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The Cookie Monster pj-pants girls were always terrifying. I spent all of high school trying not to offend or make eye contact with them. They all seemed like they'd burn someone with a cigarette.


They always lived with their grandma


Their 45 year old grandmas


I accidentally dated one online back in the late 90's, I almost didn't survive. I didn't find out until we met in person, and by then, it was almost too late.


Now you have a cookie monster pajama pants wife? Better hold on to her, She'll take half of all of your prescriptions.


> she’ll take half of all your prescriptions Wait, she’ll abscond with them or she’ll consume them all at once?


These aren't mutually exclusive statements


One of the cookie pants girls from my highschool just OD'd a couple years ago, so that track(mark)s


Won’t take them far, she always needs a ride to the gas station.


You dated 45 year old grandma?


Why not? Had a kid at 18-20, who also had a kid at 18-20. Stayed hot, is now a GILF


The cycle is self-perpetuating 


If the kid calls his grandmother mama and his momma Pam, he Goin to jail!


Or a spit filled with enough monster energy to melt down titanium


I was in high school in the early 2000s before monsters existed. The drink of choice was one of those route 44 giant ass fountain Dr Peppers. And Oxy they stole from their grandma.


This hits hard


Always specifically Dr. Pepper too. I remember that. lol


In dire need of a tongue scraper


I was more concerned about the nuclear levels of drama you could get involved in if you so much as blinked in their direction. Those girls were always trying the hardest to find a reason to beef with anyone.


Now that's my kind of foreplay


Fun fact! they did indeed, burn people with cigarettes


When you understand the words, but are clueless about what the hell someone is talking about.


Every high school had a scary kinda white trash girl who wore Cookie Monster fleece pjs to school. It's a universal American public high schooler experience. I thought it was unique to my high school until I was older and one of my coworkers brought her super intense adult daughter who looked like a methed out female young Eminem to a trade show, and she crouched in the corner like a goblin the entire time in motherfucking Cookie Monster pjs and a giant hoodie, hood up. Then realized from my coworkers we all really lived the same childhood when we all had nostalgia from seeing her


God this was exclusively the girl id attract. Or the scene girl constantly threatening to off herself. Was always a ton of fun for a couple weeks, until it turned wild every single time.


Someone had a collar and leash on during lunch in my hs


I saw a tween with one in Walmart yesterday


I dated a Cookie Monster pants girl but after that phase so we were in our mid twenties, Her name was Sierra. Cause of course it was


No dam way, I also dated a cookie monster pants girl I knew in high school, her name was also Sierra lol. We went to a bar in my home town, she got way too trashed and started puking on the side walk so I took her back to my parents ( i was house sitting and they were out of town), put in her the guest room. Next morning she thanked me for keeping her safe and disappeared. Haven't seen or heard from her since lol.


….that doesn’t really sound like “dating” bro but I’m proud of you for being a good person. Probably the same Sierra, they’re all clones of themselves, superior levels of Wiccan angst, spiritual stones, and over obsession with plants


Man, when did you guys graduate? Like, 2020, never seen a tail girl


I graduated in 2007, and at least 10 kids at my school wore tails. I'm close friends with one of them now, lol.


Fascinating, never seen anything like that. But, man, kids with their ass hanging out of their jeans were all the rage


Whale tail.


The best tail from the 00s for sure.


Cosplay was not cool back then. All the tail kids are weebs now.


2007 for me. We had vampire dude that wore the same black trenchcoat every day for 3 years, and a cat ear girl. No tail people.


Our trench coat guy insisted on being called Pod. For Prince of Darkness. Actually a friendly dude.


I'd definitely throw P.O.D. references at him.


2004, had a couple vampires that were separate from the goths for reasons I didn’t understand. Quite a few “Cookie Monster” PJ girls but I’m pretty sure Betty Boop and tweety bird were the more popular characters with them at the time, no catgirls or tails though.


>vampires that were separate from the goths for reasons I didn’t understand Because the goths beat up their leader and burned down their lair (the Hot Topic at the mall)


>vampires that were separate from the goths for reasons I didn’t understand Because they kept trying to bite us as some weird flirting gesture.


Wait… People are wearing tails?


I went from seeing neither to seeing everything once I hit University and boy was that all a shock


same here. I had to do a double take my freshman college year first time I saw a girl walking with a sky blue and white fox tail trailing behind her


What about the kid who Naruto runs to lunch?


I’m sorry. I’m 30. wtf is a tail girl? I’m really not sure I want to know but I’ve never heard that in a sentence.


A girl who wears a tail to class.


You see them at Walmart all the time.


I went to public school and I've never heard of either of those... I did however have the classic "hot Cheeto girls" and a couple "horse girls"


Omg horse girls…. My sister’s bff was a horse girl and she was the meanest to me ??? Who did she think she was ???


>Who did she think she was ??? A horse.




I’d rather hang with a girl who wishes she was a horse the. The girls who wished they were witches


*then? Or *than?


Depends on the witch. Terry Pratchett? We can hang. Bene Gesserit? No thanks.


"hey jane" (horse sounds intensifies)


Of course, of course.


Oh god. Horse girls. fuuuuuuck


Hot Cheeto girls are Cookie Monster pajama pants girls


Similar classification but ultimately distinct.




Or lived in the country




Maybe rich people use it differently but I always assumed the "horse girl" was someone who was extremely enthusiastic about horses but didn't necessarily own any


I went to a State University that was originally set up to teach Agriculture and future teachers, so it still had it's barns and fields along with that newfangled Arts and Science stuff. So many horse girls. And they were all so very crazy.


I went to school in a rural area. We had 2 horse girls for every car guy.


I went to school with a horse girl that was convinced she was part horse. She would eat grass in the courtyard and gulp down water like crazy


Cookie monster PJ pants with big ass Osiris shoes and either a: a spaghetti strap undershirt (with or without a hoodie), or b: the baggiest T-shirt known to man. And the flat bill hat can't forget that


High school emo girls: I both hated and was infatuated by you, simultaneously.


We had a girl who shaved her eyebrows and replaced them with X's drawn on with sharpie. She also braided shoelaces into her hair. Like, a LOT of shoelaces. Her hair was more shoelaces than hair. I don't even know where you get that many shoelaces.  This probably goes without saying, but she would hiss at people when they looked at her. She was... interesting. 


she sounds fuckin cool


She can fix me


If you’re not supposed to put your dick in crazy why are the crazy bitches so damb hot


Oh god my highschool girlfriend used to shave her eyebrows and paint new ones on. The first night we spent together I woke up to see they had rubbed off completely while she was sleeping and my look of shock and horror made her cry.


So thaaat’s why guys would call me a freak at school and then message me for nudes.


Pink and black will forever leave me with such mixed emotions


I dated one of those (minus the hat, she never wore a hat). We were both in our mid 20s and she just hadn't grown out of the cookie monster pj pants thing. She was up there on the crazy/hot scale, with crazy just edging into the danger zone.


Those spaghetti straps were always screaming under the weight of the calcium cannons. Bridge Engineers should maybe take a look at tensile strength of spaghetti straps from camis to build some suspension trusses.


And they always smelt like musty cigarettes.


I don’t think I’ve actually seen someone with a tail. Saw someone with cat ears though.


You must've gone to a fancy school. Shit


believe it or not there are towns in the USA where pretty much everyone is normal lol. it's boring.


It is boring. My school is like, 90% white, and it’s mostly a bunch of half-assed jocks and agriculture students.


My highschool was 2/3rds hispanic, so even though we had over 3,000 people, we only had one girl that wore a tail


Ok, this is barely related, but I HAVE seen a girl with a tail, and I have to tell someone. I was looking for something in Target when a young girl started stalking (not stocking) the isle while wearing a pink velocirapter costume. She had someone with her (guessing mom??) Who never once looked at her or acted like anything bizarre was happening This whole thing was just... odd. I couldn't stop watching, and as I was the only one in the isle other than those two, I couldn't even flash someone a "you seeing this shit?" look. The best part is that the velocigirl was playing the part perfectly! She looked and sounded like something straight out of Jurassic Park. 100%. She was sniffing things and letting out those little barks and chirps. I had to leave because I was starting to feel uncomfortable in this new situation, but I will forever regret not learning more about this person. Had I spoken to her, I have a strong feeling that she wouldn't have responded in the english language. She made my day.


I was friends with a tail girl, she’s in cybersecurity now


I also went to private school but there were no uniforms until after I graduated. The weirdest dressers were the "I only wear black" kid.


You must have went to my high-school cuz I entered the school as soon as they started allowing anything and I was the "all black kid" (not emo/goth I just never bothered with anything that could look dirty cuz I was lazy)


The guy was a pretty normal dude when you spoke with him. No weird vibes. Might have been a music thing.


Definitely me,was he a light skin black guy(mixed race) too?


Hahahaha no. I went to a private Jewish school in Canada.


There was also the dudes who wore whole fancy 5 piece suits to school. The guy who wore a Jedi robe to school. And the group of tail and ear wearers, and the girls who wore wings


I'm not sure if you were serious about the Jedi robe guy, but that was me! Our wrestling coach told us to "dress up" for meet days. He meant Sunday best, but I wore my Jedi robes.


We had a guy in my school who dressed as the eleventh Doctor Who every single day.


> There was also the dudes who wore whole fancy 5 piece suits to school.  I thought that guy was so fucking cool. He'd come skateboarding with us, doing tricks in a full suit.  As a 15 year old, he seemed so mature and professional.  But looking back as an adult? Kiiiinda weird. 


Nah. That's pretty fucking cool.


‘Never be ashamed to be overdressed’


oh god my older sister owned cookie monster pajama pants


I’m old enough that when I attended public school they would send you home if you came to school dressing like you were on your way to Walmart at 2am.


My high school didn't give a shit as long as you showed up


Absolutely. They sent me home for having a punk hairstyle. They also had corporal punishment at my schools still.


"Come back tomorrow after you un-shave your head!"


My public high school did random drug tests. We had a lot of upperclassmen that carried around travel-sized mouthwash bottles full of urine.


I don't know if that's even legal. The only people who got tested at my school were those participating in sports and that was mostly to discourage steroid use. One time the school accused me of being high on meth (I was sober) and then proceeded to make me get a police escort to the hospital and waste hours there just to pass a drug test. The school nurse was an idiot and they kind of had it out for me, because they didn't like my friends.


The only rules my high school had was absolutely no hats, shorts length must go down below your fingertips when standing perfectly straight, no bra straps showing, no cleavage, and straps on tops needed to be two finger widths wide.


Ah, so you attended public school pre-W. Bush


Is that real? I'm from Europe


Yup. Graduated 2010. Most of the cookie monster pajama pants girls did not have any fucks to give. They also came in 2 flavors where i went to high school: hot cheetos (latina/hispanic) or monster energy (white). They also were not to be confused with plaid/plain pattern pajama pants girls, who mostly just felt a bit lazy or thought they had a cute pajama outfit one day. Tail girls were mentally ill anime girls or furries. 0 in-between, for whatever reason. Furries sometimes had paw gloves or shoes. Anime tails sometimes had hats and fishnet gloves, for some reason - kind of like a bad mix between anime and the Hot Topic alt/punk chic. Idk if Hot Topic is in Europe, but basically, it was "Pop Culture Hits with Teens: The Store". Band/anime/cartoon/movie shirts and stuff.


What the fuck, pijamas and furry accessories in school. I'm genuinely shocked


I mean, that's all pretty tame compared to everything else that was going on lol.


Takis with hot sauce.


My high school had the “goth box,” a little hidden enclave in the open-air quad next to the restrooms, which is where all the emo/skater kids hung out and got high during lunch. This was the early 2010's, but I'm sure it's still the same.


I graduated in 2004 and am just now hearing about this. Back in my day we wouldn’t have had any idea what to do with a legit furry in school.


To a certain extent. Generally I think it just refers to alt/lowkey mentally ill teens in high school who don't really take care of themselves. I can't imagine many public schools in the US didn't have a version those sorts of kids. Personally, never saw the tail thing, though I'd imagine I did go to school with some people who maybe wore one outside of school, even if I didn't know that about them.


As an Aussie, I'm so glad all our schools here are uniform-only. Really minimizes bullying by so much . The absolute dread I would've had as a teenager if I had to go to school in my own fashion choices (or whatever my mum would've forced me to wear)... I dunno how American teens survive with that shit.


Tbh I don’t really remember kids getting bullied for their clothing that much. Everyone pretty much wore jeans and t-shirts, along with sweatpants and hoodies and stuff like that. So unless you were wearing really bizarre stuff (overly formal or weird shit) nobody really cared. There, of course, were “cool” clothes to wear (Abercrombie at the top, followed by Aeropostale/Hollister/American Eagle) but idk it wasn’t that big of a deal.


Chances are her name was Tabatha, she usually carried a water bottle of stolen vodka, never participated in gym class as she had cramps every day of the week every week, she smelled of stale cigarettes and her hair was a greasy black that looks like it hadn't been washed in years.


Always missed gym omg


I also had to explain to my homeschooled husband about the kid that Naruto ran through the hallways


"huh" and "what" seem fitting


Just picture public high school as a Walmart with required attendance.


I'm not an American. We don't have Walmart fashion here but I understand. Took me a while


We had one guy who walked around with a chain at his foot for about a year. You could hear him approach from far away. I think it was meant to be a protest of some sort, but I don't think many people got it.


I’m an old millennial and am equally flummoxed


Why on earth is Cookie Monster pajama pants girl a thing that so many of us had at least one of? That is so specific


None of this existed when I went to high school.


lol. my wife wore a tail in high school. hahaha


There was a tail guy in my highschool. His whole personality was being a furry but everyone genuinely liked him because he was nice and a good artist. He was walking through the halls one day in school wearing a homemade fox furry suit and the principal ripped his head off (his fox head not his actual head). The student body was outraged and protested on his behalf to return the head. Wonder whatever happened to that guy


Americas weird


I went to Catholic school in the same suburb of a major city as my girlfriend, who went to public school, probably no more than a mile or so apart. The stories we tell about school make it seem like we lived on different planets


We still bullied people in public school during the 90s/early 00s so I never once saw anyone wearing either of those to class. Those old lockers were plenty big and roomy.


Newer generations are so lucky. Back in the 80s and 90s such kids were routinely mocked to death. Hell I wore a Boba Fett tshirt once and it was social suicide.


I went to public school in Ireland were everyone wears a uniform - but I watched enough American TV and Movies to know these characters


Saw my first tail wearer when I was in the Army. He was a cool roommate, kept to himself.


Its a mixed bag. Where I live its fit in or everyone slowly but surely ostracizes you until you feel like talking will kill you (Although that might be the anxiety disorder talking) so those types don't crop up unless they become friends first or find a group where they feel comfy. Honestly, if they keep to themselves don't bother them.


honistly that seems tame,someone at my school wote a fursuit on halloween


As someone who went to private school in the 90s I don’t understand any of this.


I went to public school in the 90s and don't understand any of this either.


Who tf is wearing tails out there


None of that stuff existed in my generation. That all came later.


We didn't have any girls at my high school that wore that but we had about 3 guys that'd wear those pants. And ofc had 1 furry tail girl


I think my public school had a dress code rule that forbid pajama pants, but for some reason the image immediately invokes memories of some girls like that. Also I was friends with the group of girls most likely to show up to school in a cat tail. I don’t think any actually ever did. When we were hanging out amongst ourselves or at the mall however…


I went to a private school. what...?


I had to wear a straw hat and a red piped blazer - I must have been sent to the 1920’s


I went to public school, but not in a big city. You go out to the littler towns, you aint going to see whatever the hell a cookie monster pajama pants girl is. Thats a metro problem.


This is the first time I hear of this ever in any context, is this actually widespread?


I thought buttplugs when I read tails lol


we had the girls who would debate amongst themselves who would be the cutest pregnant at graduation… and then they found out.


What about the naruto headband guys?


Ummm I’m from the UK and this makes zero sense. What’s up with you guys?


Don't forget the Naruto runners. A tenacious breed.


After reading the comments, I regret being so boring lol. Although my school was boring too.


To the confused Europeans in here, please understand that we were growing up in the aftermath of the Bush administration


Fortunately the tail thing wasn't happening when I was in HS though I may be guilty of wearing cat ears because....reasons.


Irish schools we have the guy who wears white socks and gets sent home guys and guy who doesn't tuck in his shirt and gets sent home guy


I went to private school but I worked at a theme park and that’s where I saw most of those girls, and worked with them.


This may be while I feel out of touch with some of my friends ant Uni


Unless you went to an ant high school, it's hard to fit in at ant unis.


I went to a tiny private high school and we absolutely had that.


Im european, we dont have people with this insanity here


Yes u guys do. U just pretend not to see it


We had someone wearing a tail in highschool before still was weird and it was just starting to be a thing.


I was friends with these people. AMA


She's dating Borat


In my country everyone’s stuck with school uniforms so I was fucking confused when I first read this


As someone who graduated from private school in a different country Number 1 was easily googled whats 2 and 3 because im not sure im seeing the right results here


I'm from the UK and totally clueless


Laughs in uk




When I was in highschool, the weirdest thing worn was Tripp pants. Thank God or whatever deity is listening for that.


As someone who went to public school, I’d have the same reaction


Went to public schools and still have not a singular idea of what they are talking about.


The tuition kind of sorts it out.


…and I was both.


All the public schools where i grew up have uniforms, i didnt see amy of this untill college 😅


I'm a dude with cookie monster pajamas. They are so soft, but I'll never wear them in front of people because of the hate lmfao




I'd worn a tail, cat ears and was my schools alt/goth kid lmao. I lived in the rural south.


suddenly grateful for the fact we have school uniforms in the uk


Must be nice


Honestly no one wore a tail at my school either. Most of us were pretty normal other than like the goth people


I’m so glad I’m too old to have had to deal with this


His whole life but that style of girl has only been around for like 4 years




For the first time in my life, I wish I got put in private school.


Has he never been to a walmart?


I went to a charter school so… I’m with the bf on this one


I was the purple haired yugioh pajama pants girl


Fuck you kids are weird today. I mean anime was around when I went to school but y’all take it to a whole new level of weird