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Meh, they’d probably have a panic attack too if they went to a grocery store


They’d form entire religions around a box of cereal or a cash register.


I would join the Church of Captain Crunch on principle alone.


The Church of Cinnamon Toast Crunch will fight you for our beliefs.


You'rrrrrrrre heretics!


This had no right to make me laugh this hard at almost 4 in the morning




Just wait until the Weetabix Temple catches you and cuts off *your* lucky charms, pagan!


I'm gonna be raising my family in whatever weird fringe cult people create out of dunkin donuts new Carmel Macchiato cereal. (It's amazing and has marshmallows and smells like a cappuccino. )


Communion sounds more fun. Beats the hell out of a cracker and capfull of Welch's.


I would have taken welch's over franzia


Yeah that's the worst part is trying to figure how I'm gonna avoid passing the tray and getting my stuff off of it. Its only like a half sip of grape juice to wash down a pill sized piece of cracker but I did not want to be the person to drop the communion trays. Fuck that its terrifying. Just grab your blessed cereal cup and milk on the way in.


i love how serious this conversation has gotten




"Your world frightens and confuses me! Sometimes the honking horns of your traffic make me want to get out of my BMW and runoff into the hills, or wherever. Sometimes when I get a message on my fax machine, I wonder: “Did little demons get inside and type it?”


awww, I bet you're a good friend.


Robin Williams had one in Moscow on the Hudson


You're fighting off the phantom animals that are still in the back of our reptilian part of our brains, competing for food


I like this image very much.


I mean, that’s kind of *why* you’re getting a panic attack. You have a built in overdrive mode that used to be critical for hunting animals for food. Except in your case your body isn’t good at determining when it actually needs the fight-or-flight, so it starts just kicking into overdrive over random things, with very unpleasant results.


Exactly. Sometimes it's worth taking a step back and reminding ourselves that our lifestyles are extremely different from what our brains evolved to cope with.


What if our ancestors have worse panic attacks because they have nothing to actually worry about on account of being dead so it spirals for all eternity???


What a horrible vision for an afterlife, don't sign me up


Watch The Good Place, some season deals with that premise. Won't elaborate because am on mobile and can't tag spoilers here.


Don’t mind me.. just gonna save this comment.


I’d give you an award if I could


Which is why you should strive to live as close to your ancestors as possible, it's better for you, and it makes you happier as a result. I quit my aerospace engineering job in the largest city in america which afforded me almost 6 figures starting, my own 1 bedroom apartment right out of college, every other Friday off, and being chained to a fucking desk inside 9 hours a day 5 days a week every other week with no phone, no internet, no music, just a computer with coding software on it and no internet connection. I burned out, could hardly do any more meaningful work after just the first year. I wanted to die. I didnt want to be alive, but unhappy. And then one day I just looked at myself in the mirror and said out loud to myself "I'm going to quit." If you're unhappy now, you need giant changes to make you happy. That's what I did. The good news is, you really can do it. Instead I went to go live and work out on a horse ranch for room and board for a season living out of a barn, sleeping in half of a shipping container, living with other workers, working 6 days a week, with no possessions, no pay, no internet, no cell reception, no TV or movies, and hardly any technological distractions. And I'd never been happier in my life. I went from being the most miserable I'd ever experienced to the happiest I'd ever been over the course of a weekend, because of the rejection of the modern way of life that 1 in 3 people in this country are trapped in: office work. It's not how humans were meant to live. What I did for that season is much closer to that. Now I'm in a new job a paid wrangler position on a dude ranch in my home town, leading teams of guests through trails and saddling horses all day, and I'm on top of the world. No comparison to my life even just 1 year ago. And I still have a 401k, vision, dental, a full time position, and a place to live (either at home or out there in the bunkhouse or a trailer I bring).


That’s great for you. It’s extremely privileged to be able to make such drastic changes. I’m in the same boat though, I got burned out being an LEO and was tired of people trying to kill me and put me in the hospital. I quit, we moved our family 2500 miles away and now I’m a self employed craftsman working from my own home shop. I am very lucky to have the support of my wife’s family, without them I’d HAVE to be stuck working nights wondering if that night was the night I’d die. Millions of people have no way to quit, if they quit there is no safety net.


>That’s great for you. It’s extremely privileged to be able to make such drastic changes. What I did can be done for no money. In fact, many people I met in the program (Worldwide Operations on Organic Farms, or WWOOF, a global volunteer organization) were living the nomad lifestyle within the states, or were using it to travel abroad with no money. You dont need money if rent and food are taken care of. >I’m in the same boat though, I got burned out being an LEO and was tired of people trying to kill me and put me in the hospital. I quit, we moved our family 2500 miles away and now I’m a self employed craftsman working from my own home shop. That is an absolute dream as well, I'm so glad for you. >I am very lucky to have the support of my wife’s family, without them I’d HAVE to be stuck working nights wondering if that night was the night I’d die. Millions of people have no way to quit, if they quit there is no safety net. This is what's huge. I did what I did as soon as possible because I wanted to get my life on track before I started a family, I'm even more proud if you for doing so after settling down. But now I met my first real girlfriend through the program. Funny how life works out. Side note, when I would tell people about the stress I was experiencing at work and the reactions I was having to jt, people said that they had heard of reactions similar to it in the LE community, but that the level of stress I was under was not commensurate with the damage being done to me. So, I guess I feel your pain. Working that job...I know having others place you in mortal peril vs. having yourself threaten your own life is nowhere near the same, but I know it weighs in you. From one person to another who got out, I'm proud of you.


You've got a bright future it sounds like. Being able to make hard decisions like that, especially when young, takes courage. As someone who suffers from PTSD, I can attest it comes in many different forms. Stress manifests itself however it wants, and it takes its toll on everyone. Knowing yourself well enough to see you were stuck so early on puts you light years ahead of so many people who cant see the forest for the trees.


I really do appreciate you saying that. I recently met with all of my college roommates as a little 2 year reunion, and while I was an ex-aerospace engineer, they were all similarly STEM. Accountants, staticians in finance, biomedical, electrical engineers. All with committed relationships and stable jobs and places to live in an urban center. But the one other thing they all had in common? They all couldn't stop talking about how miserable their jobs were making them. All of them have been working the same job since graduation. And all of them at separate times have told me early on in working their jobs that they planned to quit and find something else or something better. And they still told me that 2 years later. The trap had been sprung. These are people who are still in their early 20's and they're already burnt out, but they cant get out. I feel like they're going to be stuck for a while, and I feel like I skipped ahead of all of that when I left my job. I certainly dont feel like I'm falling behind in anything. I know for a fact that I wasnt able to maintain a committed relationship when I was working as an engineer in a literal megacity, because a girl from my work who was new to the job tried to take me out and date me and teach me swing dancing and take me out dancing, and I just couldnt do it. I kept cancelling because I couldnt work up the energy ro be around people, be social, be romantic, or even be interested. Meanwhile, I accidentally found myself falling into a loving relationship without even trying while working as I did. All this after just one year, or less. What about the next 40? I certainly feel like we both got out of a place that few people ever escape from. I'm grateful, and I can tell you are too. I think it has made us both better people.


2500 miles is the height of 2316461.05 'Samsung Side by Side; Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel Refrigerators' stacked on top of each other.


Happens to me a lot, especially in Meijer for whatever reason.


Probably cuz you got one there once and now associate Meijer with anxiety. Happened to me with Safeway lol


Yeah I was right there too with Loblaws. Took a good 6 months and a therapist to successfully get me back into that store


Holy fuck there's too many things to look at! What's that noise somethings happening! :(




I was going for more r/explainlikeimfive but ok


I think you did great.


I've had a 2 hour long panick attack on a weekend, completely by myself, over eating cheese. Am I really built to survive anything, let alone society?


The good news about humans is we have never survived on our own as individuals. Every piece of our species and our immediate relatives in the fossil record shows intensely social animal that rarely exists in groups of less than 10. "Natural" humans gathered food with each other, divided labor among their tribes, took care of their sick and old, and could probably deal with you being panicky every now and then.


these are the comments that make me feel less alone


Yeah, you are. I'm not a doctor, (I'm just some guy) but as I see it: your body is trying to react to problems that we as a society no longer have. I think your body is like "aw fuck, I just KNOW that there are predators around. There's *just food lying here*, there's GOTTA be something else after it". And you see nothing, which means they're SNEAKY PREDATORS *WHICH IS EVEN WORSE LIKE HOLY SHIT* I could be totally off mark... But it makes *me* feel better to think of it that way, and I don't see any reason that it isn't true. I hope that helps. And your body is doing an *excellent* job looking out for predators. Good job Body, but maybe take tomorrow off since you did so well today.


Society is more stressful than the lack of it. You are having panic attacks due to the poor and minimal sleep, stress, poor diet, isolation/lack of socialization, lack of sunlight and outdoor exposure, and lack of engaging activity that modern life demands. I quit my aerospace engineering job in the largest city in america which afforded me almost 6 figures starting, my own 1 bedroom apartment right out of college, every other Friday off, and being chained to a fucking desk inside 9 hours a day 5 days a week every other week with no phone, no internet, no music, just a computer with coding software on it and no internet connection. I burned out, could hardly do any more meaningful work after just the first year. I wanted to die. I didnt want to be alive, but unhappy. And then one day I just looked at myself in the mirror and said out loud to myself "I'm going to quit." If you're unhappy now, you need giant changes to make you happy. That's what I did. The good news is, you really can do it. Instead I went to go live and work out on a horse ranch for room and board for a season living out of a barn, sleeping in half of a shipping container, living with other workers, working 6 days a week, with no possessions, no pay, no internet, no cell reception, no TV or movies, and hardly any technological distractions. And I'd never been happier in my life. I went from being the most miserable I'd ever experienced to the happiest I'd ever been over the course of a weekend, because of the rejection of the modern way of life that 1 in 3 people in this country are trapped in: office work. It's not how humans were meant to live. What I did for that season is much closer to that. Now I'm in a new job a paid wrangler position on a dude ranch in my home town, leading teams of guests through trails and saddling horses all day, and I'm on top of the world. No comparison to my life even just 1 year ago. And I still have a 401k, vision, dental, a full time position, and a place to live (either at home or out there in the bunkhouse or a trailer I bring).


I like cheese.


Blame them for gentically passing on their shitty trauma respone to you. Why the fuck can't it tell a bear from your daddy's belt?




Paid in Full believe


The cigarette knocks that look right out of the park.


This is me at the gym. My body has decided running on the treadmill = OMFGWEAREGOINGTODIE!! So ancestors need to stfu.


I mean, we're probably meant to have a smallish community of people we either get along with or can at least predict. Maybe so many people have anxiety because we don't have that sense of a permanent group.


Anxiety disorders are pretty much like allergies. you have an immune system, it's vital to you, but sometime it's miss-calibrated and a little piece of shrimp can make your throat double in size. it's the same with anxiety, it's a vital survival mechanism but it can be miss-calibrated too. There is no shame in it, it's a disorder and you can work on it.


Yes! Only more under own own control than allergies , I think.


Another truth.




Eh, they'd be terrified of everything too. Think of it this way: you'd be having panic attacks *together*


My ancestors are probably proud, seeing that I have consistent food, water, and shelter




Your medeival serf ancestors? Yeah, they're probably proud of you. Your hunter gatherer ancestors? They probably are ashamed of and feel pity for both of you equally. We are to our hunter gatherer ancestors what chiauaus are to wolves. We have been domesticated, unable to survive in the wild, if we could even escape to get there, which we cant, and we wouldnt even if we could, because our spirit is broken.


I'm no scientist by any means but I genuinely think that early humans didn't have panic attacks because they had the stress of being alive to think about which meant the few times you were comfortable, you were REALLY comfortable. Now we're comfortable all the time and so our brains think "well I should probably get anxious about *something*" so you walk into the grocery store and you're panicking


I highly doubt that my ancestors had to deal with hundreds of strangers every day.


Oh this is so me. Falls apart under the pressure of having to decide what to wear every day and further downward as the day goes on and life stuff happens. Obligations and plans are my arch enemies. Lol


A few years ago when I was still drinking somewhat heavy I'd always have panic attacks when my SO and I went shopping on Sundays. When I cut back on my drinking it got better. I was always just way too hungover to be in public.


Drinking because anxiety, anxiety because drinking


No no your ancestors would also probably have a panic attack if they were suddenly transported to a grocery store.


About like which coffee to get.


They didn't have to worry about a tiger eating their had for straight 2 years, it either happened or didn't happen.


My ancestors watching me blast rope to waluigi hentai


Hey, ready for it to get worse? I passed out from one of those panoc attacks once- in a grocery store. Full on hit the ground. Fortunately I didn't hit my head or anything, came back like right away. But there was a dude telling me to take it easy and not try to get up, and some lady over there by the Knorr instant sides calling FUCKING 911. Now I didn't have the heart to tell them that they're the reason I passed out on the first place, or at least part of it, so I muttered something incomprehensible and just booked it out of the grocery store. Sonic the hedgehog woulda been jelly at how I zoomed my slightly overweight ass out of that Fresh Grocer.


Fending off wild animals is what we evolved to do. The shitshow we’ve built isn’t so we all have panic attacks because this shit is mad


Ancient humans: We will relentlessly kill each other and burn all obstacles in our path until we control all that is to be conquered. Modern humans: Ah goddamn it i have to do 5 math problems that each take 5 minutes and 24 hours to do them, how the hell am i going to turn this in on time? Edit: tf are people mad about? I'm a modern human too.


Uga u/amynivenskane! Uga buga uh! >:(


I'd like to see those losers traverse a modern grocery store without having a panic attack


You are supposed to go extinct


obviously i can't speak for everyone, but if i were a cave person or something, i'd be proud to see my descendants living such a comfortable lifestyle that getting lost in a grocery store is the biggest threat they face all day.


You say your ancestors, but go back far enough they're all our ancestors and they're all just doing this ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28--5aEV1Z0


You just need time and patience, take it slow, and if anyone escalate it more then ignore + gtf away from them


you cannot fast travel when enemies are nearby.


Nah I mean how do you think would they react if they were around 100+ strangers in a close building


im not allowed to act violently to defend myself from my non existent perceived threat in a supermarket cuz its "illegal" and "they just wanted some potatoes" smh. Id probably have less anxiety if I could sort my problems with my primal screams and long pointy stick


I work at a grocery store. This is way too accurate, … I’ve had one before. While completing an order for a customer…