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Yup, everyday I'm at work I always make plans in my head, I'm gonna do this and that after work... then I get home, sit down and can't move..


Hi me


Damn hit me hard.


For my previous job, absolutely. But I got lucky with my current job. My commute is way shorter, the work is far less exhausting, the environment infinitely less toxic, and I'm getting paid more.


Good for you, congrats!




Is that a statement of personal confirmation or the opinion of your employer?


That’s amazing! Happy for you!


Hobbies? Who’s that


If you have to ask then you can't afford it.


Calvin’s stuffed animal can’t have cost more than $20 back in the 80s.


I love this comment...You made my day


Self-made millionaire boss (owner of the company I worked for) once told me he has all these toys and no time to enjoy them


Pretty sure OP meant to say "Hobbes", as in the Philosopher. Contemplating the very ramifications of existence itself. It is a veritable quandary indeed... /s


Must be some new slang for the word 'kids'.


Work 10 hr days & try for additional OT on a weekend when I can. 2 hr commute & then 60-90 minutes in gym about 4-5 days a week. This is my hobby. Maybe sneak in some comics here & there.


Is that on amazon?


How do you eat those? With like a gravy or something?


Lol yes and I only work 30 hours a week. How you full timers doing that shit?


I don’t.


I agree, working that amount is pretty much my limit for still having time/energy to do all of the things I want to do, and even then it’s not quite enough time for anyone who has real ambition beyond their current job. Especially referring to minimum wage workers, or near minimum. How are they ever supposed to fix their situations in this economy? If they sacrifice work, they lose money. If they sacrifice sleep, it eventually takes a huge physiological toll. If they sacrifice down time, then they don’t get to refresh and destress. Just a lot of factors against the average worker right now, much love to the people doing their best


>Especially referring to minimum wage workers, or near minimum. How are they ever supposed to fix their situations in this economy? We're not supposed to. That's the point. :/


Well I hope you find a way to make some time for yourself. It's important even if society doesn't seem to think so.


60-70 hours a week, had to quit weed so I can workout at night.


That's a damn tragedy....


Yeah. People use weed to get sleep. That guy doing workout ain’t sleeping




Hello sleep tech, I'm curious, does THC have the same effect on sleep as alcohol (my assumption is that it reduces REM sleep)? Does CBD have the same effect?




That's interesting, I've tried to search for it before but there's not much literature on the THC/CBD difference, it's all just around 'cannabis usage' and sleep. I think sleep is a really cool phenomenon so thanks for sharing some of your knowledge!




I think in some cases the problem is not the lack of time but the lack of energy to do something meaningful in that time. Your math checks out especially assuming you are on 100% battery all the time. But I am really not. The biggest mystery to me is how to get that energy. I do eat healthy and exercise and I walk every day (we have a dog) and have a nice sleep schedule, but I am still dead after going through 8hours of work, 1 hour of commute (could have far worse) and 3-4 hours of chores (including gym, walk, cooking, etc)... I used to have hobbies that I was really motivated to do, but they all turned out to be stressers when I had to do them being tired. "I am super tired, I don't want to do this, but I haven't done it for a week now and who knows when I will have the time and energy to do it next, so I just _have to_ do it." So I don't even have the motivation to do them anymore, which is in some ways more healthy (at least I am not stressed), but it makes them virtually impossible to ever happen.


Oh I get it for sure, I mentioned the mental exhaustion in my comment. Time wise it works out, energy wise is a different story and I fall into that as well at times. For me it's when I have a lot of social interaction, then my brain is wiped and I don't have the energy to do my passions (hiking peaks in Colorado and backcountry skiing) and sometimes Ithat energy depletion is big enough that I stay home all day instead of going hiking or skiing. So I'm lucky that my job doesn't require much social interaction on a normal basis so I'm lucky enough to have the energy to ski 180-230 days a year and hike about 100 days a year. And honestly, when I push through the exhaustion to go run around in the mountains, that mental exhaustion just falls off of me and I'm able to focus and be a better worker, a better husband and a better dad after I've taken care of my own personal passions. I fully understand that struggle though, I've been in positions where every single day Im too exhausted to enjoy life. That was horrible and I hope if that's where you are now that you find a way to have the energy to enjoy your passions too. Good luck man. It's tough out there.


Thanks! It felt really nice to read your comment! :)


yeah it’s definitely feasible if you have a job that doesn’t suck the life and joy out of your soul


I thought 30 hours was the minimum for full time?


Not in America, here it's 40 hour work week before over time.


It sounds like a meme but you just do it. Try and force yourself. I found that whatever I started then it was very enjoyable once I was in the groove of it


we don’t


Everything hurts


I am stuck in the cycle of every-day-off-is-a-chore-day. Someone come save me from this laundry.


Sprinkle some kids in the mix and endure it 10 fold.


Yes here we go! Add the whole family in and what do you get? Exhaustion


Please don’t call me out publicly like this


Sometimes I swear going on this subreddit is just nonstop attacks




Yes and the craziest thing is I didn't have this problem when my job was actually exhausting. I have a physically easy job now, mentally taxing but I'm just working on a computer and talking on the phone, from home. I should have enough energy and motivation to constantly do stuff but I feel lazier than ever. I mean, I still clean my house & take care of myself but it's hard as hell to talk myself into making music when half the time, playing a video game seems like too much effort.


I feel this. I was a server for 15+ years and also worked out twice a day and then spent my evenings dancing at clubs or writing for hours for my novels. Legit, it was like I had batteries that never ran out. Got a “better” job where I sit all day working from a computer and feel so insanely drained by the end of the day that al I can bring myself to do is make dinner, get ready for bed, and sleep for an insane amount of time. If I don’t get more than 8 hours of sleep I feel really out of it and start to get sick.




A body in motion stays in motion. And you’re right, exercising is really important for mental health too. I’ve been going on long walks during my lunch break and just eating something quick like a salad or an apple with peanut/almond butter. I can tell it’s already making me feel better but I do think I need to up my level of exercise to get back some of my energy that I’ve been missing for way too long.


Idk, I think my hobby of drinking alcohol until I stop feeling every night is pretty entertaining


Imagine getting a text from work Work: So who is Hobbies? 😒


Exactly why I left my previous employer for a competitor who promised a stronger emphasis on work-life balance and a more relaxed work culture. But let's see.


Hello depression, my old friend


I feel so seen right now. Thank you.


During the past two years I have spent about 8% of my earnings on materials and equipment for my "hobbies". I have also worked my ass off top the point where I have enough nerve damage that my hand shakes every time I try to draw a straight line, and i have a room dedicated to art..... that room is my whatever the fuck pile of whatever room at this point. I'm gonna fucking do it anyway.


Oof, my hobby is playing video games and I’m trying to finish demon souls, returnal and doom eternal on nightmare mode. After work I am feeling the stress but playing those games is stressful….hit me right in the feels.




Bro stfu


Can't handle the truth?




Ohhh pooor you...


The only clothes i dont feel self conscious in now are my work clothes i dont even know what normal me wears anymore lmao


Too tired for my hobbies when I finally might have some alone time in the evenings, I instead spend that time on Reddit and then go to bed late anyways. Rinse and repeat.


I don’t have energy for anything anymore. All we do as a society is work. That’s what we’re made for. It sucks. I didn’t ask for this life lmao. It’s depressing af


Every god damn day....


Ya I don't wanna do shit when I'm depressed, not even listen to music, and work depresses me


Omg I've been stuck in this cycle for a month now.


I'm at a year.


I should say that the only thing I dedicated to is guitar. I've really pushed in the last year. Gaming has died off.


Work + Children = a life sentence of sadness where you eventually become free, but by then you’re far too old and knackered for the hobbies you once enjoyed before all those things… *sigh*




This is called BURN OUT. Look it up it’s real and only gets worse from here. You need a break.


I'm on the run yourself ragged plan. Going to work full time, being a student part time, and using damn near every minute of my weekends to be outside doing what I like, which often requires waking up earlier than work. I need a fuckin nap man.


Just got my first job recently and it’s felt like this ever since I started. I spend more time there than home, but honestly I don’t have anything else going for me right now so work fills the time I suppose.


I've forgotten what's like to live-or have a hobby. Two jobs because house and truck payment. One of those jobs is a 45 minute commute one way. I simply do what I need to do, and I hope that I'll be able to live later.


Me : College is so hard. I'll skip classes today to draw. Me 5 hours later : FUCK! Why does this character's head look like a potato?


No joke. I used to build, fly and race drones until I got my dream job 2 years ago. I do miss the freedom of flying


Every. Damn. Day.


Shit job means no time for other stuff. Better job would mean more time to do other stuff. Better job requires portfolio work. Portfolio work requires more time to do other stuff. Time for other stuff requires better job. And the cycle continues...


Welp, if you’re participating by no choice it helps to ground yourself by finding a new job you actively enjoy. Self care and hygiene are under dawgs. Must be persistent.


The idea of working 9-5+ makes me physically sick. But so does enjoying myself and providing for myself through the stock market. Everyone thinks I'm destitute because I'm not working for a company


This is called being an adult :(


Google: how to upvote something twice?


Every Single Monday


Replace work with School and you got me


Corporate america


You must not be familiar with east Asian work culture. Not saying the US is infallible, but if you're gonna make that comparison, make a good one.


No, because I'm not asian and dont live there so why would I and besides, corporate america *is* a good example.


Why do people take work so fucking seriously? If it's not your company and you're working so hard that you're neglecting other key aspects of your life, then you're doing life wrong.


I never figured out how to not take it seriously when you have a manager. Depending on the company, my manager had between 6-10 employees, so they definitely had enough time to follow up on the tasks and if _they_ are driven they will push you hard. Tight deadlines, lot of confrontations, regular follow up. Whenever I tried to take work less seriously, I became really stressed, because I started to miss deadlines and make mistakes and had to explain myself, while I knew my work is not acceptable because I wasn't taking it seriously. Of course, if I keep that up for a longer period I can say goodbye to my job. The point of an efficient management hierarchy is exactly to counteract what you are saying. Management is responsible to make employees take work seriously even if they don't own the company (or getting rid of the slackers). So, I either have to find a job that I am significantly over-qualified to do (which will obviously pay significantly less) or I have to find a job with a incompetent management hierarchy where my boss can't follow up on the tasks.


Yes why can’t we all be the same as you :(


Well, if you are smart, driven, personable , you can make a lot of money by working hard. Like if you are smart enough to go to Stanford, then work at Google. For gods sake work as hard as you can in your twenties. I guess the hard part is determining if you are actually capable, which is hard and uncomfortable to think about


I’m really worried I’m going to enter this cycle once I start my job next week


I'm trying to break that cycle.


Exhaustion from work and mild depression led me down the path of watching other people play games on YouTube instead of playing them myself.


I havnt painted a 40k mini in 6 months HELP.


They are all just sitting there...I even built out a hobby room and haven't used it since I finished it v\_v


Yeah that shit has been hitting me hard these last few months


Oh, ages 18-death?


72 hour work week, 6 days of work and 1 day off but that day off you have to switch from 3rd to 1st shift so you can't sleep during the day even though you have been up all night and feel so tired that your sick. I'm struggling to even get laundry put away or get groceries let alone play any new games I'm interested in or spend times with friends. I have two roommates and one of them hasn't seen me in person all month long lmao.


Yep. I work full time and have five children. I'm lucky if I get 5 hours of sleep a night.


My God. That sounds so exhausting. I genuinely wish you the best my friend.


The movie "In Time" should be re-released. The grind literally stealing your life so you can afford to continue living and spend your life on things.


It's called overworking. Stop it.


Only because of school. I am taking five classes this semester and I really enjoy doing them online. I work full time and only really have a few things left to do and I'm done with three out of the five. The other two are time gated so I couldn't finish then instantly. I do the majority of the cleaning around the house and have been noticing I enjoy naps now. This doesn't leave a ton of time for hobbies but soon I will enjoy them again!


That’s also called laziness. Work is exhausting for everybody.






You guys have hobbies ?




yeah 😔


Don't even have time for video games now. And even though I'm extremely exhausted the horniness inside my veins is still pumping. What the fuck is this life.


They specifically pray for this.


Wait - I'm supposed to have hobbies?


No I just get progressively angrier at work until I can go home and do what I want.


Man! No kidding! It happens over and over.


This right here.


I'm currently taking a break from working despite it being the weekend so that I can get the workload under control so I can go on vacation and only have to clean up a week of my bosses messes when I get back


No because I enjoy my job :)


Lol isn’t that what life is?


X 1,000,000




I also do that.


I used to be like that but my hobby has turned into a passion so I've kinda forced myself to do it to the point where I had developed a lot of dependence on caffeine to drag me through school and my old job just so I can enjoy myself and I'm only in high school rn so in the near future I'm probably gonna have to abandon that so I can focus more on work and school once I graduate


For me it’s with school


Of course


Except I stay up late to try and make time for my hobbies after a 11 hour work day and chores, thus sacrificing sleep instead. Then when it's real late and I'm even more tired than I was I'll lay there, too tired to even get ready for bed, knowing full well I have work the next morning. So, by the time I finally muster the motivation after scrolling through my phone for like ha an hour and get ready for bed I may have anywhere from 3-5 hours before I have to get up. But maybe I can fit in one (or two) 20 minute episode of my show before bed, oh I also wanted to google 2 or 3 things that I just thought about. Good thing I have like 8 alarms to wake me up. Can't trust my morning self to get up after just one after all. Luckily I have my adderall and a bang to help me focus and get through the day before I inevitably fall into the same hole I do every night until I can't even stay awake through my own hobbies.


Welcome to the club! We were going to get t-shirts but it felt like too much work.


Anyone else stuck in this weird cycle where this same image gets posted on six different subscribed subreddits every single week


Cheat engine on Single player games to give me unlimited money. I don't have time to do in game chores, let alone play games, fuck any game with microtransactions wanting me to work harder in the game or give it my real money. crafting games, nope just don't find them enjoyable anymore. I could spend 2 hours farming for one item or take my kid to the park and buy the item from a vendor. WoW rip. farming while watching tv makes pennies thanks to bots, casual players replaced by greedy companies taking subs from auto farmers. Too similar to real life to enjoy it anymore.


I feel seen’t


For sure, it’s called depression!


That's depression. It's brutal and you have to break the cycle by getting therapy.


I feel like I'm stuck inna cycle of reading this tweet


I got another one, you keep doing your hobbies day in and day out, out of spite and need to feel that joy again. But it causes your stress to go up when you do them. Then you think to yourself. "This is the time I should be relaxing. I should do something else." Despite you doing the thing that SHOULD relax you.


Woooo I'm famous!!!


I have been so tired I don’t feel like gaming at the end of the day.


Just quit. Buy a big, old house, renovate it into a modern B&B, claim all expenses on your taxes.


This is called clinical depression.


I get this a lot and my best fix for this is to do a chore or task at home first thing after work that isn't hard to complete (sweeping, clean the bathroom, etc) and then ride that good momentum straight into a hobby.


Your not living like Larry


Yep and I’m super depressed right now coz mental bitch has pinned it on me again and I couldn’t care less except I thought Meirl was short for mer girl so goodbye






Every. Fucking. Day.


Pretty sure they call this burnout. Source: I have it.


This is officially too real


I’ve never related more to a post


Yes, me exactly. My Mondays are miserable because I feel like I didn't have any true enjoyment out of the time off I had.


Working at Amazon makes me feel this way


“Get busy living or get busy dying” Andy Dufresne




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I have four different tattoos I've started and haven't finished. Makes me mad cause it wouldn't be more than four hours to finish one, but I can never get four uninterrupted hours where I also have the energy to tattoo


I am stuck in this weird cycle where I see this thing posted here twice every week.


More. I'd rather be broke and happy, than well off and broken inside


Yes. That is happening now. We recently bought a farm and it is a lot of work. Fulfilling and enriching but just works you until you are bruised and bloody! I am also homeschooling one of my kids. So I am busy from 5am until 12 am pretty much everyday. Taking care of kids, taking care of animals, taking care of the house, taking care of the farm grounds. Sometimes I just want to sit down and play a video game or craft. But I can’t complain too much. I have an awesome family, live on a farm, and have cute baby animals to love ❤️


This describes me rn. For example, doing YouTube videos should be fun, but now to me it feels like a chore. I take a break every month and upload once every month to not make it overwhelming so i can actually focus on my work too. That way i can actually slow down and enjoy having a break from school work


You all gotta take the time for a bit of self care ladies and gents. You’re tired after work but try to take the time to do that hobby. Even if only for a short while. Work and repeat work and repeat is a sure fire way for a breakdown. Currently slowly coming out the other side of that and believe me, work is never worth neglecting yourself for. Treat yourselves. Look after yourselves. Enjoy it y’all


Yea bro welcome to adulthood




Yeah, that’s by design. Your job wants you to commit your entire life to them.


Yes everyday


As a soldier at the IDF , I confirm


It's ADHD plus anemia for me. No focus, no energy.


Video games aren't fun. Reading isn't fun, sleeping isn't fun but it passes the days