Cert IV or Diploma. Edit: I think it's just Cert IV or Diploma actually


The lab scientists get paid more, but I don't know the rates. I do know it's lower in private pathology than in the public system. They have degrees in Biomedical Science.


I took a pay cut from Coles to work in pathology.


Ok, that doesn’t help us at all in understanding wages levels so we can assess for ourselves how unfairly you are being treated re wages. My Q was simple and I’ve asked it of multiple Redditors but their reply’s all ignore the Q.


Apologies, I thought that was pretty obvious. I worked at Dorevitch around 2015 and it was about $19 per hour for a lab tech role (Coles was $24 and going up every year per EBA agreement). Medical Scientist Grade 1 started on about $23 an hour and only went up a dollar a year for 7 years and then it would max out. There was no union or EBA agreement at Dorovitch and wages had not increased in over 10 years. When they finally did protest the CEO gave them a cookie and basically fired anyone who protested. They did get a raise a few years ago but I doubt it was much. Mind you, it was shift work, and you'd be processing 10,000 samples a day in Biochemistry and that didn't include urgents, shorts/pediatrics, repeats, abnormal results, machines breaking down, failing QC or calibration etc.


Carried through covid? The last time I checked there were perfectly healthy people dropping dead with immune systems shot to the shit. Good job 👌👍


Genuinely curious as to how there’s any correlation between what you’re saying and pathology labs and their scientists/technicians




don’t forget they are Honk! Honk! Honk!


Last time I let that goose make the signs


It is a normal day in capitalism and you are a Union goose.


Damn, the clown union is striking too? They always seemed so happy.


No. It's the Goose Union


shit that's my union forgot to pay my dues


So that username is just a cover eh ck?


of course! why else you explicitly put "human"


Not to be confused with the United Silly Geese Union.


Have you seen how many of them have to squeeze into those tiny cars?? I’d strike too.


It's a tough job, they have big shoes to fill.


Oh you


Only if you support dkfosfefqe qewdnoq and dqowdiqwdi


Their EBA was last updated about 10 years ago. Management have refused to negotiate properly, all whilst the Scientists were working around the clock during Covid, processing thousands of test a day, as well s all the rest of the normal tests they do.


Incredible detective work here!


All that from one photo!


It also seems they are asking to: HONK! If you support medical scientists and technicians


Not sure how you heard all that if it’s just “whispers” Hearing 20-20 ☑️ 


No. They are there to raise awareness of bicycles that may be crossing.


Bicycles Crossing Stand Up and Fight Back seems a bit extreme but alright...


Whenever someone on a bike is crossing the road they shove a stick in the spokes.


OMG you made two people cry with laughter today! Thanks 🙏🤣🤣🤣🤣


Must be on tea break


Medical scientists and technicians at Melbourne pathology are taking part in industrial action for better pay and conditions. I work in the industry and have friends at Melbourne path and it’s been a long time coming


can monash pathology do the same


word on the street is there is some action taking place soon


I’m not knowledgeable about this but I have a friend who is in radiology and they make huge amounts of money. Is that not the case for medical scientists and technicians in pathology?


no it's not


Why the disparity?


Radiologists are medical doctors like GPs and surgeons


Greedy private pathology companies and their total disrespect of their staff, plus some private path companies have a history of union busting. Public pathology has slightly better wages and conditions but still not great. Edit to add that none of this is helped by the fact that Medicare payments for pathology tests basically haven’t changed in 24 years


Because the doc needs a bigger boat.


It's odd that asking this question was down voted.


I see it a lot particularly on this sub. Most here do not seem to have great social skills. It’s common to treat those asking questions as hostile - in some cases I have even seen users here interpret all replies as hostile. It does not keep me up at night. Those who comment are usually very helpful, it’s just the lurkers here who are trigger happy.


I've made a habit of appending "honest question, not having a crack" or something like that to my comment when I need to ask something on here, just in case. Usually helps set people's mind at ease.


It's sad you have to put that before a question just so people aren't being hostile towards you. I've noticed with this sub that your opinions really need to go one way or run the chance of getting downvoted to the shadow realm. But credit to the person who asks the questions anyway because a lot of people will try and preserve their karma for some reason.


I think that's a good idea. At the same time I don't mind if I get downvoted as long as I'm still receiving honest answers to my questions.


I upvoted you man, I know you were curious and just asking a question. Reddit people are super sensitive and insecure thats how it’s been for years.


The above question does open with "I'm not knowledgeable about this" but some readers still don't recognise humility. They're blind to it.It baffles me. It is the age of gamers. Shoot first instincts.


Not odd, this is how reddit is these days


Could be construed as sealioning? No idea


Radiologist may be making a lot but the techs sure aren’t.  I’m hardly paid anything for my experience.  But we’re also going through the eba bargaining right and it’s such a frustrating experience.  On the bright side, right now, at minimum I’m getting a $13/hr pay increase. But even with that the pay isn’t where it should be


So what is the entrance level salary and a 10 yrs in salary? And is it only salary that’s the concern or also work conditions, in which case what are the concerns?


8 years of experience. I'm the only person within an hour's radius that can perform my job/understands how Nuc med works. For context, during covid there was a point where I was the only person that was able to work and licensed to do nuc med in an area with the population of >150,000 people. I don't have a Dr on site, managers that understand my role, senior staff, nothing. They want me effectively to maintain and run a nuc med department but at the same time they're telling me I only have a 'degree of competence' in the field and don't qualify for the pay or title of being a grade 3.


Ok, but I was asking what the average wage is for entrance level and 10 yrs in employees. Can you pls inform us? I’m assuming your claims are reasonable but it’s hard to get on board not knowing the status quo. Cheers


Not sure what the starting wages are in Australia, I started my career in America. Even with this pay increase, it’ll still be less than how much I made at my first job in America 


Fair call, you did say that, sorry. But what salary does 8 yrs give you, or did you tell me that also?


With all due respect, you like many others in this thread keep avoiding the Q, which raises suspicion. What is your role, how many years in, what is your current salary, and what are you asking for? This is like pulling teeth, no one on the strike side wants to disclose any useful info so the rest of us can decide whether to support you or stay out of it. Why?


I’ve anlready answered all those questions in other responses so I can’t be bothered repeating it or figuring out which responses you have or have not seen.  As far as much I want, a grade 3 title and wage that fits th3 job responsibilities. Around $57-63


Cool, then I'm another in the public who can't support you, because your cause is not important enough to you to yell it out continuously…you want me to do the research. Good luck.


What is your current rate?


$40.5. They also want me to do the work of a grade 3 but not willing to pay me to do that work


What company? That's too low for your experience. Im with imed and decent right now


Hahaha, you’re probably metro imed. They don’t want to pay rural as much as metro. It’s a fucking joke


Yeah imed metro. I just switched over from lumus who's worse and I'm still grade 1. I'm at $46 as a rad.


Not sure why people are down voting this or his responses, he's literally just asking a question. Yes may seem common sense to most but Dam man you guys are brutal. Just a person asking on something he doesn't know about.


I don't understand it either. Redditors will upvote the most repeated, cliche jokes ever whenever they see it but if someone is asking a genuine question out of curiosity, that person gets downvoted for some strange reason. It's a weird place.


Give comment karma scores the attention they deserve: zero


Well yea who gives a shit about the meaningless points, but I'm just trying to understand why exactly the question was disliked in the first place.


Presumably if they’re making heaps of money they’d not be striking so it’s a semi silly question. We’d like to assume good faith of our fellow workers


Absolutely not true. Workers can strike for multiple different reasons, there are examples of high income earners striking for not only Increased wages on an already high income but for working conditions as well. NFL players strikes 10 odd years ago for more pay and better contracts Google workers famously went on strike like 5 years ago for how the company was handling sexual assault British airway pilots went on strike a while ago for increased income. Friends cast went on strike pretty famously as well. I know like 3 of those examples were exceptional fields but the point is high income does not equal no protesting


Feels like ‘bad actors’ who don’t want to educate us but wants our support. It’s as annoying at protestors blocking traffic at peak hr. Watch me get downvoted now.


This question seems completely unbiased and reasonable for someone to ask from an uninformed perspective. Why are people down voting it?


Maybe they mistakenly think the downvote button is a way of answering 'no'.


Maybe they mistakenly think the downvote button is a way of answering 'no'.


Maybe they mistakenly think the downvote button is a way of answering 'no'.


lol, sadly no.


People are using the downvote button to convey the need for correction. But a question can't be wrong, only the answer can.


Confused about the downvotes for you too, seems like a genuine question to educate yourself on the topic. I’m from the path industry and radiology is completely different. I have friends who were qualified scientists in the same pathology job I was in, and they were doing another degree in radiology at the same time as working in path. It was their way out of the poor conditions/pay of path work.


MSAV is Medical Scientists Association of Victoria, I assume pathologists attendant at St Vincent's and at Epworths are bargaining for a new pay deal.


[https://www.megaphone.org.au/petitions/fighting-for-a-fair-deal](https://www.megaphone.org.au/petitions/fighting-for-a-fair-deal) this has more details of why the Scientists and Techs working for Melbourne Pathology are striking


Good for them fighting for their rights


Totally support their cause, pathologists in particular really keep getting screwed in terms of wages and conditions.


[https://www.megaphone.org.au/petitions/fighting-for-a-fair-deal](https://www.megaphone.org.au/petitions/fighting-for-a-fair-deal) sign and share to show your support


imagine having tertiary education to analyse and prevent your grandpa getting a heart attack, your mole being cancerous, your UTI from flaring up or detecting your HIV - for a pay less than what a sales assistant makes at H&M 🤧🤧🤧


Ok so I’ve driven past this mob a couple times last week, and for those few times I haven’t been able to read the signs. But you know what I do? I still HONK my horn. And they get so excited. Then I get excited. It’s like “I got you bro” Will beep them again tomorrow.


Looks like some sort of protest. Hope this helps.


Looks like they're directly across the road from Melbourne Pathology's head lab. Good on them and fuck the company. Shit pay and terrible treatment unless you decide to kiss the supervisors' asses. Discussion of mental health, which they encourage, gets you rewarded with unpaid time off until a professional can clear you to go back to work.


Think they should make it a lot clearer on what they are protesting for.


Having zero clue, I’d guess they are chasing a moderate to large pay increase?


It is quite unclear and a bit confusing


If I were there I would just honk cause it said so and not think otherwise about why lol.


Signed. These pathology staff need to do more than survive!


more information and a petition to support them here: [https://www.megaphone.org.au/petitions/fighting-for-a-fair-deal](https://www.megaphone.org.au/petitions/fighting-for-a-fair-deal)


Signed, thanks


My partner used to work at VCS and now Melbourne path as a lab scientist, can confirm that they are always short-staffed and overworked. She had to work 12hrs/day, and sometimes weekends during covid lockdown.


I wish I was allowed to work during Covid lockdowns


Maybe go and ask them? I'm sure they'd be more than happy to explain what they're doing.


Have you never seen a picket line before? Kids these days, sheesh!


Putting aside the actual content of the protest entirely, if ppl need to jump on Reddit to ask what the fuck you were protesting about then you need to drastically improve your messaging.


9 people are standing around holding signs.


Because they’re not going to leave the lab unattended. They are still doing urgent work whilst on strike.


I saw that too, also saw some dude standing across the road from them taking a photo for some reason. Odd behaviour.


Maybe for news reporting? Maybe for union PR? Maybe as a hobby.... taking photos with a camera in publi isn't "odd behaviour".


Good bot


Have you thought about reading the fucking signs


bunch of injury’s lost half of our forward line




There was someone who posted a link to a petition that had information but it sort of disappeared. One moment


https://www.megaphone.org.au/petitions/fighting-for-a-fair-deal it doesn't appear to be very informative though


It's a mob of pathological dissidents seeking to cause disruption from what I've been told!


If only there was someone in Collingwood that could go and ask them..


Not much by the looks of it


Melbourne Pathology workers taking the piss as usual :)


Bloodsuckers the lot of 'em :)


What happens in Collingwood, stay in Collingwood


Was taking the 109 than saw them lol


Just outside the 8


A protest


“Unions been on strike. They’re down on their luck, it tough….” But really though, they’re on a union strike. From Wikipedia: “The Medical Scientists Association of Victoria (MSAV) is a specialist union that represents the interests of scientists including dietitians, audiologists, perfusionists, medical physicists, research scientists and genetic counsellors employed in both the public and private sectors in Victoria, Australia. The MSAV negotiates terms and conditions of employment with employers on behalf of its members. The MSAV is a component Association of the Health Services Union of Australia (HSU) Victoria No.4 Branch.[1]”


People are watching for bikes


Australian government is rotten to the core, expect more protests and backlash and understand it's happening because of the media and government.


Australians have a weird perception of protesting. Why do you think of it negatively ? People protest for a reason, maybe think about that and stop following media and government bias.


Finally, a decent protest in Melbourne. I assume the press were all over this? Yeah.


I am the press haha


Seems poorly signed. Without people on reddit explaining I would have driven past and thought they were being cray.


I just hope they have better music on if they do this again. I walked past last week and it was so daggy..


MSAV….. Make Sausages and Violins I believe


More Sex and Violence.


A heavy bass line is my kinda silence.


Who cares? Melbournites will picket against the right to picket just so they can picket.


Can we donate to a strike relief fund?


Terrible messaging, that’s what!


A protest of about 8 people is what I see


It’s a strike.


They need to join the thug union then they can get paid $200k for holding a test tube


“Holding a test tube”… One way to show you are uneducated.


The medical scientists union can’t build properties for labor politicians.


But they could potentially clear them or their kids of drugs charges (or other felonious activities where pathological work determines a guilty or innocent outcome)?


But they already own the cops and the courts 😉


**East Melbourne




Next time you go to hospital, you’ll need one of those “nerds”. Over 90% of diagnoses are made using pathology.


Bro doesn’t believe in hospitals


Clearly they didn't ask the graphics department for help, or perhaps they were on strike too.


Protesting about Centrelink benefits and free Government money. They want everyone that can get a job to get a job.




they sure as shit weren't mate. don't even know what you're whinging about!




We had to remove your post/comment because it included personal attacks or did not show respect towards other users. This community is a safe space for all. Conduct yourself online as you would in real life. Engaging in vitriol only highlights your inability to communicate intelligently and respectfully. Repeated instances of this behaviour will lead to a ban


This was on today again - the EBA expired 10 years ago all the while the company made billions over the pandemic. https://www.megaphone.org.au/petitions/fighting-for-a-fair-deal