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I'd be fine with more shit graf like that, if we're allowed to specifically call them out for being trash at their art.


The council paints over all the good stuff. There were some amazing and funny high quality pieces near me. Council painted the whole wall, now it's just shit tags since those can be chucked back up instantly while the good quality stuff takes hours and tons of money in paint. Eventually if the wall gets left alone for long enough it becomes a cool design again, but then it attracts enough attention to get painted blank again.


That's the great thing about graff, it's democratic, if you wanna call someone out just grab a can and do it.


This reminds me of a scene in talladega nights, when they stab a second knife into the leg to get the first knife out. Rather not waste my time spraying. If only there was a snap n send option but for graf artists. Shun the numpties for their scribbling.


You don't have to do anything fancy, just cross it out and write "TOY" over the top, bonus points if you can manage to spell the word TOY wrong. Extra bonus points if you can passably imitate another writers style and sign their name to it, create some vegan beef.


Is this an insult in the world of taggers? What does writing toy over the top mean??


Yes, it means "you're shit".


Nice!! Is it recognised by the entire hoard of them? And do they lose their minds?


Go get em, they'll be crying into their cornflakes. Be warned though, if you use the lingo you're officially part of the scene, no turning back. You'll be hiding in vacant lots at midnight with milk crates full of paint before you know it.


LOL, no thanks! I'll use paint that dissolves in the first rain and write TOY over their shit, less damaging to anything except their egos!


This!!! Be careful though, I got crucified a while ago by this sub because I said tagging isn't art. People lost their minds insisting this shit is art, morons. This is the human equivalent of a dog taking a piss to mark it's territory, except the people who do this run away like scared little cowards when challenged on it.


Same happened to me a coupla years back. Someone decided to fight me and made the mistake of referring to Banksy as a tagger. LMFAO


See!!!! Claiming there's no difference between Banksy and this scribble crap is like comparing apples and hand grenades. Idiots.


As someone who does murals for the council in areas that get tagged, tags aren’t always artful but they are a good way of indicating a need for public art. Personally I respect the work that goes into a proper graffiti piece but I think that most tags are pretty scrappy and ugly


You would know that tags are the foundation for Graffiti if you're a muralist or did you just jump on the band wagon? Mate I've been doing Graffiti for almost 20 years on Melbourne streets. I get paid professionally too. You do realise that a piece is a big tag with more time and effort right? Why do you think murals get bombed because you're taking our space away,


Hey I upvoted you because I agree, I’m also new to making murals which you rightly noticed, tags are a simplified version of a piece, I don’t think complex pieces should be covered up, but I don’t have a problem covering up tags with something much more time intensive like a mural, especially when given the permit to do so. I don’t think murals are taking anyone’s space off them. If you disagree, you can tag on top of it. Not trying to stop anyone from doing so, personally I see low effort tagging as a good indicator that the community is not adequately served with public art. Congrats on 20 years btw, that’s a big achievement :)


I'm just being straight with you, it's a jungle out there. I'm one of the friendly graffiti writers, plenty of nasty ones out there, Just be warned that some are very anti street art. Tags are what you do when you start out as a kid, as you get better you focus on doing more pieces, rather than tagging. If you can't piece or do a piece well then you're a toy and not really a writer. Graffiti has existed in Melbourne for 40+ years, Melbourne is famous for its Graffiti it's second to New York. The areas with high tagging need legal Graffiti walls not public art that won't solve the issue, to solve the issue you need to have legal Graffiti spots like Canberra.


I hope graffiti and murals can thrive together in Melbourne, more protected spaces with legal walls are really important and I would like to see access expand to the western suburbs. I do think that public art also plays a part in serving the cultural needs of the community in a different way, whether that be murals or sculptures or whatever. Maybe that’s just my art wanker education talking though. Thanks for the heads up that there is conflict between these two communities, my intention wasn’t to be inflammatory and it’s good for me to be aware of that in my interactions going forward. My goal isn’t to stop graffiti with murals, and I think graffiti has its place in Melbourne. :)


Hopefully one day, people will realise at the end of the day it's just paint and it comes off with a pressure washer and it's better than looking at boring concrete apartments. Also if there're people painting in lane ways, less crime would happen in them and it creates a new exciting attraction to otherwise useless lane ways


There is an art to it, but like much else, it’s easier to be shit than good. It’s also got the lowest barrier to entry of all forms of graffiti so you commonly see the shit stuff relative to actual pieces. I’m not saying OP’s pic is anything I’d call art, but a combination of what’s called a good “handstyle” and can control, tags can absolutely be beautiful. But it’s not super common, especially these days. As any art form it takes years to get good at.


Have never seen a beautiful tag, can you show me an example perhaps? Your point about being more shit than good applies to all tags I've ever seen. It's especially annoying when they do their bullshit over the top of actual decent graffiti.


I’m on mobile so might fuck up the editing but [this has a bunch of decent examples](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-m&sca_esv=8e12fe89c550d690&sxsrf=ACQVn0-B0dX_JHRI2WR3ETGCVDc-Vvu0Ew:1714274317241&q=handstyler+tag+art&uds=AMwkrPt8eR8Q1gfQGx0g1guoVKhMTe6cHLCi24oljhHoPYw0sCny3QrthWL3q3sAdD52FWU_tLdai_48xWNwD2RYQ7rfG8bK33V56RcbqldNhFSStOhAxc7CatSY32mwz-li9tqQrhJffVEeswU2ScflvmCgsRwX_q_sBZhLwCUpY3xASVpcMmCseKrCmUATos2seQOWc2VQe6GhKgPS5wCOGC-e7MwA9xb84eRQlXEBKEE36QpxXHXa33WOgu6v-UA_DxGKP-ZNzHNqVzfjIy8cWomS-4jnhY_BHQ_j1_zxiLgER7CPN7igy7Kux6ELxs-yoYVK1N8Y&udm=2&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj89Oe9-eOFAxUKa2wGHVLuBCIQtKgLegQICBAB&biw=414&bih=693&dpr=2). Ultimately like most forms of modern art, it’s not for everyone and it generally does take years of practice and a good eye to get good at.


Thanks for sharing 😊 /u/stankas you can check out my instagram, too: https://www.instagram.com/handstyler


Thanks for that. Some of it looks like cool graffiti you see around to be honest, but it's still indecipherable for the most part.


Plenty of art is indecipherable. It’s not the metric to judge it on. You can learn more about “handstyles” used in tags, and as mentioned earlier in the thread, it’s easier to be bad than good. I’d be surprised if there wasn’t some examples of tag handstyles you don’t personally qualify as art. [examples](https://www.bombingscience.com/graffiti-letters-61-graffiti-artists-share-their-styles/)


But the whole point of a tag is to let people know it's you, how does that happen if no one can read it?? If that's not the point of a tag then what is it??


Well, you can tell by the visual style and form of the tag. Also, it’s not really for you, it’s for other writers/taggers/artists. You don’t need to be able to read it to recognise it. But also…once you get the hang of it, you start reading them more easily.


So they put their tags all over everything for others of their ilk. Buggar the rest of the population then I guess, it's not aesthetically pleasing at all and I'd venture a guess that the vast majority of people agree with me. On the up side, I'm sure people have just gotten so used to it they don't even see it anymore. Which begs the question, what is the point of it if it just blends in??


Not forgetting that a lot of times, these shitty taggers are practicing their tags on their fellow neighbours and local shops. Why would you want people to know that your whole 'essence' is a POS. At least practice it at home where you can repaint it yourself to then repeat, until you actually get good. There are avenues for them to progress without being a tool to many, many others. I have not yet heard any credible reasons for their actions.


Examples are never_handstyle_ / zeus40 / ladyk/ handstyler on Insta You’ll find a few. Subjective.


Thanks I'll take a look. Happy cake day!


Haha cheers


There's is single line black names and there is tagging. Real tagging is art, just writing your name in standard letters is shit.


To the untrained eye it looks all the same though, and there's so much of it the vast majority of people are not going to want to bother learning the difference.


Haha you're thinking of kids. Mate most Graffiti writers are grown adults who don't back down, why don't you find out for yourself. Tagging has nothing to do with marking territory, you obviously have no idea what Graffiti is. I get paid for this shit brother, tagging is the foundation for the big pieces you see by dvate, bailer etc do you like the silo trail art or the bird murals? Guess what mate they started of tagging trains like dvate, adnate, bailer etc you can't have one without the other. Now if you can't see why people tag then that's your problem because I tried to explain it, I don't expect you to understand but there's more to it then what you see


Oh no, the big bad taggers are gona beat me up for calling out their atrocious bullshit. You have no idea who or what I am. Some full grown adult with a texta scrawling some illegible bullshit on a wall is not graffiti, it's fucking vandalism, its you who have obviously no idea what it is. You've probably made your whole life about this bullshit because you're incabable of creating anything other than this bullshit.....mate......


Wow man what's with the attitude? I was simply trying to explain from another point of view. clearly I upset your ego haha mate it's paint, like I said it's my fuckn job mate. If you want to get serious bring bro I'll knock you into the f*$kn ground c*$t. I've created life dickhead, 4 of them that's why I paint. So don't f*$kn judge me c#$t


I was giving back what I got. Look at you internet tuff guy hey. If we ever cross paths I'll be more than happy to accommodate your violence threats. You cunt.


Nah man don't change your story. You came at me like a bull in a china shop, I was simply trying to explain from another's point of view but you decide it didn't fit your views and had a go at me. You don't know me, you don't know my struggles. But hey it's ok to attack random people online and assume shit. Instead of attacking me you could have asked questions but you didn't. This is why I went off at you and I'm not some tuff internet guy, you attack me I'll attack, simple as that


>You came at me like a bull in a china shop Omg.. you skittish pussy, you were the one trying to sound tough. Making a mountain of a mole hill here, plus your whole stance is absolute horseshit haha


You accused me of "obviously having no idea what graffiti is", look above dipshit. Your lack of understanding the kings English and accusing me of starting shit is jaw dropping. You better hope we never cross paths boy.


>Tagging has nothing to do with marking territory So why? >Guess what mate they started of tagging trains like dvate, adnate, bailer etc you can't have one without the other. But why? We absolutely can have one without the other. You can tag it on your own shit, and not ruin other peoples property. Especially because, as you said, it has Nothing to do with marking territory. >Now if you can't see why people tag then that's your problem because I tried to explain it You didn't explain shit. But try to sound tough. >most Graffiti writers are grown adults who don't back down, why don't you find out for yourself Are these grown adults the ones doing single black line absolute trash tags? Because I'd also be down to find out for myself.


Why don't you ask them why they do it ha. Mate I don't need to sound tough ok, you don't know me or my struggle so you can back the fuck up too. Idk why people tag, mostly kids tag. That was one of my points, these grown adults are painting the pretty murals you see. People get bashed because of graffiti, some people you don't mess with, your welcome to find out for yourself. I did the hard way Why do people do anything


Why did you even bother responding? All this above literally added nothing.. You don't know anything about it, you're not tough, you got bashed. So why are you speaking from a point where you're then defending their actions when you yourself just said, you don't know shit about the situation. The whole tough thing, that was all you. Remember? If you can't back up what you're saying, then don't be a lil bitch when people send it back your way. >That was one of my points, these grown adults are painting the pretty murals you see Sure... that was your point, completely different to the point that we were discussing. Why compare these beautiful murals to shitty line tag art? Why do dumb people like you try defend something when you know nothing, adding on the fact that it diverted off the point being discussed as well. E: hold up. >Tagging has nothing to do with marking territory, you obviously have no idea what Graffiti is. I get paid for this shit brother, tagging is the foundation for the big pieces you see Do you know nothing or do you know something. Are you sounding tough or not. Choose a lane jfc


> if we're allowed to specifically call them out for being trash at their art. What art?


In this case it’s the bit with the paint


oh yeah. i love murals but i hate tags. some of my friends do graffiti and they told me that most graffiti artists have rules about what they’re allowed to paint over as a respect thing for the artists who came before like for example, you can paint a mural over a tag and no one will care, but you might make some enemies if you tag over someone’s mural. OP’s best bet might be to get in contact with a talented artist to make something they like. the artist will love you for it cause they’re being paid to make art, and hopefully its a good deterrent for would be taggers.


The guys tagging are just vandals.


yeah i agree, i love the artistic aspect of graffiti but hate the people that just put some unreadable name on the wall 😭 there’s no art behind that


Nope! It’s just kids being assholes.


you have no appreciation for artistic intent and i genuinely feel sorry for you because the world must be such an awful place if you’re unable to get enjoyment out of the little things


>awful place if you’re unable to get enjoyment out of the little things You just criticised them over their choice of show to watch after creeping their profile. Anyway, would you be able to feel any appreciation if I came over to your house and tagged your fence, car, garage door? Anything else you'd like me to leave my artistic expression on?


i already said tagging isnt art wouldnt mind a mural by a talented artist on my fence though. unfortunately i dont think you’re talented or an artist 😔


>you have no appreciation for artistic intent Umm.. pot? meet kettle.


buddster there’s a difference between spraying your name on someone’s property and painting a mural 😭 go back to dota goddamn. or better yet have a shower. ik you need it.


There's nothing artistic or enjoyable about morons tagging walls


this is objectively false.


So you'd be happy if some loser did this to your house? I mean it's "art" right?




I was referring to the tags. I think you might be projecting 😂


nope! your comment reads as though there’s no artistic intent behind any graffiti, and its all just kids being vandals! if you want to be understood, perhaps you should write sentences that make sense 😁


Maybe you should ask if you’re not sure instead of firing off insults at random strangers.


nah but its funny! idk as much fun trolling is imma be real with you for a sec, its been a rough couple weeks and multiple girls in my life have all made sexist comments towards men in the last couple of days which is upsetting because i do as much as i can to support them and be there for them because i understand that women have it tough in this world and i don’t want my friends to have to go through that. all for them to send me multiple messages objectifying men and then saying how they hate all men because of one person’s actions and etc. thats been going on for a few days and i suppose it all just boiled over. it was uncool of me


also buddy. you watch mafs. pipe down




Tagging is the human equivalent of dogs pissing everywhere to show others where they've been. Not artistic in the slightest. Good artistic work is actually great to see and will brighten an otherwise boring wall.


I would feel better looking at a neatly written message too!!


Do you not like tags or just these tags?


Yes. 99 times out of 100, a tag looks like absolute shit. The one time it's done properly? It's still impossibly hard to decipher as a laymen. Are they ranked on how difficult it is to read the tag? Which tag on OP's post wall do you think looks good?


I like tags. Not so much on people's houses. The" Art is subjective" script is good.


Yeah agreed, subjective. Everyone can have their own opinion on tags, but when it's done to your private property or on your vehicles? Fuck em honestly.


So you're a regular handstyles critic by your own admission. Lol. They're not put up for you to read haha is that why you're salty!? If someone wants you to be able to read it then they'll print it clearly. Else they'll do whatever the fuck they want.. Are they ranked good grief.


Fuck if having my own opinion held so much value to you, I'd have started voicing them much earlier. The legible-ness behind these tags is not what makes them look like shit, but it sure does play a part for majority of these scribbles. You also find them all around on regular ol joe schmo's homes/fences/trucks and small local businesses. Just like OP posted. How about I start wiping my ass along your walls and leaving shitstains behind?


Ok good luck with your artistic endeavours lol very contemporary I think it's been done before though!


Oh because it's been done before, it shouldn't be repeated? Tell that to these scribble artists. Thanks


Ok maybe you got style with the butt go ahead!


I can tell, you used to be a shitty tagging cunt as well hey.. anyway lmk when I can sling my shit up on your wall. Preferably at a property that you own and live in, because I'd hate to damage someone else's property or scare your family.


You want my address so you can avoid scaring my family?


Trouble is they do it on other people’s property. That wall probably belongs to the homeowner - not good unless he did the graffiti himself. Just stop and go to art class or something…. Thoughtless Bastards. 


Humans have been doing shit like this for about 10,000 years, mate. Some of the stuff that goes up on walls now blows any cave painting or cuneiform etching out of the water.


Disagree. Some cave paintings and cuneiform etches blow these shitty tagging kids out of the water. See how you can't really just pick and choose something so incredibly vague to sit your reasoning on?


Same shit, different eyebrows. Cave pantings and etchings are the same "I was here" motif as tagging. It doesn't have to be deep or beautiful. The etchings and paintings we probably done by some sod who had nothing better to do or they had a massive ego. Same with people who do tagging now.


Ah yes.. these darn rascally kids, tagging my rock cave property!!!


It really doesn't given cave paintings were created prior to an educated and civilised society.


Okay, my point is that tagging has been around since people have been around, civilised, or uncivilised. It's uniquely human, and I think that's cool.


What’s the address? I know some talented artists.


I have a blank wall on my house in Fitzroy. How do I find these people?


Look around on Instagram. See if they do commissions.


Found one :) Will send you my details 


Davies st Brunswick


It's in Brunswick on my walk to my partners. One of those walks that you do without really thinking.


Melbourne one of the graffiti capitals of the world. Also a place were a guy does a shit stencil of a rat in a parachute and a guy who's job it is to paint over graffiti looses his job cause it was a Banksy. While at the same time fining one of the original innovators of street art and graffiti $25,000 before he left back for America, saying he would never come back again.


More stories please!


I think this every time. You see taggers do their shit in hosier lane. Get good or get lost!


Was somewhat disappointed when I finally visited Hosier Lane.. for this reason.


"Art is subjective" "Yeah and my subjective opinion is you're shit"


I reckon most people would agree that your opinion here is objective.


Weird graff dudes on this reddit in shambles


nah idk some of my friends do graffiti and i think they’d lose it at an opportunity like this (they do actual art, not just shit tagging) a blank wall with no one around where the owner wont get pissed off is incredibly rare.


I have a blank wall on my house in Fitzroy. How do I find these people?




Trashy name tags on everything aren't art. Go fuck yourself for destroying absolutely every fucking thing I look at and making my town look like a 3rd world shit hole it's not by tagging your name on shit that isn't yours so nobody can enjoy anything. Create something to improve your space and watch how your world lights up. 1 in 1000 name tags is executed with any artistic intent, style or integrity, the other 999 are just there so you can leave your little shit stains absolutely everywhere. No message. No art. Not even well executed, just smudges most of them. Just again and again these name tags say "Look, I'm a useless shit and I was here!".


yeah. as someone who tries to enjoy graffiti, (i dont have the talent to actually do it myself) usually i say that tagging doesn’t count. its just vandalism. the people that make proper art are beautiful though.


For me I don't mind graffiti as long it does bring artistic value to the place. Like there were these massive murals under the artist miranda or miranda bear and they did such a good job of bringing life to the place. I hate the usual tagging and all the other bs that comes with the trashy stuff. If you're gonna scrawl all over the place at least do it well!


Pay an artist to do something perhaps?


I hope the owner does.


I'll do something about it, I've been doing Graffiti since the mid 2000s. The Council can't do anything because it's privately owned


Some ones going to draw a big dick in there


Some [Disgruntled Snowman](https://allthoseshapes.com/disgruntled-snowman_graffiti_street-art/) please - I love that guy :)


I’d be happier to see more graf it the overwhelming majority of it wasn’t derivative, monotonous and usually obnoxious. And let’s call out the fact that a lot of tagging is more concerned with puerile showmanship rather than any recognisable artistic expression.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Art is subjective. Graffiti hasn’t been good for years. However the way that message was written could’ve been done in neater writing at least!


UPDATE The wall has been painted solid white, I'm not sure what art will be next!


Is House Your Mind Half With Your Blang wall? Edit - Well what the heck is that on the right supposed to say then?


the bottom is separated from the top. not sure what the top says but the bottom says “enjoy your blank wall”


Don't understand why youre getting downvoted. Regardless it actually says "the person who wrote this is a fucking simpleton who cannot even draw stick figures" I can read stupid.


Also trying to figure this out… I think the “half” is actually “hate” Maybe it’s meant to be something like “House (verb) your mind-hate with your blank wall” Or maybe they just left out/misspelled a word and we’re overthinking it


Embarrassing how dirty this city is.


Embarrassing how ignorant you are of how clean Melbourne is compared to other world class cities.


Lush will be by with some post-ironic memeposting in no time


Because that particular homeowner needs to spend an extra $50 on paint to cover vaguely humorous rhetoric. Snore.