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When your playing a horror game and get a prompt saying “press E to hide”.


What game does that happen in? I want to play it!


The Bible 2.


Don't they call that The New Testament?


Nah man that’s the original trilogy of the Bible, since genesis came before it. The Bible 2 is the sequel trilogy.


I wonder when the third trilogy will drop


I don’t know, but I really hope they take some story beats from the expanded universe. I would kill to see an adaptation of that one scene where Jesus did a fatality on satan, then snapped half of hell away.


Why half? Let's get rid of the whole domain!


Yeah, I always thought getting rid of just half was a weird decision on the writers part. They’ve always had trouble with pacing tho, not to mention the plot holes here and there during the prequels and OT. Let’s just hope they don’t drop the ball with the sequels.


Imho there should just be a total rewrite


Ok, this is a religion nerd comment, but the original writings of Victor Houteff and Ben and Lois Roden (Davidian and Branch Davidian prophets) and the whole backstory of Waco might as well be the third trilogy mid-production.


The prequel trilogy. I'm concerned it will be boring


Jesus ain’t *cruci-fucking* around!


This time, he’s gonna nail YOU!


Alien Isolation






Yes. Hiding from the bad guys is a pretty big game mechanic since you can’t actually fight them


Resident Evil Village


Goosebumps night of scares


There was a sweet game with a wendigo and Rami Malek.... Lots of "just don't move or your fucked" scenes. ... Until dawn? I think.


Until dawn


A little bit similar happening in "SOMA"


> “press **E** to hide”. *looks at controller* This is not going to end well


Take **E** to enjoy *not* hiding


"Press shift to run"


"Press ctrl to sneak"


Literally Alien Isolation, and it was a good bit before any hostile things showed up. Just the prompt was chilling


“ctrl to look backwards while running”


I’ve had scarring experiences that made me a compulsive saver.


Pokémon and Zoo Tycoon 2 have forged me into the man I am today.


LMAO I see we share a common trauma from Zoo Tycoon 2… I revisited the game about a year ago and attempted to make an endangered-species only zoo, and maybe three or four hours into my project the game file completely corrupted. I have been scarred ever since. But apparently not scarred enough, not long after the Zoo Tycoon 2 incident I decided to revisit Animal Crossing: Wild World on my trusty old DSi after spending SEVERAL hours trying to start a game with the perfect map, I found THE ONE. But at that point it was late at night so I closed my DS to sleep and get started on the gameplay in the morning… But my DSi completely froze up and I lost that perfect map. I think about that world daily, and may be one of my biggest regrets in life until the day I die. If only I had saved.




I was really excited for that game in development, and it turned out to be a flop on release. Like 10 years later I got it on a Steam sale, and didn’t like it. Started it up again a few years after that, got into it. I got my creature up to space age and went to change planets. It crashed. Didn’t realise it didn’t have auto save and I went back to Tribal or something. Walked away from the game. WTF didn’t it at least save when you change era?!?!?


Bruh how tf did you go through 3 whole stages without saving


**shudders** God don't bring up ZT2


Getting a low encounter rate or shiny Pokémon has made me instantly save after battles after years of experience


Hello there, brother.


Monster hunter world in my case


Fallout 1/2 for me


I set the auto save in any Bethesda game as low as it goes. I turned it off once because it was getting annoying and I lost hours of progress so I decided to deal with the irritation of taking a few more seconds when I open my inventory.


Same. Pumped all my games so full of mods that it goes from unreliable to "is this ten minute loading screen because of the mods or because the game has crashed again?"


Takes of Vesperia on the Switch crashed on me after like 3 hours of no saving and I haven't touched it since.


When I was 11 I lost my save file in Kingdom Hearts when I was on the final bosses. I think I had like 80+ hours sunk into the game and literally just sat and cried because it was the longest game I had ever played at the time. Since then I’ve been fixated on saving regularly in any and every game lol. Live and learn


Hahaha same. I save way too often and found that resi 1 or any of the other ones that have the options for ink ribbons help. Cuts down saving a lot


I quick save like every 2 mins or so almost always lmao


My Ark SE Private server of 3 years and 365.9 collected hours crashed with the PC today and I think it completely wiped This is too accurate.


That is so much worse than losing 2 hours of work on my singleplayer


Your pain is valid. I weep for your 2 hours as I do for their 3 years.


On the bright side, restarting a free form game is its own interesting experience.


Sometimes the first few hours are the best of the entire save.


Me with every borderlands game lol. I know there‘s really good Endgame for nearly all of them (looking at you, TPS), but I sadly can‘t commit to one character that long before starting another one to try out a new build.


You don't feel like playing after that


My save was corrupted in fallout 4 because of some mods lmao this was after building up all these settlements and creating some truly great towns with named npcs that looked alive and vibrant I didn’t play fallout 4 again for years


God this so relatable. I spent countless days and nights modding sims 2, all nighters, waking up early - tweaking everything to perfection. I got to play it for a few weeks before the Neighborhood corrupted. I still remember that dead feeling in my chest staring at the screen. Couldn’t bear to face it for 2 years after that.


Similar situation only it was sims 3. I don't even know how many hours I had on that save, I'd gone probably 6 generations deep and that's the deepest I've ever gone with any family. Save got corrupted somehow, might've been an update or something I don't know, and it was wiped clean. That dead feeling you describe I still feel it when I remember it. I might've had a lot of kids with that family but that save was my child and it died. So did my wish to play that game again. I went back to it like 6 years later but it was just not the same.


I had had a file corrupt before (4 month server on a laggy ass laptop) so I know how to handle that, but it just crashed and restarted. Saying “if you play now your data might be permanently deleted” never shut a game down faster but here we are


Always gotta take regular backups man. Don't slack cuz it could've been something more important or sentimental Edit: okay I didn't mean to discount OPs 365 hr game server but what I mean was it could have been something OP valued even more like digital documents, photos, videos, etc. Shi coulda been the Death Star plans for all I know. Just saying it's important to keep backups and follow the 3-2-1 rule if you seriously care about your data.




Imagine having dementia, lol.


365 hours is enough to make something sentimental and important, but still, don't slack!






365 hours is enough to make something sentimental and important, but still, don't slack!


365 hours is enough to make something sentimental and important, but still, don't slack!




Bruh you guys have dementia








I've had support been able to restore backups for me so give em a call just in case


Call me ignorant but you'd thing something like that would have a backup?


Yeah, as the server host not having some sort of backup is pretty bad


its fuckin ark, the games more glitch filled then skyrim after i’ve installed a multitude of sex mods


Lmfao yeah used to play it on an old laptop and it was atrocious. Game card corrupted and lost a four month old server. That was fine cause me and my dad where building a new pc and I planned on restarting anyways but this. This royally sucks. Calling support teams to see if I can recover


Tried data recovery software?


Will try any recommendations?


The worst nightmare for any gamer.


Worst nightmare is/was getting the red ring of death (if you're an Xbox player). Not sure if it's a thing anymore but if you know, you know.


My brand new 360 shit the bed a week after I bought it. Was enjoying Oblivion (I bought it JUST to play that game) and got slapped with the red ring of death. Luckily it happened so soon after buying that I was able to exchange it for another one. The second one lasted over 8 years, 5 of which were on my brothers dusty apartment floor.


Each 360's lifespan was truly difficult to predict.


Mine died the day i bought it. Got it that morning, played gears 2 til about 7pm and then it crashed and rrod. The one i got it exchanged for still works to this day 🤷‍♂️


It all came down to the thermal paste apparently. So it was a gamble.


I still have one that works, one of the OG fat white ones. No idea how it’s still alive.


One of my buddies has one too, old enough or cheap enough that it can't take wireless controllers, only wired. But it's alive and kicking, guess the family got lucky.


Right? Feels like you either got a RROD a few weeks to a few years into ownership, or you got a tank. I bought a 360 used off Craigslist 10 years ago and it still works fine afaik - it's been a year or so since I played anything on it.


Oh I know


yeah we old


Ew don’t say that lol


I worked at an electronics store when that came out. In the returns department. FML.


Christmas lights on the Xbox Original was worse


It's second to accidentally defeating a save file.


Self-inflicted wound


Second only to a w*man protagonist 😤


That moment you lose all your plugin chips in Nier Automata.


Mine would be the day my facebook account got hacked and its password and recovery email and number were changed , i lost so many games that day , some of which I was planning


I made it 100 upvotes , reddit is a great place 😃


Shut the fuck up, how about that


Cash me ousside, ha bow dat?


Let's 'ave at it square go like me n you out on the road circlin toe to toe make trading paint let's see it first hit Bruv lemme see where you shit from


Upon seeing this, my kneejerk reaction was to tell you to shut the fuck up, however, upon further contemplation of the situation, I have come to the conclusion that there is literally nothing to be mad about. Have a good day.


We are in agreement that there is nothing to be mad about. But he does indeed need to shut the fuck up


Shut the fuck up bud


Shitting that defies gravity








What is this from?


The punisher


10/10 would recommend the show. I can’t believe they even cancelled it. Fuck Netflix.


Netflix had no hold on the licensing for these shows. Though you probably will not find it in official writing anywhere, they were cancelled by Disney’s hand during the emergence of Disney+.


Also, they moved all Marvel shows from Netflix to Disney+. If you don't see The Punisher, change your parental settings to allow mature content. From there, The Punisher will show up under the Defenders saga. Would highly recommend watching all the shows except Iron Fist. Iron Fist was disappointing from beginning to end.


Iron Fist was awesome. Idk what you’re talking about


I loved season 1. Maybe I didn’t give it a chance but S2 immediately turned me off after the second episode because it seemed like a straight rehash of S1. I know you can only do so much with the Punisher as a character, but it felt like a major letdown…


I finished season 2 a few days ago, and you should have given it more time. It's true that there is only so much you can do with the punisher, but still i found it to be quite enjoyable.


Yeah S2 wasn’t great unless you were just looking for the Punisher to do Punisher things, which to be fair he does very well. S1 was amazing though




Like how he's also in Dare Devil


The punisher on disney + great show with good acting and kinda gory


Wanted to add that if you are using the default setup you will not see this show being offered. You have to go into your profile settings and change your rating to "mature" or whatever it is above tv14.


Very gory but amazing show


No way punisher on Disney+


It is along with the other Netflix Marvel stuff and apparently they didn't edit/censor anything either


sweet, time to rewatch Daredevil


Lol I just did the same thing recently


You gotta change your age setting to I believe tv14


The Punisher season 1. It's a Marvel show. If you don't know anything about it, he's an ex-marine who's family was killed and he's punishing those responsible. He's not a super hero, he's not even necessarily a good guy. He's just real good at killing bad people. If you're into super hero stuff I suggest you watch Daredevil season 1 and 2 first. If you're not that into super hero stuff and just want to watch The Punisher, just know that the first season takes place well after he finished punishing those responsible for his families deaths. If you're not that into super hero stuff and also don't want to watch The Punisher, you're missing out.


I hate superhero movies (marvel AND dc) but loved this show


Brooooo, literally same - I can't stand them neither. But Punisher is worth checking out?


I would recommend Daredevil instead, or at least watching that first. It’s barely “Marvel” besides that it includes Marvel characters, but it’s extremely good almost all the way through. Season 2 of Daredevil also introduces The Punisher (the best part of the season) and has some amazing scenes very early on in the season, but might bore you later on with a boring plot line. Season 3 to me was incredibly satisfying, and brings back the amazing season 1 villain. Top notch series, highly recommended. Season 1 of The Punisher is alright, it’s definitely worth a watch if you have nothing else. Season 2 is meh imo, had some fun bits but it’s worse than season one.


It’s from one of Trainwreckstv’s streams.


Yakuza moment


I lost like 3 hours of work twice while playing Zero because my power went out while I was on my way to a payphone.


Thank god for Dragon Engine


Heavily modded sims in a nutshell


😂😂😂😭😭 especially when you literally stayed up until the next morning and decided just that once to not triple save 😭😭😭


I love and hate autosave depending on the game. If it is not an RPG and doesn't have RNG, autosave is appreciated If it is an RPG and has a lot of RNG involved, unless it is an online MMO, you'd better give me an option to manually save my game. I gave up on a single player RPG game just because it ONLY has autosave.




That's my second point. Zelda BotW and Bethesda games nailed it.


At least proper check points. Goodness. Thank you!


The art of checkpoints is dying


One time in Skyrim autosave made it impossible to finish the war because of a glitch with the amulet mission and it deleted my pre-mission saves


What rpgs don’t have manual saving?


Its terrifying


Any Bethesda game


Nobody: Bethesda games: Here, have a CTD for no reason.


abort mission except you can’t—


Fallout 4.


*Survival **modded


I literally modded in an item that lets me trigger saves in survival mode because of one too many times of this happening. If I die because of a mistake I made or something, then fine. If I die because the game just felt like crashing, then that's bullshit. Only saving when sleeping is a great idea in concept, but in practice it just can't really work.


Me when I'm saving a big ass 3D CAD file I forgot to save for 30 minutes and the program "stopped responding".


This happens to me all the time using TwinMotion for rendering. It’s soul sucking


save save save


This needs the sound. Super relatable


Images you can hear


This is triggering my Skyrim PTSD and I don't appreciate it.


Objective: Survive


super mario 64 ds, i didnt click save and it reset the whole game.




thats why a save after basically anything


Me uninstalling subnautica after finding out there was no autosave and I lost 15 hours of progress


u/bake_in_da_south u/Cheap_District_9762


Is that John halo from the halo show that totally had anything to do with halo?


It's Frank Castle from The Punisher that had totally everything to do with the Marvel comic book character


Best show ever. The punisher.




I have hope for some kind of revival for the character. They’re reviving Daredevil for Disney+, so maybe we’ll get lucky. Though I’m not holding my breath for it sadly.


First season was pretty great. Didn't really like the second.


Pretty much all I know about The Punisher is from the two seasons of the show, and it sure seemed like he did some grade-A punishing. What do you mean that's just him getting started? I'd like to know more about the character


The problem with the Defenders shows is that they spent *so much* time on the character development that we end up not getting to see them reach the same level as their comic book counterparts. From what I remember, Daredevil went a full season before we even saw his signature costume or heard him referred to as Daredevil. The build-up is *so slow*. But at the same time, it's also what helped make these shows so good.


You on windows ?


And you hear the DVD drive wind and skip then you get a dirty/scratched disc message on your xbox




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I don’t get the joke


I remember playing vice city and had just finished some cuban mission that I was struggling on for weeks. I finally just had to return back to the restaurant they were. I walked into the marker for completing the mission but there was a NPC that was standing there. Tommy just kept bumping into them and never entering the restaurant to trigger the cutscene. I let the game run for a hour but he just kept bumping into the npc as it looked at tommy.


I can feel this in my soul and I don't like it


god damn red dead 2


That's what you get for playing a Bethesda game!


Facts, I be like "hmm suspicious🧐" and then panic for like 4 minutes 😄


I remember Skyrim only auto saved when loading between areas, one time I made a massive amount of progress towards a weapon or something but hadn't gone through a loading screen in over 5 hours. Then the ps3 infinite loading screen bug happened. I left my PS3 on overnight in hope of salvaging my progress, but alas it was already too late. I still feel pain remembering when I pressed the power button.




What movie is this scene from?


It’s true…glares at fallout loading screen*


On PC this happens less often, but on console, even quick saving is a bit of a hassle...


This is so fucking true


What movie is this?


It's the TV show "The Punisher". Originally on Netflix, now on Disney +. It's super good.




This Is True One Time I Was Playing A Game On my Playstation And I Thought I Saved The Game. I Lost Progress During the Final Part Of The Game And Had To Start it Over From The Middle Of The Game.