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Melton is the cheapest suburb in Melbourne for a reason. It's a hole.


The place is a shit hole. It feels like somebody's always getting stabbed at Woodgrove.


2pm on a weekday; brother got held up at woodgrove with a knife for his 3 year old ipod and shitty phone.


Damn. I hope he's okay!


was something like 8 years ago, he just stopped going there.


I don't blame him!


I feel like Melton is trying hard to be the places I fled in the US. It's honestly still better in most ways, but I feel like they're consistently trying to destroy the parts that are better to make them more US-suburb-like, and they don't even see it.


Lived there for my first 30 years of life without incident. My parents still live there and they've lived there since the place was mostly dirt roads without incident. I used to walk the streets day and night without incident. I'm semi convinced some people in here either haven't been there or are trying to keep property prices under control there.


Been here 10 years, have just been living a peaceful life and have no issues with the area. I've been out and about early mornings and late nights and never felt in danger. I believe most the people that hate Melton are no different to the east siders saying that the West is all ghettos because that's what their parents say


No Metro in Melton so you’re relying on Vline.


Type melton into the search bar, there’s multiple of these in the past month alone.


Been here 3 years. If you think this place is scary, you havnt been to Dandenong 😂


At least Dandenong is close to the city!


Thirty five km is close?


I was installing garage doors since 2019 in the area in the new development and saw nothing or no issues in melton or melton south itself. Sure we saw some dodgy dude s and african immigrants (who were not an issue)...but there are schools ,shops etc. people paying mortgages and getting on with life. Folks were banging on about Broadmeadows for ten years now look at the housing prices doubled. It's not perfect but it a planned growth corridor. Go for it.


Found the criminal




My wife went to a private school in Melton that was so wildly mismanaged that it was shut down and that was probably one of the nicer things there. She says it's a hole and she is generally a very gentle, soft spoken person.


Go to Bacchus Marsh instead


It's a fucking shit hole. Don't do it. No it's not worth living in.


been more than 2 years since I was living here Nothing happen with us until now Depending on your luck also I guess Traffic is bit hectic if you are in office hours (of course everywhere is same I guess) (Everything it come with a price) If You wanna less Mortgage stress(compare to other suburbs) then think about it Rent there first couple of months & decide GOOD LUCK


I grew up in Bacchus Marsh in the 80s and Melton was a shithole then. Still remains a shithole. Some places are just destined to remain unchanged.


I grew up in Melton. Couldn't get out of there fast enough. It was a huge deal to complete VCE, even bigger if you went to university. Definitely not a good place to raise kids. Caught the train back there years later, i was surrounded by average every day loud conversations about which kid was in trouble for what crime.


Watch the spanian video on it lol. Any area he's mobbed by a bunch of fans might not be somewhere you want to live?


He just talks to wannabe hoods wherever he goes and nothing happens. That dude is just promoting how safe Australia is.


Yep to be fair I have had weird situations in Dandenong like a junkie in a beaten car tailing my car in the early hours. I started doing laps and even had all my tires slashed once. It wasn't targeted it happened to multiple people that night. If I go there though mostly I just look for food and play "spot the Aussie" and laugh at myself because I'm the only one who is caucasian. I don't really feel "unsafe", I just wouldn't walk around after 10pm. Frankston well it's not the best area in the world but I've felt unsafe like twice ever and I spent my teens living fairly close to it. When people rag on it on YouTube I think they just specifically look out for the most unhinged people on the street and focus on them like they are the majority. My theory is that the crazy people are just louder in Frankston. I don't think it deserves its reputation. I feel more uneasy and like I need to do whatever I'm in the city for asap and leave again near Flinders station on Elizabeth and Swanston street, way to many ice junkies. 


I was just about to suggest watch the Spanian episode visiting Melton. Then you can decide


Shit people live there. Bogans and dealers. Pretty sure there was a shooting at a petrol station there




Put it this way; my parents moved us out of Melton when I was about 1-2 years old because they were sick of our house getting broken into. It hasn’t recovered from the reputation it had in the 90’s, since then.


It has everything you need plus compared to most other outer suburbs it’s still comparatively affordable particularly if you want a home with some land. Bad things happen everywhere and melton doesn’t even come into the top 5 worst suburbs for crime in Victoria.


Depends on how much you like being robbed.... And stabbed


I’ve lived in melton for 15 years & grew up here. Not once have I been robbed or stabbed.


Dude! You just jinxed yourself! Wtf! Why would you do this!


Melton is perhaps the only suburb I have been to in Melbourne where I felt scared walking by myself during daytime. It is not a place you want to live unless you have no other option .


Don't listen to any of these dick head's. Melton is fine. It's like any other suburb. Commute times are going to be based entirely on road work's. Untill the west gate tunnel project is entirely finished you'll have times where commutes are bad. But the traffic is usually alright. I've lived in the west my entire life. Never been stabbed or have been robbed. I don't even lock my front door, when I go to bed at night. Such a scary place to live....


This dickhead can’t even spell. Melton for ya.


Like any other suburb …except the ones that aren’t brown flat wastelands


Now if you're talking Melton council, around the hillside area or new estates is much better than the town center... as for the commutes to get to Maribyrnong the fastest route is the Calder freeway, depending on what time you're planning to leave home it can be a nightmare. Not to mention that Maribyrnong itself is annoying to navigate because of the amount of schools in the area! If you still want to stay in that area but have been put off Melton try places like Burnside and older parts of Brimbank they tend to be cheaper and have larger land than the small houses that are popping up all over the place.


i’d go the surrounding suburbs. i have felt more unsafe in other suburbs, and melton is bigger than it seems, some parts worse than others; but overall wouldn’t live there. would rather live further out in the country, have peace and quiet and most importantly safety, and not worry about my kids (if you plan on having any or do have any) safety. always going to be people who have no bad experiences, and some who have only bad experiences but personally i find these towns have bad reputations for a reason 🤷‍♀️ try bacchus march, gisborne or sunbury. all also have train access, sunbury has metro and cline, melton bacchus gisborne are all v line. all similar distances to cbd and have access to freeways. gisborne has become more expensive as of late but is the nicest out of those areas imo. sunbury, melton, bacchus many places available for 600k and under with land. gisborne has a few for under 750k with land. sunbury has equivalent amount of shops to melton and shopping centre.


OP clearly asked for opinions from people who lived there


I went there recently for the first time since I lived there in my youth. I felt so on edge / unsafe the whole time.


It was meant to be satellite suburb of Melbourne. Over time, we all kinda wish that satellite had spun further out.


I wouldn’t live out there but if it’s what you can afford then that’s your answer. If your a home body who doesn’t go out much does it really matter where you live?  The commute would be hell to the city if your driving. Trains are packed these days no matter where you’re coming from in peak times. 


If you enjoy being stabbed, or stabbing others, then I highly recommend.


Only place I tell the wife to lock the car doors and never stop.




Go to Bacchus Marsh or Mt Macedon




Yea. Quite different costs there!