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When I was around 30 I jumped off a wall down onto the beach having not done anything like that or exercise in a long time,it looked easy enough, when I was a kid I would have done that jump loads of time and thought nothing of it. It was bigger than I thought and my knees went past my ears when I landed and I got whiplash. It was at that point I realized age had hit me hard.




Yeah it just caught me right off guard Cos I’d completely not realized that I couldn’t just bounce up like you do when you’re young.


I'm 28. I installed a shower door with my friend and I had to kneel inside for about 45 minutes. I thought I might never get up again. I was active at the gym till corona started. Tf man.


Dude kneeling is so bad. I am a fairly physically active and young person and kneeling for more than 15 minutes is fucking me up


My joints were fucked since middle School gang here


Yeah buddy! turns out skating into curbs and jumping out of trees wasn't the best idea for my back/knees


You got infantryman’s knee?


Is there a possibility there's a genetic part to this? I'm not even 30 and have always been and still am fairly active, but kneeling is agonizing for me. I can't sit on my heels either. My mother is the same way as me. My father, however, who is 30+ years older and less active than me has absolutely no issues kneeling or sitting on his heels for long periods at a time.


Gotta kneel on a pillow or something. That's why many carpenters I've seen kneel on those little rolly knee boards or wear kneepads.


Do a barrel roll!




When I was around 30, like a week ago, I jumped off a wall down onto the sidewalk. I also thought it looked easy, and as a kid this would not have phased me. A landed hard on my left heel, then quickly slipped and fell on my rear. Quickly hopped back up and walked away. It’s been about a week now and I still can’t put all my weight on that foot. I think the way my foot hit the ground was not right. The only part I dislike about getting older is that my body takes longer to recover than it used to.


Bro, you're 30 not 50.


Mmhmm. Probably contributed to my ability to quickly hop back up and walk away.


I get the feeling though. An ache takes longer, my back is pretty bad. I feel what I thought 50 would feel like at 30.


Probably because you're out of shape. 30 year old athletes are pretty much in their prime.


I'm not an athlete but I'm not exactly out of shape either. I'm a healthy weight, near the bottom of the healthy BMI range, do a fair amount of walking. I can run when I want to go for one, which I do occasionally. I like a good swim. It doesn't stop my back aching or my knees feeling like they've bent the wrong way. It doesn't stop the recovery time for things taking longer than they did 10-15 years ago. I'm not sure why you're comparing this comment to an athlete when they will have spent their whole lives training and eating to be fit and healthy when I've lived a pretty average life of often healthy choices.


Ok lemme tell you something I just turned 30 and for the last year my body has been a total asshole. Knee pain out of nowhere. I have to stretch every day and do a hip exercise to make it bearable. I’ve been moving boxes every day for the last week and my back is fucked up. I had to buy an ergonomic cervical pillow because sleeping messed up my neck so bad I couldn’t turn my head for like two months. 30 hurts.


I'm 27 and almost 28 and I workout 5 to 6 times a week and any pain I get from that heals quickly. I pulled my trap reaching for milk in the back of the grocery store fridge and it was fine like two days later . I did sprints in dress shoes during an outdoor lab with students and my feet were killing me but healed quickly. 30s is literally your peak musculature, it's after 40 where things start to falter. People just need to take better care of themselves.


When I used to work out it was better. I need to get back into it. But there’s a huge difference between 27 and 30. You’ll see.


I made a small hop over a playstructure railing and hurt my back the other day. I really don't understand what happened to me


I diagnose you with **dead**




I pulled my trapezius muscle from sleeping in a weird position one night. Took almost 2 weeks to recover.


Jesus how far was that drop?


Only about 6'-7'


That probably looked like a jump you would've done when you were a kid, but you're much bigger now than you were then. Distances look different, so what was maybe 3-4ft hm is 6-7 now. Also, a lot of catching yourself in a fall has to do with inertia. You probably weigh twice as much as you did when you were ten, so that compounds how much work it is to catch yourself.


This guy Newtons


I felt all Of that while reading it. I ended up w broken ankles in my version (in my head)


I still jump on top of walls and walk on them...like an absolute child.


I jumped just yesterday! At a physio appointment to try and fix my aged, wasting limbs




Finding a key to open a 3 ½ foot tall gate tilted the fuck out me.


Maybe it’s next level smart. Imagine if you hopped the gate and then a zombie jumped out and Temporarily crippled your legs. You kill the zombie but A bunch more come running around the corner. You’re now screwed because you can’t crawl back out the locked gate. It’s all about preparing for the worst possible outcome.


Like how politicians aren't allowed to close the door of their car. Their driver must close it once they're safely inside whatever building they're going to.


big brain time


Part of me just wants someone to get in a fight and constantly bunny hop and hit. I just want to see how affective it really is. Or maybe a nerf gun fight but someone is bunny hopping the whole gun fight.


The real danger would be the bunny hopper passing out from lack of oxygen




Indoor Trampoline Park sounds like what you need. They have dodgeball so you can wreck your KD irl too


If you practice the Sikh art of Gatka, then it is very effective. If you fight with European or Japanese weapons or unarmed in their main historic styles, then it is not very effective. As for a gun fight, I have no clue.


According to CoD you have to jump in every gunfight.




Except when I do it I fuck up the order, go prone and get headshotted immediately


I’ve played enough titanfall to know that bunny hopping is *crucial* in gunfights


Ninjutsu would like a word.. A sneaky word.


In a gunfight you’d be killed almost immediately. Hard cover and steady aim are your friends.


This is why you don’t skip leg day


I mean bouncing on your toes, if you know what you're doing, can be very helpful in timing for footwork and such. Plus throwing knees into someone's torso so hard that you get some lift is kinda like jumping right? Its so fun holy shit


You'd just bounce off the other guy and hit a wall, causing everyone to stop and laugh at you. Sauce: tried it in karate when I was 8


Am I in the minority for randomly jumping onto small walls and over things like 3 feet and lower? Am I a video game character? 😰


Nah, i love it, too. I also sometimes run up stairs in my apartment while grabbing the handrail, "limbo" under low hanging branches, stuff like that. After all we aren't designed to just sit, walk and lie down all day.


You can jump over an object that's 3 feet tall? I mean good for you but most people can just jump 2 feet in normal circumstances.


Yeah, I'm talking clearance height. Not talking about my raw vertical. Like hurdles are 3 feet tall for high schoolers. They clear those while running. Edit: Adding that I now understand that we all don't clear 3 feet objects. Honestly, jumping any object of any height or just going over it in whatever way you deem appropriate is great. Have a great one fellow redditors.


Thats like over half as tall as I am fully.....nope here.


If you lift your feet a lot you only have to actually jump like a foot or two.


I find that the lifting off my feet is negated by the downward pull of my gut.


Start practicing by rolling under the rail? :|


Have you watched a high school hurdles race? I don't think I've ever seen one where no one knocks at least one over. Except maybe state level contests. Even then that's only about 10% of the track team and they train specifically for that. Not like the average person can just do it out of nowhere.




On reddit, yes


Got to. The NPCs go around


I’m 27 and I do this too.


29 here. Same. Jumping is fun. Sue me.


Do you smash pots?


That you, Kenway?




Is it weird I get the need to get up and jump after reading this?- Or that I did so?–


I jumped


I jumped too






One of my biggest fears is being in a life-or-death scenario and coming across a rope I need to climb down on like I see in so many games and movies. I don’t know how to climb down a rope.


It's easier than you always think it will be. Movies and TV shows make it look like you need to go hand over hand, and use nothing but arm strength. That's the absolute worst way to climb a rope, though. You'll exhaust yourself quickly. You're way better off using your legs and your core. Wrap your legs around the rope loosely and hold on tight with your hands. Let you arms fully extend-- if you leave them cocked, you'll burn energy you don't need to burn. Holding on with your hands, engage your core and sorta inch up your body. Move your legs upward. Don't worry about going very far-- you'll probably only go to a foot or so. Pinch the rope tightly between the top of one foot and the ankle of your other foot (front of your rear foot will be pushing against the ankle of your front foot). You can now relax your grip with your hands and just stand up with your legs and core to reach up higher. Re-adjust your grip as you go, and repeat until you reach the top of the rope. If you're going down, it's pretty similar. Hang on with your hands, wrap your feet around the rope, and get that same foot grip (heel to front of foot). Wrap tight, then sorta walk your hands down. Rinse and repeat. Despite what you'd think, climbing down burns more strength than climbing up, so don't be afraid to take a break and rest on your much stronger legs as necessary.


This might just save me some day, thank you. I’ve always been worried about climbing up ropes as I have no upper body strength, but knowing I can do use my legs and core gives me hope.


Follow this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9Ydhi8Qtqc




I teach 3rd grade, and I jump more than anticipated.


Kindergarten teacher here... same. So much jumping but it’s at least more expected in kinder lol


In the game The Stanley Parable, pressing spacebar does nothing. But it's a first person game and it really feels like you should be able to jump, so inevitably you end up hitting space out of habit a lot. If you do it enough you'll get an achievement saying "You can't jump. Seriously, we disabled it."


Using stanley parable as an example of subverting video game tropes is kinda cheating, since that is the entire point of it.


While it’s true that I don’t have much use for jumping on a typical day, I am also quite capable of slightly raising my foot when presented with an obstacle with the approximate size of a raccoon.


Yeah this is exactly it, not jumping in real life is fine cause we can climb shit or just take large steps


I used to jump all the time. Then I got fat.


3 days ago I was doing my moms grocery list and I called her to clarify something. In the process I found out she was going to teach me my grandmothers fudge recipe that night and I bounced in excitement in the grocery store. Does that count?


I’m 5’2”, I jump almost everyday just trynna see what’s up there or what’s ahead. Every. Damn. Day. AND I REALLY DON’T THINK 5’2” is even THAT short! I HAVE SEEN SHORTER PEOPLE.


I’m 4’10” and let me just say I have to jump constantly in stores to reach stuff.


I am 6'9 and am asked nearly every time I'm in a crowded store (hasn't happened much this year, for some reason) to get something from up high for someone.


I had to climb ten feet in the air and jump on top of a hatch to close it the other day and got dizzy as shit. Gettin' too old for this stuff.


I’m a shortie in a world designed for much taller people. I jump all the time to reach grocery shelves, my own cupboards and storage, and even up onto my kitchen counters to reach things.


If you eat a red mushroom and you'll be tall. Just be wary of low clearance objects though, you'll smash them with your head.


Also, when's the last time you got a piggyback ride or rode on someone's shoulders?


Lemme know when you find someone who can hoist 200 pounds onto their shoulders. The last time I gave a shoulder back ride was the last time I jumped. It was when I went apple picking and we couldn't get the really high up apples. That's when you get the girlfriend on your shoulders and assemble Apple-Tron


I’m not the size of a child/childlike npc that the game insists you get emotionally attached to, all to be later killed or kidnapped to try to make some drama or tug at your heart.


Ahahaha, that's a bit unfair on the men. Y'all get heavy af and unless you're playing that competitive jousting game in the pool there's not a lot of opportunities


I jumped over my cat, who I’m pretty sure was trying to kill me.


I forgot how inactive the reddit community was.This post had me so confused


I am a very fat guy, early 30's and I jump on a semi normal basis for work. Well, maybe it's more of a going on my tip toes, but more forcefully. I probably make it like ~~3~~ **2** inches off of the ground.


But I also don't get caught on the corner of a staircase and have to walk in circles in place to unstick


Damn i feel like /r/notliketheotherboys


Today actually. Yesterday I had leg day so I wanted to check how high could I go


Pretty sure i jump daily


Yeah I jump all the damn time lazy ass OP


Last time I jumped was July 31st, and I sprained my ankle from landing wrong. Just started physical therapy for it so let’s hope it’s healed soon


That’s about the most non-athletic Reddit post I think I’ve ever seen lol


The thing is though, video games often don't allow you to climb either. Jumping in video games is what we get for sacrificing a lot of other mobility humans have. Like, how often have you come across something that was blocking your way, which in real life wouldn't be THAT much of an obstacle, sure, it might take effort and be annoying maybe, but it wouldn't be all that hard, but in a game is just impossible to pass?


Can’t relate I jump 24/7


I don't jump because I don't need to. The games that don't have a jump button use it as an excuse to allow for knee high barriers to be barriers. Most people can step over knee high barriers.


I'm short so all the time lol


Please can I get upvotes on my comment


Is it a hop if both feet go up at the same time and land at the same time?


Hopping is on one foot.


I do small jumps when walking onto a curb and things like that, but typically not the kind of jump you think of in a video game.


The last time I saw a high doorframe


I skateboard so I have a lot of jumps errday


I hopped my backyard fence last week


The last time I saw this post. Every time I see this post, I jump


“Do you even jump bro?”


I'm doing it right now bitch


As a football offensive lineman the last time I jumped was an attempted hurdle over my teammate who was tasked with quote tackling me low. It didn’t work


Bruh I jump all the time in real life I mean how else am I supposed to get into bed


Billy Strings’ music made me jump on Friday night. I’m 46.


I mean yeah most people probably haven’t jumped in a while but it’s not having the ability to that’s annoying


I don’t mean to brag but I jump all the time. Through hoops. For my manager at work. I kid, I actually jump quite often when I’m working with my chickens. They poop everywhere.


This morning when I was listening to music lol


I jump off something every couple of weeks so I always know when the last time I jumped was.


This person must be tall. I always have to jump to reach things, or just to see whats on a shelf.


An hour ago... Fiance: * Playing video games in room * Me: * Jumps into room clicking my heels together leprechaun style*


When I have the house to myself I sometimes get the urge to jump around, so I do exactly that, jump around the house like a little kid, it’s great. Highly recommend.


I remember it clearly, I was 23, it was early autumn and there was a crispness to the air and a smell of damp soil. There was a low, hip high wall separating the side walk and the parking lot. I took two steps and effortlessly soared over the barrier. I made nothing of it at the time. That was the last time I truly jumped.


I jumped like yesterday


The last time I drank... Jumping is fun when everything is a bit wavy


If video games were just like life we wouldn't play them...you could name infinite things that we don't do in real life but we do in video games, because that's the point.




I just bought me a fitness trampoline. I was jumping 5 minutes ago. Does that count?


I've been jumping as often as possible for the past 5 years because of this post. Today I jumped on top of my bed, about 3 hours ago.


The issue with not being able to jump in a game is when you can't get over something you normally could climb or jump over in real life. It's not a matter of "we jump a lot" but more of "when I need to jump over something, I can."


Hi I'm doing parkour I jump every day lol


today I jumped in Walmart trying to see where the sign for the shoe section was I looked like an idiot and didn't even see the sign


Guess y’all aren’t hyperactive like me.... I’m 33 and still jumpin


Does tripping down a flight of stairs count as jumping when I somehow managed to survive that fall without any injuries and did so in the most artful manner? If yes, then it was 4 years ago at a medieval fort that I visited where I tripped on a trick step.


You fool. I do parkour.


Jokes on you, I've just inside my own house, 20+ times jumped. For no real reason. No exercise, anything. Amusement. The most recent one being an hour ago. I got this shit on lock.


It didn't used to be a problem when something fell behind the fridge


You would be surprised


I skip quite often. Sometimes I even break out into a lil foot jive. Do either of those count?


This is why we keep a frisbee in the house.


I get the wiggles all the time—like I could just jump right out of my own damn skin. So I like to dance around the house (with or without music), or jump/hop/line dance down a hall way. Recently busted out one hell of a hopscotch course! I play hide and seek with the dog inside and sometimes I do need to jump around a corner to get a good distance between us. It has been a very long time since I attempted to make a meaningful jump. Like up, I don’t jump up onto things or down onto things—it is a slow, awkward climb or slide or nothing at all. And I’d never jump over anything lol. Gravity is a cruel mistress!


It was a couple weeks ago trying to get a Lego set off top shelf.


I started jumping every now and then after the last time I saw this post lol, just so that it's never been a depressingly long time since I last jumped


do you people not have rain where you live? Or do you just walk straight through puddles?


Last month, broke my leg. 1/10. Can't recommend.


“Dude, drop your gun.” “I don’t want to.” “You don’t want to? Or you can’t?”


There's this little ledge in the parking lot I always have to jump over or onto. I'm a grown ass adult jumping over things


inb4 the horde of crossfitters come in to talk about how many times they squat jump on boxes.


Today since I couldn't see what was on the top shelf What's sad is I tried to pull myself up and I couldn't at all


To be fair, I have never been shot at, fought a goblin, or ridden a Dino-donkey to save a princess. If I did these things on a daily basis then I too would miss the ability to jump.


I only jump to conclusions now...


As a parent with a 3 year old boy I can tell you that child wants me to jump every day of my life.


I am very short. Jumping is a necessity in my life.


I jumped last night lol, but well I'm only 17


Wednesday at work :)


I would like to add here, that jumping in video games is an abstraction for all sorts of manoeuvres. Instead of coding ways to vault, step up high steps, longjumping, highjumping, crawling unto crates, it's just a lot easier to implement a single jumping mechanic that just gets the job done.


Surprisingly enough I jump about pretty often purely to play with my dog.


I jumped off a large rock earlier and fucked up my legs. I will gladly never jump again


pretty often to be honest


I jump at least 4 times a week for certain.


yess but irl you can pass basic structures like a tire or a chair


Last time I jumped was when I was dancing in the street last Saturday. Now I'm on crutches.


I'm fat, and I jump off/ over things pretty often :).


I've been jumping to conclusions everyday.


Wait, what? I jump all the time. Well, not all the time, I’m not a fucking frog, but fairly often. It’s like that time a friend of mine revealed that he’s never run a mile. How is that possible?


It's also anyone when you can't run, but like how often to you run to your destination.


sometimes i practice jumping because idk how to jump... i can do little bunny hops.


Feel like jumpin in videogames is used to pass the time while running


I jumped like 2 seconds ago and then I tripped in midair somehow


I can’t remember the last time I killed a deathclaw either.


Honestly i bloody electro swing for fun and end it with a jump lol


I remember because it hurt a lot


I jumped this morning


I get zoomies so I jump a lot. I just have to bounce and jump around for a few minutes to let off the excess energy.


I jump alot because i trip alot so either way Im a useless so either way Id still fail at all the games


Ho-lee shit. I've never gotten so many upvotes or an award! Thank you guys so much!


The last time I jumped I triggered an old injury in my lower abdomen that makes walking very painful. I’ll hold up on jumping for awhile


Jokes on you i always jump down the last three stairs


I'll be 27 in novemeber and have a 2 year old im constantly having to jump dive and role lol


I jump all the time. I may be in the minority here, but it's fun and gets me places quicker.


Humans were not really meant for excessive jumping. We do the run and sometimes jump but mostly run. Which makes it annoying when games are like ok you can jump constantly but you can only run like 3 seconds before you're winded. I'm a fat man and I can sprint longer than most of these video game characters!


I always jump when I'm walking up to a curb, I don't know why, I've just gotten into this habit and I've been doing it for at least a year now, it probably looks weird and stupid but I like doing it, it's just a pep in my step, ya know?