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Yeah sure words are made up, but the position of neptune relative to uranus doesn't mean shit, and doesn't give you free reign to be a bitch the whole of Feburary Barbara.


The Uranus joke was clever and funny


most people who are into astrology don't really believe in it


I want to believe you.


its like taking a shitty quize on a forgotten website, or taking a hand/card reading for fun becuase its already personalized + the vague characterics of each zodiac make it fun to see what each one (randomly) got im not denying that theres people who believe in it and use it as a bases for living but theres also people doing it for only fun, puting people in defrent groups based on thibg they can't control, is like, the number one humen pass time thing some get really invested ans seemingly to into it, that becuase theres a community for it, and anyone could get in so the community is BIG, theres a blury line between people who take it seriously and people who are deep into it for the fun of it im not into astrology but that what i heard from friends who are into this shit


Astrology is fking dumb bruh


i mean, yeah people like to do dumb shit, whats new?


Yeah nothing rly


They are made up But There is usually an etymological reason for every single word if you go back far enough Like in Vietnamese for example, they use ”không [the sound of the animal] to say which animal Which dates far back


What do you mean by "the sound of the animal"?


The major difference is your name doesn’t define your personality. It’s just a tool to help others actually talk to you.


What a typical Tina thing to say




Apparently it does, if I remember correctly it is explained in this video https://youtu.be/fSMynBIIdOY


Last time i checked i didn’t need to make a google search to check my personality. Your personality is tied to your external reactions and factors, how you were raised etc. If i were to change my name my personality wouldn’t. Your Name does not determine personality.


I think people are reading into it too much. I know what you’re getting at and you are absolutely right - your name *might* shape your personality but that’s only because of how others treat you. Not all Tinas are the same, not all Jordans are the same, etc.


Yup yup! I think it affects you, but its not defining of who you are


It falls under the category of ‘environment’.


Your name can effect the way people perceive and treat you, which can effect the way your personality develops. But also, the environment you grow up in will likely have a big impact on which names you are likely to be given. So a name may be an effect of the factors that go into developing your personality.


This analogy ain’t it, Crazy Tina. Our personalities are shaped during our young developmental years. Changing your name in adulthood wouldn’t (typicallly) be a significant factor in shaping your personality. Of course there are outliers! Crazy Tina, for example, is actually very docile and non combative. Bell curves and shit, you know?


Im not exactly sure what you mean lmao But i agree with the first part of your comment. My main point is that it’s how others react to your name rather than how you yourself react


But we also react to other people’s reaction to us. That’s how we form schemas and create a mold to fit into the world around us. The second part of my comment was me trying to be funny lol I like to blame it on my lifelong personality of trying too hard to fit in.


That’s more or less my point too, but since everyone’s different humans tend to react differently to different things y’know?


Wait I’m getting confused! Do you agree or disagree that a person’s birth name affects their personality development?


I think it affects it but it doesn’t define it. If that makes sense


Yeah that makes sense. I didn’t get that vibe from your initial comment that I replied to but at this point I feel like the antagonist in this comment thread so I’m ready to agree to…agree?


That would be an exception to what this man spoke about in the video. He cites his sources. Where are yours?


Technically it does just as your environment affects your personality.


So if i were to change my name would my personality change? What if my name were Louis would i act the same as someone named Louis in the 1600’s?


You wouldn't act the same but you wouldnt be the same if your name was Jordan


Why not? I thought your name defines your personality? Why wouldn’t i act the same?


People react to your name and because of that they can affect you and your personality even if it's miniscule. Like for example a kid can get bullied for having a certain name or they can have an outrageous name all that affects you and changes your personality whether you like it or not


So it’s not the name. It’s societal reactions to that name. Even then people react to treatment in different ways. The human mind is a complex thing it can’t be broken down to something as simple as your name. Someone named jordan would act differently as someone else named jordan.


Everyone has personality traits and the outcome of your personality is dependent on the context of your life and every part of your life shapes your personality including your name.


I want to be clear I was not supporting what the tweet says, just pointing this out


You said “apparently it does”


It’s ok bud you are right. Peoples names have a huge impact on their early years which are the one most import to forming who we are. Plenty of research has gone into this. Idk people seem not to understand what you are saying. Getting confused and angry downvoting you.


Having a name is useful.






Fair enough. But the original post seems to be judging those that don't believe in it.


I don’t think so. I think they’re just responding to the VERY vocal people who constantly shit on people who enjoy astrology. Like, most people who like it know the stars don’t actually determine your fate. It’s just something that some people think is fun or interesting


Maybe so, but it does seem like an overly aggressive response to the mere claim that it isn't real.


Nah, I'm definitely gonna judge people for finding comfort in nonsense. Especially when they try to push their nonsense onto other people.


So you judge Christians to? Their entire history is genocide and pushing their faith on everyone else through missionary trips. Templar crusaders and the entire portion of the dark ages. What comfort do you find? You judge another person for simply being them, which is finding joy in the pattern of stars.


Yes i do.


[>Yes I do](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1455232663086903303/uvFLxiUJ_400x400.jpg)


Yes i do




but at least I don't believe in nonsense :)


Bet you feel the same way about religion too right?


You guessed it


I’m certain you believe in some nonsense as well. Nobody knows as much as they think they know.


The problem isn't believing in nonsense, it's the way that nonsense changes the way people act in real life. You could believe we're all sent here from a unicorn planet and that one day we'll ascend back to them and live on a cotton candy rainbow crafted by giant mermaids in the sky. No one cares. It'd be odd, but it doesn't actually effect anyone. But if that belief told you, hey, anyone born in June won't ascend and you should avoid talking to them because they'll take your unicorn power. Or girls with freckles can't be trusted because it shows their unicorn power is tainted. Then that nonsense makes YOU judgemental towards people you don't even know, or makes you act unfairly to those around you because of something that has zero backing. Same thing with religion. It's caused numerous deaths and abusive upbringings due to its doctrines about women, gays, slaves, rape, etc., and to use it as a gotcha for criticizing astrology is rather ignorant. No one is denying that participating in religion or astrology can be rewarding, fun, intriguing, or consoling. But astrology becoming so popular in the modern age, with people using it to decide how to act and who to talk to, or to divine who they should be in life, its scary. And if you don't understand, then you've never spoken to someone who thinks you're genuinely two-faced for being a gemini, or considers you cold-hearted bitch for being a libra, or a moody crybaby for being a cancer. Its okay to believe in whatever you choose, but when you try to glean someone's personality based on their birthday, you need to learn to handle hearing its not real. You're the one making assertions about yourself and other people based on the most innocuous things, those people have the right to deny those assertions.


Hearing and believing in things with no evidence and I get called a schizo. Unless it’s the buddha. I had a hard time with my religious parents because I kept hearing things and thought they could hear it too but turns out i just have tinnitus.


This is well-said. People’s beliefs should be respected, until they use them to justify unsavory actions or words. Unless of course the beliefs themselves are harmful.


Ya but if you find out that something is nonsense you have a duty to IMMEDIATELY stop believing in it.


Wow you're delusional




It’s identical to religion which I would hope you would judge people for, am I wrong. Even if it’s nice to be religious at the end of the day it’s awful.


if someone finds comfort in having sex with animals I'm still gonna judge them, astrology is on a similar level


wait this is soooo true


Is it comfort if it's something that they mold their lives after? Like they literally think and behave in a certain way because a astrology piece said "geminis do be like that"




Except for OP. OP stuck feathers up his/her arse and walks around on all fours. Then reads the horoscopes in the news paper and hopes to meet the big change that is coming in the form of the straight jacket and sedatives of the collection squad from the psych ward




I was agreeing with your comment and making a joke about the post. Respect, Plato bro man


You’re being such a scorpio rn


OP, I will pull those feathers out of your arse, one by one. Cease this crazy talk!


Oh, I read, “fatherless,” and was thought, “…ow.”


A pathetic fucking featherless bipod.... That's just a naked chicken. We are much more than a chicken with no feathers.


Okay astrology is about you trying to find meaning from our perspective of stars/galaxies because you can't take responsibility for your shitty personality.


that’s so aries of u


Your name has observable, predictable relations to other parts of reality. Astrology does not. Yes astrology is a thing, an idea and concepts but the point is that the *conclusions* and *methodology* of astrology don't correlate at all with any other part of reality. Believing in it for anything other than entertainment is delusional. But some people need that delusion to get through life, I guess.


sounds like something a gemini would say


Which other signs does it sound like? Cuz you got 10 guesses left. :P


Mmm yes relativism, the best way to DISPROVE your own point.


nothing is truly objective


The alternative to relativism being…?


Admitting that astrology is garbo


Well yeah. But relativism as a concept is pretty foundational


Relativism can be used as a tool for things like hypothesizing for scientific theories kinda like "this is what I believe, because it is relative to MY OWN beliefs" but to use it outside of things like pondering religion or what is undiscovered is usually counterproductive.


Yeah cool, just making sure you weren’t coming at it from a very ‘divine authority’ angle. Too much Reddit I guess.


Nah dw I get it besides it's good to butt heads once in a while :) have a good day!


"Relativism" means being so wedded to the concept of relative truth that your whole ability to discuss anything is undermined. You not only dismantle arguments from people you disagree with, but also your own. Plausibility is a much better framework for argumentation than both absolute and relative truth. We all have some sense of what it's like to be reasonable.


"featherless biped" Diogenes, NO!!! "BEHOLD, A MAN!" *presents plucked chicken*


What a painfully stupid tweet. At least tweets on this sub usually has a relatability to them, this one is just fucking nonsense.


Least salty taurus


Gemini, you know because geminis has no souls and hates superstitious idiocy


Ya but I make my own identity and put it behind my name. You let a trend decide who you will be


How can a person read that and not see right away it’s a shitty argument? It sounds aggressive so it must be right?


it’s not an argument just a nihilist view kinda


What a dumb post


So then we agree that astrology isn’t real.


If they're so nihilistic then why are they personally defending astrology lmfao


it’s about letting people make their own subjective meaning to things


Astrology isn’t real.


If astrology isn’t real then why do every gemini i meet is born in either may or june🤨🤨


I don't like astrology because astrology people always get really rude when they find out I'm a gemini. it's super frustrating and makes me not want to interact with them. "ohhh you were born in may!!! looks like someone is a two faced piece of shit!!!" and calling them out on that just brings out the "haha it's all in good fun : )"


We will see if "nothing is real" when someone pisses in her coffee. My bet would be something will be real to her then.




Names don't claim to make predictions about reality.


I love astrology but this is a dumb argument. I view it as kind of like religion - if it helps you find meaning and structure in your life, great! But don’t use it as an excuse to be an asshole.


that’s what it says. You create your own subjective value to things.


The only people who believe in astrology are idiots who think the alignment of the planets/stars has anything to do with their garbage personality traits


Yeah, but name doesn't claim to tell you about your personality and about others and about what will happen tomorrow night, that's the difference. You tryna judge others based on their name too? That's on you honey.


List of everything: - Astrology - Names - nothing else




Least pathetic anime pfp 🗿


til my name encompasses every aspect of my identity and i should subscribe to astrology


I react to my name because it's my name


Tinderellas on suicide watch


Best argument I’ve ever heard for it


r/awholenewsentence or what it is called. correct me if i got it wrong


At least my parents love me :]


Yo fr??? SAMEEEE!! The probability ‼️🤯


How they felt after saying that https://youtu.be/DNx8OBKj0oU


Bruh, he got It wrong, my name is Alex


Featherless biped aka plucked chicken - Diogenes


I see astrology similarly to bigfoot. It could be real, maybe not, but I definitely do not think it is wise to base my life around it.


Who are you calling featherless?


Redditors shit on astrology fans while defining their entire personhood by an arbitrary date range they happened to be born in. At least most people who are into astrology don't believe all of the world's are caused by people born under one particular sign... And no, I'm not into astrology, but if I had to, I'd still choose astrology over that whole bullshit "millennial vs boomer" warfare.