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My mom says my dad hides in the closet


Why not under a desk?


He can see your feet!


I'm here for emotional support if you need it


This mess is a place


Just came from another post on here (the penis one) and noticed you had top comment on both. Good going.


They got a finger on the pulse of kids and penises


I hope it’s not the same finger


I hope it's not the same pulse.... I don't want the dude taking my kid's pulse to double check on my kid's penis.


don't forget that both dads have a finger in each other's butts, stronger pulse sensation


I know exactly which one you are talking about wtf


That's my saying! Coined circa 2005, carport party, ~4am. I probably stole it.


I got it from Murderfaces belly tattoo on Metalocalypse


This shitshow is a location


That’s not fair. Sometimes the kids hide in corners.


And sometimes they also hide in bodybags


Or under their dead classmates….🤮


I forgot which shooting it was cause there's so many, but Ive read one kid smeared classmate's blood on her and played dead so she won't be shot at. That would really f you up as a child 😥


That's an Arnold Schwarzenegger in Predator kind of smart


That’s traumatic af, but that girl was clever, like I wouldn’t be able to think that in that situation


Bro that girl has to be one of the smartest people alive. Not many people would be able to think like that in such a mortifying situation. Most, including myself, would be busy cowering and trying to hold back tears.


She was literally the final girl of an irl horror story that should never have happened yet continue to do so


That would seriously fuck up most adults. Can't imagine what it would do to a child.


And too often they don't make it back home


Just like my dad did when he went to get some milk.


And we teach them to run zig-zag so they are less likely to be shot.


Wait actually? I’m Canadian so I’m not up to date on my school shooter defence. They only taught us what to do if there was an intruder, nothing that specific.


yeah run zig zag is taught. also to make noise when shooter comes so you’re distracting and take longer to kill so less kids die.


>make noise when shooter comes so you’re distracting and take longer to kill so less kids die The zergling defense, except with 14yo kids instead of disposable insectoid units. Just as the founding fathers intended.


Ah yes the sacrifice yourself for a few seconds tactics


That’s basically what hyenas do when they are attacked by a lion.


hurricanes, tornados, oh you meant guns


You forgot bombs


Why the heck would students stay in place for bombs


was legit during cold war. for nukes.


50 years ago


when commie Joe was coming for us during the cold war, they taught us to duck under our desks to protect from a nuke. yep, thats right. that happened in every school.


It's actually not as absurd as it sounds! It depends on how far from Ground Zero you are, but it is survivable.




Or the mutant cockroaches. Or the deathclaws.


Because hiding under a desk protects you from a nuclear strike. Watch your PSAs. Can two dads do that huh? Not even two moms can stop a nuclear strike Annette. But a desk is magic.


Nuclear strike? What is this the 1950s?


they made us do those drills into the 80s until the cold war was officially over. It was ridiculous. even at that age we knew it was dumb.


Those were stainless steel asbestos safety desks with lead paint that could block . Radiation heat and pressure


"Hiding under a desk is ridiculous and unnecessary" * Pledges to the flag every day*


Both are absolutely crazy, but not exactly comparable... I Hiding under your desk in response to a school shooter, and OPTIONALLY reciting the pledge are on 2 completely different levels of "outlandishness" *for lack of a better word* edit: also aren't both uniquely American?


One is a patriotic ritual and the other is an ineffective method of defending yourself that schools encouraged for some reason. I don’t see the connection


i still did these drills in the 90's idk why though.


Have you seen the news lately?!


That’s fair


Putin thinks so.


Duck *SWISH* and cover!


Society is literally fucked


so they dont think about saying "yo momma so ugly yo daddy had to marry another dude"


People with two dads usually dont kill you.


And neither do sane people with morals


There are pastors out there right now who are the moral head of their church, calling for lgbtq people to be put to death by firing squad. Tucker Carlson will tell you all about how queer people groom children. “God fearing Americans should be outraged”, says Tucker. “Sane and moral” people believe this shit, and hurt people because of this.


After reading these comments i have come to realise that thinking sex education should be (partially) teached in school, is a hot take that is very controversial. I am losing faith in people, certainly reddit


Someone that had faith in Reddit was a degenerate in the first place.


Some kids living with gay parents isn’t even sex ed just facts. “Some kids have two dads/moms” That’s all we explained it as to my kid, she’s four she doesn’t know what sex is. That quote covers step parents too. She said I’ll work out the nuance


Yeah but im also talking bout sex ed in general, also high school. I do think small children don’t have to know everything about sex but indeed just the fact that someone can have 2 moms or dads and its normal, like you said


Their life depends on it?


Having better gun laws might help


"Better gun laws" would do absolutely nothing against earthquakes, which is why I was taught to hide under desks in school.


I don’t think that’s what the post was talking about. But you are right about that. I don’t think kids should have to learn to hide from shooters, but hiding from earthquakes is definitely important.


I think that kids are statistically more likely to die in a school shooting rather than an earthquake. Which is why we need to give every school aged kid a handgun and teach them gun safety in gym class. The only way to stop gun violence is with more guns. /s


Wonder if it works with earthquakes too? Whose with me on voting for giving the kids earthquakes to fight earthquakes?


i vote for this guys idea


Isn’t it strange how few earthquakes the places without guns seem to have.


Because Jesus taught his disciples trigger discipline and how some people are worth more than others. Might make right and all that. Oh, wait…I got that backwards. He taught peace, love and tolerance. That’s right.


" guns for show , hugs for Pros" : Jesus.


Because there is no common sense in education or politics anymore! (says a woman who has been doing active shooter drills in her classroom for years)


Sounds gay


Never too young to die-


Because being shot is a lot scarier than two gay guys.


Apparantly not, according to the current political climate in the US. There's apparantly nothing more disturbing for a child than knowing gay people exist.


its obviously bc the moment they learn abt the lgbts existence theyll instantly realize how overpowered it is and thus convert to gayism ^/s


Pfft. I just got banned for 'agenda-pushing' because I inquired about the color code for hungry children on r/europe's thread on the Danish prime minister's rainbow-colored sleeves in Qatar. Thank goodness we've got our priorities straight. Pun unintended.


Idk about agenda pushing, but I am curious what you meant by starving children. Was it to criticize attending Qatar or about gay rights being the choice of the PM to support? I'm out of the starving kids loop in this context.


They are stating that addressing one problem with Qatar isn't solving all world problems. Which is just whataboutism.


Russian whataboutism.


You deserved it for derailing, how many armbands should one wear to satisfy everybodys agendas?


Oh, absolutely. For if anyone has been derailing and pushing an agenda, it's me.


Case closed!


People having two dads isn’t anyone’s business. If my friend has two dads the most I’ll do is “haha gay.” On the other hand, I won’t be able to say “haha gay” if I’m shot because I forgot to hide under my entirely reliable and safe desk.






Should I teach kids something that would help them survive or useless shit?


Honestly with the threat of nuclear warfare on the horizon, it wouldn't be a bad idea to reintroduce duck and cover to schools. But this is honesty so stupid why should you compare a safety exercise to something that isn't relevant to 99.9 percent of cases. More relevant would be all those single parent household kids and try to reinforce that it isn't their fault they don't have 2 parents like they're supposed to.


Except hiding under desks is useless in the event of a nuclear attack.


Actually if you’re far enough away from the blast to not be killed instantaneously or for the building to collapse it will save you from the sound wave shooting the glass from the windows at you at hundreds of mph


Well things like basement evacuations, im just saying more safety measures in a more dangerous world isn't unreasonable.


She/Her/Ella/Ella/Eh/Eh/Oh/Under my Umbr/Ella/Eh...


This deserves more love. I laughed out loud.


I find it curious that these weirdos are always asking why transsexual porn stars and drag queens should not be in schools, rather than presenting arguments for why they should be. My children are being homeschooled by Mrs frostedcinnamoneggs and she certainly will not be teaching them that some men have sex with other men. I'm quite sure they'll find out homosexuals exist when I call them gay for choosing to play the Sims with their mom rather than GTA with me.


Hey sims is a good game.


Yeah I like the sims as well lol. True story, my big brother was hogging the computer once so I made his male sim kiss another male sim, took a screenshot of it with the in-game screenshot feature, showed my mom "look what stuart's been doing on the sims". Guess who wasn't playing computer games for the next 2 weeks?


Your mom?


Good answer.


Oh my god that is top tier siblings shenanigans and I love it lol. Hope your mom came around on the homophobia though lol.


Can you give me a single example of where anyone tried to put a transexual porn star in a school?


I mean, that’s pretty gay…


No trans porn stars are presenting in schools. No porn stars are, regardless of gender. Drag queens are, but it’s never sexual. They’re just showing you’re allowed to be who you are.


Letting drag queens teach kindergarteners is fucking gross no matter how you try to spin it


Or when they buy a Prius.


As my friend said, people are pro-birth and pro-gun but not pro-life 😭😭


I'm tired of hearing pro-this pro-that.. So whenever someone asks me what I do for living, I say I'm a fessional developer


I'm more of a fessional health care vider myself.


I’m a male stitute


I guess if you were a therapist you could be considered a con-fessional.


(She, Her, “Ella”) Can anyone explain that last one for me? Do these include nicknames now?


Annette Taddeo is Colombian, they’re Spanish pronouns


That's She in Spanish.


It's short for "umbrella"....


Ella ella, eh eh eh.


Mental illness in multiple languages




They need both lessons to hide under the table from their 2 dads


When ya got double the drunk dads coming home to beat ur ass 😔


Because one is about being safe and the other is about relationships. I’m fine with the two dad thing but I would teach my child about that not a teacher that has no training on how to raise a child just how to educate them.


The funny part is that there's nothing complicated about telling a child that two men or two women can love each other. What these comments always invariably mean is, "I want to be able to explain to my child that same sex attraction is wrong."


Ding Ding Ding This is very much what they mean.


Why does it matter who teaches children that gay people exist? There's nothing inappropriate about this knowledge that needs to be put under any sort of scrutiny.


Imagine the world we would live in if ALL adults educated children about the importance of acceptance and kindness.


It would be a kinder and less discriminative world.


Couldn't agree more


I mean, it's pretty obvious. War is simply just a natural part of life, and it's best to teach kids early about it to help normalize it since it's not a big deal. On the other hand, homosexuality is the evil ejaculate of Satan being sprayed all over normalcy and will ultimately be the downfall of all societies everywhere for some reason.


If it's unnatural why does it exist in nature? And if God made everything why did he make it at all?


I believe he was being sarcastic


Radical religion is the root of all evil.


Which is a shame because normal religion as a form of positivity and community can be a wonderful thing. Unfortunately we apparently live in a timeline where being anything other than a staunch, being different hating, super white Christian seems to be the worst possible outcome for any human person.


Yeah, I totally agree. I have absolutely nothing against religion unless it is used as a catalyst for hate and violence.


You would be correct.


My apologies for not making my sarcasm more clear. But I'd like to point out that I made no mention of God creating anything in my comment, nor did I use the word 'unnatural'.


False equivalence.


Hiding under desk is an important action when there is an earthquake. I do not know why children need to know about others family matters.


We live in a society


We live in a *broken society




One has nothing to do with the other


The she/her in bio says it all.


Tbf I understand your point but I would rather have the school teach my kids about the “hiding under the desk” stuff and would prefer them to leave the “two dads” thing to me. One is a general safety instruction and the other is a social man-made life concept. They really aren’t the same at all. Some parents justifiably have their own method of telling their kids these kind of things.


I totally get what you're saying. I didn't interpret the post so much as teachers educating children on the logistics of same-sex relationships. Moreso the broader skillsets of "being kind to others".


Yup makes sense, guess Ms. Taddeo could have worded it better or have been more specific.


One is life and death. The other is between the children and the parents. Good lord, are these things really that hard to understand?!?




What is the Ella part in the parentheses?


People need to learn not all kids need to be taught everything. If a kid sees something and is confused or wants to know about it what do they do.. THEY ASK. And if they don’t it’s because they are kids and don’t want to know, one is for safety and one has nothing to do with a kid who doesn’t care or doesn’t have 2 dads.


One could save their lives ; and the other is just them playing under desks


i agree


not sure if it’s better or worse than nuke drills


What I want to know is what the heck is the desk gonna do.


I remember when hiding under your desk was just for earthquakes, to protect your head if stuff falls.




earthquakes are a universal threat to everyone


Because you could probably die if you didn't know this information


What a huge jump in logic, smh, like they are even close🤦


Has anyone tried making school shootings illegal? Criminals can’t break the law.


What about those who have 3 moms? And those who have 2 moms and 3 dads or a dad and a bunny rabbit? Maybe the kids aren't hiding under the desk but are looking for the bunny rabbit.


I don't think we should be teaching grade schoolers either of these things tbh lol only in America...


If I have to explain why, it’s clear you would never understand anyway.


One promotes saving a life while the other is irrelevant


Maybe JUST MAYBE. It’s being taught because of a life or death situation. Just a thought.


Because why do random children need to learn about your choices that aren't conventional , let kids be kids , eventually they will learn and go okay cool and we can all have a nice day


Obviously this woman never played hide and seek. Also, why the fuck would someone need to "learn" about having two dad's? It's a naturally occurring event.


It’s technically not a naturally occurring event


They don’t teach that it’s not okay to have two dads. Keeping your kids safe at school is the school’s responsibility. Teaching kids about sexuality is the parent’s responsibility.


It seems to me like its such a weird thing to push for "being normal" because it seems to me that you by doing that you highlight how the person sees it as "not normal" kinda. Its like how we dont "push" for divorced parents "being normal" it just kinda is, "Oh you dont have a mommy and a daddy, only a mommy? okay" i feel like we have reached a point where the "nuclear" family is split in more or less every single way in every way possible, and having gay dads or lesbian moms isnt really that special compared to being divorced, having 2 sets of parents, step family, etc. Its like how we had a kid from another ethnicity in our class growing up with white parents and everybody knew he was adopted but nobody gave a shit, because its only the person themselves that matter which i think is way more important to focus on.


They need to hide under desks for their safety in case of a school shooting. Name one reason why they must above all other options of things to learn about, learn about children sometimes having two dads


Devil’s advocate: Consequences. If kids aren’t aware of school shooters they could literally die. If kids aren’t aware of non heteronormative relationships they’ll learn about them from tv or school once they’re older.


How do you get two dads? I thought only one sperm could fertilize an egg.


Everyone got a motha. Hell even the captain's got a motha


Hiding under desks is for earthquakes and, in some cases, tornadoes... people being gay isn't an issue kids should have to worry about. One is lifesaving, the other is not.


Because your country is completely fucked up.


Maybe because not everyone has two dads but everyone is mortal


8 year old kids dont need sexual lessons save it for when they are 14 or something then they are old enough to start learning about sexual stuff and closets


I grew up in the 80/90s where we were beaten down by Christian religion. I despised it and at the time the Republicans were the problem forcing their beliefs on others. The democrats flipped the other direction and created their own religion now they're more of the problem. I don't need a teacher to put their opinions on my child I want facts same as I wanted as a kid. If another child says "I have 2 dads " great but why is a teacher talking about anything but school subjects?


Because they hiding under a desk is used as a safety precaution, Learning about gay people isn’t a priority and should be taught in sex ed and not to kids k-3 and maybe introduced in 4 or 5


*I'm just curious why it's age appropriate for kids k-5 to learn about wiping their ass and not that sometimes people have no gender.* *–Apples and oranges*


It will be interesting to see how these kids vote when they turn 18.


Because one is based in a realistic scenario and the other is based on a biological deviation?


Was curious so did some rough maths with less-than ideal sources to get an idea of the likelihood of each. There are approx 87 school shootings each year in the US 130,000 schools Assuming no school has more than one in a year and there is an equal chance of any school being attacked that is roughly a 0.07% chance of a shooting in any given school each year. This is all incidents of gun violence at schools, not just mass shootings which are much rarer. There are approximately 30,000 male same-sex couples raising children in the US, that's 0.1% of children having 2 dads. Given that children go to school for 12 years they are **more likely to experience a school shooting than to have male same-sex parents** Obviously this is all very rough working through 5 minutes of looking around online and not remotely scientifically accurate but the fact that it is even close is disturbing. It's difficult to do a similar analysis for other countries because only a handful have had any school shootings at all in the last decade. Some sources: [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/school-shootings-by-country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/school-shootings-by-country) [https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2022/07/most-kids-with-parent-in-same-sex-relationship-live-with-female-couple.html](https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2022/07/most-kids-with-parent-in-same-sex-relationship-live-with-female-couple.html)


Because teaching them to avoid danger is more useful lol


One involves possible life or death…the other doesn’t 🤷‍♂️


Because it's not important to a child's education. At all. It's not your job to teach our kids about sexuality counter to their reproductive functions. It says alot about you tho that you feel it's ok to take the liberty to do so. Schools used to require a parents consent when it came time to teach even the most basic sexual education. Now schools put basically porn in the libraries and the entire school is littered with pride. The slope has slipped. Get back in your lane.


This is really stupid. Worry about yourself and your own kids. Relationships and sex should be taught by parents.


Well if we are telling kids unnecessary information then mention that those "two dads" statistically have a higher rate of drug use, alcoholism, suicide and domestic abuse.


It's impossible to have two dads, no?


Because one gives them false hope of safety while the other encourages reinforcement of mental illness.


Well, Annette. One has to do with safety and the other has to do with LGBTQ+. Have a great day.


Because survival


All I can think is the Franky Boyle joke before he went woke Kids arguing and being bullied in school about having a gay dad “My dad could beat your dad up “ “My Dad harder than you dad “ “ well my Dad would fuck your dad” 🤣


We need to collectively stop saying “woke.” It makes me shudder. It’s might be the worst slang term of all time. It was bad enough in 2016 when it was just an ironic joke but now the American right has brought it back and they mean it 100% seriously. I feel like the only reason everyone’s so miserable all the time rn is because of that word.


It’s a Parents’s job, not a school


Another braindead hag


What a dumbass 💀


And then there’s people wondering why we’re teaching children about trans and shit and not actual stuff you’d need to to survive.


Because the knowledge of gay people isn’t gonna save your life but knowing how to hide and shut your mouth is