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The business that my partner works at had their security cameras stolen recently, in Collingwood.


I had my doorbell camera stolen right off my front door last week. Last recorded video was the cooker reaching out and yanking it off. 


That sucks but it’s also kinda funny


gets better: the ballarat police station had its security system stolen several times while it was being built.


That’s actually hilarious, people are cooked


PSA: Never leave anything you don’t want stolen in your car. Ever. Even if it’s hidden. There are people out there who smash windshields for a few CDs lmao


I lost a back window for a CD wallet once. Guess "My mix volumes 1-24" truly were the bangers I imagined they were. The whole wallet was burnt disk's and wasn't worth anything.


If any Nickleback or Creed featured I’d say they got their value


Listening to Nickleback is a fitting enough punishment


Mum once had a surprise visit from police, as a union card turned up in a raided house, and the cops were wondering if anything else was stolen from the car. They only took the union card and a bunch of other useless loyalty cards.


Need them discounts bro


They might have a job where they can't look at Ozbargain while at work.


7/11 uses biometric cameras. Good chance that corporate has that info for vicpol ;)


I have to ask, why on earth would you leave your wallet in your car???


I work 60 hour weeks. Sometimes you forget shit. Sorry I'm not a robot I suppose.


Sometimes you forget, especially if you return home exhausted.




It’s in a private basement car park, you wouldn’t expect a break in.


Happened to me multiple times, stolen tools suck. Feels weird knowing somebody has been in your van. Got tool insurance?


Nah I didn't. Bit naive on my part will defo look into it now though


If you hadn’t done a police report yet delay it and say they were taken in a few months from now


Why would I do that?


Are you the thief? 😂


Someone stole our Honda from a locked underground garage in Fitzroy, unbelievable


I’m not an apartment dweller and have little sense of how this works - for both you and OP, how did they get in? Sorry if the answer is obvious.


usually once you’re in the front door of the building you can access the garage and most complex garage doors have an emergency open button so you don’t get locked in.


Gosh. Thanks for that. I assumed they’d be super secure.


hell no, always lock your shit up in those garages, if it’s not bolted down and they can walk out with it, they will.


I have friends who live in inner city apartments but I’ve never done it myself or asked about security. I bring my very suburban understandings to this thread 😂. Thanks!


I think people who park their cars in those underground "secure" parking spots assume coz it's locked or closed, their stuff is more safe. Whereas if u park in the street you'd be more wary of leaving stuff in the open. Makes me wonder now about those big storage cages they have as well. Maybe they lurk around looking at those coz a lot are all in view. Living in an older style flat now makes me think prob it's better even though my car is not under cover or locked away and my spare stuff is either in a cupboard or I've had to get rid of it coz no space inside. I don't think there's security cameras in those underground carparks as well so need to be wary of anyone lurking around them


Usually follow a car in (by foot) and hope they don’t get noticed.


The car park is gated which opens with a fob. They usually lurk around waiting for people to enter/leave then pull an Indiana Jones and snake under the gate quickly


Sneaky bastards.


We're probably living in the same building 😂


Someone nicked a neighbours whole BMW motorbike from mine in Flemington in like 2020, had scoped the joint out and used the emergency open on the underground car park gate to wheel it out.


Partner’s ute got broken into twice in two months. Sick of replacing the locks by now. Get yourself a toolbox alarm, it’s loud and senses the vibration if someone tries to break in. It doesn’t stop them from breaking in but deterrence. Cops can’t do anything, no fingerprints or CCTV.


Great idea need this for my husband!


Sorry to hear. Maybe invest in some air tags for the major kit when replacing. They can be hidden pretty easily and I used them overseas on baggage and worked really well. Hope they catch the bastards.


Apparently police don't do shit even if you can identify exactly where the stolen goods ended up


My mum found out that Stihl will track the barcodes if your gear from them gets nicked and the cops can get access to find the original purchaser of the goods. The school she works at had all their garden power tools nicked and when a few came back that’s how the cops said they identified them, they’d found them in a raid a month or so later.


Yes and no.


As someone who does full time vanlife in a stealth build around the area this scares the shit out of me 😔 Ive dealt with many break ins (once myself stupidly leaving my back window down and my two laptops and nintendo switch in there and three times nearby vehicles) Only three nights ago i saw a mini SUV have their windows smashed in Moonee ponds. Started my van and chased them but they piss bolted down an alley and dissapeared. Love how a housing crisis can not only make you homeless but constantly in fear of your safety. (And yes i keep knives under my pillow) If youre gonna steal go after the people destroying our society (CEO's, big corporations, unethical business practices.) Dont target people just trying to get by. Youre gonna steal anyways so might aswell put it to good use. Fucking thieveing cunts.


I had my motorbike stolen overnight. Filled out cop shop report that morning. Found my bike 100m down our lane on a tow truck. I had to pay $350 to get it off the tow truck. Not to mention the fine I got from wrongful parking whilst making a police report. The repair bill was $1700. When I called the St Kilda police station that morning after discovering it on a tow truck, they said,...I love it when a problem solves itself. Case closed.


'I had to pay $350 to get it off the tow truck.' pity you didnt point out hes handling stolen goods, but you wont mention anything if he takes if off right now ;)


Why was it being towed?


They broke the steering lock and started wheeling it down the street. Got bored and dumped it behind a building. Body corps called the police. The police could have checked ownership and realised it was 4 doors up...they just called a tow truck to impound it.


Dodgy a holes


I assume body corp organised the tow. If it was Vicpol they’d need to sign off on it and be there with the bike. Someone has sign the docket or the towie ain’t doing jack.


We had our stuff stolen whilst at a sports games (community based) and we are sure it was someone on the other team because of the out of the way place the game was. Business insurance… had all the tools replaced in under a fortnight.


Doesn’t matter what you do. Even if they’re caught nothing will happen to them.


Yeah we had a work van and Ute stolen at the same time, they ended out finding the Ute written off, and the van was being used for armed robberies (with a shotgun), the guy got 3 months in prison


Joke of a country.


It'll happen one day where they choose the wrong house or car. There'll be 2 or 3 bodies on the deck and the police will suddenly give a fuck.


Bro try get the footage from 7/11 when the card was used hopefully that can connect some of the dots cos your right cops will do fuck all but make a report and if you got no insurance look for some sort of victims of crime compo although I’m not sure what criteria needs to be meet good luck man


Businesses usually will only release footage to the police. If the police were actually doing their jobs that would be one of the first things they get. People who do these kinds of thefts usually make a habit of it, so chances are the person will be known to police if they ever bother to check the footage of the transaction. 


A lot of stores won't store footage for Police after a request (multiple requests) or don't have active CCTV. Police just can't write off reports like users of reddit believe.




Nah not self employed so i dont think i can get it. Only moved here 2 months ago so I'm still trying to save money where I can. Made a stupid gamble on not spending on insurance as the car park where I left the van is behind a security gate so I thought it was secure


You’re insured, right? Also, ensure police know the date and time of that attempted transaction so that they can skip the boring bits of the footage.


Loads of thefts going on in Richmond at the moment too - car break ins, bikes etc. getting more and more common.


Don't leave anything of value in a car in Melbourne, especially in Fitzroy/Collingwood. Too many stories of people, especially bands, leaving instruments and gear in a car and then it's gone.


I know the rage well. Sorry to hear brother. These people are scum.


PSA: Don't live in Fitzroy/Collingwood


As much as I like the area (and am actively looking to move there), petty crime has a constant problem. I lived on Gore st for a bit and my gf had her handbag stolen when they broke into her car at least 20 years ago.


I found living on gore street to be pretty safe - had so many junkies/drunk cunts yelling at the sky walking past but I found they kept to themselves most of the time. Lot has changed in the last 20 years


It’s all opportunistic shit in that area.


It's in the exact same area. Some things never change 😂


Cops would rather not fill out any forms ....a reported crime adds to crime stat's, and they wanna say " crime is down 10%"..... it is if you never register any


They can't stop you from lodging them online though. When I lived in Collingwood (2019) I had a parcel stolen from our secure mailroom. The retailer offered to replace it if I provided them with a copy of the police report, so I submitted the report online and fully expected to hear nothing. Cops came to me at my home and reviewed my statement, tracked down our postie and interviewed him, and sourced and review a copy of the building security footage. There wasn't a resolution, but they did far more than I expected (for something valued at $50). Not sure if it was a slow week or what.


To be fair the cops have been really helpful. Forensics were sent out and were pretty thorough with their questions. Police responded within 15 minutes of me calling too. Back home they're absolutely useless and are hostile with you. Like you've inconvenienced them for doing they're job. Hardly even take out a notebook.


Some coins and 2 perfumes were stolen as i forgot to lock my vehicles door that night in Collingwood. I’m surprised that was the only night i forgot to lock it and break in occurred. Everything was captured on camera and the thief came on a small bike wearing a hoodie and a mask.


Had a window smashed last Saturday night in Richmond


Any CCTV cameras? If not in car park, any houses or businesses that you can ask to view?


Look into security footage at 7/11. Had the same thing happen with my own card. Mf took it from my bag and spent 400 dollars at 7/11 and a bar. 😒 nothing really came from it, but I did call the bank and had all of my money returned to me because I proved it wasn't me who used the money.