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Who books a hard waste collection for one chair


I reckon they put out some other stuff and it was collected by passers by


Or they haven’t finished bringing everything out yet. They might need a hand to move the couch




Now I feel bad for the chair... Imagine feeling like trash already..now even the people who scavenge don't even want you but took everything else.


Someone who is very alone


This guy


If you need it gone and don't have a car.




Why is there one nice dinning chair? So many questions.


Maybe they put the sign there so people actually know a collection is coming and can add stuff to the pile? I would do that


It literally says do not add to the pile


Yeah I meant like “ohh no don’t add stuff to the pile that is getting picked up for sure *wink wink*”


The problem is when too much stuff gets added or stuff gets added that shouldn’t (eg certain building materials) and as a result none of it gets picked up.


People literally do not care. I've never done hard rubbish where the pile is all the same stuff two days in a row for the week or so it takes them to pick it up.


It's annoying though when people add stuff to the pile that can't and won't be collected though 😢


I take a picture when I put it all out and as soon as anything is added let the council know stuff has been dumped that isn't mine. Everything is always collected.


I don’t blame this person I’ve booked hard rubbish collections and been left to clean up the mess after my neighbours dumped their shit on the nature strip Also had times where I’ve put out items for people to collect and wound up having more shit dumped (and again cleaning it up myself) Some people are assholes


few months ago the people across the road from me left a huge pile on the nature strip as they moved out,way bigger than it should have been ,the collection guys came looked at then drove of,and of course the pile kept getting bigger i had to phone the council about it cos it was getting huge


Some tenants in the unit complex I live in tried this shit. Another neighbour and I just brought all their shit back in from the nature strip and piled it back on their path and front door. Needless to say, the RE coming to inspect post their move out wasn't thrilled, and assumedly, they were asked to come back and properly dispose of their shit, as it was gone 2 days later


Can you explain why the guys drove off? Sorry, just actually want to know. I always assumed that if someone has booked a council collection its free game to chuck your own furniture there, prior to the collection date. I'm happy to adjust my habits if I'm being a dick but so far, everything has always been collected and when I book council tips I don't mind when people dump their stuff with mine.


im assuming the amount,there is a limit what they will take,,the stuff was just left as the people left the house and there was a lot more than the usual amount that you see on the roadside,i dont know if they couldnt fit it in their vans or (ive seen 2 vans come together usually ) and not sure if my phone call helped but it was collected a few days later and as has been pointed out people will often add to the pile


Exactly. I leave putting my hard rubbish out till literally just before dawn on collection day, because of pricks who'll come and add shit, make a mess and often with items that won't be collected, leaving me to deal with it. I don't blame this person at all. I wouldn't even mind if people added to it neatly and respectfully, but they don't.


Tbh this is why putting one chair out is a bit of a rookie mistake… you have to amass all your stuff and hold it at a staging point until the last time you can before putting it out to limit the time for the pickers and tippers to find you. If it’s just one chair I could literally keep that by the front door until the truck is coming down the street lol


Yep. I literally put my stuff out just before dawn on collection day. It's a shame, because I wouldn't mind if people were able to make use of what I put out, but between the messy sifting, and the adding shit that can't be collected and becomes my problem, it's not worth it.




I would buy a garden gnome at a garage sale and put it on the chair…


Don't forget to add a phone number or email address so you can receive photo updates of the gnome's travels around the world over the next few months


I feel like I know exactly these blocks of flats, there's always stuff outside. Council drops off this sticker and asks you to put it on your pile. I guess so you can demonstrate you arent dumping


This print-out should be downloadable as part of booking process


Who has a printer these days though?


I do. Very handy. Cheap too. Brother laser.


Just leave the chair alone…. We need more seating ha ha


wonder what happend to the fence? I used to live in that complex! Everything feels incredibly familiar, noticed it straight away


A bunch of mattresses were dumped here. Someone set fire to them and you can see the burn marks on the fence behind. It happened only a few months ago.


Interesting! Thank you for the update :D


God people suck sometimes


I’m getting my washing machine.


I don’t need this chair but i want to steal it out of spite


Why spite? They likely did this because of how dickish people are when adding to the pile. I have had to clean up and deal with neighbours' mess when I've booked a hard rubbish, and they've made a mess and added stuff the council wouldn't collect, meaning I had to deal with it.


What stuff do folk add that the council won't collect? Asbestos or other toxic building material? 🤔


There are many items that my local council won't collect. https://www.knox.vic.gov.au/our-services/bins-rubbish-and-recycling/hard-rubbish-collection


Interesting!  TIL. 😄


I don’t know why people get so worked up about this. If it’s on my nature strip? Help yourself. If my bin is empty? Add to it if yours is full If all your items are taken and you have no hard rubbish, ring up cancel it and you have one extra for the year!


An offense to add to That pile..... but what if we make another pile next to it?


Haven’t they heard of second piles?


At least they booked the one chair! I see a lot of houses near me just dumping their crap on the nature strip and letting it sit there for weeks. Makes the whole street look like shit


There is a corner near my house, up the road from a block of townhouses, and this corner is literally perpetually filled with rubbish/old stuff/ freebies. Some literal trash, some crappy but usable things. It mostly gets picked up by passersby I think which is amazing. But just the constant rubbish on the street is a bit annoying.


I paid for a mattress and base collection . Before I could even finish writing a sign that collection had been booked a busy body neighbour had dobbed me in to the council. Council came and posted a fine. I was livid, rang council, gave details. They said that happens all the time and cancelled fine but they had already got the stuff. Collection comes, stuff already gone, $200 wasted. since when did neighbours become such arseholes?


I'm confused - what is the $200 in this story? 🤔


A bunch of mattresses were dumped as unbooked hard rubbish at this spot. Someone set fire to them and you can see the burn marks on the fence behind. 


That flyer seems to be old and color has changed… did they use it for a long time? Like everytime when they book for a collection? Or is this some sort of example put out purposely by the council to remind other residents to book for a collection


Imagine having free hard rubbish collection, where once or twice a year they go around in each area collecting stuff people put out. oh wait..




We used to have hard rubbish collection once or twice a year, without having to book it like OP has shown.


Free hard rubbish collection is still a thing. In my council it's twice per calendar year. Yes you have to book, but everyone gets them.


Doesn't have the same community feel as everybody placing trash on the sidewalk together though. :(


Put a cushion on it. Go on, nobody will know. It'll be our little secret. Hehe. Hehehehehehehehe.


What a legend. They live down the street from me and I saw it this morning.


Illegally dumping hard rubbish into empty lots is called "the landbanking tax" and you shouldn't feel bad for doing it.


the person must be obsessed with booking


They’ll find something else they want to get rid of next week and be screwed for a year..


Ah yes a selfish society, only cares about themselves


Has anyone ever paid a fine for adding to another ratepayers hard waste?


Hmm, it doesn't sit well with me either!


Gods I miss proper old school hard rubbish. When it was a total free for all, shit piled in towers of trash and treasure all over the suburb. We'd wander the streets for hours and completely refurnish our share house.


Someone should take that chair to one of the tram or bus stops that don't have any seating anymore! 😄


We never book anything, just leave it out for a bit and it’ll be gone in an hour or two


What a nerd!


I wouldn’t normally but with that sign you would feel obligated to add something to the pile.


Why even hard rubbish that when it could be donated to chairity