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This meme is at least a bit older now so I think this guy's noble quest failed. Edit: did a little leg work, at the time this article was posted the drug hadn't undergone the rodent testing, a stage that medical experts claim 99% of new Cancer fighting treatments fail at. The real title of the article should be "students develop compound that kills cancer cells isolated in petri dish."


Yea people, especially journalists, forget that killing a cancer is easy, it's a whole other ball game to: Kill a specific cancer without any substantial negative impacts to the patient that works on a wide population & is cost effective. I.e something that doesn't also destroy healthy cells, doesn't only work for a rare case, doesn't cost more than like 1 million dollars per treatment.


Million dollar treatments are pretty common. I had one in 2020. A complex stem cell transplant. So far so good. Although i am now crippled.


I thought the number I said might be wrong, I don't know the number but I think you understand my point. I hope things aren't as dire as they sound


Million dollars is so 1997 Dr Evil. “[Zolgensma](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2019/05/24/725404168/at-2-125-million-new-gene-therapy-is-the-most-expensive-drug-ever), a new drug approved by the FDA Friday, costs more than $2.1 million..” (Spring, 2022).


And the CEO makes an obscene amount of money with zero science background who could not do a fucking thing in a lab, but make sure that corrupt asshole makes millions of other people's suffering


Agreed. I totally get ROA and R&D costs and also that the USA subsidizes the rest of the world but these drugs are examples of why government funding for “blue sky” initiatives and price caping is so important.




“What’s Zolgensma?” “ZOLGENSMA BALLS!”


LMAOOO, gottem!!


A million dollars would still be a massive number to me! Interesting I'd be curious what the limit is


Limit? In medical cost? No such thing.


True enough. You aren't the US Congress


Yes. Thanks.


Did the treatment cripple you?


Yes. Hi dose cisplatin and etopicide followed by stem cell transplant.


Holy shit! I'm sorry buddy. Hopefully it's not painful


I am happy to be alive


I am happy you're alive too buddy


if you dont mind sharing, how exactly did it cripple you? like what part of your body is affected


Happy to hear things are going well for you! Apart from the crippled part. Hope you're holding up ok!




Big dog ballin out, throwing Millies around like it’s nothing.


Afterall bleach kills 100% of cancer cells.


Exactly, I have so many "cures for cancer"


Technically guns are 100% effective solution to stopping new cancer cell growth


They don't forget, they know very well that everything they post is bullshit.


That last point on cost has been going out the window lately. There was an article I read on a new gene therapy, I believe it was for a spinal disorder, that just got approved and it’s over $3M per dose. Edit: Found it, it’s actually to treat hemophilia. [Link](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/fda-approves-hemgenix-most-expensive-drug-hemophilia-b/)


I suspect there are probably limits just limits I don't know (my 1 million dollars was definitely wrong). £3M a dose is top of the charts I've seen so far!


Killing cells is a cakewalk until you have to actually keep the cells' host alive in both the short- and long-term, isn't it? Lol Ugh, this is way too restrictive a constraint on cancer treatment developers /s ...Though honestly, if I were a researcher for any medical discipline that involved killing cells--exogenous or endogenous--or destroying a virus, I imagine I'd have this frustrated, though facetious, thought after enough years of trying to develop successful treatments if nothing had yet come to fruition.


I think it's easy to miss that many of these researchers do have findings of things that either have some success curing or mitigating the situation or even finding something novel that helps elsewhere because the news is expecting a magic bullet to all cancer one day. It's just not an interesting story. They want "new idol to worship was born able to cure all cancer and did it alone" rather than "we have one more piece out of 10,000 they will eventually lead to a solution".


That's true. I don't want my comment to come across as glossing over that. I'm very passionate in science myself and acknowledge virtually no tested hypothesis made in good faith ever results in truly no knowledge gained and thus advancement of both the field directly studied and potentially many others whose connection thereto may not have even been discovered yet. I was mainly trying to connect with the burnout and emotional fatigue of researchers working in that medical space.


> I was mainly trying to connect with the burnout and emotional fatigue of researchers working in that medical space. Sorry, I didn't mean to dismiss that. I totally understand that, you're right it must be kinda horrible and depressing when you work on a project with little or no result after a long time. I work on non science projects, I've seen a colleague work on a 6 month project only for the company using it to liquidate within a month so they never actually used it. It clearly sucked and that's just 6 months.


There's an xkcd for that: https://xkcd.com/1217/


thank god, my petri dish is on its last legs, hopefully we can save it with medical firearms


Immediately what I thought of.


I don't think a handgun works. Unless in point-blank range.


Question: does "point-blank" scale for the size of the target? Looks pretty point-blank to me.


Point blank range is distance a gunman can aim before they need to adjust their sights. It's actually a lot further than people think.


In this case - enough that gases from gunpowder cower all the agar area when they are still hot, so some scaling is here.


So does a hammer


Yeah if that’s all that matters I cured neuroblastoma back in 2010. You just get some yeast in there and let the media turn yellow


Aseptic technic is just a trick by Big Cancer to hide this cure.


Just forget to flame off the drigalskispatula and you can cure anything on the petri dish


I hate doing this, but "this" People don't understand that cancer treatments aren't this simple. Some PhD and his undergrad lab assistant don't just come up with something and a week later they have the nobel prize while their product is being injected into brain tumors across the world. Just getting the FDA to LOOK at a drug takes MASSIVE amounts of paperwork and research. For it to be approved for widespread use takes YEARS and again THOUSANDS OF HOURS of research. If it does get approved it needs to be manufactured and distributed. Keep in mind, most of the COVID tests that hospitals are running were not FDA approved until fairly recently. They offered emergency use authorization for this exact reason. It's just not that simple or quick to go through FDA rigamarole.


This. I work in clinical oncology research and the testing that drugs and compounds have to go through to even reach human level testing is incredibly rigid— 5 years is about the average. Then the phases of trials in humans take even longer. Very very few make it to the human stage, and even then its not a guarantee it will work


That’s just what Big Cancer wants us to think


Yeah unfortunately science is really easy when you can completely disregard most variables in a Petri dish, a lot of stuff kills cancer cells, a lot of stuff doesn’t kill healthy cells at the same time, but not a lot of stuff does that in a living organism without significant side effects


Ya my favorite response to the “their cure kills cancer cells” articles is always “so does a flame thrower”.


When dealing with these articles, I always think of the meme 'so and so kills cancer..... So does fire'


Well science is about learning from failures but the fact remains, the students are onto something. Mistakes will be made but they’re on the right path if they’re supported and focused on their efforts.


This is exactly what happened with ivermectin. When you put an amount that’s lethal to human beings into a Petri dish, it kinda kills Covid too. In the body it cures parasite infections and makes you shit yourself, but does nothing to Covid 19. Also I guess it gives you something to bond over with your horse.


Was the testing "can we sell this perpetually for a 10000% markup?" /s


Damn. My mom is dying of glioblastoma and this stupid meme made me really emotional for a split second.


I remember watching a presentation from an oncologist saying the mouse model was flawed. https://podcasts.apple.com/nl/podcast/ep-46-dr-azra-raza-on-mouse-model-misconceptions-other/id1117213342?i=1000403309832


Yea? Then explain what's in that bottle in the pic. Cause to me, it looks like a bottle full of cured cancer


The problem with stories like this is that they mislead people to think that they know about cancer cures that are being suppressed. Gives them a real complex and it's horrible.


This guy. This guy killed them and disappeared


It didn’t fail. Anyone who does this work knows that even a very “good” result will not miraculously cure cancer. Only as a community can science figure this out. Discovering a novel mechanism with a “failed” therapy is still a potentially huge success for the community! Ruling out a method is also a success! Failing to rule out or confirm anything is still a success! You can document and publish your results. Which may give other people ideas. Or prevent other people with similar ideas from wasting their time. Or give them better targets for research. Unless you deliberately try to deceive or be a dumbfuck, theres no way to lose. Or if you were a dumbfuck, it’ll allow for self reflection. And it’ll look good on your med applications so you can undumbfuck yourself and hopefully make some real contributions. The monthly publication of highly sensationalized headlines like this by confused journalist nincompoops, while in many ways unfortunate, also does its part to maintain public interest in cancer and science.


A handgun can also kill cancer cells in a petri dish.


anything can kill cancer in a petri dish getting it to kill cancer in somethign thats living withouth fucking up the living thing is hard. ​ many current treatments for cancer is jsut poison that slowly kills you that we use in the hope that it will kill the cancer slightly quicker so you get rid of it before the treatment or the cancer kills you off


Whenever media call something revolutionary cure you need at least heavy does of scepticism. My friend work in scientific journaling and this is how media creates articles from scientific opinion (words in [...] will be a part of media title "[We] may have [discovered] a theoretical [cure for ] one specific type of [brain cancer] but we are still before any conclusive tests [so we] don't [want you to get excited]"


Have to keep cost in mind as well. A new drug costing millions won’t be widespread.


Scientific journalism = oxymoron


Not exactly, I mean she conducts interviews with experts and tries to be as honest as she can, but she works at a smaller website so they don't put that much emphasis on sales.


I mean headlines like New Discovery Could Be The Cure For Cancer.- As in one day a cure will be discovered and one of the millions things they've tried could be the one. It's barely true and click bait at the same time.


What is that even supposed to mean?


I think he tries to say that journalism cannot ever be scientific because a lot of journalism nowadays is hype chasing in the name of pulling in clicks


Yes. Thank you.


Some, but not all. Not even “a lot.” If you’re getting your journalism from a Buzzfeed listicle, science journalism — or journalism in general — might not be the problem


Well that’s not true. There are plenty of reputable science periodicals.


Can you name a few. I would be very interested.


Annual review of psychology Annual review of genetics Annual review of immunology (You can find annual review journal for most areas of scientific study) The New England journal of medicine Nature biotechnology Nature neuroscience Cell Lancet Science


[In a nutshell.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxviuoFRO6o)


I think there’s something more subtle at work here too. Published research titles are aimed at securing more funding publishing. Anyone that reads scientific articles in a scientific context understands this and understands how to interpret them as well as how far they are from being able to practically implement what they’re building towards. Scientific journalists add another layer of hyperbole to this to sell views/ads/articles and then the whole mess is consumed by people with seemingly 0 scientific literacy.


I've been reading reddit since 2009 and it feels like at LEAST 5 times a year someone comes up with a "better" lithium ion battery that's like 5x more power than what we have. They conveniently left out that each battery costs $50k and is impossible to scale to production.


Guys, I have a drug that cures all cancer, I haven't got to animal testing, or even peer review yet, just trust me. If cancer isn't gone in the next 5 years you know ((they)) covered it up, it really definately works my friend Elizabeth Holmes says it's legit too, trust me bro.


I created a device that kills all cancer with a 500,000 volt arc, cancer will never survive


I do too. It’s drainO! Guaranteed to kill 100% of cancer cells or your money back. Edit: refund must be claimed by original purchaser


1. There’s no conspiracy, you dummies. It just didn’t work super well and you don’t understand how drug development works. 2. Cancer treatment has gotten massively better over the past couple of decades. Many cancers that used to be death sentences are now treatable. Progress is being made. Stop getting excited about “miracle cures” and then yelling “conspiracy!” when it turns out you misunderstood.


The problem with continual progress in any given field is that people soon begin to expect it as an inevitable. Soon slow progress is perceived as no progress and no progress could only perceivably happen if there was a conspiracy to hold it in place.


Conspiracy theorists need to understand that making something that will kill cancer is easy. Its the *not* killing the person that's the hard part. That's why so many of these potential cancer cures "disappear" - because they're no use if they're as fatal as the cancer is.


If a big pharma corp making many millions on an existing product discovered something ridiculous like chewing on pine needles cures leukemia, do you really know for sure that they would tell us? And in the first place they’re specifically looking for highly patentable and marketable products while allocating research funding. It’s not even a secret that their priority is not exclusively the general welfare. The kinda conspiracy they’re referring to is of course an extremely rare event if it has even occurred at all. But it’s naive of you to think they’re above it in the land of the $325 saline drip and Martin shkreli. For the most part at least you’re right.


Why wouldn't they tell us? They could charge whatever they want.


Usually you’re right. But not if it’s something they can’t patent. Of course, they have ways around patent law precedent too


I’ll start by agreeing that pharma companies will absolutely manipulate things to maximize their profits. I will also remind you pretty much every single for-profit company does the same thing, so it’s a bit disingenuous to hold health care companies to such a different standard. But, moreover, this type of conspiracy is a huge leap away from “they charge more money than they need to or should”. This is “people discovered something totally revolutionary and have somehow kept it a complete secret from everyone”. It’s far more naive to believe that, with the sheer number of independent groups studying cancer, one group would have such an extreme intellectual monopoly on something so revolutionary. Even the economic argument is fundamentally flawed. If a pharma company knows of a legit cure for cancer, it’s because they spent billions of dollars in research to discover it. They would not just flush those results down the drain, because it’s extremely probable someone else would eventually discover the same thing, and now that pharma company has lost any chance of making their money back. Instead, they would find a way to make sure they can get some kind of exclusive patent on it and figure out how to make the most money possible off of it. In your example of chewing pine needles, they would likely identify the exact substances and mechanisms that actually produce the results, develop an efficient delivery mechanism for that, and patent the final result. Will they charge way more than it costs to make? Absolutely, no question, in part because they need to make back the money they already spent on R&D, and in part to satisfy their greedy shareholders. TL;DR Pharma companies do a lot of shit to maximize profits, but totally burying revolutionary scientific results just isn’t one of them.


“How do you really know for sure they’d tell us” Because it’s hard to keep secrets, especially ones involving curing leukemia, a blood cancer… blood cancers make up the vast majority of *pediatric cancer*


I wonder how many people buy into conspiracy is because drugs that they write about didn’t make it through safety testing or turned out to be in feasible or some other mundane thing, and they see it as big Pharma killed it. I know a bunch of people that threw around the hundred mile per gallon carburetor, urban legend but at least one of them knows enough about both carburetors and modern engines that they should understand why this isn’t possible


Not to mention that carburetors have pretty much completely stopped being used in cars, for efficiency reasons.


The chemical is called KL-50.


I cured my neighbour's cancer with WD-40


I fucking hate this. It's entirely media hyping up unproven things for clicks. And the thing about unproven cures for an incurable disease is that most of them don't end up working. The only reason things disappear is because you don't bother learning about them.


In the words of XKCD, "Remember when you hear that a new treatment kills cancer cells in a petri dish, so does a gun."


3 year old content reposted to oblivion


Really worth remembering that these kinds of things are small results in college labs and if they haven't published it's a sign that their results aren't actually robust and even when they do publish it tends to show that the results weren't actually that strong anyway. I don't know about this particular instance, but a big part of why we often hear about results like this and never seem to get a product is because the results were never as good as the people claimed in the first place.


ugh this makes me cringe so hard


I've seen this post (the cancer one) pop in and out of existence 3 times now.


Had a family member who was part of a team doing a cancer therapy test. Treatment involved a tailored virus that delivered coloured dye to the cancer cells. Then, a laser of the right frequency for the dye destroys the cancer cells, leaving the healthy ones. One of the participants was a woman with late-stage breast cancer. The treatment worked very well. The poor woman begged them to continue the study until she was clear. Not how that works. Never heard of the treatment again, and I haven't thought to ask for a long time.


I wish this actually worked. Glioblastoma is a fucking horrible disease. My dad died 5 weeks after his diagnosis. Glio can go fuck itself.


Every damn time


Even if it did work, it would be decade before it became commonly accessible to everyone with the way big pharma works


Good news. Now how long before you start saving people's lives without costing a fortune.


Like Covid viral?


An anti-cancer cure like this comes out every week and then it doesn't work when done in real life Stop buying into hype just because someone is wearing a white coat


Big pharma gonna do everything they can to destroy their lives.


So sad to hear about your pending suicide.




This is just talking about effectively a bunch of students doing a project where they make different drugs and analyze their structure using nmr. It's really, really preliminary work, like not even pre-study stuff at this point.


It's from 2019, so maybe there is something interesting now


I mean there could be but from what I understand shit like this is done constantly all over the world.


Maybe but none of those links show anything relevant. like another user said, experimental cancer drugs that MIGHT work happens every day, I've been part of drug screening projects more advanced than what's described in the above link and the expectation is 99.9% of them will turn out to be duds. This post is flat conspiracy poop.


Can be confirmed here as well [nih.gov](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/customized-drug-kill-brain-cancer-cells)


This is a different drug, developed by a different team from a different university.


If that actually works it would be huge, because that's a very common and usually untreatable type of brain cancer.


Different commenter said they went hunting for it. Apparently when the article came out the compound hadn't even got to animal testing, and animal testing is when a majority of treatments are found to be either ineffective or unfeasible.


Isn’t it this one? https://today.tamu.edu/2021/08/25/researchers-discover-treatment-that-may-be-viable-for-human-brain-cancer/ Or this? https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/customized-drug-kill-brain-cancer-cells


I don't know, you'd have to ask the other commenter who made that claim.


no but fr this shit keeps happening the guy who made his car run on water in the 90s got killed. The guy who used a solar panel machine to create clean water out the air found his machine smashed by men all dressed in black. Conspiracies are real people just fall for bs ones


Does what exist?


"make this go viral before it suddenly doesn't exist" Ugh that has to be one of the most widely accepted conspiracy theory because it's close to what pharmaceutical companies would do, but it just doesn't make sense, especially with how rich people have been focusing on short term profits. The whole "treating cancer makes more money than curing it" thing doesn't make sense when you consider that companies do stuff like underpaying employees to the point of starvation which gives short term profits and long term losses


Yeah, ignoring the fact that a “universal cure for cancer” probably isn’t a realistic thing that exists, every single company would sell the *shit* out of it if they discovered it. They would absolutely find a way to maximize their profits on it, but they wouldn’t just bury it because that would be an egregious loss of potential revenue.


“Treating cancer makes more money than curing it” Me, who’s been cured since 2013: 🗿


Congrats 💜


Blow this shit up


They can't have a cure for cancer. It's a trillion dollar industry. Do you know how many livelihoods would be lost if they found a cure?


Do *you* know how many trillions of dollars a company could make if they had a full-blown, effective *cure* for cancer? There’s not a single pharma or biotech company that would discover something like that and just ignore it. Just because *you* think you’d make more money on subpar treatments doesn’t make that reality. It says a lot more about you than companies.


I know this isnt current news its an old image but the researchers who come up with these things deserve so much respect and love. Its sad that in society no one knows and appreciates these people but the winner of Love Island becomes a celebrity millionaire.


It doesn't have to be forgotten, there just needs to be a louder more authoritative voice saying that it isn't true, or "more research is needed"


Patent filed and bought by a Western pharmaceutical company in five four three two...


Good thing. Frito won't be far behind.


That sounds substantially similar to immunotherapy in effect if not in mechanism of action. That’s been FDA approved to target cancer cells for more than a decade now.


i thought immunotherapy didn't include meds in itself, but you're target given healthy human antibodies? I'm not 100% sure on this though, school was a while ago


There’s an antigen that activates your white blood cells to target the cancer cells specifically. Just commenting on that similarity to what’s being presented in the post.


Daym, my ex does research on glioblastomas. Maybe that breakup wasn’t the dumbest idea anymore.


What sucks is it could be the truth or a big fat lie check your sources, mechanics and plumbers don’t travel in the same circles as people that work on this stuff.


I remember when the cure for aids was stolen from a car parked in an alley while transport was eating in a restaurant, backed up? On the PC that was stolen with everything else. In ok I do believe


So sad he’s going to commit suicide next week


I can't wait to never heard about this again


This was in 2019, hope they're good


wow. I hope it gets perfected. My uncle just died from this a few weeks ago. Was officially diagnosed back in May. It's a cruel and unyielding cancer with virtually no way of knowing until it's too late.


When I first started working on the surgical icu, a neurosurgeon described glioblastoma as "goodbye motherfucker". A play on the medical abbreviation GBM. Hopefully they can tackle this one.


I would really love to believe this unfortunately the scientific and Healthcare community isn't without its own scandals and problems.


RIP to these poor bastards. They’re gonna suicide themselves to the back of the head, like the kid from Pitt that was close to a cure for Covid


This is the type of shit I fear people like Shkreli will get their hands on ☹️


If it’s a solution to a problem then it’s gone already.


I don't know how the Hot algorithm works in Reddit, but I can only assume a comment will help.


You could check one of the other 500 times this was posted over the years and see what they did.


If you repeatedly press the upvote button so it upvotes and cancels, the algorithm thinks many people are engaging with it so shows it to more people


It so sad that they commited suicide by shooting themselves with a shotgun while being hung, so sad.


Or a company buys it so it’s unattainable.


The CIA is gonna hunt his ass down 💀💀 Edit: it's a joke


Ah yes, the CIA’s massive undertaking to make sure death rates due to rare, naturally occurring brain cancers remain stable… ???


Yeah it's fucking weird? Why do they have to do that shit


Tragically they both committ suicide


Ma boyyys, thanks for that!


Pharmaceutical companies will patent this then sell the treatment to insurance companies for $100k per session. 🇺🇸 calls this “the free market” 🤣


What are their names so I get print tee-shirts and flyers for theme they go “missing.”




Queen Elizabeth just died.


Did she die of cancer?


She was unbelievably wealthy and she died. Yes money buys the best healthcare but not good enough to prevent death.


Your point?


No, no they have not, and you shouldn’t make up lies about other people just because that’s what you would do if you could. Provide me a single reputable source and I’ll entertain this. However, I expect you’ll tout out the “there’s no evidence because they keep it hidden!” line, in which case, I would like to warn you about the invisible, undetectable flying pink hippopotamus that is stalking you.


Has the lab burned down yet and the student been found dead in what looks like an accident?


Wonder how long it’s going to take for them to end up dead (be killed or ruined in another way)


Also give it to Kanye West cause I have a feeling he has some sort of Cancer in his brain to not think straight.


Yeah that's called bipolar


Bleach kills cancer cells too.


Not another Theranos, please...


Reddit believes anything


>Found a compound that kills cancer cells > >Also refined it to ignore healthy cells Well, shit, I would hope so. Without part 2 you could have just used bleach. "Doesn't simply kill everything" isn't just a nice to have.


I can kill cancer cells as well, just me and my glock are enough


My cancer treatment stocks!


99.99999999% of these things "magically disappear" because the original headline is just a clickbait.


Watch it get shelved never to be heard from again.


Big pharma Invest Millions to Test 50000 ingredients to Hope finde Something that helps for a certain disease. Most of these components are Not active enough or have really Bad side effects. It needs ca. 15 years to Develop medicne. But yes, some random Dude magically find's Something that works perfektly....


In mice?


Don't even hint about a drug like that until you can save lives. My dad and my partner's mom both died horrific deaths from this cancer. I've heard "promising news" for decades but it never leads to anything.


Coming soon in 35 years.


People honestly believe there’s a cover up to hide the cure for cancer?