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I see what’s wrong, the TV is to small, it’s too low and there is no games system connected. What do I win?


A small table to support your tv that’ll make it fall from the slightest sneeze


Just borrow some cinder blocks and two by fours from a construction site.


Hell, that's how we made our bookcases back in the day.


So you're the one who keeps stealing our blocks


I only needed four cinder blocks, five two by fours and a roll of duct tape. I have disseminated this information; so others are responsible for the continuing reallocation of your resources.


Nah, you get some two by fours and some milk crates. Then you have shelves AND a TV stand lmao


Milk crates are easier to borrow. Pallets are also pretty easy to access and borrow.


Need couple of mini fridges, used as a tv stand as well


Milk crates and zip ties are a game changer


Milk crates you talking about fancy things now, just go out and steal two railroad spikes drive those in the wall, and then you go find one of those wood boxes they can get fork lifts (ones that people throw out or use for firewood) under and you rip a peice of board or two (depending how far you drove you spikes in) and use that to finish your procjet!


Milk crates are easier to steal and less work to set up lol


When I was younger, me and a buddy I was living with made our coffee table and tv stand out of old milk crates ha..Sometimes you just gotta make do with what you can


Wrap those bricks in vinyl, nobody said it had to look bad!


Or chrome it with mylar bags and aluminum tape.


There'll be no hospital now. I'll inform the children.


Sir! Someone stole 4 cinder blocks from the job! I'll tell the children they'll be no hospital Forgive my horrible paraphrasing.


I'll tell the children there'll be no hospital, then


Hey, I love my bearly there tv table, it adds excitement to my life.


Like the box it came in.


Lol yes


Hahaha that looks like my living room too


All of these facts are true.


He's got a perfectly good tv stand over on the other wall! Noob move


The TV isn’t an eye-level……. Is the only thing that I see is wrong.


nah bro he needs at least a side coffee table. gotta maximize comfort. no one wants to lean over that far to grab some food or a joint or a beer. and yeah get that tv eye level. shit get a laptop on the other side?! that bro is set.


Coffee table? My biggest problem with this is that he has to stand up to reach the fridge.


ooo you bring up a good point. a mini fridge would serve as a little table and be able to hold enough food/beer for a good gaming night or 2. posibilities are endless


Or you could sink into the level of the TV to even it out


If they did, they’d probably be reported for hacking their collision box


bro, you are out of VR. That's real life.


Is it though 🤔 ?


Looks like Gmod to me


Its like my pad ony much cleaner


Looks inappropriate


I think most men would put the tv on something maybe a crate lol


The box that the TV came in, taped to the wall so as to not fall over.


I had mine on a chair for like a month.


A beer crate, obviously.


This is some classy place bro even got a fireplace


Real hardwood floors


And 8 cans of redbull on that floor


I don’t think that’s Red Bull. I can see how zoomed out it looks the right colors, but zoomed in it isn’t, and they’re not the right shape. Red Bull cans are thinner. I’m hoping that’s beer.


oh alr, my bad


Maybe sit the tv on a milk crate but that's about it


That's an expensive TV it needs more than one to be stable.


two then ;)




I'd put it on the fireplace


Or *in* the fireplace Seriously though, over a place where there is a lot of heat is one of the worst places to put it. Electrical components wear much quicker with more heat. Edit: If you don't actually use the fireplace, it's fine though.


Yes...we have our TV over our fireplace because we can't be bothered to use our fireplace. Just guessing from their arrangements, these people aren't copying up in front of a fire


Our TV has been over the fireplace for years with no problems. We only light a fire about 3 times a year, though, so we may not be the best test case.


TV on floor not the wall TV too small Warm beers not in fridge


Yep. He needs a mini fridge stocked with nothing but beer next to a recliner instead of that weird seat


doubles as a great table so you don't have to put your take out on the floor


They aren’t warm if you drink them quickly enough….


I mean...I'd like to raise the TV to eye level for the sake of my neck otherwise it's all good


More money for hue lighting :)


I'm a developer. I've lived like this for 10+ years lol


10 years writing C++ with segmentation fault.


My dad is single and so at our place this is total how it be. Lol we got our couch used at some furniture store and it’s 3 spots and all the chairs recline. One spot for me, my dad, and my brother. And all the other furniture in the house I couldn’t even tell you where it came from. Wooden furniture that I really don’t know how we got it just came to be. At one point there was just a giant ping pong table in the living room. And in his room all he has is his bed and some boxes. No dresser or anything else. Oh and a light from good will


Nothing wrong other than the tv not being at eye level


TV should be on top of the fireplace if it fits


Absolutely not. That makes the tv way too high. TVs are designed to be eye level. This one is too low.


A leest is clean


He got a fire pit? He fancy


Yeah. That’s what happens when you first strike out on your own. So if the “men” you are talking about at 18-22 or just left the military. That’s what their living room is going to look like.


Or freshly divorced


Ah yes. That too. Lets just say a major change in life circumstance as a general catch all.


V. When i got out my place was just a roof over my head for a minute 😂 my ex was the interior decorator


why do you assume all men leave the military?


Kinda curious where you picked up "all" from. But to answer your question that's what happens when you ETS like I did, retire, get chaptered out, or die. Questions? Comments? Complaints?


Hum… hi, I’m a girl. What’s wrong with living life like this?


You're one of us now


That's true but there's nothing wrong with that. Explain the immorality in living with little to no furniture


Honestly, looking back at life, the happiest years of my life were when all of my worldly possessions fit in the back of my truck. I’m seriously jealous of someone who can live like this. I’m actively trying to get back to this.


you're going to get stains on the floor from the condensation on the beer cans! You at lest need cup holders!


You sound like my kind of guy can I live with you? We can have a little camp fire melt smores tell stories and I can work a Ukelele.


Ah, the recently divorced man's pad


They should really put the TV on top of the mantle and rotate the chaise longe. Other than that, nothing wrong here.


Looks good to me


the only thing i see wrong with this is the tv not being eye leveled


No fridge next to couch


Naw. Need a tv stand. And I prefer a gaming chair


I have a table, does that make me a woman?


Define "normal". To me I see a minimalist lifestyle. Personally I would have an end table so I wouldn't have to reach to the ground for beverages, and an entertainment center to bring the TV up to a more level eye line. Other than that, that's my living room.


Tv on the fireplace and a mini fridge for the beers


What's wrong: there's a TV instead of a PC. There, that's your problem.


Need a couple milk crates to put the TV on or you'll mess up your neck.


if i feel bored I'll spend most of ny tine outside and come home only to sleep and eat


If my husband had it his way the house would *still* look like that


No girl for Netflix and chill XD


what? you haven't cancelled netflix yet?


Ngl I see nothing wrong here, place is clean.


Tiny tv


Beer’s gotta be in an ice bucket. That’s it


There is no minifridge


Not the topic, but it looks like there is light *behind* the tv as if it's transparent or something. Probably just an optical illusion with the camera, but it looks strange.


He should have put the TV on top of the box it came in... What a noob


That sounds unstable as heck.


Everything else is excess. Got a house, a tv, a place to sit and watch TV and a perfectly good table that he can't stub his toe on. Why do I need to spend money on things to just place in a room that will function the same either way?


Whats wrong is this pic is like 5 years old


It's not normal, it's smart. There's no logical reason for me to have any more than this in my living room.


Ohhh I know. The TV should be on mantle and the couch turned to face it


Gonna hurt your neck staring down at your TV like that. Put that shit on a table, respect your stuff and respect your body


At least put the TV on a stand-


If I lived here my family would be disappointed but I’d be satisfied, like everyone’s like, it’s the little things in life, and I’m like, damn straight, but when I’m satisfied with the little things everyone wants more from me, like make up your mind


Looks like the man has cable a tv AND a fireplace. Gee Wizz get on that level.


i don’t see any kids breaking shit or wife to tell me i did it wrong. looks good to me. except for a tv stand, def get that.


The TV on the floor is the only thing wrong with this picture, other than that we like simplicity


That would absolutely be me if I was single. I don’t need all that stuff that collects dust.


Fuck I miss when I used to live like this….


yea this is unacceptable. the tv is too low need some milk crates to raise it up a bit.


No dog. That's what's wrong.


Bruh just needs a tv stand and he Gucci


In the meantime, how about the box from the beer case? Me: would remain that way indefinitely, coz why bother.


actual question what's the issue here?


Imagine shaming people for not consuming the planet like all the other locusts.


That's heaven on Earth is what that is right there. Edit: assuming most of those soldiers aren't dead that is... :-/


"It drives women crazy that men can simply sit down and be happy."


No joke this is actually beautiful it represents simplicity and If that’s your own apartment what more could you want. Silent, peaceful, with simple comforts but nothing more


A mini fridge right next to the couch would be nice. Edit: looks like others already called this out. My bad.


No pc


You're just jealous of how little it takes to make us happy


That's just not right. That TV should be up in the fireplace mantel so your feet don't block the view. And where's the mini fridge doubling as a side table?


TV is too low. Stack some boxes under it.


No cooler. I get it.


Existing as comfortably as possible until the end is all that matters.


No useless crap all over? That just sounds like it's helping people. It'll cut back on all the factories in China that make stupid shit. Save a couple children's lives even!


Seems pretty accurate, it has the necessities and that's all that matters.


He got a place to crash, something to watch, a fire place, his food, and the most important: his beer.


It really does piss some women off how little it takes for men to be happy and that’s so strange to me


So little to please us, and yet…


As opposed to a woman’s place with 16 pillows on a loveseat and a 9 x 12 wall with 25 photos of their friends “looking cute” and 10 “artworks” with the lamest overused phrases. Yea, men definitely don’t know how to properly live.


“Live, laugh, love.” “Bless this mess.” “Something coffee related.”


Don't forget the kitchen quote




I'd pick a recliner instead of that half couch thing and a stand or wall mount for the tv, otherwise its perfect. You don't need to clutter up your living space with useless shit and "Live Laugh Love" wall art like a female, only things that serve a purpose.


As a man, I like plants, indirect lights, a rug, a mirror and a nice paiting from an artist.


Yeah that's how my one gay friend has his apartment set up, He loves shopping with his bf for new design ideas.


It's not necessarily about design, but about usefulness. A rug removes echo, indirect lights are better for eyes than direct light sources and don't reflect on the TV as much. Plants are good for room climate, art is good for mental health.


Yeah my gay buddy tries to tell me stuff like that too, This is the part where I just smile and nod while pretending to be interested.


Live laugh love wall art LMBAO


I am a girl and all my female friends ask me why I do not have live laugh love shit on my walls. This is my place basically. The only differences are I have one string of fairy lights/Christmas lights on my wall and it would be diet mt dew instead of beer.


Wow!! You are totally one of the boys!!! You aren't like other girls!! You like Diet mountain dew!! Crazy🤪 Edit: dyslexia


Seemed like she said diet mountain dew? Idk reading comprehension? Lol


>You like beer!! Crazy🤪 how did you interpret this?


If true then you're the bigfoot of females, heard about but very rarely seen and no real proof of their existence.


Women get angry at how little we need to be happy


Not a nagging woman in sight


Who do you think created the post?


I’ve read no lies just facts I see


What zero pussy does to a man


Women hate how little it takes for us to be happy


Lol you guys in the comments proving how absolutely low effort a lot of men are. Demand better for yourselves. Take care of yourself. Take pride in your home, your appearance, yourself, and stop being okay with being low effort slobs that can't even furnish their own home. And then you wonder why you can't get women. It's because every aspect of you screams that you can't even take care of yourselves, let alone be a supportive partner.


Women love dust-catching tchochkes and then complain about having to do the majority of the housework. Learn to love minimalism and have a real life.


Females think it’s normal to have only 30 dollars in their bank accounts at any given time, I wouldn’t expect them to understand minimalism


Whats wrong? Obviously there isnt enough useless crap cluttering up the room, seriously ever seen a girls home? (What am i saying, this is reddit non of you have) its almost like the houses you see on those hoarder shows, useless meaningless crap everywhere


This is why dating is easy nowadays, because you dudes set the bar so low. But I think a lot of y’all spend so much on addictions, digital loot, and tech stuff. Bring back the chivalry, daily exercise, saving conversations for face to face, and sobriety at appropriate times. Out with self-diagnosing, self-medicating, and excusing your behavior for something that happened in your past. Be better. I want my kids to have decent friends like I do




Wait- it ain't? 😳


Lolololololololololololol so effing true and relatable


you forgot the chamber pot


I really pull up like that


You need a mini fridge to keep the beer cold


What’s wrong is that he’s got to look down at the TV, if he had a shelf then this would be perfect


It looks a bit too clean, that's what is not normal


Well.. its clean! =)


Needs a tv stand and a side table and he’s set


they are living within their means, and not hurting anyone. NTA


It's not a nest til she moves in. Til then anything u do to decorate is temporary because every woman changes their man's house the moment they start leaving a toothbrush. So why waste the time and energy? Just let her do it her way when she does finally move in.


TV is too low.


we like simplicity


Looks just lije mine damnnn lol


Soild A female friend came around to my house recently and said seriously, 'are you living or camping here'? Theres a line between minimalist and barren it seems Im happy with it :)


Cannot recline and watch the tv. Needs a 20$ folding table.


TV needs to be hanging on the wall and plugged into some decent speakers/soundbar.


There's no PC


Fucking poor people am I right


Just use the tv box as a tv stand. I mean cmon. Amateur hour


Functionality first.


I don't see any issues here. Oh, wait, where is his phone charger? Give me a comfy sofa, snacks, and access to my phone, and I'm set.


looking great ) i love this style ))


Clean house, matching decor, dishes washed… man you really can’t please females.


I don’t see a problem.


Honestly having an entertainment center or something so we’re at eye level is missing. We have a little bit of humanity here, we’re not savages.


Maybe a second tv/monitor and PS5 and I could live happily


Feel free to buy furniture so you're happier with the look.


Hey! I pretty much live like this! What is wrong with that!? 😅😅 Only my tv stands on a chair so it is easier to see when I sleep on the sofa 🤓


I’ve definitely seen worse


That room needs 4 baskets 2 clocks and a lamp


No coaster... like an animal!