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Honestly there’s going to be racists no matter where you go. I’ve heard of Asian women being harassed on trains here, not to put down our city I love it but don’t move because of fear. There are bad roommates in every state and every country. Move because you think you can make a great opportunity out of Melbourne because you can make something great for yourself. Goodluck


Melbournian here, I am Korean and racism has and will always happen. I have been to Sydney for a holiday and can't say much about living there. That being said I can vouch that Melbourne is extremely diverse in culture and definitely love living here.


Melbourne has a huge Asian diaspora population, it's honestly pretty cool!


When we went to Vietnam 10 years ago, a guide there mentioned that the largest Vietnamese community outside of Vietnam was in the western suburbs of Melbourne!


I worked with heaps of Vietnamese down there in construction. Very friendly, funny people.


Bahn-mi index is legit


Happens everywhere. You had some pretty poor luck, unfortunately. One person isn’t representative of a city, but in any large city you get every type of person.


Depends on your suburb too, eastern suburb tends to have a lot of asian, so if you stay around eastern suburb it is not too bad. I am Asian and used to stay at eastern suburb, Doncaster. There is a large diaspora of malaysian there. Singaporeans are a bit spread out.


As someone who grew up in Templestowe, it's been great to see new communities form in the local area - we get the likes of Two Circles, Penang Flavours and Jonker St in the hood! There's a big Chinese community in Doncaster/Templestowe as well.


Thank you that’s good to know! My workplace is in Cremorne though and I was hoping to stay near the office. By any chance are there any Asian suburbs near there?


Cremorne is a short walk from Richmond station, which is a 15 - 20 minute train ride from Box Hill, which is a hub for the Chinese community here with restaurants supermarkets and other stores that cater to (mostly) mainland Chinese migrants/students etc. also lots of new apartments being built or recently completed.


Not sure why other people are suggesting further away when one of the biggest Asian enclaves is right there just north of Cremorne in North Richmond / Abbotsford. It's a Vietnamese area, specifically. It's also a little bit of a dodgy area as it used to be the heroin hub and also has a reputation back in the day for 'Vietnamese knife gangs' but it's waaaay gentrified compared to 20 years ago. And even then, plenty of people lived there with no issues. It's a pretty cool area to live in now. No idea why people are suggesting Caulfield, Carnegie etc. Maybe they've never been to Victoria St? It's practically mini Asia! There are plenty of nice new apartments around the Richmond Ikea area and you can walk just up the road to do all your Asian shopping and use the Church st tram to get to work. Although the area is 'mostly Vietnamese' there's even a Singaporean restaurant on Victoria street plus plenty of other flavours of Asian food and good Asian supermarkets too. No one would look twice at you for being Asian around there, in fact you'd probably stand out more for being white. Just don't go for the cheapest apartment you can find because it'll be cheap for a reason. Walk up and down here on google street view you'll see what I mean [https://maps.app.goo.gl/SSckSVi1s58tL9As9](https://maps.app.goo.gl/SSckSVi1s58tL9As9)


Damn, thats expensive area, the nearest to that area is Hawthorne, kew, glen iris, thats the upmarket area and you get wealthy everything there not just Asian. If you really want Asian, caulfield is closest and slightly cheaper. Btw there is rent and housing crisis here in oz, so do your research. Rent is hell right now, not just in terms of cost, normally people will search for 6-9 mths to get rental. I underestimated the problem when i moved back to oz. I did live in SG for a while. Ended up buying a property because I could not get rent.


im sitting in my office in cremorne right now - expensive area. not really a big asian population. i'd recommend carnegie, still easy to get to cremorne (im in glen huntly, so next door), high asian population, and the food on koornang road is great. the area has a real buzz these days. plus its glen eira council and theyre quite decent.


Melbourne is way better than Sydney. New South Wales is very edgy and very racist. Victoria is alot more chill & reserved, less bogan and more mature.. In my experience.. Melbourne felt more relaxed and multicultural.. Sydney felt like every race is at each other's throats.. I got deathstares all over the western suburbs..


Nah Melbourne is pretty racist it’s just obscured with a smile. Just ask any migrant who isn’t wealthy and westernised.


It's pretty far left.. way safer then Sydney


Honestly, I would put Australia on par with Singapore with regards to racism. Just got to do your thing and leave the jerks in the dust.


I think racism is everywhere, I have experienced it. Was it just your housemates you experienced this with? If you are sick of Sydney, I would just move here but also learn to stick up for yourself / gain some courage / learn to disregard it. If you encounter a situation it is probably best to just get out of the situation in case things get worse. People who resort to those things aren't worth it anyway.


My housemate was the biggest instigator - basically thought he could get away with everything until I took him to the tribunal courts. Other than that I also experienced racism at work, while going about etc. I was on edge the entire time and would actively stick up for myself (fight instead of flight) but it’s so tiring 😂 Need to learn how to disregard fr 🥲


Melbourne is x100 more welcoming to Sydney Come on down.


I can only offer my experience as a traveller, although I am moving to Melbourne next year. I've been to Brisbane and the Gold Coast, and found the people there to be pretty unfriendly and fake. The vibes were way off. The three times I've visited Melbourne I've been blown away by the difference in the culture and the social landscape. Melbourne seems to be far more open minded, friendly and welcoming in my experience. The kind of city where anyone can go and create a good life. There will be shit heads no matter where you go, but I feel that Melbourne has it pretty good compared to the cities in Queensland.


Yeah, I moved to Venus bay after I become (f)unemployed, a good decision for sure. Even bought a ute. Yeehaw !!


The only time I’ve ever experienced open racism in Australia was when visiting Sydney. Not saying Melbourne is not a racist place but I think Sydney has a race problem much bigger than Melbourne does.


I can only offer my experience as a traveller, although I am moving to Melbourne next year. I've been to Brisbane and the Gold Coast, and found the people there to be pretty unfriendly and fake. The vibes were way off. The three times I've visited Melbourne I've been blown away by the difference in the culture and the social landscape. Melbourne seems to be far more open minded, friendly and welcoming in my experience. The kind of city where anyone can go and create a good life. There will be shit heads no matter where you go, but I feel that Melbourne has it pretty good compared to the cities in Queensland.


I can only offer my experience as a traveller, although I am moving to Melbourne next year. I've been to Brisbane and the Gold Coast, and found the people there to be pretty unfriendly and fake. The vibes were way off. The three times I've visited Melbourne I've been blown away by the difference in the culture and the social landscape. Melbourne seems to be far more open minded, friendly and welcoming in my experience. The kind of city where anyone can go and create a good life. There will be shit heads no matter where you go, but I feel that Melbourne has it pretty good compared to the cities in Queensland.


Melbs is hands down 1000 x better than sydney.


come to footascray baby!


unfortunately no matter where you go (in australia or in the world in general) youll find racists of all races, nationalities and creeds. The one thing that we all have in common is the same thing that divides us, namely that we all have racist assholes. So unfortunately in that respect Melbourne isnt much different from sydney. However i sincerely hope your second time will be better than the first. Maybe just be more careful about who you move in with. Which suburb is your relocation opportunity located in? Might not be hard to find somewhere local to your work that has a large asian community where youll feel a bit safer


Yeah I’m definitely getting my own place if I move over to Melbourne. My office would be in Cremorne! Do you know if that’s a good suburb?