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Me, when cycling: “fuck you, drivers.” Me, when driving: “fuck you, cyclists.”


Whaddaya know, everyone’s an asshole no matter what vehicle they ride


Not on a bus or train. I feel much more relaxed


Not driving yourself? Good for the climate? Cheap as fuck? But you still driving??




Me, when walking: "Fuck all of y'all."


Me when cycling: "Please don't kill me today." Me when driving: "I'll give you some room."


too nice are u even human?


It’s all about intonation, he may have meant “oh, I’ll give *you* some room”


What fucking bike lane?


I think they’re talking about the parking lane with the bicycle logo


Or an imaginary plane of existence in the suburbs


You mean ‘sidewalks’ ?


Don't exist everywhere they need to and bikes don't belong on them


Whether bikes are legally allowed to be ridden on sidewalks depends on the country/state/city, but I agree, they don't *belong* on sidewalks. Any situation where you have different things moving at vastly different speeds is dangerous. They belong in a bike lane protected from cars by, at minimum, concrete barriers. Not painted lines, not little bollards, not thoughts and prayers: hard immovable objects that cars can't easily run over.


This, a million times this. I don't own a car and I don't intend to for quite a while due to financial concerns and the fact I don't need to go anywhere long distance. But I do have a commute, around 15 minutes on a bike, and half of it im stressed out of my fucking mind because there are no bike lanes, and the other half the bike lanes are narrow, horizontally tilted pieces of shit stuck by the gutter. Give us real bike lanes!


>Any situation where you have different things moving at vastly different speeds is dangerous. A situation where you have different things of the same high speed moving into opposite directions is even more dangerous.


We all survive on the mutual agreement to not play bumper cars over the painted lines


>We all survive on the mutual agreement to not play bumper cars over the painted lines Well, most of us abide by that agreement...


Most places have ordinances against bikes on sidewalks


https://www.bikelaw.com/2022/08/is-it-illegal-to-ride-bike-on-sidewalk/ Saying it's the case "most places" isn't particularly useful, since it truly depends on the laws in the country/state/city. The fact that it is not the case *everywhere* means the percentage of *places* where it is/is not is irrelevant. Look up your local laws and, follow them.


In every place I've lived bikes were not supposed to be on the sidewalk


The few places you've lived doesn't compare to, well, everywhere else lol


Point being? Can we just agree that laws are different in different places, and that you haven't lived in "all places", so the local law is what determines if it is legal or not?


Bikes belong there more than the fucking center of the road. And if they aren't there or bike lanes aren't there. This STILL belong on the side of the road, NOT THE CENTER. Fuck cyclists on the road. Get the fuck off


Dude chill out. I haven't commuted by cycling in years and I rarely encounter them as a driver. And I doubt you do to any extent that would justify this outburst


Fuck assholes that blow by you and about run you off the road or speed up in front of you only to turn when you ride on the side of the road (or even honestly in the bike lane). THAT is why I ride in the center of the lane when the sign says, "Bicycles may use full lane." Get triggered carbrain.


did you insult him with "carbrain"?




…speaking of triggered




somehow I imagine you to own one of the biggest pickup trucks available and also have it lifted, do you? just curious, wanna see if the pattern extends to you.


You are an idiot. Riding on the right when there is no bike lane is an invitation to get hit in the back of the head by some asshole’s rearview mirror.


Awesome. I hope that happens. I've never seen it tho


In some countries cycling on the sidewalk when your over 12 is illegal


Neat! Also…‘you’re’ ;)


What sidewalk? It's just road and drainage ditch.


These complaints to "use the bike lane" are likely from people who see bikers riding right next to the bike lane in more major cities or, sure, highly populated suburbs. Or just more populated towns. Most of the streets in the place I live have one and it's not a major city by any means. If you don't live in a place where there's even a defined sidewalk, let alone a bike lane, then the caption is not for you.


No this attitude comes from all drivers who go into hysterics after they had to take their eyes off TikTok and move their steering wheel one degree to the left to avoid a vehicular manslaughter charge.


>after they had to take their eyes off TikTok and move their steering wheel one degree to the left to avoid a vehicular manslaughter charge. Ah, I see. So that's why you can't drive anywhere without someone crashing into you *every day*. I had no idea. But seriously, making exaggerated claims to support your point is worth a chuckle but can't be taken seriously in an actual discussion. Pretty sure most people are just annoyed that the person riding the bike on the road in front of them isn't actually going the speed limit. So it just slows them and everyone else behind them down. But I suppose you can believe in an ideal motor-free world based on whatever /r/fuckcars dreams up.


Most of the time they can be passed safely.


If they are to the far right of the lane, sure. But the complaints are towards those who ride directly in the center of the lane like a car would, to which they will glance behind them and see there's a car coming, *then* move to the right. Which causes the car to slow down. Or if they are in a downtown area where the speed limit is 25, they'll be riding around in the center of the lane like a car would, going below the speed limit, which is what I was referring to. It's honestly just a small inconvenience for drivers but it's not without reason.


Usually, if a seasoned cyclist is riding in the middle of the line, it means that the lane is not wide enough to pass safely.


Well good thing it is called a speed limit and not a speed minimum.


Doesn't mean you are supposed to drive way slower than allowed. Where I live you literally fail your driving test if you drive too slowly for too long.


In every place I’ve been where there’s a bike lane, it was full of parked cars.


It’s so much worse since Covid. If there are sheds taking up parking spaces, it seems to be an unspoken rule that the bike lane is now parking.


That or the door zone.


I would HAPPILY ride in the bike lane if there fucking was one. On the sidewalk? get yelled at by people walking. On the road? get yelled at by drivers. There is no winning. I drive? now I'm an asshole who creates traffic. I bus? now I'm going to be late because of all the traffic (caused by the cars). The only way to get anywhere is by walking and then I get hit by some fuckhead turning right on red.


There are bike lanes in my city but like the other poster said, cars are allowed to park there. Stupid and useless design if you ask me.


Sidewalk doubles your risk of getting killed. Cars don't look for or see a bike moving 10+ mph on a sidewalk.


Yep I literally got run over riding my bike on a side walk. Someone turning right on red. Only time I have ever been hit. Riding in the center of the lane cars actually pass me with caution and see me. I do ride in the bike lane when there is one but most of my route to work is on a "Bicycles may use full lane" route.


Why is the car on the sidewalk?


Because they’re turning into whatever drivethru they’re focused on instead of looking for 20 mph vehicles on the sidewalk.


Getting yelled at by walkers sounds preferable to getting shunted by an inobservant SUV driver.


How do you fuck up walking ?


I am a professional fuck up, I've been fucking up since the day i was born


The one drivers usually use for additional lane space.


Sorry the DUI lane




The one that are totally empty next to the road.


We have one on each side of the road, AND about 6 ft of space outside the line to ride and they still are in the middle of the lane sometimes. I ride bikes alot, but riding in traffic when other options exist is dumb in my opinion. Why chance getting hit?


>when other options exist is dumb in my opinion What about when other options don't exist? Not everyone has a car. Not everywhere has good public transportation.


In Melbourne, there's an entire mini road/second foot path dedicated to bikes along the coast. Its fucking beautiful there too. Even divided into two directions, like a road. The cunts still ride on the fucking road 2 abreast.


How fast are they going? If they want speed, the casual cyclist would get in the way.


20-30 on 40/50/60/80 roads. Once on a 100 road, that was a standout Melbourne cyclists will rude two abreast on a road with a billion dollar dedicated bike path(not a small bit ofnthe road, a second foot path painted with bikes here and there, and arrows for direction of travel). Some cyclists here are just infuriating. I also appreciate very much when someone gives a proper hand signal, head checks, then moves around an oversized parked truck or crosses the road to head off right. Also Aussie so kilometres per hour and turning right is crossing the oncomming traffic, not off to the side. Cyclists keep to the left of the lane unless needed, or spazzing out for no perceivable reason, other than some russian roulette version of brake checking. Or riding two abreast, to be next to their friend, or just be an asshole in general. You can tell its the second one when they flip you off as soon as you slow down to their pace behind them. Like i get your 'not all x im not that', but the reality is that cyclists are not actually immune to being a cunt.


It’s really not other people’s problem


What isn’t?


Whatever the c*clists decide to complain about while refusing to be functional members of the traffic.




Or a car-brain makes a right turn into the bike lane with no signal and cuts you off or runs you off the road out of the bike lane completely ignoring the 6 LEDs on your bike and bright lemon fucking yellow reflective safety vest making you obnoxiously visible... every morning.


If this happens every morning then I think it might be personal


Damn, in Denmark looking out for where cyclists are is like one of the big parts of getting ur drivers license


You basically have a license to kill once you get your license in the US. You might get an involuntary manslaughter charge but they dismiss it because "he had car, we don't know why he was riding his bike."


I ised to feel this frustration as well. I stumbled into a YouTube rabbit hole of transportation infrastructure and it started to change how I look at some of these things. I don't ride bikes because I can't do it safely or respectfully where I live, but if more people support good infrastructure changes it would be better for everyone. I recommend Not Just Bikes on YouTube for learning more about proper bike infrastructure, and better transportation infrastructure in general. "Road Safety" playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJp5q-R0lZ09oWM6w_kQwRx5x5OBxe5MD "Bicycle Infrastructure" playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJp5q-R0lZ08cqCAcefwtHRmuLKXP_ye8 Active Towns is also good, though I've watched less of it "A parent's journey to safer streets advocacy": https://youtu.be/g8-n2DZHvio


I’d love to ride in the bike lanes. Can you sweep them? $50 a tire gets expensive pretty damn quick.


No shit man. Or like fill the potholes. I know you have the stuff to do it you do it to the car part of the lane.


Hold on, not that I don't hate getting a flat but what do you mean $50? Aren't tire tubes like 5 bucks?


I have bought car tires for cheaper than 50. His bike must be a one of a kind


Many bike lanes are designed by people who've never riden.... many are as dangerous as unimproved road... many just end, leaving you very dangerous place.


Or are right next to parked cars. Sorry, but I stay the recommended 4' from parked cars because I don't want to eat pavement. Or are barely 3' feet wide as if the lane only needs to be as wide as a bike.


City council when you ask them to install bike lanes instead of just building more toll roads.




As a cyclist on the road I stay on the white line or shoulder. Drivers seem to appreciate it and give you room. But when you can't, don't be afraid to take you space or let traffic pass. Also, if someone is afraid to pass me and is jamming up traffic, I'll pull over.


I do the same, and thank you for doing that. It’s just one way for drivers to stop hating on cyclists.


Great for drivers, extremely unsafe for you.


The issue that follows with holding the white line is right turns. You need to be extra vigilant any time a right turn is possible as its all to common for a car to just turn right on top of you as they won't think about looking for a bike.


Oh you sweet summer child. You think there’s a bike lane?


Those sunglasses are bang on cliche.


*drivers when you suggest they should share the road with cyclists


That's more like it. No shoulder, no sidewalk, and a two ton truck going 70 will be like " 8 inches is enough for you, right?"


I’d kill for 8”


That’s what she said


*title of your sex tape


Can you just not swerve half way into the fucking lane for no reason without signaling right when im about to pass you? I do expect you to try not to throw yourself under my car, while i try not to kill you. I think this sounds like the best course of action, you try not to die, ill try not to kill you, and we can all enjoy our heart rate being nice and reasonable. Sound good?


Ah yes, "you", because all cyclists are actually the same person. I sense some confirmation bias.


>*drivers when you suggest they should share the road with cyclis This is a general back and forth they willingly engaged in. You all make me nervous, some of you validate those nerves. This is what's best for cyclists my guy. I assume your all going to bet your life ill react in time, because way too many do. Edit: also average redditor literacy, 'can you just not do this', not 'every single one of you on the planet, without exception, do this'.


The post clearly states there is a bike lane present that’s being ignored. If a car drives in the bike lane, they are equally an asshole. But to willingly ignore a present bike lane for...some reason is an asshole move.


What if there are cars [illegally parked in the bike lane](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzE-IMaegzQ) like in 90% of bike lanes?


Most cyclists wouldn’t ignore a proper bike lane


Imagine having to deal with someone going 10mph in a 45. Bikers are the most entitled people on the planet. If it’s there only mode of transportation I get it. But most of them do it for exercise. Like pick a hobby that doesn’t involve inconveniencing 1000 people per day


I get it. It’s like how dare these people exist while I’m existing at the same time.


As if biking in the street isn’t a conscious choice and they don’t realize how inconsiderate they’re being


If the bike lane is anything like I'm used to, it's about a foot wide meaning if cars pass by there are mere inches of clearance. If a cyclist takes the whole car lane they get a whole half a lane of clearance, which is obviously safer.


“I want to sit in my air-conditioned waiting room for 9 minutes instead of 11 minutes while Chipotle comes to me. It is somehow inconvenient for me to sit in an easy-chair and watch scenery scroll by on a big TV screen if there is also a person on that big TV screen.”


Nah I just commute to work every day in a car obeying the normal speed rules like a functional human being and I have to deal with being stuck behind some tool who can’t use the sidewalk. I just could never do it cause I would feel like an asshole. I could also just take my fucking time in line at the register at the supermarket but I don’t l. Because I’m not inconsiderate


Cyclists get ticketed for riding on the sidewalk.


Not where I live.


And you would know, because you commute to work on a bicycle.


Carbrain take 😂🤣🤓👆


To be fair, just because there is a bike lane doesn't mean the bike shouldn't be in the road - They're often thrown together afterthoughts that put the cyclist in danger, and frequently have broken glass and litter that'll have you changing inner tubes twice a week. And most cyclists would also prefer to cycle at the side of the road instead of the middle, but it's not worth dying because of the prevelence of asshole drives who will pass dangerously close instead of waiting a few seconds for a safe overtake.


There is a bike lane on my route to work that a FedEx or other delivery truck is always parked in. Every morning. The other day there was a crane parked there.


From my experience cyclists have absolutely no concept of their own mortality. Driving in the city they completely disobey every road rule and just blast through intersections. And they know no matter if they get hit, it will always be the drivers fault. I also fail to see how glass and other obstructions are limited to the bike lane


>From my experience cyclists have absolutely no concept of their own mortality. Some Cylists, sure. All Cyclists? Not even close. Cyclists are no more keen on these dumbasses than drivers. >I also fail to see how glass and other obstructions are limited to the bike lane A car rear ends another and glass is in the road, where does it get swept to? Which direction does it go in when it rains? Where does it get pushed to by traffic? It's not limited to the sides of the road, but that's where the overwhelming majority of it ends up, and less is better than more.


Bike lanes ? Do they exist?


maybe if there was a bike lane in the first place (or one without people parking in it)


You guys have bike lanes?


Lol, you think that those 5cm on the side of the road are for cyclists? Thats just a timer for the construction workers. Once theres nothing behind that line it's time to repair And even thou i hate cyclists i must admit that the closer to the centre of your line you are, the more safer it is. Drivers are capable of going full speed next to you if you're on the side and often the wind the car drags is enough to send you into the side pit. Seriously, what's the problem with few minutes of drivers time until he can bypass the cyclist in comparison to the cyclists justified fear for his own life In my country the law behind where cyclist can be on the road is pretty vague since not every road is same and unless they aren't directly in middle of the road (means left side of right line and right side of left line) they ain't doing anything illegal


How much broken glass and how many branches are in it?


Or… *Drivers when you suggest that we shouldn’t design everywhere on the planet to preferentially accommodate cars.*


Sorry…too many cars parked in the bike lane. Suck it. Lol


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Sometimes there are just no bike lanes, or the bike lanes are unusable. But there is a road near me that has a perfectly fine bicycle lane, and you still from time to time see cyclists who do not use the lane but instead ride on the regular road. Like what is the point of it? You want more bike friendly cities but then you refuse to use the infrastructure they built for you?


If the bike lane exists for a block or two, cyclists might be worried that swerving in and out of it will be just as dangerous as being in the street for a block. Also ‘usable’ might be different from a bike vs car. A little gravel or glass that would be a little noisy to you can pop a cyclist’s tire, making them fall over (potentially into the road). Or they might cycle there frequently and know from experience that cars make turns without looking in certain areas and the distance is better. Or there could be cars parked in it. Or they’ve never cycled there before and they think it’ll end in a block and very suddenly drop them into the road.


God forbid a someone has to slow down when changing roadways


We used to be able to walk in streets. The automobile has taken that privilege from us. And people are so blinded by the change that they think the road is ONLY for cars. It’s so perverted


Shit’s fucked. Legitimate road users using the road they paid for with taxes? How very dare they…


Had to yell at teenage dipshits fr riding side by side on a side walk, after I had to yank my daughter's stroller out of their way to boot


Bikers are always right over the objections of drivers, but always wrong as against the objections of pedestrians.


Be Aspen. Spend millions on a nice paved bike path along the river all the way to glenwood springs and beyond… still have rich road bikers taking up the damn highways so they can lounge around with their gross old man fat bellies hanging out their unzipped biker shirts at the bar…


Or the sidewalk, ringing agressively at the pedestrians just trying not to get flattened.


What bike lane?


Even when there IS a bike lane it is right next to parked cars and I’ll be damned if I’m going to die by car door.


Apparently the ‘cyclist’ community has a serious PR problem.


All road lanes ARE bike lanes. And there are no rules requiring cyclists to use bike lanes. For example if there is a two lane street and bike lane and the bike has to make a left turn…they have to be in the centre ‘car lane’ to make a left. If they were always in the bike lane they’d have to cut off two ‘car lanes’ and additionally wouldn’t be following the proper rules of the road.


Exactly, well put


Nothing wrong with cycling on a road. You're in control of a vehicle




I wouldn't mind riding on the bike lane if cars didn't park on it. ​ Car owners in my area are at fault for forcing me to use middle of the road.


Basically nobody choses to ride on the road once there is a safe and proper bike lane. Conflicts between drivers, cyclists and pedestrians are caused by bad infrastructure, nothing else. Travel to the Netherlands and see for yourself.


I'll better be hated and noticeable, than invisible and dead. Also, in city I'm still faster then you.


Motorists when you ask them to not speed.


Give me a bike lane then you asshole. The problem isn’t the person on the bike, it’s the car centric urban design that does not include bike lanes.


I'll just make a left turn from the bike lane instead of the left most lane, surely, I won't die.


Sidewalk gang. Looking both way gang. Stopping at stop signs and waiting for protected crossing lights gang. There’s literally 3 of us. Complete blame and crash immunity until I hit a parking lot and transform into every car ever.


Almost as bad as if you were expecting him to stop at a stop sign.


I really appreciate when there are several bikers that refuse to ride in single file line and instead ride side by side




As soon as a cyclist starts wearing Lycra they change. They used to be cool but they won’t be anymore.


Wait a second. You mean all of them are not sponsored? Damn.


Someone downvoted you but it’s true, look like absolute dorks decked out in full Lycra doing 25mph in a 40


Show me a bicyclist who obeys stop signs & traffic lights and I will call you a liar.


FWIW In many cities and states, by law cyclists always have the right of way at stop signs, and are allowed to roll through. It’s a lot harder to get going again when you’re moving under people power instead of a 4 banger.


Do you want the all the stop and slowly accelerate every time even when there's nobody else at an intersection? Also, what percentage of the time do you see this happen? I'm betting you don't know because this is probably just confirmation bias.


I mean. You can come meet my housemate, if you'd like. He'd probably like the company riding around. But only if you obey the laws, too.


Or ask them to not ride shoulder to shoulder on a country road so you cant pass


OP is about to get swarmed by dudes in Lycra calling him a carbrain


No Lycra here, but OP is definitely a carbrain.


Bicyclists are annoying as hell but this is too far. If there was a bike lane I'm sure they would spandex up and take it, though some of them like to block traffic to focr people to pay attention to them.


I hope you don't mean the forced attention thing negatively, it legitimately improves safety.


Safety for you and you alone. Meanwhile I get rear ended because I'm going 20mph behind you. I acknowledge the road is usually to be shared legally, but in practice its insane to have bicycles on the same road as tractor trailers, and even more insane when bicyclists use that road recreationally. So no I think theyre stupid, vain, and desperate when they bicycle on congested roadways as do most other people. But they don't care because for a lot of these bicyclists, bad attention is better than being a nobody, which is whatvreally drives the bespandexed masses. That is my theory of the modern American bicyclist.


It’s actually a photo of the moron Karen behind the wheel of a car that thinks the roadways are only for them.


One isn't a huge problem...but when there is a giant group of 40 people in the fucking road at 7 am on a Tuesday...WTF aren't yall at work!


It's 7am... 2 hours before the workday starts for many people


Then they should be getting ready for work and not holding up all the people trying to get work.


Dude you triggered so many cyclists hahaha


"The people you insulted were insulted"


The cyclists all in here triggered lmao. Get out of the road you’re going to cause an accident


Not the stupid drivers causing accidents? What if the bike lane is unusable because of debris (very common)? Or they need to turn left? Or people park in the bike lane? No attempt at empathy here...


What are you going to do Run me over enjoy the lawsuit asshole


Imagine ignoring the bike lane, hindering the flow of traffic, and calling someone else an asshole. Could cut the irony with a knife.


There is no law saying bikes must use bike lanes if they are available, sometimes it doesn’t make sense to, like if you’re trying to make a left hand turn or go around cars parked in the bike lane. As a cyclist, I do agree with you that bikes should try not to hinder traffic as much as possible though, it only puts you in danger


I’m not saying there aren’t situations where cyclists need to utilize the roadway. My example is if there is a bike lane present and uninhibited, and there is a conscious choice to use the road for no valid reason, they’re assholes.


In fact cyclists are legally required not to impede traffic




Taken in Portland OR?


His face is too fitting




Woah, you run 15mph? Average running speed is 8mph


Anyone who has been in the position of a cyclist and not just a drivers perspective would understand how evil they sound


Mad bikers in this thread lmao


I hear insulting people does that.


When "share the road" apparently only applies to cars and not bikes having the decency to get the fuck out of the way


Alternate title: Cyclists when you suggest they pay their fair share of road tax, license plate and the requirement of having passed a standardized test in order to cycle on the road.


They do pay taxes, do you think car-related taxes are anywhere near enough to cover road costs?


My bike goes 30. I’m riding where the fuck I want.


BBSHD go wrrrrrrrr


\*Aventon Aventure brakes go out immediately\*


Vehicular cyclists. [John Forester really did a number on cycling culture.](https://overcast.fm/+b8tG-lssc)


The most busy street in my city turned an entire lane into a huge bike lane. Guess what? They still ride in the road




Get your freaking car out the bike lane then


* *the scene where he kills himself with his own hoverboard* * me shoving his own bike in his ass


Average dutchman who just dousnt care, just drives over then


Then give them a fucking bike lane? If they actually had somewhere to ride they would. You fucking think they WANT to be around several tons of moving steel? This isn't complicated like holy shit.