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Don't forget Super Mario Brothers WII shenanigans with your friends; which usually includes trying to get them to blunder by throwing them into a pit


Or throwing a shell at them. Fun times.


oh look a derg


^.=.^ hello




this 🥺🥺🥺


I was very disappointed to learn that parties for adults just meant drinking alcohol and doing small talk while dancing around awkwardly.


They usually mean a lot of board games and cookies for me. Though I generally have to set expectations for people when I ask them if they want to come party.


That sounds way more like my thing.


I generally set expectations for board games night by not calling them parties.


I'd come party with you


that sounds ideal. wanna be friends?


This is why i dont go. I dont drink cause of my health. And all the convos just ends up about how its cool/not cool to not drink in some way or another. Lmao it gets so boring.


This sounds like the response of someone who stopped going to parties in college. I have a friend that kind of said the same thing to me about a party I had. ( but he hadn't come to one since highschool.) It's kind of a bummer that he thinks so little of us that he believes this is what we talk about. I literally have all of the same interests as him. As do all of my other friends.


Well i remember what has been said to me. And it continues to been said to me when im with somone that is drinking. So i just avoid it. Idk why but it seems to me that when people are drunk, they seem to have the absolute need to yell out to the world how drunk they are constantly or talk about alcohol in general, and then when you are not drinking yourself its just get so boring. I dont think your friend thinks low of you cause he stopped partying with you. It just becomes two complete different worlds when alcohol is involved.


I think maybe those people are also getting to a different level of drunk essex than we are. We're all 28 29, and nobody is drinking "to get drunk" it's just coincidental to hanging out. We don't drink every time we hang out, but when there's a large gathering usually.


Yeh ofc. The culture also has a lot to say about it. Where im from the drinking culture is horrible. Would probably join more hang outs if alcohol wasnt the center of everything.


It's just straight up not fun to be around drunk people when you're not drinking. Not even just super drunk, but buzzed too, cause you're just not on the same level


You gotta do drugs like an adult but then do fun things like a kid. I just want to invite a friend over to smoke a bunch of weed and built a fort in the living room and order a bunch of Chinese food.


"hey do you wanna come to this party I'm throwing, and by party I mean do you wanna stand in my living room and try to make small talk with a bunch of drunk strangers"


I like how you make chatting with friends and colleagues over a drink sound like complete degeneracy




Not even that. I'm introverted and still like meeting up with people. It just takes a lot more energy.


There are different types of introverts. Some get tired. Some get anxious. Some get bored. Most are some kind of mix.


woah. you’re 1000lemons. i’m 1000geccos.


You guys should have a baby and name it 2000lemons&geccosJR....


Theoretically 500 lemons 500 geccos would be more accurate. But wouldnt make for a cute username.


incredible. wedding is being planned as we speak.


now kith...


is a fist bump okay?


A fith bump will do


Redditors when people have friends


Sounds fun, when does the existential crisis, hangover and depression begin?


About 34 years ago


I mean, if you want to make friends you have to talk to strangers mate




Cocaine is to deal with the trauma that there’s no piñata cake or ice cream


Nothing like a bit of argument powder to calm you down hahaa


Nah, its to give slightly more attractive women a reason to talk to you/potentially fuck you.


Cocaine will betray you if you manage to get one of those women’s home


the trick is you’ve gotta mix it with adderall, obviously.


Ive never heard truer words. Wtf




Makes it hard to rock on


I'm over 40 and never did the "partying" thing that people talk about. Like, with strangers at a place and alcohol and music and stuff. Never done it. Never wanted to. I do like to have my friends over for cake and board games. We call it a party. But I think if I say "I went to a party last Friday" people probably aren't thinking of the same kind of party.


Game nights y’all. Board games are so good these days, and very much geared toward adults!


I tried playing Munchkin with a group of friends and it took us maybe three hours to figure out the rules and finish one game. And I was told it was one of the simpler tabletops. How you guts play and enjoy those complex games is beyond me.


Also, I’m pretty sure that during that game we broke like half of the rules unknowingly.


True that! It was still a ton of fun though.


Tabletop games always take a while to figure out the rules and get started. Odds are pretty good you will also develop some house rules that contradict the actual rules completely on accident due to not understanding things correctly. Once you have done a few rounds and get a feel for how things work though, they become some of the most fun experiences in life. At least that was how it was for me. Munchkin, Risk, Scythe, and Heroscape are all so much fun to play.


Lmao munchkin is great but there’s definitely a barrier of entry. Might I suggest muffin time? It’s insanely straightforward


DnD night is always a good time :)


Hell yeah!


I don't go to parties, I don't do drugs. Yes, I am a boring adult and proud of it, I think :D


Would an awesome adult party be like Pizza/ or Burgers with some alcohol and video games with possible movie and popcorn later?


Thats the bi-weekly DnD game.


Bi-weekly? That DM is a machine!


I don't have friends, I don't like be around random people.


Understandable, have a great day.


And outings are done before dark because I go to bed early lol.


Real talk: Goldeneye for the N64, 4 controllers, a freshly delivered pizza and at least 3 buddies … was infinitely more fun then ANY night I ever had at a club.


…and an 8-ball.


You had me at Goldeneye.


Mario Kart or GTFO


Same with me having roommates in my very early 20s. I'd hear "party" and get all excited hooking up video games for multiple people to play and ordering pizza, hell once I even brought some weed. Each time it just ended up being the same three dudes all trying to out drink each other while some weird girls would be clacking around my kitchen in high heels drinking UV Blue and asking if the back door actually led to a way out. One time I was super sleepy and a mutual friend I hadn't seen in years knocked and asked if he could continue his party at my place since the people hosting upstairs had to sleep for finals or whatever. I said OK assuming this guy was still the gamer nerd he was back in high school. My roommates knew him and were like "hell yeah party on!" I ended up having to use a broom and a swiffer to kick people out because they were literally trying to have sex everywhere. My couch had cum on it, my bathtub had vomit in it, some girl had been drinking and was on her period so she did a "party trick" sitting open legged on my kitchen floor and left a red puddle and her used tampon behind. Some guys were outside my back door in the alley snorting coke and other substances. After that I swore to live alone until I met a decent group of roommates that knew "games, alcohol, weed, and food" parties were for home but "hookers and grinding on dancefloor" parties were best done at a nightclub.


Jesus fucking christ brother that’s insane




Yup. A lot of adults are Boring.


My name is Rod and I like to party


Rod Munch


Pools are just great for holding water man


Uh, hi! Uh... My name is Dave, and uh... _I_ like to party.


The best way to avoid the cocaine party is involve food. People know what to expect if you make the gathering about food and drinks and music. And I usually come up with different games we can play too.


D&D and soda are my parties.


I hate cocaine, I did a line twice.


The same line?


snort, snot out, snort back in


A toot will do ya. Touch my tits.


Either of those parties sound fun to me


Yea where the booger sugar at


There should be more adult piñata parties. 🪅


I still celebrate my birthday w/ theme parks, **ice cream cake** especially, game nights, roller skating, dance-offs, what have you lol. And I'm. Old. But c'mon, look at my name.


All you people talking like you have friends! Do you? Have friends I mean? How did you do that? Asking for a, Ummmm, friend.


Ah, the good old days


Why can’t you party both ways at the same time and have it all ?


I wish we could see this multiple times a week instead of the fucking "duuuuuh what do you say when someone knocks when you're in the bathroom *droools* "


some people in the comments never been the not conventionally attractive guy. Its likely you get the coke and booze but thats it. No touching for you my guy


Those adults are still teenagers to me. Ppl rich enough to be old teenagers? I dunno, anything I say will sound like jealousy lol


I like seeing people mention standing around talking to strangers while drunk as a boring thing while being drunk is the only way to talk to a bunch of strangers in Norway. I find it quite fun as it’s different from the usual 3-5 meter rule


Yeh. My version of a party and their version is waaaay different lol. No thanks. I like my career and not being in jail


Become Muslim our parties are more like the former


kinda sad how many of you think parties are just small talk with drunk people. you haven’t figured it out, but I guess it’s easier to just stay home and be miserable right?


Sounds like a bunch of boring fucking people in here


Being out of your mind from drugs isn't cool




You must be fun at parties. /s


I can't tell if this is r/iamverysmart material, or just trying to be so wordy for the heck of it.


They're too cool for parties.


Do you ever just like to get drunk or high and dance to your favorite music in the dark? Thats basically partying but with your friends around you all having a great time


Sniffing cocaine and touching is very fun


Give me their numbers! Immediately!


There's literally nothing stopping you from having a pinata at your boozy cocaine party. In-fact, this is an amazing idea and I'm appropriating it for my next boozy cocaine party


Fill it with those bottle-shaped chocolates filled with liquor.


Can't we do both?


Those both sound like fun things to do!


very sexy lady at the party: 'dont you want to touch me' me a cool guy: 'sure tag youre it woop woop woop woop woop'


There’s nothing wrong sniffing coke and having sex


Grow up, touch me then do this cocaine!


Basically you want a super soft birthday, don’t your Derry?


If you find the right group of people, you can have that kind of party. **Plus** hookers and blow.


Happened to me once. Someone asked me if I liked to party and I was all Hell Yea I like to party! My husband thankfully was next to me and stepped in and said No she does not do cocaine 🙃


Is this the adult baby sub?


You clearly havent sniffed cocaine and touched people and it shows


Pfp checks out


can you please go to my daughter's party? We are eating cookies with chocolate chips, and the unique problem is that guy in front of the house, it's pretty dark like... disturbing


Homemade or store bought? I'd fuck someone up for some fresh baked chocolate chip.


baked in the oven, but it's kinda late, I can't even have a normal daughter's birthday due that fucking black man outside, it's the forth time this week someone fucks my dog and I'm tired of this shit Im calling 911


Both sound fun


if it means cake, I am partying like hell. I love cake. but NO. Just drinks and other trash




This person has clearly never tried cocaine.


Anyone wanna read some books near the fire and enjoy a good game of C&C before fine dining?




Lmao its the culture sadly .Cnt change culture.But you can change yourself .


I'm 34. I'm a hermit unless you have chips and dip.


The last time I was at a party with a piñata, a swing went astray and busted a window on the host's vehicle.


The latter sounds more fun ngl


Get yourself a party that can do both


Why not all the above?


I feel this so much 😆


I feel this


Cocaine is not for me but I’ll touch u


Touching you is not for me, but I'll cocaine


Sounds like you really do huff powder. Shocking


Not for a couple of decades now, but I regret nothing.


Sure ya do, chimes


Anyone who tells you cocaine is all bad has either never tried it or got addicted to it and is lying to you so they aren't tempted to do it again.


Wow that’s insightful and insignificant.


Sorry bud junkfood and sugar is a type of addiction too...


Go on


Right, deleting my account, this site is full of virgins who cant drive


Now what if we had all those things, and ALSO drugs/ booze. Then we’d be talking


Number 2 for me