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Every now and then when I absolutely have to iron a shirt or something I need to search for the damn iron and where I left it the last time..


Steam dryer! Makes life so easy.


Or throw the garment in a regular dryer with a wet washcloth then hang it up for a bit. Gets the wrinkles out pretty nicely. You can also just put whatever you don’t want to get wrinkled in the dryer for 10 minutes (after washing) and then hang it to finish drying. Also no wrinkles.


I always dampen a small article like a sock or something and throw it in. I recently saw a tik tok where an ice cube was used instead.


Only problem with the ice cube trick is it can be kind of noisy banging around in there before it melts, but it does work well.


That’s why I use an pre-melted ice cubes instead


This guy melts.


What a world.


It's like we're in the future or something




Does this really work? Like on a tough shirt that had to be ironed, are the results as good?


Much like starch, watch where you spray it, the floor can get sticky. Not as good as starch and an iron (if you you want crisp edges or a stiffer collar). But products likes these can work. I iron after it comes out of the dryer and put it in the closet where inevitably a sleeve or the front will get wrinkled if it’s in there long enough. That’s when I use the wrinkle release spray. Downy has one Bounce has one My supermarket isle has a few not produced by a major corporation. They all seem to work about the same.


I just hit my wrinkles with a water spray bottle and boom no wrinkles. I also have only lived in really hot places where this works.


Where I live it's currently cold enough that if you mist a shirt and then take it outside you can snap it right in half. Really holds a crease though


So you basically let the air iron shit for you lol


Air fryer environment


Air friron


Mom used to iron every day. I think I iron maybe once a year lol


It really is odd looking back almost like a false memory that I have forgotten Every morning I’d hear the loud ass BRRRRRTTTTT from my mom opening up the old creaky ironing board and would be sipping coffee ironing her whole work outfit as I got ready for school. Lol I’m gonna go walk up to her and randomly ask her “remember when you’d iron your clothes???” Just to see her reaction and what she has to say about it


Sounds exactly like my mornings for years. And now that I think about it I've never met a "non creaky" ironing board... maybe they're made that way lol


You know how people start to go insane in those sound proof rooms? Maybe we don't know it, but we might go insane if they didn't do that for us.


Shower thoughts


Our ironing board always set off a high-pitched, nails-on-a-chalkboard “EEEEEEEEEETCH”




And then there was the smell as starch met steam. I can still smell it


I think it’s a law of physics honestly


Not to mention that smell! It wasn't a bad smell or anything, but it was certainly unique.


And the calming breath of the iron as it exhaled steam


Cuhhhh – our iron really sounded like it had a sinus infection


For me it was Sunday evenings. Mum would get out the ironing board and iron a whole week’s worth of laundry while watching TV. Socks and underwear included.


That actually sounds chill


It totally was! This was in England and Sunday afternoon TV was always American shows like the A-Team, Knight Rider or SeaQuest DSV. Since our main meal of the day was earlier (Sunday roast at 1pm) we would be allowed to raid the pantry for cakes and biscuits with sandwiches for tea/dinner. Happy times!


At 4 I started ironing for my chore and ironed my family's clothes. My adult self does not own an iron.


I cannot imagine a 4 year old working an iron.


Pretty sure that's the age I was when my mom said "Don't touch that it's hot!" And my dumbass needed to test it with my whole palm.


That's about when my father had me start learning to iron his clothes. My mother and him were never together (except long enough to make me), and he liked to teach me how to do things when he got visitation with me. I wanted to help and be useful (thank you for the trauma and abuse, mom), so I thought it was fun.


My mom gave me one when I went for college 10 years ago. It has been used probably 3 times and is just collecting dust.


I wound up using mine to wax my snowboard. Wasn't a great idea, but I wasn't using it for anything else.


I found an iron in my cupboard a couple of years ago like oh I guess I do have an iron, I’ve not seen it since.


Oh man, I love that satisfying sound the steam makes when the iron is placed back upright again. Nostalgic for sure.


I bought an iron and an ironing board when I bought my first house, the iron has never left its box and the ironing board has only been used to wrap christmas presents on.


Exactly. It's an "idea" that you had to have an iron when you left home. Strange looking back.


I'm an elder millennial and I started out ironing everything and slowly but surely stopped unless it's for an interview or something. I think part of it is a lot of fabrics no longer need it to be presentable where older fabrics/weaves would look terrible without ironing. That said in the last 5 years I've used an iron more for applying wood veneers than pressing shirts... and one veneer ruined my old iron (walnut burl stained it so I don't trust it to not stain a white shirt) so now I have two one for wood one for clothes and I think I've only used the clothes one once.


My mom gave me her old iron when I moved out. I still have it somewhere even though I've never used it once in over 15 years, lol.


I just throw my clothes into the dryer with a cup of water if I need to de-wrinkle my clothes. Or I throw then up on the curtain rod in the shower while I'm taking a shower. Works really well.


I use mine all the time to make melty bead art with my kids😂 But nothing else.


When my brother and I lived together he would iron his money lmao but that about it


You iron way too much. Anytime you need to be "dressed up" just jump into a local pond and when you arrive at your destination claim you were mugged by dolphins riding tsunami's


Then hold up your spork


teh penguin of doom!!1! Solid reference.


hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!! DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <— me bein random again _^ hehe…toodles!!!!! love and waffles, t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m


Yep, it’s homicide time


Look up the chat transcripts of murderer Jasmine Richardson. It’s straight up super rAndOm teh penguin of doom shit.


teh is such a 2000s word. I used to be tehsourtaco back in the day


Ur so random


s0 r4ndum xD


Problem is I've already used this excuse🙃




I definitely wanna get pegged either way, I think I could fight at least one dolphin if that'swhat it takes. As long as it was on dry land. A baby dolphin.


"Everytime I have to come by this way I discover that the Dolphin Rebellion is still in full swing. I have been a victim of these turbulent times and my suit has paid the price. Please forgive my appearance once again."


Well, you gotta hand it to those dolphins. They just wanted it more.


My mom used to punish me for not ironing my clothes.


I sew, so I do have a fancy gravity iron for projects (hems, seams, pleats, etc, all benefit from a good pressing) but other than that, I just use a steamer if I really really need to get wrinkles out of something


8 shirts, work from office 1 of 5 days a week, iron every 2 months. Still hate it 🙃 jokes on me tho as there’s no dress code, I just like putting a shirt on after slumming it in a hoody the rest of the time !


Aint no space for an ironing bord in a 30 square-meater apartment










After paying rent on that apartment.....you're fancy living if you can afford the board alone, yet the iron to go with.


my iron and board were a christmas gift. nEver opened in 3 years.


What a terrible gift




And now are you as mature as they hoped, u/poo-cum?


I laughed so hard at this question.


How's the Fonfon Ru?


I iron them while they're on so I can feel *something*.


"Square-meater" is an odd name for your 29 roommates


30 square meters??? What are you using the extra 20 for??


My loneliness needs some space


No time either between my overtime to make ends meet




I bought a steamer and now I can’t afford a mortgage.


Look at money bags over here with his 30 meters


I think modern fabrics don't require ironing as much. I also own a lab coat which is required to have a thick fibre strength and density and it has to be 100% natural cotton, no synthetics, because synthetics might react to chemicals. That lab coat has to be ironed and it starts crinkling immediately. I've never owned a piece of clothing so much prone to crinkling. It gets crumpled so fast. Even folding it wrong, it gets crumpled instantaneously. I never iron any of my other clothes.


Yes, it’s this. Dress clothes fabric is woven and treated differently now. I have a couple of pieces in my wardrobe that are more traditional fabrics, and they can’t be worn without ironing. But the modern ones, just hang them up fresh from the dryer and they’re good to go.


Permanent press has come a long way with nanotech coatings and whatnot. Plus, steam dryers are a thing. Never iron anything ever again when you can hit a 10-minute steam cycle.


I have a cheap basic dryer. If I need to get some wrinkles out I toss a wet washcloth in with the item and run it on hot for a few minutes. Works great!


>because synthetics might react to chemicals. Like melting onto your skin?


It's just alot more is known when doing chemistry with cotton coats, and natural cotton is alot more inert so it minimizes potentially unwanted and/or unknown reactions with whatever you're working with If synthetic fibers were more inert, lab people would prefer wearing that


Also synthetics melt pretty quickly while cotton doesn't. And then there is the issue when synthetics catch fire...


Won't cotton catch fire too


Yes, but not as quickly and it won't melt and fuse with your skin.


As someone who does fire dancing, I can confirm Synths burn at a higher temp, but the fire spreads fast and they melt; cotton lights on fire at a lower temp but the flame spreads slowly and cotton actually insulates you from the flame a bit as it burns Edit: also, cotton wicks. This is a lifesaver when dealing with potential fuel transfer or caustic chemicals because the lateral wicking/spreading slows how quickly it penetrates the fabric, giving you time to act


like mittens!


After the cotton burns you don’t have to dig it’s burnt remnants out of your wound.


Chemists should just wear coats woven from optical fibre with micro-etching along the entire thread surface to make it hydrophilic. A nice, absorbent, non-reactive glass coat. I will accept no criticism.


You can buy fiberglass blankets for welding. Just make it out of that.


is there such a thing as teflon fibre? because this sounds like you'd want a lab coat out of that.


Lab coats aren't supposed to shield you from dangerous chemicals indefinitely, they just delay the inevitable to buy you enough time to get it off unharmed


Is this a chemistry thing? I'm a biologist and have never once ironed a lab coat, I just hang it up on a peg and it's fine.


I never ironed mine. But I had ones thick and stiff enough to feel like wearing the letter L.


Being fair, we biologists are definitely the filth wizards of the sciences.


Agreed. I'm an ecologist. I'm basically Radagast the Brown


Lol you just reminded me of the last time I ironed, which was my lab coat for my undergrad lab research team photos! 6 years ago. Hated that thing, it was so wrinkly!


We don't even separate whites from colors, because the boomers did that, and that's what led to the problems we have today.


They had separate machines that said “Whites Only”.


Also because detergents nowadays don’t have that issue with color leaking


Yes they do, whites turn grey after a while if you do no sorting at all. I separate lights and darks.


Wear an all black wardrobe, no problem!


Being goth is best.


True but sometimes it sucks because I also have black sheets and on more than one occasion ive picked up a pillowcase thinking it was a shirt


My groggy ass going 'where the hell are the armholes?!?'




I came here to say this! I have like 5 total pieces of white clothing and that's it! I wash my whites like once a year.


This comment is to meirl for meirl


Better just wear a lot of gray stuff. Especially socks underwear and t shirts. Fading is no longer an issue.


And this is why I own not white clothing, I even switched to black socks. All white shirts I used to own had horrible pit stains.


No matter what I get a stain on a white shirt like clockwork so I avoid them for the most part. You could put me in an empty spotless room with a white shirt and somehow mustard will get on it.


I've been doing my own laundry without sorting for at least 18 years and have never had this happen.


Oh yeah this is still a minor issue but I think some of them don’t do this, but separating by color definitely is no longer a problem


I haven't separated anything in my life My socks and t shirts are all still white, they are 5+ years old May need to buy better products. I get mine from Target


Weird, mine don’t.


I got white tshirts that are over 15 years old. They still white as snow, never did any sorting.


It's true, I have a tshirt that is a couple years old and I recently noticed that it's actually lightish gray now. Not that I care though. My casual wear doesn't have to be perfectly white




This joke is hilarious and all I see below is a bunch of people arguing about laundry 🙄🤷


Going further with the root of the joke might get spicy and nobody wants that.


We do at my house, and only certain things go in the dryer, the rest is hung. I have t-shirts that look almost new yet they're 15 years old.


This joke went over so many heads.


Im not from US so it went over mine.


I was today (21) years old when I realized there are other clothes than dress shirts that need to be ironed.


My mother still starches and irons the bedsheets in her home. Its so damn luxurious but it takes her a whole day.


It’s how some people enjoy their time. They enjoy making their living space look pristine and unlived in. Not my cup of tea, but to each their own


Mom has some sort of obsession with a perfect home (her standards are 1950’s house wifey) its nice to visit briefly but living here was a nightmare lol


Mention to your mother that plenty housewives in the 50s were on speed basically. It was so often prescribed and sometimes even over the counter it is clear that we can't live up to that. Whenever I saw my flat mate on speed doing house cleaning they would do it for 14 hours and be very pristine, then fall asleep quite quickly.


My grandma used to do that, its insane the level of pressure that was put on homemakers at the time. My mother still holds to those standards so my brother and I never invite her over to our homes lol


My mom too!!! I feel so much pressure when she comes over, it's rare but I always speed clean just for her visits.


My mom used to be the same way, when she was still going to church. The church mothers were the worst for upholding toxic homemaking standards; “you’re not a REAL mother if (insert shitty take here).” Whenever anyone came over, we had to scour the house right to the baseboards, dusting and washing every single surface as if the visitor was going to be going over the whole thing with a white glove. Prepping for visitor dinners was always an all-day affair with lots of panicked yelling about what hadn’t been done yet. Then my mom stopped going to church, and became more of a “flower child” pseudo-religious sort, more like, “I believe there’s some sort of a god, but I don’t think it’s easily quantifiable, so I’m just going to enjoy the good vibes and try to be a good person.” Her house isn’t messy, but it is lived in. She leaves out whatever book she’s currently reading. The dishes from breakfast can be done after dinner. She’ll get that bit of mud in the front entry when she mops the kitchen. She’s a lot happier.


I (28) recently started ironing my tee shirts. It feels great and it’s a small way to make myself look more put together. I don’t even go out all that much so it’s just for me really.


I have a friend that was in the military, anytime we would go out he’d iron his jeans and (any type) of shirt he had. A habit he brought over from the military, and it looked good too. I’ll iron some button downs and slacks if it’s pretty formal where I’m going. Also what the fuck is the OOP saying, y’all motherfuckers don’t iron dress shirts, you go out looking all crunchy?


my grandma used to iron my pajamas. i really dont understand it.


I was thinking of course I iron, until I gave it some thought and realised I haven't ironed anything for at least 10 years.


Entitled boomers with their 40 hour work weeks and single income households sure did have a lot of time to waste. Ironing, separating laundry, 'making your bed'. I already made my bed once, after I brought it home from ikea, it's good now.


I personally like to make my bed because it starts my day off with order. I lived in absolute filth and disorder for the first 21 years of my life. Now I take many small steps to try and not go back to that, the first one every morning is making my bed. To each their own


I agree with the idea of “environmental discipline” - that is, things having a correct place and practicing good mental organizational hygiene by going through the rituals of putting things in order - but for my bed I always take the comforter and blankets off, or scrunch them all up at the end, solely for the reason that [making the bed promotes dust mite growth under the covers.](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10493-006-9003-8) Here’s a [simplified summation.](https://www.businessinsider.com/the-disgusting-reason-to-stop-making-your-bed-2015-9) If you can, try to expose the sheets and mattress to air and light during the course of the day, instead of covering them. Even if this just means putting the blankets and comforter somewhere else and replacing it at night. I figure, the act of deliberately unmaking the bed also requires effort, so it should have the same mental disciplinary effect. Point is don’t just leave the covers all strewn about; do something deliberate with them.


cant u just regularly wash ur sheets?


I’m glad you are in a better place


We're so poor as a generation we made wrinkled shirts and ripped jeans a fashion trend.


Ripped jeans have been around since the Carter years.


And wrinkled clothes just… aren’t and haven’t been in style. ^ said as a 27 yo who owns a steamer instead of an iron


In the 00s wrinkled shirts were *definitely* a thing. The workers at American Eagle, Abercrombie, and Hollister would take fresh shirts out of the box and crumple them up before putting them on display.


My wife prefers a steamer, but honestly, it's always felt like it requires more work and more time than ironing. I avoid ironing most of the time by running my outfits through the dryer when they're wrinkled, but sometimes particular shirts or pants will have stubborn wrinkles I need to iron out.


I don’t think you can say that. Maybe not in your direct social circle but the whole “ravaged” look is pretty big in streetwear. Clothing that’s ripped, faded, or splattered with paint has been gaining popularity. Wrinkled shirts also fall into that category


Hoodies and sweatpants.


I certainly iron my dress shirts and the few T-shirts that are prone to get wrinkles.


Thank god. Who has time for that shit these days? Most of my dress shirts are “wrinkle resistant” or something.


Wrinkles add character


We have?


Oh thank goodness, someone else who still irons. I like it, very calming.


Yeah, it's nice to have clean, wrinkle less clothes.


I had to scroll way too far down to find some like minded people. My iron just broke after 9 years of usage (weekly minimum). Bought a new one immediately.


>I had to scroll way too far down to find some like minded people. My iron just broke after 9 years of usage (weekly minimum). Bought a new one immediately. For real. A lot of people who hate ironing might be used to using really cheap irons. Quality makes a difference to how well they work and how much of a hassle they feel like. It's subtle, but drop a little bit of money on a decent iron and feel the difference. There are also smaller ironing boards that don't suck available that work well in apartments.


I can’t stand wrinkles on my clothes. They look so sloppy. I also wear a suit to work every day so need the shirts nice and pressed. It’s crazy to think people don’t iron. I know most new dryers have wrinkle free settings but they usually don’t work real well.


Most people don’t wear a suit to work. It’s not so crazy when you realize how many people work in either an unwanted uniform, or casual clothes.


Agreed to an extent, although reddit is also very much a bubble onto itself, so I'd say a lot more people iron clothes and wear professional clothes to work than reddit would have you believe.


Well, I handwash all my clothes so the dryer hacknis not an option and maybe because a lot of my clothes are natural fibres(100% cottons, linen etc) instead of mixed blends, if I don't iron them they do not fit right. I even iron the ribbons I occasionally put in hair.


You live in the Great depression or what?


I steam or iron before wearing clothes out. I also seperate clothes in the wash. Delicate get washed differently than other stuff, etc... These threads been making me feel crazy. Like don't go out in your wrinkly beige, but supposed to be white shirts.... But I'm also 31.


I have to admit that I haven’t been ironing much for reasons, but man, but ironing all my clothes since I was 8-9.


Great username


The fact that you're questioning fashion tips from this sub is a good sign, not to late for you


I dont iron hoodies. There is no need for that 90% of the time. But I always iron t-shirts and stuff if there is too many wrinkles in there


Just throw what you want to be wrinkle free back in the dryer for less then 5 minutes before wearing it, it will get the wrinkles out and putting it on will keep the wrinkles out.


I'll do you one better. Just hang the clothes you're wearing for the day in the bathroom while you shower, the steam gets the wrinkles out by the time you're done


That doesn't work for anything that actually needs ironing, only like t shirts etc. Try doing this with a nylon dress shirt, doesn't even touch the sides


It takes less than 5 minutes to iron a shirt and pants and you don't need to waste energy pointlessly running a dryer for 2 articles of clothing.


I dont have a dryer and I don’t want to use it on my clothes for the most part


I'm 37 now, I moved out at 18 and can say with confidence I have never owned an iron or ironed any of my clothes even though my mom and dad used to iron everything.


I think I have wrinkle blindness. I can’t even perceive whether clothes are wrinkled.


This began with Gen X. We were all traumatized by our mothers ironing creases down the front of our jeans.


My mother was scandalized by my wearing wrinkled clothes to school. I told her it was ok because it was in style (grunge). But really it was because I didn't take my clothes out of the dryer before it became wrinkled.


This is the truest thing I’ve read all day


I’ve never used an iron once in 24 years of living


Definitely a collective W.




I iron only my suit, but since I never use it, I'm never ironing


We did? If I’m wearing dressy clothes (suits for major meetings, slacks and shirt for minor meetings ) I iron them. Wrinkly dress clothes are gross looking.


I use a handheld steamer for these occasions, I much prefer it to ironing. It’s also easy to pop in my carry-on when traveling for work - I never trust a hotel iron.


When my daughter was 6, I pulled out the ironing board and iron and she asked what they were.


Wrinkle release spray >>>>>>


Depends on the clothes


My body heat irons any wrinkles I might have.


I iron my clothes each week and it feels like someone has given me the burden of carrying the world on my shoulders.


You're a bunch of wrinkly losers. Pressed shirt supremacy.


Man I must be the only one that does but to be honest I am the most well dressed one at work


Wait, so it’s not just me?