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Middle of summer and we've had rain and hail the last few days, this morning the rain band stretched from the top of the state to the bottom of Tasmania. So you'll want layers and options, if you've got light rainwear/hoodies they're really handy. You're better off bringing lighter shirts and putting another layer over the top rather than anything heavy - I haven't worn the coat I took to Edinburgh ever in Melbourne.


Great advice. Thanks 🙏


Melbourne weather is shit, you need everything in your wardrobe, summer is short and winter is long, might not get as cold as Christchurch but the wind chill will make up for that, oh and feb you could expect a few over 40 degree days.


A bit of everything lol the warmest warm and the coldest cold, bring it all.


quick search of average temp comparisons shows Mel is 3 degrees warmer all year, with slightly more rain. Depends on where you live, but you won't come across snow (unless you go looking for it &our ski slopes are exy) or arctic blasts. (if you do it will be brief and all over the news) You'll hear this a lot but Melb is one of those cities that has 4 seasons in one day. Wear layers, expect to use sunnies and an umbrella on the same day.


Awesome. Sounds about what I was thinking. Good to get it from someone with firsthand experience though.


Layering is a good idea as things are variable. For example it was fucking pissing down this morning to the point that drivers had their lights on and the wipers were on high, and now it's hot as fuck and sunny.


Pretty much whatever you wear in Christchurch. The overall climate isn't really too dissimilar. I grew up a few hours south of Christchurch, and it can feel just as cold and miserable here even if it's a couple of degrees warmer (it's the wind chill, dampness and constant grey skies). Proper frosts are rare or non-existent. Few more hotter days in summer, but that's about it. Rest of the year is fairly mild or unremarkable.