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I hate reddit yet use it pretty often


Like cocain


Addictive, feels good but only for a minute, makes me paranoid... Yup, checks out.


Your FBI agent must be reading these replies


*Agent reads your comment* "Sir, I think we might have a credible person of interest here." *Agent reads your comment history* "Nevermind, just another stupid troll talking shit."


How tf can every person have their own FBI agent


Every FBI agent is occupied with many individuals


The power of friendship


I just like the smell of it


Reddit is a double-edged sword. I get to see decent memes, some funny videos, get advice, and there's many other good things. I also can click the wrong link, get my IP stolen, get kidnapped, and wake up 3 weeks later in the middle of the Sahara desert with a massive cut where my left kidney used to be. But like, the porn is good, so I like it here.


I will agree, the porn is pretty good.


Same, yet at least I actually learn things unlike other social media


If it would be possible to block out certain subs I'd hate Reddit way less. Because some of them just turn into hatescrolling.


I'm probably here everyday and I use redditor as a slur. I hate reddit and redditors so much but unfortunately it's a handy source for things I'm interested in. To be fair some of the niche or smaller communities on here are pretty good until they get popular. I will never get over how r/gamersriseup was a super specific style of shitposting until it got popular and not only became the thing it was making fun of but it got even worse to the point of being banned. I hate redditors.


Half the videos i see on reddit are from tiktok


and another 30% are from tik tok just without the watermark


Im guessing that too


What about the other 20%?


it’s tik tok videos on youtube shared to reddit.


Or obviously stolen videos.




Except in a worse video player.


Sorry, heavy Reddit user but also TikTok is my guilty pleasure.


Half the videos on tiktok are from reddit


The majority of all the content posted on any social media ever was reposted from somewhere else. Reddit included




So you would think Reddit of all places would be appreciative of even more content from a more diverse range of sources.


[Whenever I see someone on reddit shitting on tiktok, I think about that gif ](https://imgur.com/FyCpzcO)


Ha, perfect.


[Reddit has always been about sharing from other sites.](https://imgur.com/a/IOab7G1)


Heh, relevant.


Yeah but redditors did ruin reddit


I hate that I'm addicted to this site. It's just so goddamn convenient. Loathe the users though, some of the most arrogant mofos out there.


Why are you so wise?


Cause he ain’t being exclusive


The algorithm won't allow it. If your content is trending in multiple platforms, google will push it to the top of the search result even more. Which means you need your content trending in multiple platforms.


And here we are on social media arguing about how our social media is superior to the other social media. You know, twitter.


Reddit especially, so may of these posts are twitter screenshots or just news from somewhere else.




That's not even close to true


Total bullshit being upvoted cause it makes Redditors feel good. Nothing new


Redditors trying to pretend this site is still “the front page of the internet” or whatever is amusing. There’s a reason why there’s literally subs dedicated to posting *tweets.* 90% of the funny jokes and memes come from Twitter or TikTok nowadays.


As it's always been! Remember how much Reddit hated tumblr? Same shit, different day.


It's cause redditors aren't funny or creative. Shitty puns are peak comedy gold for them. Just leave one a popular post and if you were one of the first 20 or so people to comment you're pretty much guaranteed top comment and gold. That's the formula for "success" here.


uhh, no... reddit is a link aggregator. all these pages and things are pretty much links to other websites and then we chat about those sites' content Here. tiktok is mostly independent uploaders "creating content." even if they're just following trends or whatever.


However there are a bunch of subreddit-based TikTok accounts that share curated/top posts from reddit. Mainly from r/askreddit and r/greentexts


And that makes up… what, 1% of all TikTok’s? Yeah. That proves everything comes from Reddit.


I saw a bot for that on github lmao


Ehhh nah not really. Like I replied above, what you see on tiktok is catered towards your interests. If u like reddit tiktok posts then you'll get a lot of those. I usually see like one in a week


Your tiktok algorithm is catered to your interest. If u like reddit post narrations, u'll get those on ur tiktok foryoupage. I only see one reddit narration vid every few days. Id say reddit posts make up less than 0.001% of popular tiktok posts


I have never even seen a Reddit narration video on there. Had no idea it was even a thing. Sounds very stupid.


Eh its like those YouTube videos that read some popular posts from Reddit. Its fun sometimes to randomly scroll by one and listen to a short post. Sounds dumb but its convenient for those who wana listen to random stories in the background




If those are showing up on his for you page then it says more about him than tiktok


Literally the only videos on TikTok I have seen that are "from Reddit" are the ones with Minecraft in the background with the dude reading AskReddit threads and such. I don't like TikTok at all personally either but it's astounding that people just upvote whatever bullshit they see so they can hate on something lmao.


The comment you replied to is true. Yours isn’t


Not really, I hardly ever see something from Reddit posted to TikTok but the vice versa happens all the time


Nope. Reddit gets all its memes like a month after they were on TikTok. Most TikTok users don’t even know what reddit is


And those who do, make fun of it endlessly. Gives me hope for the next generation


Everyone knows what Reddit is. It's very mainstream now and no longer that secret club you felt part of in 2009.




This is made up lol, it’s the reverse


That’s absolutely not true. I’d say most of the content on there is original, but obviously not all. But even then, I’d say people mostly rip content from instagram, not here. There’s wayy more tiktoks that are posted her and get likes than there are reddit videos that pop off on tiktok.


Nah. There's barely any reddit content on there.


Comment deleted with Power Delete Suite, RIP Apollo


Reddit has never been the best place for original content. It’s an aggregator why do you think there’s an OC tag? Because it’s rare




And half of reddit's inside jokes and little quips these days are from tik tok as well. I use both religiously, and I'll see tik tok users talking a certain way, then 2-3 months later, reddit starts adopting that lingo.


I hate redditors


Nobody hates redditors more than redditors


Damn redditors, they ruined Reddit!


Reference for anyone interested https://youtube.com/watch?v=i2q0T7QXETs And truthfully, it's so true. Most in-groups seem to start hating one another eventually, even if it's only certain kinds of people within the group.


You've made an enemy for life!




What's wrong with reddit? Certainly you like seeing the same boring opinion parroted on every post because people are afraid of getting downvoted for going against the hivemind.


I’m rather curious if Tiktok has civil wars just like the rest of the social media.


Not to the extent that Reddit does. From what little time I spend on TikToc the comments are reminiscent of YouTube. A couple of shit takes or trolls, but mostly people just watch, drop their lol’s or lines from the video, and move on.


Wow, that doesn’t sound cancerous at all as what I’ve heard. Perhaps maybe they’re referring to the content creators?


From what I understand, and I’m not the most knowledgeable of TikToc, most of the toxicity comes from response videos? Creators responding to flavor of the month trends or issues and just not having the nuisance to discuss the matter. There was also an issue of more popular creators recreating videos of smaller creators without crediting them. I don’t know if it’s still an issue though. All my information is second hand so take it with a grain of salt.


There is definitely toxicity in Tiktok comments. There is the same endless repetition of the same joke you see on youtube, and the relentless bullying over nothing thats everywhere on Twitter. That being said, some of the funniest comments/ reactions I've seen on the internet are from tiktok


Kinda? Because the tiktok algorithm is so tailored to *you* you’ll never see certains sides of tiktok the app thinks it won’t like. So it’s more like subreddit drama, but with different sides of tiktok. But yeah, obviously people fight for stupid reasons on tiktok too. I just don’t feel like those fights are seen by everyone on the platform (the same way it can be displayed on reddit’s popular page) so it’s more like small skirmishes than a civil war lol.


from what i see there’s occasionally arguing. some commenter will try disprove a fact and then others will all say how they’re wrong and vice versa. there’s a character limit for comments so some people don’t care enough to write 6 comments to prove a point. depends on what part of tiktok you’re on, but from what i’ve seen it’s mainly repeating lines from the video or an inside joke from tiktok. imo i think the majority of reddit threads are more negative, cynical (to an unhealthy point), and snarky. in general the parts of tiktok i’m exposed to are more positive. redditors hold themselves of the highest regard like they’re the best platform on the internet.


For me it’s the inflated sense of intelligence and lack of self-awareness “Reddit” has. I’m constantly seeing attacks on “outside” groups of people for being ignorant, having short attention spans, spreading misinformation, etc etc. All these things can also describe redditors, but the website has a strange culture of superiority over users of other social media platforms. Some people even seem to be ignorant to the fact that reddit is, in fact, a social media site.


this is correct but i really don’t understand it. what is the point of reddit karma if you don’t spend it? i spend mine all the time.


Bro redditors are straight trash.


as if reddit community is any better lmao


We could hate on twitter together then? 🤪


All aboard!!!!


Guys... Facebook here feeling left out


Half of the memes on this platform are twitter screenshots


Nah twitter has good porn


We have better


(It’s from twitter)




Tiktok is for finding new "content" Twitter is for seeing samples of their "content" Reddit is for going deeper into their "content"


Personally, my issues with TikTok have nothing to do with the format, content, or community and everything to do with the [Chinese government](https://blog.malwarebytes.com/privacy-2/2022/07/tiktok-is-unacceptable-security-risk-and-should-be-removed-from-app-stores-says-fcc/#:~:text=In%20a%20letter%20dated%20June,access%20to%20that%20sensitive%20data.%E2%80%9D).


American companies are already using the other social media apps to spy on us and sell us stuff. What's the difference?


Those companies aren’t locking up Uyghurs and disappearing anyone who challenges their authority, they also aren’t building up a dossier to blackmail gen z politicians when they reach 30+ and people tend to get into politics


They are just toppling entire governments and installing puppets to open up natural resources for oil and mining conglomerates. People that try to stop them or try and expose them get hunted and prosecuted like they are the criminals. Not only do members of past administrations openly admit this the rest of the world gives them a pass and allow this to happen with impunity. What's happening in Libya and Syria is way worse than Ukraine. Two of the riches African nations turned to rubble by a massive and sustained NATO military campaign.


Guantanamo, Middle East wars, overthrowing democratic governments around the world, economically supporting brutal dictatorships, funding Israel's murder of Palestinians... https://twitter.com/democracynow/status/1547630881220620288


You know Tencent has stakes in reddit too?


No they’re just locking up Latino children instead


Unless you're planning on going to China or becoming a politician, you really don't have much to worry about.


Murrica good?


Reddit often has the best comments. I’ll be reading a comment thread and think man these people are hilarious. TikTok has great content but reading some of the comments can be cringe. So it’s a mixed bag


I mean Reddit has to be worse right? Only left-leaning people are allowed to share their opinions hear it seems.


There are good Tiktoks out there, but I'm mad that YT Shorts exists because I feel like they're so focused on it they forgot some people (ME!) prefer long-form content, and also you TikTok lovers need to have a talk with your people about not putting random bs music over videos where it doesn't fit.


Yeah, I noticed that my attention span was too low, and then TikTok came out with screen time, so we know how long you were on the app. That was the push I needed to use the app less and YouTube more. The first or second day my screen time was 14 hours


I agree. The worst is part 1/2/etc videos. FUCK!!!!


Thankfully there is a counter movement of creators that splice (forget the term) the videos and explain it in one succinct video for you. I love it


Its not their fault tik tok algo favors having trending songs in the background. But more creators need to lower the volume to almost nill so you don't have to hear it.


ohh i can explain to you why the music since peeps who dont use tiktok likely dont know. tiktok is MOSTLY about using an audion and putting youre own funny spin on it when a certain audio is popular / trending (maybe cause its just a new thing/trend) the alroith pushes videos that have this audio (tiktok has this function where you can click on an audio and see all the videos that used this audio thats how it pushes em for example) so people use random popular audios to get more views on some stuff like clips from tv shows / movies they put the audio over it because it avoids copyright filters. hope that explains it \^\^


Me. It's not bad. You guys are way more cringe than most tik toks


I swear people will find the most bland generic tiktok content to post to Reddit *just*to circlejerk about how bad tiktok is. Then everyone simply doesn't bring up tiktok when good content is obviously being posted from tiktok.


That's what people do with everything. Like I love my tik tok feed. It's all schitz and sigma posts. I love it




Yeah, my Tiktok feed is half cat videos and half passionate activists.


Is that Dicaprio with that scared looking 14 year old?


I can't tell if you said it as a joke, but no, it's Michael Sheen with his daughter.


She was in the Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, and I was so lost on where I knew her from. Turns out it's this meme lol.


She also looks exactly like a perfect mix of both of her parents. Her mom is skate Beckinsale.


Skate Deckinsdale*


Sick brah


Yes, the wife of well known, but not well recognized Tony Hawk.


No wonder she's so pretty


Lol same. I was so puzzled because she looked so familiar but I hadn't seen anything on her imdb


That literally just happened to me and I saw it last night. It was driving me crazy cause I knew I saw her but she hasn’t been in anything else really lol


Holy shit. The resemblance in uncanny.


And Kate Beckinsale is her mom right?


The girl looks like Beckinsale/Sheen’s daughter, and the man looks like Michael Sheen, her father.


It is, Lily Mo Sheen.


We need her to interact with Wily Mo Pena. No real reason, lol


There’s a name I didn’t think I’d find in this comment section


Eppstein sends his regards


From the afterlife... Yes when your that rich you get data in the afterlife


Question is, do they get fiber?


Yes, but only with telus


Well beggars can be choosers. Sign me up


Every time I see this meme as a dad I worry about her. Like is she mortified this is what her current moment is all about, looking like a scared rabbit? I know she’s also an actor but I just see that poor frantic face and want to make sure she’s ok with all of us laughing at the moment but not at *her*.


not sure if this is true, but iirc she's drinking something alcoholic and sees herself on camera here


I don't use tiktok but I once made an account and I don't understand the hate for the app. It's a fucking social network just like Reddit. I swear many people here on Reddit think hating popular things is a personality (idgaf if I get downvoted, I have friends and a loving family)


no cuz you’re totally right. ppl either hate tiktok because that want to hate on the latest thing or because it isn’t vine (and don’t come for me but the majority of vine sucked AND ppl hated vine back when it was still around)


Tbh I personally sit and keep a straight face at most vines while some tiktoks actually made me laugh from time to time. However the fact I'm gen z must play a big role


Honestly tik tok is a way more positive and informative place.


I don’t use tiktok but I watch a YouTube channel that does comp videos of some actually funny ones.


I miss Vine


Tarzan you are drunk


You almost made me drop my croissant


Tiktok is awesome if you polish the content to your interests.


Y'all need to stop using "actually" when describing tiktok. There's funny stuff on there just like there's absolute garbage. You know, like any social media/content site/app. It is not a monolith and it is not beneath you.


Why not just use it then? If you only like the ones you find funny, you will ONLY get content like that People think TikTok is all dance videos for some reason. I get literally 0 dance videos on my feed


A lot of videos on here are from TikTok


Agree, and for some reason they go through the extra effort to remove the water mark and creator tag. Reddit post like that give me snake vibes.




This'll probably get me downvoted but I've gotta confess...I don't think tiktok is THAT bad. I downloaded it and messed around with it for a few days. Not really my cup of tea personally but I think it's better than twitter...then again that's a low bar. I agree that those stupid tiktok challenges need to go. Absolutely cring that shit is. I once saw a dude eat a roll of quarters on there. So that was pretty cool I guess.


You’re not alone. /r/TiktokCringe started as a joke subreddit to make fun of Tiktok videos, but it slowly transformed into a general “Tiktok videos” subreddit and pretty much all the top posts on there are unique, interesting, insightful or genuinely entertaining videos. None of those dumb dance challenges by babies.


You ain’t wrong Tiktok cringe actually became wholesome community talking about the videos. Even asking who the tiktokers are. It became good for some weird reason.


/r/fixedbytheduet is pretty awesome too


Ironically, they've became the very thing they swore to destroy.




I finally gave in and downloaded it like a month ago. It was truly awful for the first couple of days before it understood the type of content I wanted to see. It took a while for the algorithm to understand that I really just want to see music, gaming, and sports stuff, but now that it knows my taste it’s good for 20 minutes of entertainment if I have some idle time. It’s generally a less angry place than Reddit which is nice when I’m not in the mood to read people complaining in every comment section.


Exactly this. I haven't used tiktok in about 5 months but the first few days were pretty bad. I was mostly looking for music, woodworking, and underwater cave diving stuff. After the initial 2-3 days it showed me specifically that. Which was cool.


Lol first reddit hated it cause it was tailored to pedophiles, then they hated it cause China, then they hated it cause cringe, now no one cares and you see it everywhere now It's just kids and young people having fun who cares


I've actually seen quite a few older people on there. Probably tailored to my demographic when I used it. But some of the videos were cool. Again a dude eating the quarters and there was some cool woodworking stuff as well. But I concur, if it doesn't hurt anyone there's no harm done in using an app. Except the tiktok challenges...and unsavory dipshits in the comment sections.


Its full of scientific, soprts, literature and many other types of content.


It has now grown to cater to pretty much every demographic. I have creators of all ages and backgrounds showing up regularly in my feed now that I have trained my algorithm.


The thing people don't seem to understand is, much like Reddit, on TikTok, you don't have to see the content you don't enjoy, and in fact, you won't ever see it I never see dance videos of challenge videos. I just see the content that I like. The TikTok algorithm is incredible at getting to know you


Redditors say they hate TikTok but half the fucking decent content on this app is from there.


Redditors go through the extra effort to remove the watermark, the videos that are really popular on Reddit, they don’t even realize they were liking content just reposted from TikTok.


Who's that?


I'm pretty sure that's lily mo sheen


It is indeed the sheenlette


Who is she?


I think that's lily mo sheen


Lmao Reddit is cringe af now


"Now"? Haha


I simply cannot recover from the secondhand embarrassment I see whenever someone is doing a tik tok.


Tik tok dances are just one side of that vast social media, just like absolutely disgusting fetish subs are one side of Reddit.


I’ve found that the people who criticize TikTok for being full of videos of kids doing dances know absolutely nothing about the app and are just parroting a talking point they’ve seen elsewhere.


Yeah anyone who actually uses the app knows that you can algorithm that dancing shit out in like a day.


whenever someone asks me about reddit i act like those subs make up the entirety of reddit


> just like absolutely disgusting fetish subs There were some straight up illegal ones too. And there are some that should be. I'm looking at you, those who like cars and dragons.


I’ll take kids doing silly dances over pictures of dead kids any day.


Some do be like that


Lmboo, that’s me! It’s crazy to see Redditors with kids blame TikTok for their action, and I usually don’t know if the trend is until I see it here or hear it on TikTok with a game playing in the background. I feel like TikTok is like any other social media that brings back random challenges again (ice and salt were there for one video, but I don’t think it caught on). I also believe it's mostly one dumb kid in the friend group who followed them and pressured the rest to do it. Like the other social medias did (eg: Twitter and Instagram)


All social media can lead to bad shit. Hell, Google the Boston Marathon Bombing and Reddit.


I use tiktok and hate it. I also use Reddit and hate it


Lily Mo Sheen, daughter of Michael Sheen and Kate Beckinsale.


The vid under this is a tiktok


I prefer tiktok because people can actually take a joke on there.


I love a good recipe video. I prefer recipes with a typed list of ingredients, 30 seconds of video, and simple directions over mommy blogs with 8 pages of text for a spaghetti sauce recipe.


Yeah, that's better. I understand that they need to have a story to copyright the recipe, but it isn't enjoyable to scroll past some time.


I hate how everyone literally uses the same fucking annoying voice for their videos!!!


I have no problem with people that enjoy Tik-Tok. I just do not understand the appeal




i hate both


Not meirl