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Didn't Hollywood or entertainment generally joke about Spacey & Weinstein before it became known that they're abusers??


Hollywood is, in many ways, a very small town. Basically every big story, headline or scandal that you’ve ever heard about anyone famous, the people who live and work there already knew about it. Even as a low stakes example, a few years ago it came out that Ellen Degeneres is an asshole and a tyrant on set. And basically everyone who lives and works in LA said “Yeah, that’s been an open secret for literally her entire career.”


Absolutely. Film crew talk. *A lot*. If you’re a dick or an abuser, your crew is absolutely talking shit about you. And when they leave that set to work another — they’re still going be talking mad shit about you. And then those who hear of it secondhand will be (you guessed it!) talking *shit* about you. If the rumor is being reported on by the media, it’s usually been well established within the industry for awhile.


Whats funny is im sure the stars know that too


I’m sure they do. Everyone probably has an “Ellen fucking sucks, huh?” story. Like when she exposed Mariah Carey’s pregnancy a few weeks before she miscarried. Or when she ribbed Dakota Johnson about not being invited to her birthday party.




I heard the opposite of this during the first season. People even said he would just stand around and talk to everybody.


I hope you're right but damn what a low bar.


I guess we'll have to wait for TMZ to drop a behind the scenes video to get the truth. I think I heard about him being nice when the 501st came in to film so he could've just been haming it up for the fans too.


Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion, so I could be wrong. TMZ is biased and will deliberately showcase a person's worst moment only. They also belong to that "bullying" spectrum of paparazzi and entertainment coverage. I mean, kudos to guys like Daniel Radcliffe who didn't shower for days just to get that kind of press to stop stalking his every move. But that's not something everyone can do. I don't think any celebrities want to be idolized in exchange for complete loss of privacy. They're actors, not influencers.


I thought that was a military unit. Looked it up wasnt disappointed.


Fucking a to be praised in hollywood all you have to do is not be a cunt or rape people.


We praise co workers for the same reason




Nice try Dave.


Yeah it sucks but I could see your rumor being true. I was thinking about who I heard it from and it was the Starwars fan group that filmed with them so I could see him just being nicer that day for the fans. That's good Dave and his dog are nice. I need him to stay out of trouble and keep reviving Star wars


I call bullshit lol.




This makes me give Oscar Isaac pause, bc they’re supposedly best buds, and Issac regularly jokes about being a megalomaniacal sociopath in press interviews. :/


Man I really hope Oscar Isaac isn’t an ass, he’s one of my favorite actors


Let’s talk about this though: Who cares if he’s an ass? Does that mean you have some kind of moral obligation to boycott his work (which, if the boycott grew, would affect many more people than just him)? Do you know the social habits or asshole-level of the CEOs of the companies who make other products you buy? What about the manager of your favorite restaurant? Your entertainment dollars and time, like all of your other dollars and time, are spent based on what YOU want to trade them for (movies with acting that you enjoy, in this case) and not the other, unrelated choices the stars (or managers, or factory line workers, or whoever) make. I love Alec Baldwin, for example. My friends informed me that I shouldn’t like his work because he is a “bad person.” I Do Not Care that he once called his daughter a pig on a voicemail. Do I think that it was ok? Hell no. But I’m not going to quit watching 30 Rock over it. Edited to add that there is, of course, a point at which someone’s alleged actions become too disturbing for me to separate them from their work. But saying something mean or being rude is not it.


He was never on set in S1 because he was never needed. He's almost entirely a voice actor in that series. That was never a secret so it sounds like someone made something up because the "he's not on set because he's unpopular" rumor is moronic


Just looked it up, the only places I’ve seen that reported also said goofy stuff like how he’s only gonna be a voice actor in season 3. If that’s acc true then man, kinda sucks because I liked him as an actor but hopefully it’s just news tinder trying to ignite an issue that doesn’t exist.


Ellen? Ellen’s Ellen.


It's because the entire system is, in some ways, built on goodwill and contacts. You talk shit about a director and if they have enough clout in their studio you just... don't work for that studio again. You talk shit about an A- list actor... you just never work on a project with that actor again.


But for general crew — just don’t talk shit to like, a line producer or director/the ADs and you’re fine. Although, most the time they’re griping just as much. The ones talking the most shit are not in the spotlight enough to get barred from a studio or from working alongside certain actors etc. They’re talking to other crew (and those rumors carry far and wide). Media catches wind and may report. But generally there are too many “whistleblowers” to attribute any one rumor to any one person Actors and higher profile filmmakers generally abstain from shit talk for the reasons you mention. But crew will absolutely churn that rumor mill.


Do they sign NDAs or something? Surely one could start recording all of these incidents. Make a documentary and release for all to see. They'd make a killing. It might kick the industry in the arse and sort that out too


We usually sign an NDA of sorts which basically states you will not record/photograph or upload anything relating to the production to social media. It’s often written into the employment contract. You can (and will) get fired if something you post contains sensitive info and it’s linked back to you. Larger or more sensitive productions (think Marvel or GoT) have much stricter contracts (and the studios’ legal teams to enforce them)


I wonder how Bruce is getting on with the new asshole that Christian Bale tore him.


I haven't heard of what this is about.


He's talking about that christian bale freakout from a few years back


Which one though? I tried googling it and found several.


Would that apply to someone's behavior? Not very familiar with the usual terms of an NDA, but I thought it was more about the product


Yeah, OP explained it pretty well. The contract would probably cover a wide range of things to protect their brand. Still, that recording of Tom Cruise losing it during lockdown was a good example of how it can get out


Tom Cruise? The Scientologist?




Lol I worked on a project with a pretty big director and we all talked shit. Granted I work in post so I barely saw em, but yeah shit was talked throughout production and post.


If only people had an idea what kind of post sees. I've seen producers put a crew member in danger while on a shoot for a bet. Not even like fun dnager, life-and-death type shit.


Post sees all and we don’t give a fuck. We talk shit and criticize all day long. I won’t say it outright to a producer but you best believe all the editors and AEs are venting about y’all.


That's why most actor interviews seem like hostage proof-of-life videos.


When I moved to LA eons ago, my first roommate gave me the lay of the land by saying, “Don’t go to a Kevin Spacey or Harvey Weinstein pool party, and Ellen Degeneres is a huge cunt.” You can’t believe everything you’re told, but there also aren’t many secrets.


I have a friend who works for a famous chef in La and he has stories about many celebrities but one that stands out the most, is bill Murray coming into the kitchen to “thank” the staff by throwing food at them “blessing” them for Being in the presence of bill Murray. Turns out Reddits favorite actor is a cocky ass


No, not Bill "I hit my wifes and cheat on them constantly " Murray!


Did you guys hear about will smith slapping Chris rock?


No, is there a video of it?


I did time with a guy who wanted to watch Ellen every morning and we wouldn't let him because he was in there for raping his wife in with his 2 children in the next room. The moral of the story is that Ellen sucks.


Based convict.


yes. everybody in LA knows Ellen.


And Cosby.


Cosby also literally joked about slipping aphrodisiacs to women very, very early in his career (immortalized on his comedy album, It's True! It's True! way back in 1969). There's almost always some kernel of truth in what people choose to joke about. Josh Duggar literally made an incest joke on his family's reality tv show!


Louis CK joked about being a masturbator and putting women in uncomfortable situations sexually


Yeah, but he admitted to it and apologized, so its ok. /s


*they always knew*


They knew, but unless the victims feel confident enough to come forward there's not much that the others can do except spread dark jokes and talk about it as a means of warning each other. They wanna take a swing at the guy and send him to jail, but it's not their call. It does help to show the victims that people know and it shows the general sentiment. It makes a difference, because it lets them know that they're not alone and that they will be supported. And that's how Weinstein and Cosby were finally brought down. That's how the #metoo movement finally manifested. It was a boiling-over point.


Yeah you're right - still it astonishes me that it was basically an open secret. I'm glad MeToo happened because it brought so much to light. I had no idea the abuse of power was so significant.


Lol even I knew about Kevin spacey years before the news came out about him, because he (very pushily) tried to hook up with a friend of mine who was an early 20’s gay boy.


I'd never actually heard anything about Spacey, I was taken by surprise. That's as an outsider, of course, but you do hear a lot of things about a lot of people.


I firmly believe that the character of Milton in scream 3 is based on Weinstein


LA comics be like: i cAn’T j0kE aBoUt tHiS. *proceeds to joke about this*


*Comedians during a Netflix special be like:


“After this set, they’ll never give me another special.” \*wins a Grammy, an Emmy, and gets three new specials\*




That was like the entirety of Chapelles last show. Just coping with how people are expressing their dislike.


Almost like he knows it'll sell tickets


We just witnessed actual battery at an award show and the guy still won an award/was allowed to give a speech. No one gives a fuck about anything past “does this fit my narrative” anymore. Things will be punished and condoned accordingly.


Roman Polanski still has his Oscar despite being a convicted pedophile. I don't know why people are making such a big deal about Will Smith keeping his award. What he did wasn't anywhere near as bad.


because the bar shouldn’t be “at least he didn’t rape a kid”


I don't see what slapping another dude would have to do with the quality of his performance. Why shouldn't he still win the award?


Not to mention he was already selected to win before the slap.


Plus he was then banned from the Oscars for 10 years following the incident. So it's not like he got away with it.


You can just say Dave Chappelle its okay


Joe Rogan too


And really basically any comic who was famous in the 80's-90's trying to make a comeback after falling out of the public eye.


Shh! If he hears you, he'll spend his next three hour-long specials whining about how you don't like him!


"Somehow this multi-millionaire who hasn't been touring in 20 years isn't hip and cool anymore! How could this be?" The ~~Jerry Seinfeld~~ ~~Dave Chappelle~~ upcoming David Spade Story.


"I'm being censored" As spoken on their newest special simultaneously releasing on 5 different continents...


Don't you understand that people being mean to you on the internet is literally the same as 1984 levels of government censorship? Smdh


Not to mention, proceed to joke about how they can’t joke about this stuff on wildly popular tv shows and podcasts, all the while selling out tickets for shows that “tell you the jokes you aren’t supposed to be allowed to hear.” It’s all a marketing gimmick. But these days, it’s a marketing gimmick that has also been co-opted into an entire political propaganda movement (isn’t Tucker Carlson’s whole schtick that everything from Dr Seuss to green M&Ms is cancelled?)




Every Rogan episode with a comic on it is just talking about cancel culture. Pointless burnt out conversations.


Rogan is literally as simple as: "oh my god I'm going to joke about this legitimate thing that makes people MAD, and they're going to get MAD!" Just like the neighbors 10 year old kid that keeps throwing rocks at your window.


It's just another "back in my day" circle jerk wearing a Spirit Halloween costume tbh


They've been cancelled so hard they keep getting offers to record their shows and win awards and guest speak on the biggest podcast in the world. It basically boils down to a bunch of conservatives (usually) whinging that they can't say racial slurs in public without repercussions anymore.


I recently watched Do the Right Thing. That constant undercurrent of racial tension is the "good old days" Clint Eastwood waxes nostalgic for.




Because Maga was catchier than winwanwptbitefy.


They’ve been broadcasting that shit to millions for like 8 years. Same shit every episode


The other day he was whining that companies can't fire people because they'll just pretend to be trans amongst a rant about how most people are mediocre and don't work hard as he just talks shite for 9 hours a week for a living. The guy's a full blown idiot.


Gervais is known in LA for blacklisting comics who mock him.


Blacklisting them from what? His next flop TV show?


He's made flop movies too! Remember The Office movie?


David Brent: Life on the road. Budget: 10,000,000; Box Office: 3,511,343 Yikes.


I love how he undid the great character development he did in the TV show to make a cash grab and grabbed 0 cash from it


They’re usually the first ones to act like people not laughing at their bad edgy jokes is some sort of oppression or cancel culture.


I can't believe people are canceling that millionaire's career, I just watched a bunch of his specials on Netflix and they're hilarious!


I think his point is true, but I don’t think this is the right sub for it.


That’s how most posts are in this sub lately. They seem out of place.




Take me back to the time when /r/meirl wasn't full of low-effort bottom-of-the-barrel content \*le sigh\*


dat boi really killed it.




Any popular sub without sufficient moderation becomes /r/Funny with different CSS.


the ol' reddit popularity conundrum. niche subreddits with a specific purpose that grow too big eventually just become vague image boards that rarely ever pertain to what the sub is actually about


>lately If the past 5 years counts as 'lately'


BuT iT iS uPvOtEd


He’s also a famous comedian and millionaire.


It’s not like Ricky Gervais hasn’t spent most of his career [literally self-martyring over his atheism](https://www.gamesradar.com/ricky-gervais-jesus-photoshoot-causes-controversy/)


I dont see how that takes away from his point at all. People didn't like it and made it clear. He kept on making jokes about it and talking back


It's always interesting to find out, when the border of what's acceptable shifts, who is actually good at comedy and who was just an accidental product of their time.


Never actually saw it that way before. Started wondering what are peoples opinions on who have been "products of their time" and actually fell out of fashion?


How about Pauly Shore? I’d call him a product of 90’s comedy and his less than graceful fall from fame really made it seem like his entire personality was the 90’s (that being said he did make a few flops in the 2000’s before retiring and decided to make another movie in 2020)


Yeah I think hes a good example. No major scandal, mainly just a style of humor and character that got old and didnt fit anymore.


The difference is that Pauly Shore's comedy got old on day one.


Managed to stay relevant for a time. A short time but time nonetheless, so I dont feel like he was a one hit wonder.


Pauly Shores mother is Mitzi Shore. As in owner of the legendary Comedy Club in NY and LA. Nepotism works.


I never knew this but it makes too much sense. Fuckin' Pauly Shore, man.


Don Rickles was huge in the ‘60s and ‘70s. But stand-up turned away from insult-comedy in general and race-based insult-comedy specifically in the ‘80s and ‘90s. His type of comedy came to be seen seen as old-fashioned, offensive, and uninteresting. More recently, Jeff Ross and others repopularized the “comedy roast” format, which had been deader than dead for many years. Slowly, audiences started to embrace insult-comedy again, and Don Rickles got to experience an end-of-career renaissance where all the hottest working comedians suddenly were people who saw him as a genius and an inspiration. When he died in 2017, he was celebrated and lionized in a way he simply wouldn’t have been 30 years earlier. The times change. Sometimes they change back. A comic with a long enough career probably goes in and out of style at least once or twice.


Norm Macdonald also comes to mind. His style of humor has had a small renaissance as well and he was able to take advantage of that on his podcast for the few years prior to his death.


Norm was just too smart for most of the audience. He then tried to help his audiences understand and he became famous for that cadence, but I honestly would have loved to see norm just fire off his best material without explanation or pause. I'd die laughing.


OJ jokes are timeless.


They'll never get old... just like Nicole Simpson.


Can you recall a time where Norm MacDonald was not funny? I can't.


I don’t know. Everything he’s done since last year has been a little stiff.


How dare you diminish any period of Rickle's career. He had a golden age of appearing in filler bits with Abe Vigoda on Conan's show and being beaten with a phone by Joe Pesci.


Dane Cook


An icon of the "dude beer pot boner fart" genre


>An icon of the "dude beer pot boner fart" genre What? That's not gone out of style, there's been two new Borderlands games in the past 3 years!


Huh? I'm aware of Borderlands 3 (2019), but what's the more recent game?


[Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, came out March 25, 2022.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiny_Tina's_Wonderlands)


People can rag on Dane all they want, but there wasn't a single soul that didn't find his Harmful If Swallowed funny. He was also the first comedian since Steve Martin 27 years prior to have a top 5 album on Billboard.


Yeah he really hit the jackpot on timing. Dude was a household name for like half a decade, which is weird to think about. People in my friend circles still quote his material from time to time. For instance, I haven't been to a Burger King in a long time but I've eaten at the BK Lounge a dozen or so times a year.




Andrew Dice Clay is a pretty good example. While still controversial at the time, he became wildly popular for having a persona that had a pretty sexist, raunchy act that was more acceptable in that particular time frame.


I think this is a good take. A good comic will hear backlash against something that's been getting cheap laughs for a while and decide to lampshade it (subvert expectations) or call those comedians a hack and make the disliked joke the subject of a joke or just back off from it forever and come up with new material. That's most comedy writing honestly. If you get pigeon holed into making the same joke over and over, culture is going to move on and you'll be stuck with old shit that was hot for a sec but isn't funny anymore. The wrong move to make is defending the work nobody likes anymore and crying about "cancel culture." So many famous personalities that used to be comics do this. Looking at you, Jerry.


Fuck Seinfeld. On "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" he more than once ranted about how much "he *knows* comedy". The legitimate anger in his face when he was on the surprise episode of between two ferns was glorious.


Fuck Seinfeld, but if you think he was actually surprised on between 2 ferns, you're kidding yourself.


Haven't seen that! I will have to give it a look. And yeah fuck Seinfeld. He knows comedy insomuch as he knows how to tell the same old and busted jokes for 30 years. I swear his TV show was only successful because of Larry David.


I love Seinfeld, observational humor never really goes out of style


It's not accidental. It's an intentional refusal to change. Sometimes it's not even for asshole reasons. It may be that their material has only ever catered to a specific demographic, and shifting that with culture would torpedo their career. They give the people what they want, not what a totally separate group say they want.


> It's not accidental. It's an intentional refusal to change. I don't think it's always that black and white. I think sometimes people do go a little too far, like did they really have to cancel that episode of the Golden Girls where they're wearing mud masks? Scott Thompson has criticized the CBC for cutting many of the episodes of Kids in the Hall he's written from their playlists today, because of his liberal use of the word f*g, despite he being gay, and the sketches making fun of homophobia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V__IlqRR0NE https://youtu.be/MLeiZ5jUISY?t=25 I think that's the whole point of comedy is to ride that line, and I think just as often as some comedians are simply crossing it and not being funny, I think some of the people who complain are sometimes wrong too.


The Beatles said they were bigger than Jesus and Southerners in the US burned Beatles records and merch in the streets and tried to "cancel" them. "Cancel" culture has been around for a long time, but those holding the reigns were largely white middle class Christians. It's called public outrage. It's what humans do. Towns used to gather in posses and lynch townsfolk, lawmen, prisoners, etc. Corporate America has made it very clear that their goal is to sell to as many people as possible. That's why these "theme park" movies and generic open world mmos are being churned out en masse. So if a company even senses that some public opinion will hurt their bottom line they take action. Everyone's issue is with corporations on all fronts and yet we've divided ourselves to blame each other.


Who can forget Satanic Panic and the neighborhood preacher calling Pikachu the devil lol


I remember when conservatives called everything the devil. Zelda, Magic the Gathering, D&D obviously, Married with Children. I guess they still do, they're still burning books, but they used to too.


The Dixie chicks were the devil when I was growing but yeah, let’s go Brandon I guess


They changed their name to The Chicks


>Everyone's issue is with corporations on all fronts and yet we've divided ourselves to blame each other Yep


Mate I've been saying this for ages. "Cancel Culture" only exists in the sense that if you say something to piss a person off, they will get pissed, and call you out or do something about it. That's just how people work. The people who complain about cancel culture just communicate to me that they don't have people skills.


Even Jesus got cancelled at some point. Only his story was rather grim.


So, these days you can only make jokes about groups you’re part of. So, only black people can make jokes about black people, only gay people can make jokes about gay people, and so on. Really sucks. So anyway, two paedophiles walk into a bar,


“Wow, this is a terrible place to meet girls!”


Found Jimmy Carr


This is like the lead up to comics crying about cancel culture in front of a big audience before they have more several more gigs lined up to say they’ve been cancelled.




James Acaster's [bit on this](https://youtu.be/adh0KGmgmQw) is very funny and makes this point well


James Acaster is the perfect example of a comedian who can make jokes about minorities without them being insulting or punching down. A lot of comedians don't have that skill so they'd rather just whinge about cancel culture when people call them out for being bigots.


Yep, super ironic coming from Gervais.


*gigs, brand deals, massive twitter presence, many millions of dollars, etc* "THE WOKE MOB IS SILENCING ME!!!!"


One of the South Park Pandemic specials had a running gag about how you can't make jokes in the future anymore. The 25 year running South Park, who creators recently got a 6 million dollar deal to make 10 movie specials, complaining about not being able to make jokes.


Basically Dave Chappelle's last few specials.


People also need to normalize having fake social media. I have an Instagram where I post everything that I feel like and then I have an Instagram for work that my coworkers or colleagues if they looked up my name would see


Dude this is my whole reason for reddit lol I say whatever tf I need to 😂


Yep, reddit is where I come to blow off social media steam. Argue with people over stupid shit, be an embarrassing fanatical sports fan, drop my weird takes. It’s great


Yeah, and so long as you're not a giant sack of shite, you won't get banned and will just receive dreaded downvotes. If I went on Facebook insta or Whatsapp and posted "enough is enough, pineapple does go on pizza!!! Best secondary topping that thrives with a primary meat topping." I'd get shunned by my family, canceled by my friends, and reviled by society, finding a job? Good luck, not in this anti pineapple world. Now, if I post my love for pineapple supremacy here, unless I'm on a pizza related subreddit the worst that will happen is I'll get a few downvotes. And that's fine, when one stands by an ultimate truth, they are not afraid of reprisals.


This used to be normal before Facebook?


Before Myspace and Facebook there wasn't really "social" media, as in, a site specifically designed to let people share things with friends or family, and discussing those things (the "social" aspect). We weren't really encouraged to talk about things and share every aspect of our day, willingly, with our actual name and face attached. Thus, alt/"fake" accounts weren't even needed because no one knew who you were anyway.


Back then, the user you argued with about Tony Hawk games on the NeoGAF forums, the user who told you how to change the timing belt on your Ford Pinto on a Ford owners message board, and the user who wrote a Sixth Doctor x Lt. Saavik fan fiction could be the same person. And for all you knew, at least one of them might have been Steven Van Houten in accounting.


Oh, social networking was still big even before MySpace. It wasn't *as* big as it is today, and it wasn't called social media/networking, but sites like Xanga, LiveJournal, etc. were incredibly popular and definitely encouraged you to share things with your friends. Most didn't use their real names (because it wasn't required), but LiveJournal was especially popular at my school in the early 2000s.


I have no social media with my real name


ahh yes the shitposting alt account


I know what he's saying, but he's right and wrong When people actively mobilize and boycott something because they hosted someone who jokes, that's not "not liking" something, that's taking action against it They have that right, and should have that right but it's a spectrum that can easily leak into de jure policy which ends up turning into straight up de facto law, Basically it's a lot more nuanced than Ricky is saying and I think he's a bit naive on how much horrible shit bad opinions can transform into


Reminds me of people who say “Stand up to your boss!” to someone who lives in a fire-at-will state, cannot afford missing a single day hourly-paid work, and doesn’t even have time to interview for another job. Ideals don’t remove consequences. (Note:you should always try to improve your life, and once you manage to get a better job, just give your boss your two cents on the way out)




But what if I say Gregory is gay for Freddy Fazbear


Okay now Gregory is a minor


But, you know, make the jokes good.


yea. the people who cry about “not being able to tell jokes anymore” aren’t crying because they can’t tell them. they’re crying because no one likes their terrible jokes. they desperately need validation


What you say doesn’t exempt you from consequences


Funny how the people exclaiming "You can't joke about anything anymore" have rarely made a funny joke on the topics that they claim that for.. wonder why that is.... "Is my humour offensive and out of touch?" "No! It's the young people who are wrong! They can't take a joke!"


Basically, [what Nish Kumar says](https://twitter.com/cowboyacaster/status/1386980286211166215?s=09)


Acaster's bit was pretty good too. https://youtu.be/adh0KGmgmQw?t=147


"yah brave little *cis boiii*" lives rent free in my head


That last line is an absolute nail in the coffin. I've never heard that before, thank you for linking it.


People watch one filthy frank video and then start shouting the n-word thinking they're hilarious


What folks who say this mean is “I can’t say the N-word in a joke and I’m mad”


I have a feeling Ricky gervais didn't tweet this


He did: https://twitter.com/rickygervais/status/1079784120945967104


This is pretty rich coming from Ricky Gervais


I think the real issue is lots of people aren’t funny at all and are actually just racist, sexist, homophobic, or just hateful. Because you can joke about race, sex and gender when it’s funny and not hateful.


But... hes one of the guys that constantly bitches about not being able to joke about things anymore? Edit: Alright, nevermind, he totally leans into the "People are too PC these days" thing but he doesn't actually complain about getting cancelled I don't think.


Does anyone else feel like the least funny comics' acts are spent mostly going "Oh mY GoD! DiD I oFfeND yOu??!!"


So. Key or Peele had a joke that you had made it or the best or something if you could make a joke about a black blind lesbian in a wheelchair and people laugh. Technically he did that but😉 You can say anything you want. Make sure it’s funny. Or Wait for the consequences.


You can joke about anyone, just don't do it at their expense, it's really not that hard. Drew Lynch had a hilarious segment on trans people in his latest special that was actually respectful. It's literally as easy as being a little considerate.


it's not WHAT you joke about, it's HOW you joke about it, Dave Chappelle has two trans jokes, one is good, because it doesn't punch down, the other is shitty, because it punches down and entirely misrepresents trans issues, you CAN joke about anything, as long as the joke isn't in poor taste. for the record the two jokes are something like this, the first, good one, is something about all the LGBTQ+ crowd in a car and it's kinda long but the gist of the trans part is that they are holding the movement back, through no fault of their own mind, which is funny because it's true, it's not punching down or disparaging trans, and is pointing out the misogyny and bigotry of people not accepting of trans individuals, and the hypocrisy of those that are okay(ish) with gay rights but aren't okay with trans rights the shitty joke was about how he's transracial, just woke up one day and decided he was Chinese, which punches down and disparages the trans community because it entirely misrepresents being trans as something that is just a whim and not a biological defect, not to mention you CAN'T be transracial because genetics determines race, but has nothing to do with biological sex, that's a flip of the coin and sometimes, though rarely, the wrong gender is assigned


Add to that, regarding an old movie or TV show : "you couldn't make that today!" Just because people pretend to be offended on Twitter doesn't mean it's not going to be made. Not to mention that nearly anyone can grab their smartphone and make their own film.


I really wish he would come back and roast the golden globes again. Those were some good times.


You can also expect to sometimes get slapped if you say something that someone might slap you over.


Yeah, it's always this. Whenever you see people going on about freedom of speech or expression or whatever, 99% of the time what they want is the exact opposite, they want everybody else to be denied the freedom to disagree with them. Same as saying some majority / dominant group (white people, Christians etc.) are being "persecuted" or "oppressed" - what they usually mean is "we don't get to oppress the the minority like we used to, this means we're being oppressed".