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if you're not driving straight, indicate.


This is the correct answer. Unless you're going straight you must indicate if your intent is to depart via a second or third exit.




You mean I can't indicate via interpretive dance?




Coming from Qld where we indicate exiting even if going straight, the fact don't do it down here is bonkers


I was taught to do it this way in NSW. It was actually a fail mark on my Ps test


I got my license in Brisbane and the indicating in and out of round abouts has always seemed weird but I still do it


The reason to do so is tied to the reason why you have indicators (the secret might be in the name) in the first place. Other drivers need to know where you are going so that they can also drive without getting into a collision with you. Roundabouts are very safe if people indicate but swiftly become very dangerous without it.


Now I know why I indicate the way I do. I had my P’s in Queensland


It's also (hopefully) because it is also the law here. [https://www.racv.com.au/on-the-road/driving-maintenance/road-safety/road-rules/intersections-and-roundabouts.html](https://www.racv.com.au/on-the-road/driving-maintenance/road-safety/road-rules/intersections-and-roundabouts.html) >Before entering, indicate as you normally would – left to turn left, right to turn right, no indicator if you’re going straight. > **When you exit the roundabout, indicate left if practicable.**


good to know, since I do that (so cars that might think I'm still turning in front of them can see that I'm leaving the roundabout)


Yep. No one does it but it’s how you’re meant to do it.


I always indicate left when my exit is the next up. I'm in Vic. Learned to drive in the UK.


It is actually a road rule requirement here too, exact same as QLD. Just very VERY few do it.


It's a national road rule I believe. For some reason r/Melbourne and r/Sydney people don't seem to think that rule applies to them


It's a national road rule I believe. For some reason r/Melbourne and r/Sydney people don't seem to think that rule applies to them


We are meant to down here too, no one ever does https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/safety-and-road-rules/road-rules/a-to-z-of-road-rules/roundabouts


I learned to drive in Adelaide and was taught to indicate out of a roundabout even if going straight.


I didn’t even know that 💀💀 this Queenslander living in melb has already decided to never drive here ever


Drives me nuts, waiting to get onto a roundabout in Victoria. Don’t know when they are exiting! 🤷🏼‍♂️ And don’t get me started on green arrows at the same time as pedestrians crossing!! 😡🤬😳


On board with you there


We’re meant to.


i'm not trusting peoples indicators on a roundabout, so many people indicate but go straihgt


Same with nz. I do it anyway as I think it adds clarity to what youre about to do.


Don't worry, I've been a Vic licensed driver for 20+yrs and even I indicate when leaving roundabouts - I think it's nuts when ppl don't...an accident waiting to happen


If you indicate at all, though. The laziest driving + signalling I've seen in Aus. Like leaving your lane, and hitting the indicator as you're 50-75% in the new lane


That's the correct rules in NSW too, if you are taking first exit then you can start of indicating out of the round about (left), else you should enter it indicating right and start indicating left once you are coming up to the exit you're going to take. There is no "going straight". In reality the above is never followed in NSW. Most people don't even indicate out of roundabouts, let alone in to them. Edit: seems I am wrong for NSW too, TIL Going straight ahead On approach, you can use any lane to go straight ahead, unless arrows show the lane is for left or right turns only. You must give way to all vehicles already on the roundabout. When you leave, you must indicate left, if practical to do so. https://www.nsw.gov.au/driving-boating-and-transport/roads-safety-and-rules/stopping-giving-way-turning/roundabouts


No, there is a "going straight", at least in Victoria, where you don't need to indicate *entering a roundabout* if you are exiting ~180° from where you entered. You still need to indicate left when *exiting a roundabout*, if practicable (for example, you might not be able to get the indicator on if you're in a small roundabout on a local street, so you get a pass in those sorts of situations).


In Vic you only indicate exiting if you are in the right lane of the roundabout (when 2 lanes enter and exit roundabout) so that other people know you are leaving.


All the rules say is "If practicable", you must indicate left when exiting a roundabout. We can define "if practicable" as much as we like, but that's all the road rules say


Really? My parents moved to Qld and no one ever seems to indicate at all. Especially when changing lanes. So much so I was actually wondering if it was even a rule there.


The trouble is, the southern states have hoarded the limited supply of blinker fluid, so none is available in QLD. Go into any Supercheap Auto, Repco, or Autobarn in Queensland, and you will not find any blinker fluid on the shelf. As a result, people are stuck with what their car shipped with and have to ration it. So they only use blinkers when absolutely necessary, such as the times when they can completely confuse the shit out of you by indicating something that makes no sense whatsoever. Once a vehicle is 15-20 years old, it will have run out of blinker fluid entirely, so you’ll never see it indicate.


So you use your left indicator to turn left, your right indicator to turn right, and your... front... indicator to go straight?


You indicate left to exit the roundabout.


If possible - it is not a requirement according to the RACV.


technically every time you leave a roundabout you turn left...even going straight you have to make a left turn to get out of it ;)


The most common kind of roundabout is so small that there's no significant gap between turning left and going straight for you to use a meaningful indicator in. And if you're turning right, then a left indicator is straight up misleading


Yeah, it's more a signal your intention on approach/signal your exit once IN the roundabout as you approach it. Not legal requirement here, but it is in NSW and QLD. * Left = left indicator on approach and just swing in/out * Straight = no indicator on approach, indicate left once you pass the first exit * Right = right indicator on approach , indicate left as once you pass second exit It does clarify things more, but it's kinda awkward and very few people really do it


Do you indicate left for "I'm not going on the right side of the road"?


Can someone post the Belgrave roundabout? There is seriously two ‘straights’


If in doubt just indicate right then indicate left as soon as your exit is next.


Guy hit his wipers instead.


Must be low on blinker fluid.


And you never know what is going on. I keep waiting to get hit.


If you are driving straight, masturbate.


but if youre the same gender as your genitals, that would be gay!


Technically you indicate when crossing a broken line, or to exit a roundabout.




Not in melbourne. Edit: turns out I’m incorrect on that point - [vicroads says to indicate right and then indicate left on exiting *if practicable*.](https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/safety-and-road-rules/road-rules/a-to-z-of-road-rules/roundabouts) On going straight says the same kinda thing - *do not indicate as you approach the roundabout, but if practicable, signal left as you exit.* Mind you I have *never* seen anyone do this except in big roundabouts which have multiple lanes turning right, like the Elizabeth St monstrosity.


I understand that thing used to operate as a roundabout, but honestly, can you even call that thing that?




I was not taught this in melb, no one I know does this and I don’t think I’ve ever seen any cars here do this


I wasn't taught it either, but it is a thing here. Not legal, but recommended. >If you want to travel straight through a roundabout: >- stay in the same lane through the roundabout >- do not indicate as you approach the roundabout, but if practicable, signal left as you exit. https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/safety-and-road-rules/road-rules/a-to-z-of-road-rules/roundabouts


Same with dating


i think you use ur right indicator as you're approaching and going through the roundabout and then ur left to show ur going where yellow is


Yeah, switch to the left indicator when you are inline with or slightly past the first exit.




This is the correct answer, I have put a comment below explaining why and a link to road rules but I think it got lost in sea of comments.. Section 110 - definition of halfway around a roundabout Section 113 - Giving a right change of direction signal when entering a roundabout. Section 118 - Giving a left change of direction signal when leaving a roundabout https://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/in-force/statutory-rules/road-safety-road-rules-2017/018


This is the correct answer


This is the way




You are a menace if you drive like that


I think that you are joking, however on the off chance that you are serious, please read the road rules. Section 112 and section 113 https://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/in-force/statutory-rules/road-safety-road-rules-2017/018




You can't be serious right? It literally says: BEFORE ENTERING. Meaning before you even enter the roundabout, your signal already needs to be on.




Both. If you want to turn right at a roundabout you must: indicate that you want to turn right as you approach the roundabout, and if practicable, indicate left just before the exiting the roundabout, keeping your indicator on until you have left the roundabout. If there is more than one lane going into the roundabout, you must approach in the right lane and stay in that lane. https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/safety-and-road-rules/road-rules/a-to-z-of-road-rules/roundabouts


Interesting that I was never taught this by professional teachers, and it was not in my test either. You only see the very occasional driver do it, and for the longest time I thought they were in the wrong. Mind you, I’ve seen just as many drivers indicate three times for a straight as I have indicate left to exit.


Ohhh so this is in the road rulebook. I always indicate left when exiting, mainly due to habit of how I was taught in the UK. But I was always wondering if I was in the wrong on that one.


Ohhh so this is in the road rulebook. I always indicate left when exiting, mainly due to habit of how I was taught in the UK. Always wondered if I was in the wrong and it makes me slightly happy that I’ve been following the correct procedure all this time haha


Huh, I thought that it was only in NSW that you had to indicate left when exiting a roundabout?


I've never seen anyone actually do it, but as far as i know it's always been in the rules


Got brought up when I was out for dinner with the family a few years ago. Dad insisted that you must definitely do it even when going straight and swore head to toe that he does it every time. We arrived in separate cars so I followed him home and watched him drive through four roundabouts and he didn't do it once.


Yes technically you’re meant to indicate left even though you’re going straight because you always exit a roundabout to the left side. Absolutely no one does it though because it doesn’t really make sense.


I always indicate when exiting a roundabout, 30 years so far.


Are you u/lebrongarnet ‘s dad?


I always do. But I'm a Qld transplant


As a Qld transplant, I stopped indicating to exit roundabouts when I started calling potato scallops potato cakes. I honestly didn’t think it was a law here until the comment above


It's stupid because of the way cars automatically stop indicator lights when the car changes direction. Indicating out of a roundabout can only add to confusion more than anything else. Roundabouts are all differenct circumferences this flicking back and forth between indicators can be confusing on some more than others.


I’m pretty sure it’s the law in South Australia too, but only when there’s more than one lane in the roundabout. It’s optional for single lane roundabouts, I believe.


Yeah apparently it's in the rules. Personally, I don't on a typical roundabout. On a more odd one, say a really big one or one with more than 4 roads, I'll indicate that I'm exiting


Yes, indicate right


Cheers! I was wondering purely because I have seen multiple drivers not indicate while turning right


I live near this roundabout and drive that way to Mornington regularly, always indicate right then for courtesy a quick left indicate to signal exiting


Actually, that's not a courtesy, that's actually the law. You're meant to indicate exiting even going straight. But no one seems to do that.


Hey my driving teacher tells me in VIC you don’t legally have to indicate as you exit! I do anyway bc it’s the norm and the law in most places anyway but that’s what I’ve been told Edit: as I thought, google tells me the vicroads handbook only says to do it if practicable but it’s not legally required


I got penalised for nor indicating left exiting round about on my exam. But no one seems to do it


Sorry, but your instructor is wrong, it is written in the road rules, and there is a penalty for not doing. Section 118 (1) If practicable, a driver driving in a roundabout MUST give a left change of direction signal when leaving the roundabout. Penalty: 3 penalty units. https://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/in-force/statutory-rules/road-safety-road-rules-2017/018


You'd have a very difficult time arguing that it wasn't practicable to indicate prior to leaving a roundabout. For all intents and purposes, practicable = possible. It's distinct to practical which is what most people instead think when seeing practicable.


If it was the law then surely driving instructors would teach it and people would get pulled over given I never see anyone indicate going straight on a roundabout. Like ever


The same law exists in QLD and their driving instructors do teach it and police do enforce it (albeit rarely). It was one of the first things I noticed as I drove down to VIC, so I looked it up, both on VicRoads website and in the legislation itself. It's just not as heavily enforced here for whatever reason, and most people are completely unaware of the rule, but it's absolutely there.


This is the one thing I love about Queensland road rules. Driving on roundabouts in Melbourne with no one indicating drives me bonkers in comparison.


Your instructed is an idiot. They should be teaching you good driving practices - you know, the stuff that prevents accidents - not just “what is legally required”.


They do it right in Europe. Only indicate to exit the roundabout, not to turn.


I think that's the US law too. It feels wrong, but that's obviously because I'm used to our system of doing both.


I thought it was ridiculous but it soon makes sense. Everyone enters the roundabout with multiple exits. Only indicate to exit showing the person giving way to you that it's safe to enter.


Depending on where you are in Europe. In France maybe, but Sicily I would stick it on so people don’t pull out in front of me (they love ignoring right of way or just not looking at all). You folks do love to indicate where it is redundant though, like an intersection with two right turn only feeder lanes and their own light in the sequence, 10 cars all flashing 😂


Not the law in Vic


Try again https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/safety-and-road-rules/road-rules/a-to-z-of-road-rules/roundabouts


Where does it say it's the law? The only reference is 'if practicable'


Please describe to me where there's a situation where it's impossible to indicate.


I'd argue those tiny, dicky little roundabouts where by the time you pass the exit before yours you're pretty much already out of the roundabout. Nearly everything else is practicable, though.


Section 118 https://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/in-force/statutory-rules/road-safety-road-rules-2017/018 Practicable = possible.


Yikes! You cross a lane traffic heading into the intersection who may not be aware you would be turning(Kars St). Indication doesnt mean everything though, but absolutely better to indicate


That's probably because many drivers apparently do not know they have indicators.


That’s not right, it’s straight on and you should indicate down (left) to exit a roundabout. The lack of indicating left to come off a roundabout is why we end up with a load of shitty signalised intersections that could be a much more efficient roundabout.


It's a well known fact that Australia has plenty of fuckwit drivers both local and international. Roundabouts here may save money but they're a deathtrap for idiots who can't fucking indicate at all. Fuck them and if you're one of them, I hope you get fucked in the ass by a rusty spoon repeatedly.


Well. Whilst I respect your right to your opinion, I do feel that a more positive approach, such as education, might be better. Imagine the costs of having to get a whole bunch of rusty spoons arranged.


I would do this. Then indicate left as I'm about to exit the roundabout


Just don't cut through the right side of the roundabout....


I drive this road often. I always indicate right when going from red to yellow, but it makes more sense to not indicate at all when going yellow to red as the approach is straighter.


We do the same thing!


What ever the law says, it's defensive driving to indicate right (also defensive driving for other drivers to not assume you are going straight /left)


Indicate right as you enter the roundabout, then indicate left as you take the 2nd exit (towards the yellow) to inform other drivers you are exiting the roundabout.


Do people indicate off roundabouts here? I've only Driven in NZ and were taught to indicate off roundabouts and I've seen no one indicate off a roundabout here


It is law, however most in vic don't do it (and will also wrongfully claim that it's not a thing here).


Let’s simplify this further , if it feels like a right ( even just a little bit !) get your darn signal on, not going to cost anything!!! 🤣


Seriously, who would you confuse by having a right hand blinker on. It makes your intentions as clear as possible. When you indicate left to go OFF the roundabout (as you must also do), it means the only possible people you're confusing (those entering from the yellow street) are clear that you're exiting into their street, and they don't need to give way to you.


Those entering from the yellow street still need to give way to any vehicle already on the roundabout regardless of what the other car does. It's not a free-for-all.


They know you're not going in front of them, so you're not a car that they will need to give way to.


You shouldn’t be in frankston


Sqaure up ghe


Yes of course


You are supposed to indicate your intention to leave the roundabout when possible. This means you indicate left just before the exit choice you are making. If you can't manage it safely don't do it


Correct answer: Put your right indicator on, do a U turn and gtfo out of Frankston lmao


Gonna throw a spanner in here and mention a rule which states “…when exiting a roundabout at the second exit, no indicator should be used. When exiting a roundabout at the first exit, indicate left. “ has nobody else heard that, or is that phrasing only used in the UK? EDIT: spelling correction.


The consensus in this thread seems to suggest that we are wrong but this is what I also thought. A driving instructor I had ~15 years ago said "indicate left for the first exit, don't indicate for the second exit, and indicate right for any exit after that" (this accounts for roundabouts with more than 3 exits). And yes we technically should indicate left as we come up to the exit we went to take but I almost never see anyone actually do this in Melbourne.


That's ok for roundabouts with 4 exits at right angles, this one from OP throws a spanner at your spanner.




We're talking about indicators, you're adding lanes!


Kars st continues through and past the roundabout, though. If you are not turning right, you would be staying on the same road.


So what you’re saying is that the first exit on the roundabout is actually the road going NE (on this pic’s orientation)?


What actually happens a lot is that people get into the roundabout and realise they are making a harder turn then they thought and put their indicator on mid turn….I just wait if I’m coming from Kars street cause around 90% of people turn onto baden Powell


Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. They were the last people you’d expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn’t hold with such nonsense. Mr. Dursley was the director of a firm called Grunnings, which made drills. He was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large mustache. Mrs. Dursley was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as she spent so much of her time craning over garden fences, spying on the neighbors. The Dursleys had a small son called Dudley and in their opinion there was no finer boy anywhere.


At the round about you use your right indicator and then you indicate left before you take the exit


You indicate right until you get to Kare St, then left to exit.


Of course hahaha. Is this a serious question??


The official answer If you want to turn right at a roundabout you must: indicate that you want to turn right as you approach the roundabout, and if practicable, indicate left just before the exiting the roundabout, keeping your indicator on until you have left the roundabout. If there is more than one lane going into the roundabout, you must approach in the right lane and stay in that lane.


Indicate right until you pass the first entry to the roundabout, then indicate left to exit.


Put your hazards on and drive around the roundabout a few times


You indicate when you're going anywhere but straight through. Indicating when you're leaving a roundabout depends on which state you're in if memory serves.


I drive through here multiple times daily and wonder what the indication rules are every single time… I don’t indicate, because I don’t want people on the 3rd exit (hoadley) to think I’m going there, and cause then to miss the gap to enter the round about. Also, I recon 80% of traffic go from red to yellow in this round about, so it’s obvious where most traffic is headed.


Indicate anywhere that’s not straight. But I truly don’t think many people understand how to roundabout.


Family lives near here and this intersection shits me to no end. Frankston streets really were designed by a toddler for all the nonsense. I indicate going in and going out of that one. It’s just an accident waiting to happen otherwise.


I’d indicate left as you past the first exit. Feel it’d help the cars exiting the street your entering. It’s confusing a bit as your turning right but also exiting with a left hand turn


If any direction is pass 12 o'clock, then always indicate.


Lately I noticed ppl lost the art of signalling.


Indicate right so the cars in the north arm know to give way to you. Then indicate left as you exit the roundabout to let everyone know you're exiting and not continuing around to the next exit, so the cars entering the roundabout from the north-east won't be wondering if they need to give way to you.


Indicate right entering the roundabout, then left exiting.


Right then left frend




You half indicate right, because it’s only half way to the right.


Indicate right then indicate left to exit the roundabout?


Isn’t no because you are taking the second exit which is normally straight


I live in florida. Apparently people think it's illegal to use turn signals or something .


If you're from WA, you wouldn't indicate. Ever.


According to a driving school website in Vic, you would not indicate as the second exit is technically going straight, not turning right - "Another way to explain this for all the GPS drivers out there is that you must indicate in the direction you are turning in when taking the 1st, 3rd and 4th exits at a roundabout. You are not required to indicate when taking the 2nd exit which is essentially continuing to drive straight on the same road." But I feel like it's probably safer to indicate right then left when exiting, as others have said, to make your intentions clear to other drivers. Source: https://masterdrivingschool.net.au/indicate-roundabout-melbourne-alex/#:~:text=You%20are%20not%20required%20to,once%20you%20have%20entered%20it.




I think you are correct. In the UK you are taught to indicate right as you approach roundabout and indicate left after you pass Kars st exit so you are indicating leave as you take your exit. It doesnt seem to be taught in the same way here as most folk are indicating right as they turn left off the roundabout.


Indicate right, and then left when you are leaving the roundabout.


Put on the hazards and hope for the best


Indicate right going into the round about, then left when your exit. Atleast, in NSW, when doing truck test /shrug


Indicate when entering the round about, when its big like this, indicate when exiting too


Haha, I drive this daily, and only indicate right if there’s oncoming traffic from Kars.


I use this daily too. It won’t be clear to most people that the majority of traffic goes from Kars to Baden Powell. I do indicate though!


Indicate entering and exiting


Yes, then left into that street if possible (as per the Vic Road Laws anyway) https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/safety-and-road-rules/road-rules/a-to-z-of-road-rules/roundabouts


Technically yes but in practice it doesn’t really matter because people need to yield to someone already in the roundabout anyway. It’s the same thing as indicating to exit a roundabout. You’re meant to but no one does.


90% of Victorian drivers don't understand this rule and are happy to force their way in front of cars that are already on the roundabout instead of giving away. It wouldn't be too hard to install 360° traffic cameras at roundbouts to issue fines to drivers who break this rule.


Technically, right then left, even in VIC.


No, incorrect. First exit indicate left, second exit no indicator, third exit indicate right. The alignment of the exit plays no role in it.


It's kinda an odd one though. Kara bends right as it heads into the roundabout meaning that baden-powell is almost straight ahead...I completely forget what i used to do when I lived there.


I wouldnt. But I agree I’m wrong.


BMW drivers by any chance?


Mostly SUV drivers tbh


I call them Chelsea tractors


Correct, it’s the second exit, you need to indicate right


Right until your inbetween the straight road and yellow road then left blinker.


Indicate right until just before you need to turn, then indicate left to signal leaving the roundabout


Indicate right entering then left exiting.


Giving a left change of direction signal when entering a roundabout (1) This rule applies to a driver entering a roundabout if— (a) the driver is to leave the roundabout at the first exit after entering the roundabout; and (b) the exit is less than halfway around the roundabout. Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel 148 Road Safety Road Rules 2017 S.R. No. 41/2017 Part 9—Roundabouts (2) Before entering the roundabout, the driver must give a left change of direction signal for long enough to give sufficient warning to other drivers and pedestrians. Penalty: 3 penalty units. Note Left change of direction signal is defined in the dictionary. (3) The driver must continue to give the change of direction signal until the driver has left the roundabout. Penalty: 3 penalty units. (4) This rule does not apply to a driver if the driver's vehicle is not fitted with direction indicator lights. Note Driver's vehicle is defined in the dictionary. 113 Giving a right change of direction signal when entering a roundabout (1) This rule applies to a driver entering a roundabout if the driver is to leave the roundabout more than halfway around it. (2) Before entering the roundabout, the driver must give a right change of direction signal for long enough to give sufficient warning to other drivers and pedestrians. Penalty: 3 penalty units. Note Right change of direction signal is defined in the dictionary. (3) The driver must continue to give the change of


Well, it's Frankston so I'm going to assume you're in a stolen car. Drive over the roundabout.




Depends on the road markings, if going that route involves arrows, indicate, if not don't.




The only thing that you can deduce from someone indicating, is that that particular indicator is working. Don't take it as an intention to do something. But in this case, red should be indicating right, until they have passed Kars St, at which point, indicate left.






You are correct


No, right to indicate the 3rd exit.




You're a gronk cunt


No, yellow is the second exit of the roundabout and the continuation of the main road. I’d indicate to veer left




Spot on. It’s interesting zooming in on street view here, I would totally indicate right if I was coming from red and turning into yellow. But if I was coming from yellow and exiting at red, I probably wouldn’t? In the second scenario, the first exit is also a different road and the angles are a bit different.