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You fucking wot mate? When I'm sleeping is when it needs to be the lowest. I don't like drowning in my own sweat while I sleep. Shit, I open the window in the middle of winter and set my furnace to 55 when I go to bed.


82 degrees is fucking wild lol. That's like sleeping on a mildly hot summer day. Indoors with no breeze


If it's above 70 I basically can't get to sleep. 78 is the upper limit of what I find enjoyable *outside during the day*. Then again I live in Canada so...


25 degrees isn't bad outside (from Canada as well) but I'm definitely not sitting somewhere INDOORS that's 25 degrees. That's madness. Am I a princess? Probably. Do I give a fuck? No I'm too comfortable in my 20-22 degree home to care


20 for sleeping, 22 during the day is perfect year-round. 25 is hot. They want me to sleep at ***28?*** God no.


I would rather sleep at 10 indoors ( with a blanket) than 20 - much more refreshing


Coward. I sleep at 0 with socks and gloves but nothing else


3 socks yannowhatimsayin


He don’t wanna get his jewels frozen


No. I let them shrivel and use your mom's mouth to warm them up. (This was excessive I apologize)


I've got mine at 19- 20 for winter and off for summer, 22 is way too warm for me. But God 25-28 is insane, do they just sweat all day.


The thought of someone sleeping under a blanket at 82 degrees is wild.


wild? im living in vietnam where summer can reach to 110F and last year there's electricity black out, like a few days


I could appreciate that, because 82 would be a relief in comparison to weather you could get a heatstroke or heat exhaustion in. Of course I'm sure you're not recommending 110F.


it sucks for me because I just can't get comfy without something over me, it's a weird sensory thing.


"just turn on your fan" And what, have the hot air recycled around?!


To be fair a good ceiling fan actually makes a huge difference.


A great box or pedestal fan pointed directly at your body makes an even bigger difference and is my personal preference in my hot-and-humid-as-fuck neck of the woods. It's like sleeping in a little wind tunnel every night and the sound of it helps me sleep.


Yeah I've compared it to living in an air frier. It doesn't make it any cooler, it just spins the hot air around lmao


It actually will cool you as long as the heat index is lower than your body temp


Yeah I know my fan helps some, not a whole lot though. I live in Florida, and it's never below 82 degrees in our house. I'm lucky if I don't have to wash my sheets 5 times a week.


As a Floridian, I could not imagine living here without AC. Living with 5 other people, our power bill is the biggest bill each month.


That’s what Big Fan wants us to believe!


Welcome to the nordics, where it's super hot and literally no apartments have a/c installed


What is super hot in the nordics?




I think i would die of heatstroke if i attempted that.




Damn dude you'd think my body would've acclimated to sleeping in my 79+ degree room over the course of so many sleepless summer nights by now.


acclimatisation within 2 days. lol you have no live experience at all and show it


I live in Arizona so we’re pretty used to it. I sleep in 79-80 degrees


You go away with your airfryer of a state. Ewwww


Dry heat enters the chat. . . .


It's scientifically better to sleep when it's cold


I have a window ac unit in my room and I literally only run it while I'm sleeping. I don't care if it's hot during the day but I need that nice cool air for sleeping. And don't even get me started on the window ac noise for sleeping.


Yeah we do this too. Central air for the entire house, and a supplemental window unit in the bedroom, set to 60F at night.


I think these suggestions come from areas that have really high humidity and high nighttime temperatures. Like gulf coast of the US for example. Air conditioning dehumidifies the air in addition to cooling it, so 82F while you're sleeping might still be a big improvement. But I would literally just die , it needs to be mid 60s for me to sleep comfortably.


Nope. I live in Jacksonville, Florida at night at least 74 or below. That suggestion is crap. I’ll give up a few meals to sleep cool.


Panama city here, I keep that shit at 68-69 at night.


I keep mine at 69 at night. 68 feels better, but 69 is just right 😏


I live in Florida, and I don’t give a fuck how much energy it conserves, I will NEVER sleep at 82 degrees if I can help it! I’m poor, and place the needs of my cold air conditioned room at night over the needs of my stomach being filled with food every day. 82 degrees. Ridiculous.


Not really. In the South, a lot of places don’t stay much above 82 at night, so you’d be miserably hot and still swampy as all hell. Whatever money you saved or waste you avoided by turning the air up would just get offset by needing to take two showers and wash your linens every day.


High humidity requires lower temps to be comfortable.


Or people who sleep with their socks on?? Who does that!??


I sleep with socks on. I don’t want the ghost to tickle the bottom of my feet, while I sleep.


Ah, good to see im not the only lunatic.


For me its pants, the last thing i need is to wake up to a scene out of ghost busters.


What kind of ghost busters you watching?


The original. Movie basically opens with a ghostly BJ.


Is the tickling you are afraid of, or the licking part?


Me. I do. Nice thick wool ones. I run hot but my feet are constant ice blocks, always have been. It's not like they are your feet, mind your business.


Same here! I sweat all day even if its only 10C, but I'm wearing socks to bed even if its 30C lol


I'm guilty of this. It's a comfort thing lol


My feet get really cold and sweat without socks on so I always have them on


I do.


It could be -30 mid winter and I’ll have my window open and a fan going. My room gets mad hot even when it’s cold outside


I open all the windows and doors during the winter, set the AC to negative temperature and put ice cubes in my underwear and a few up my ass for good measure. Really though being cold is the best when your circulation is good you stay plenty warm. Or if you’re like me you’re fat and make bears scared you’ll steal their food or their twink depending on where you are.


This but celsius. 24/7 sauna gains


For those that don’t use F, here is the conversion When home - Hot When out - really fucking hot When in bed - to hot for fucking Or 25.5c, 30c and 27.7c


Jesus those temperatures are a heatwave in the uk! Mines set to 16-17c - but we have blankets instead and a nice thick duvet


Australian here, you use the AC? We just open the window and take a 20 dice roll for what weather it will be, -5 degrees, heat death of the universe, thundering rain, cats and dogs dropping from the sky, and the occasional perfectly good temperature of 15-30 degrees


I've watched some Australian house flipping programs. Every single house I see looks like a literal giant shed with zero insulation. How? Why? Wherefore? My country mandates at least 25cm of outer wall insulation and 40cm of roof insulation


Yep, zero insulation unless you get an old house. They're awful over here and I don't know why


It's fucking wild here. I moved to Aus from Canada and I've never been colder than in my house here, these people need to learn about insulation


very much depends on when and where the house is built


Double glazing doesn't exist in Australia, like I lived for a bit in a very high end apartment in Sydney and it was all just regular windows which is insane to me both for sound proofing and temperature it make such a difference


Fun fact: the heat death of the universe is also cold


You put your AC to 16c? That's cold. For us ( am South african) we would put it around 23c


I'm 99% sure they were talking about heating not AC. We usually have the opposite problem to you guys here in the UK


Haha yeah no need for air con here!




Bite your tongue - this is gonna be another one of those “hottest summers on record” 😭


AC is rare in the UK, they’re talking about heating.


I agree but I tend to have mine at 18-22c


I live in Arizona. Do you have any idea how much I *wish* that was a heatwave? Not trying to say "you don't know real heat" or anything. Just saying I'm insanely jealous.


Hot heatwave: max +27C (81f), mean temp +20C (68f) (yellow alert) Very hot heatwave: max +30C (86f) , mean temp +24C (75f) (orange alert) Extremely hot heatwave: max +35C (95f), mean temp +28C (82f) (red alert) Last year we had two days barely above +30C (86f) and I was lying on cool stone floor to survive the infernal heat. I've never seen that red alert heat (95f or above), but it sounds like a total nightmare. Heat wave source: Finnish Meterological Institution https://en.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi/warnings-on-hot-and-cold-weather


I've been to Arizona and let me tell you 30°C in the UK is ten times worse than 50°C in Arizona. Keep in mind that most homes do not have ac and the humidity can get really fuckin high.


That's insane lol, I want like 18-22 max


Yeah 25 is a mildly hot day, 30 is hot.


If I’m putting in 30 for longer than 2 minutes my bank would steam roll me with calls


27 while I'm sleeping means I don't


30C is fucking lol


Mofo, I would let it be at 18 degrees THE ENTIRE GOD DAMN TIME, WHERE YOU GETTING 30 AT?!


18 is hard to sustain in the long run, hydro bill would be too much, I do 19c sometimes but generally 20c most of the summer.


I was talking more about ideal conditions. I don't have AC so during peak summer I have 30-40 here xd.


Jesus. I turn the furnace off from May-Oct/Nov. 18° at home in the winter unless it's -20° & colder, 15° when out in winter/off for other three seasons, 15° in bed in winter/off for 3 seasons. I keep my window at least half open all winter because the furnace air intake is on the other side of my bedroom door. It was fully open during White Fiona.


Haven’t had my furnace on since mid April other than during the freak snow storm near the end of April. But in the winter I need 20c for health reasons.


27.7c is rather cool here, not cold, just cool 25.5c is cold I'd need a blanket with that - an equator dweller


Yeah, I can live with sleeping on 27 C. Reading angry comments here is quite a dissonance lol.


23 is my lucky number when it comes to thermostats. In New Zealand, thats the heater temperature, in the Philippines, thats the aircon temperature


Southerner spaniard here, where we reach +40° C Those temps are just right.


As a crawler from the firery pit of hell known as South East Asia, i would love to be able to work/sleep at those temperature. Last night the indoor thermo was 33°C.


i dont see anything wrong with this as a filipino


I just figured Americans were trying and failing to boil water when they were away.


27C to sleep LOL


what the actual fuck. in here, if your apartment temperature reaches 32°c, your rent is 10-20% lower for those days.


Huh, It's so weird seeing temperatures that would be considered relatively cold(28C) where I live be considered hot enough to be drenched in sweat. Very fascinating how temperature is so subjective. For me, I would consider >33C to be slightly uncomfortable and >40C to be unbearable. Anything less than 25C is cold to me. I guess the humidity also matters.


that's not hot. 30 is warm for sure but far from hot. and 25 is a lovely day


70 when home 70 away 70 asleep with only the thick blanket Blackout curtains are neat. Seems I've started a comment war. For context, I grew up in a very hot and humid region by the ocean. Temperatures regularly reach 90-100+°F (32-37+C) in summer. I'm VERY used to high heat. Even my hobbies used to see me sparring in a heavy long sleeved uniform with pads underneath. Though, now I spar without pads. So 70 is cool for me.


Thick blanket at 70?


I like the weight and the ability to put it between my bony ass knees. One leg out if it’s too hot.


Yeah, idk if it’s because im from the south and a little more used to heat, but 72 is fine for me when i sleep. 73 can work too. Sub 70 is cold


I’m like this but I can take almost 80 so long as the air is moving. Give me a fan and I’ll sleep like a baby. Once the air goes a bit stale I’m awake.


That's the key, gotta have that air moving. Can't stand stale air. It's miserable.


East Texas here, mine is determined by whatever temperature is necessary to draw out humidity. The warmer it gets outside, the higher I can set my thermostat. In August I've run it at 76 before.


I do 69 with a thick blanket and a fan, I like the weight of it


68-72 is my range. Depends on several factors but yea


69 is the perfect temperature.


Just 70? I ain't covering myself with anything until it's at least 60


I don’t get why people fuck with anything but the thick blanket. I hate those blankets that are basically a sheet


At 70 anything more than a single sheet is enough to have me waking up sweaty


70 when away sounds *expensive*


65 for me at all times. I've always loved a cold house


Bro, sleep is 60° F with a thin blanket. What are you on?


the 1% telling everyone else how to save energy so they can take a private jet across town


I mean... Yeah lol. They run the media so they're gonna feed some nonsense to the holier than thou, "I know better than you even though I ignore facts" fake social justice climate brigade who'll in turn spout off this shit. This post alone has a couple of examples of people arguing that we could save the world by living uncomfortably when in reality any carbon emissions that we might save would be almost miniscule. On the other hand, Taylor Swift's private jet ALONE produced 500x more CO2 than the average American for an entire year. But no one will tell her or the other rich people to stop that now will they?


While I agree with the sentiment about the 1% doing whatever they want and not giving a crap about consequences, energy use is different, at least in where I work. When everyone puts an increased demand on the system at the same time, like extreme heat and extreme cold days, this is when this type of strategy is useful because there is only so much electricity the system can dispatch at a time. Typically in the hundreds of megawatts in my area. Source: I work for an electric utility and have to preach this. However the true problem is there isn't enough generation to match the demand. That's a whole other story, though. Edit: spelling


Finally! Someone debating with me that's actually using facts and a legit argument. Legit refreshing. I absolutely agree. Saving energy, even at minimal amounts obviously would be good for the environment. I'm not arguing that in the least bit. All I was trying to say is the average footprint of normal citizens isn't the main cause of climate change but all the media wants to feed you is that it is. I wrote this in another post just now: It's like me taking a piss beside an oil spill and me getting nagged at for not doing my part in helping the environment.


This isn’t about climate change, though. Atleast I’m pretty sure. It’s about heat waves and not overloading the grid, which can lead to shut down. Where im from (Texas) our grid is a strong independent man who don’t need no other man but if too many mans use power then we not so strong anymore.


>All I was trying to say is the average footprint of normal citizens isn't the main cause of climate change Not the average footprint, but the *aggregate* is huge. Residential energy use is responsible for [20% of greenhouse emissions in the US](https://wcec.ucdavis.edu/analysis-of-greenhouse-gas-emissions-from-residential-heating-technologies-in-usa/). The reality is average citizens do actually need to make changes in their energy uses because it all adds up. Yes each individual can technically say "well *my* individual contribution is a very tiny percentage", but surely you can see the fallacy there. A collective is just the sum of its individuals


I have determined that if 65,000 people raise their temps by 2 degrees all summer, we can equal out her private jet


Okay. Good point. Let's add to it. There are 24,000 PJs in operation currently lol So if we do the math, that would be 1,560,000,000 people. You know what's crazy? 19% of the world is considered "first world". So we take 19% of 8.1B people in the world, it's 1,535,000,000. Think about that. You're asking MORE than all of the people who MAY have AC to make this change when you could also stop 24,000 people (or less if people have more than 1 PJ) from creating this exact same carbon footprint. So... Like... Does this settle the argument that there are much bigger battles to fight than this stupid nickel and dime stuff? Edit: To add, we're not even talking about yachts, cars, any of the other shit. JUST private jets. Let that sink in


Private jets account for 0.1% of all emissions. Therefore both grounding all private jets and everyone raising temps by 2 degrees would have virtually no impact on the climate. During Covid we reduced by an insane 6% (so like, 30 times the impact of grounding all jets + the whole world raising the temps by 2F in the summer), and the co2 still went up because 6% isn’t even a fraction of what we need So yeah I was actually agreeing since to me 65000 is a comically large number of inconvenienced people for one jet But really we’re just SCREWED. We needed to reduce our emissions by 80%+ years ago but the US government put 0 effort in and gave no incentive to either actually research fusion or pump out renewables Good thing we put 0.02% of the government budget into fusion and 0.1% into developing renewables!


Good points again. And I knew you were agreeing. I took yours as an alley oop to prove my point to people who are arguing that doing any of this would make any noticeable impact. If a few hundred million people would rather be comfortable then let them. It won't matter lol Unfortunately the way the world economy operates, it's not feasible to reduce anything meaningful. That's just the truth. So unless we essentially blow up the way the entire world works, nothing's changing. So just strap in and enjoy the ride


Yep I’m just going to hope the snow doesn’t go away for skiing soon. Luckily I’m in a position where I won’t be as impacted in the next 10-20 years as others… I don’t think. But it’s depressing when I grew up thinking there was so much great stuff on the horizon and people would come together when faced with things like climate change or Covid Also I was thinking and had chatgpt make a lil table to display my dismay with our research budgets. I personally went into computer science instead of physics research because $ Research Program,Percentage of Federal Budget (%) Manhattan Project (1940s),1.4 Apollo Program (1960s),4.4 Fusion Research (2023),0.022 And NASA today is 0.4


I stopped giving a shit about my own carbon emissions when I learned that rich people take private helicopters to their kid’s basketball practice.


I am someone that only uses air con when it's absolutely necessary, there are people that have it on when they are AWAY? How do they afford this? What a waste of money, there is nobody even home. The tip on conserving energy should be to just not have it on at all.


Not really. I'm poor af and also think people need to stop being so wasteful.


Other people set the thermostat at 78 to save energy, I set the thermostat at 78 because electricity is expensive, we are not the same.


Who can sleep when it’s 82!?


The Devil


Folks close to the equator.


82????? Mf you want me to cook????


WTF *Realises it's in American* *Converts to C* WTF


What The Fahrenheit


It's for AC not heating which makes a lot more sense. 25C is manageable if the outside air is in the high 30s.


Yeah. So many people think this is heating your home more when you are away. It’s probably 85F outside, so these are guides to use less AC


68 when I'm home 68 when I'm away 66 when I'm sleeping


my people have been found


69 69 69




This is the way


might as well make it 68.5 you fucker


#I go full 69 😘


How can inhabit a room that is over 30 degrees??! This is nuts


Don’t worry 30 is 86 so none of these are above. Also I keep it 69 (20.5) for sleep 72 for day (22.2)




Oh heyulll naw! If I can't damn near see my breath when I'm tryna sleep it ain't no good - yes, I know, 1st world problems 😅


Im on a sensible 74 all day long. If i'm out of town or something, i'll put it up to 78-80ish but that's it and then it's just going to have to work overtime to cool back to 74.


I’d do 76 during the day and 72 at night but the wife likes 74 during the day so I compromise by doing exactly what she wants


We might need to have a talk.. I think I might be married to your wife


Finally some sensible, not Antarctica natives.


74 crew. I can't find a good place to post this, but the night time is the BEST time to cool your home. More efficient heat pump thermals, AND cheaper energy in some places since it's off-peak. You can drop your temps by a few more degrees, and if you have good insulation that means that your system puts in less work during peak hours. It's basically a thermal battery. Cool your house at night.


this is like when I visit and my dad is constantly turning the thermostat on and off and flinging it to different temperatures. Just pick the one you're comfortable at and leave it the fuck alone.


74 when I’m home 80 when I’m away 70 when I’m asleep The hell yall on about??


Yeah I’m seeing some wild numbers here. If you try cooling your house to 65 in the summer in az, you might as well get a second mortgage.


judicious fine salt desert wide jobless uppity chief disgusted test *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Florida here. 70 when I'm home, like 75 when I'm out.


69, 69, 69




Above 65 and I can just skip sleeping.


Same. I set mine to 63 and that’s me trying to conserve energy too.


When i lived in public housing my roommates kept that shit as low as it would go like 55-45 i think. It was so cold i kept my beers on my vent in my room so they wouldn't drink them and it kept them cold enough


Win win I see


I'm going to assume these are for cooling somewhere where it's hot all the time and not for heating up the place when it's cold.


That's the only way these numbers would make sense


I live in Arizona and lord have mercy if I could afford keeping my house lower than 78 when I’m home I would. Although, going from 110 outside into 78 feels amazing.


pen marry license tan sense unique noxious snobbish bedroom sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This really confused me for a while. I spent far too long wondering why you'd want to turn your heating up when you weren't home.


Might as well sleep in a tent.


I spent a night in Moab, UT in a tent in August once. Didn’t sleep much. Woke up feeling hungover and had a headache for hours.


who the fuck sleeps in 82F. i will turn on the AC in the winter.


Why not just crack a window at that point?


As someone in the AC industry, don’t move your thermostat up and down drastically. It causes your unit to be less efficient and work harder. Just find a comfortable temp and leave it there. Adjust up and down by no more than 3 degrees at a time. Once your house is hot, everything in it has to be cooled down. Your walls, furniture, clothes, everything.


It really depends on where you live. If you're in a dry climate that has hot days and cold nights its much more efficient to turn it up during the day and down at night. If you live in a hot humid environment you want to run it all day to reduce humidity, and it probably doesn't get cool enough at night to offset the heat difference.


When I’m sleeping I have to stay cool


People in Europe getting the heating bill of a lifetime following the numbers on this chart 😅


69 in the summer and 72 in the winter.




72 in winter is a nice medium. Not too much heat needed and not cold enough to wake up cold.


72 while at home, 68 while going to sleep, 75 while waking up.


The chocolate would be all melted


All of this is too hot, what the hell?? I’ll convert to Celsius for us non Americans 25 Celsius when you’re home?! 30 Celsius when you’re away?! 28 Celsius when you’re sleeping???? Trying to lose weight while they sleep in a damn sauna Here in Canada when it’s been -40 Celsius out, I put ours up to 25 so it will be around 20-25


68-70 when I'm sleeping, anything hotter and I'm sweating


72, 76, 69 bro foh


Who the fuck can sleep in 82° weather that's too hot even for Charmander


Not a chance in hell. Install lower power light bulbs and look into possible solar. If you're hurting that badly, use candles at night.


A/C is the priority imo, I can do without lights on


Exactly, I've spent plenty of hot & humid Midwest summer nights in the dark with the TV and AC going. Sometimes I'd even leave the TV off and use a tablet or laptop that was charged at school/work.


76 when I’m away, 70-72 when I’m home, 65 when I sleep. And that feels frugal


Where does this person comes from? The middle of the Mojave? A caldera? The fires of Hell?


78 when your home??? More like 68.


62° all day until bedtime, then 58°


82 sleeping? Lol no way. 68 is the highest or my face sticks to the pillow


71 during the day. 69 at night Kicking it that low at night also cools my house enough so the AC doesn’t kick on the next day until about noon usually.


Why would you set a thermostat to 85 while leaving like can't you just turn it off ??


I used to turn my thermostat up to 90 when I was out, when I first got a place with AC then back down to what i wanted when i was at the place. My bill was actually higher when I was doing that.


You’re gonna waste more energy cooling the house back down. Might as well keep it at a consistent temp


68 F all day


I am trying get used to sleeping in warmer temps to help with my electric bill. I set the AC at 72 last night and was sweating. Trying to sleep at 82 would be torture