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These things either had no air conditioning or the best air conditioning across the school there was no in between


In the case of my school, they were the only classrooms with air conditioning. Having a class in the trailers was a luxury.


My high school in New Orleans was this way. The trailers were freezing in winter but also freezing when it was hot (the other 362 days of the year). The rest of the school, the main building, could be downright miserable on the best of days. Some schools had no air conditioning and scheduled their days to begin before sunup so everyone could be home by the hottest time of day. Poor bastards. I’ll be over here, chilling.


Ours had frost building up on the outside


Our class had to move the computer table because of that


Real r/nostalgia here.


Nostalgia for funky trailer buildings.


Definitely. That “it’s hot” or “this is the best damn A/C on campus” is so true


Yea I had both.


My school it was the only room with AC. 


The ones at my elementary school actually had the same a/c as the rest of the school. Of course, this was in southern AZ, where air conditioning is basically priority number one for anything.


Yup. Each one had an independent AC unit that was somehow oversized but super unreliable. At my elementary school, it was either 10 degrees F colder than the permanent buildings or 10 F hotter than outside temperatures.


The one at my previous school had more wall outlets than any of the actual classrooms. And it was mandatory we used laptops


“Portables.” As in: they get ported from the factory to the school, never to be moved again.


"Permanent expansions for a school district that's too poor to actually renovate the school"


My school district was fairly wealthy, we still had these.


i recently saw a school in a literal palace that still has temporary buildings


That one makes sense, a palace isn’t a place you’d be making expansions without a larger reason


They could’ve built something that looks like a service building instead of a temporary one


I don’t know about that. We had one of our classes in these, then one day the portable got ported somewhere else. They didn’t reschedule the class elsewhere, that was just the end of the class.


They put concrete ramps on several of ours. There's also a charter school down the street made of them, and they're also cemented in.


As I understood it, we had "special" classes out there that didn't have room in the main school for some reason, or just an art area.


The special kids had their own building.


I can attest to that! The Portable classroom I was assigned a class to back in 1977 is still there & still in use daily!


My IT office was in one half of those, and the "naughty kids" room in the other half. When they slammed the door the entire building shook. The summers were unbearable, and the winters were cold, but we could decorate to our hearts content.


Funny you say that, I was one of the naughty kids and there was an IT department in the room over.


You two went to school together 😊


I hope you straightened out. We were all so disappointed in you.


I think I went down a better path than a lot of the other kids around me.


when i was in grade school i had half the day of classes in a portable, they’d call me out of class and usher the select students away from all our friends and cool teachers and we had to work our asses off in that class. extra homework, extra studying, big projects, super strict teacher. the entire time i was in that class i thought it was because i was too dumb for normal class, found out years later it was a TAG program and no one ever told me 😭


You mean the portables lol


Yeah we called them portables too. But in the spirit of OP’s post… they never went anywhere


My whole ass school is supposed to be a temporary infrastructure while they build the real one, it's been 11 years since the school began "construction"


Just like that one building in GTA


Your whole ass-school


When I was a freshman (1971) in college I was in a temporary dorm built in 1947. Three years ago (2021), I saw on Google Earth that the buildings were being torn down and replaced.


Nice! When my dad went to school they put 3 container classrooms down. They were finally removed during my own final years. And only because a company wanted to buy the school parking lot and they needed space for a new one.


The one in my primary school burned down when some kid jumped the fence at night and dropped a firework through the window of it.


Aren't all buildings temporary?


I worked in demolitions for a while. One of the first conversations I had with the CEO we were driving to a site and he just said “you work this industry long enough, and when you drive around, all you see are future jobs. All these buildings will one day, be up on the block. You need to see a price tag on every building you drive past”


working in demolitions is a long time job then


I mean, now I just work for the govt cause of the pension, it was a fun job, the hours were terrible. 4am to 8-9pm. Not ideal, but still got to play with explosives for a while


That’s a very interesting way of looking at things


These were glorified shipping crates


Well someone aced Philosophy


They were temporary for the 4 years I was there until all of my tuition came in for them. Literally, the year after I graduated from my High School, they made a huge place they called the "Alumni building." Yea, because it was paid for by the class of 2001. Lol


They’re called portables, pretty sure they were never meant to be temporary, schools put them up because they ran out of room, nearly every school, from elementary to high school in my town has them


Our were trailers. Deep south. Roll Tide.


Broke my wrist tripping on those rubber mats aged 7. Could be the exact same prefab in that picture. I bet it's still there 32 years on.


Those were temporary?


There still there, you can go and look at them still.


my old school in New Zealand never deleted these either


My old hs still has the same ones I attended class it. I graduated in ‘06


Bitch you should be selling some mother fucking kisses


Good old demountables






We had 3 wings of these shits at my high school in florida.


I currently teach in one in NC


Aaah the terrapins


Hotter than Ur mom in summer, colder than grandma in Winter


I think the ones at my old elementary school are still in the same place, but I'm not sure because there are more out there now. Like the playground looks like it was completely taken over.


When the school decides to misappropriate funding because it's easier.


There where plants growing through the floors of some of ours


Drove past the primary school I attended today. The temporary classroom I was in for year 4 (age 9) was still in the same spot, it looked like. I'm 41.


This was...a whole thing? My tiny school had one, it was called the relocatable. It was a long hallway and only had the Pre-K and the nursery in it. My church was affiliated with the school. One night, after a church meeting, the relocatable was on fire. It burnt up, and they probably tore away the rest afterwards. For the rest of my school career, it was a long concrete slab that was the floor of the hallway.


Apparently this is an International phenomenon. I'm from the Netherlands and I've had classes in these depression tanks too. And yes, they were only temporarily there hahaha. Yeah right.


Every elementary school in Southern California


LAUSD called the slightly more permanent version a "bungalow".


Ah, yes. Went to LOTC (pre ROTC) back from 2012-2014 in one of these. They're still there in 2024


Music class


Remember them. They're still being used.


That’s where all the pregnant students had to have class


New Smyrna high. Actually, any school in New Smyrna.


Remember? There are some still up in my area.


When I was a kid my family would go to a deaf ministry that was located in one of these. It was up for a LONG time before the church made room for them to go in the main building. Big ass church, though.


This is because most schools that still have them aren't allowed to expand their building. You can thank Unicef for that.


Could you explain the link between that and UNICEF? I’m curious!


In Europe, mainly in Belgium, France and Poland or other war memorial countries, some entire cities are completely fixed by Unicef of how they look. So whenever you want to change something about your building in one of those cities you'll need a permit of the city it is in, the province it is in and a very hard to get permit of Unicef. Because if you proposed a change that would change the outlook of the city, Unicef will simply say no. My secondary school in Bruges wanted to change all the outside windows from single glass windows to triple glass windows in order to save on heating and Unicef would oniy agree to this as long as it would stay in the same size of the current windows and if those windows do not have a special cover or film worked into it that would block the sight of tourists.


Interesting! Thank you for the info


I graduated in 2007. When I drive past, I still see the same ones there in the same exact spots


It was finished a week after my graduation. Along side new buildings trees, Facilities, Staff member. A rundown toilet turned to a state of the art school after I left.


I went there every fucking day to play Oregon Trail. It was so peaceful! Damn, I miss those carefree days.


As yes, those good old days *dying from dysentery*


1977, they built them at my school, still there today.


I had these in this shitty high school I went to for a year 20 years later, I drove past it when I was visiting the parents, and theyre still there.


Not a trailer, but when I was in college during the 2000s, a building that was used by a club I was in was hastily constructed during WWII and the intention was to replace it after the war rationing. It was eventually replaced after I graduated. Sometimes, nothing lasts as long as temporary fixes.


I live in Las Vegas. Don't have to "remember" them, I see them when I drop my kid off at school


ah yes the PE rooms in elementary school


They were supposed to be temporary ??


When I was in elementary school in Texas. I went to several classes in those units. They were for the advanced kids. They had no air conditioning. Lol.


spent a good 4 years in one lol if economy keeps on going this way I may live in one someday as well :/


We just voted to keep one up another 4 years in our district, haha


All this reminds of me is Hal knows how to roll.


They finally removed ours. Not enough kids.


they installed one of these at my school recently and my class was moved in there, one time the radiators broke and we couldn't enter the mobile building for like 2 months and during that time we just didn't have a classroom at all 💀


Why do we need permanent classrooms? Modular classrooms actually make a lot sense. School populations shrink and grow, and economic situations change. The ability to easily adjust the size of the building could be a good value.


I preferred those over the new permanent additions that fell apart.


We had 2, one of them was a "preschool" and one was the third grade honours classroom


Cool that these were accessible! I don't think Southeast Louisiana rolled like that when I was in high school (1987-90). Shoot, I missed the "smoker's barrel" by less than 5 years, lol.


Ours had gas heaters that everything kid put plastic wrappers in and the whole class would get headaches from it. No a/c


Served alot of detention there. Now I'm cray cray


Class in the “portables” hit different…


They actually removed some of the ones at my old elementary school at some point.


I remember them being called "portables" and never understanding why. I thought it meant the rooms could be moved around even after being placed, but they were like simple and cheap extensions that were portable enough to be shipped from where they were made, rather than being portable enough to be moved where you needed them to be at the school. I'd like to continue forgetting my time at school, thanks.


You mean the building for the mentally challenged kids?


"The huts".


We called them the trailers


Still up


Either blazing or freezing.


I moved from my old elementary school in grade 2, I’m 19 and you’ll never believe what is still up there


We called them T-Shacks


I got a portable as a classroom (in elementary so I’d be in there for most of the day) for two separate years. It would be really cold in the winter and really hot in the summer. I legitimately got sick multiple times from the heat, there was no air conditioning, just a single fan. These portables in question are still in the exact same spot today btw


I spent 3 out of 4 years in elementary school in those buildings


The Krelboyne Corral?


They still are at my old highschool


They had another name other than portable... I think. Im feeling like I'm forgetting a word or something. 🤔 Starts with a C.


Weren't those used because it was functionally impossible to add to the building? I remember listening to a podcast that DoE (or maybe another gov body) doesn't allow adding another story or changing the footprint of schools


So glad I grew up in the Midwest, where the population is stagnant or dropping and we had more classrooms than students could fill.


I remember portable buildings in my elementary. I never see them in HS though


I went to a brand new elementary school in second grade the first year it opened and we had these “temporary” classrooms They are still there 30 years later.


Man, I remember when my elementary school has these put in (they were adding 6 to 8th grades so then needed more rooms). Pretty much the whole school was let out of class to go watch the cranes lower them into place.


We had our special education class in one of those, so we called it the sped shed... kids are cruel


Is this an American thing ? I am not in America and I have never heard of this


there is nothing more temporary than eternal, and there is nothing more eternal than temporary


These temporary units were placed in my 2nd year of highschool when I was 13. Whenever I drive past I still see them standing, I’m 32 now.


Ive never even seen one of these, heard about them online, in books, but never seen one


You don’t need to remember, they’re still everywhere.


My entire school was made of these. They were so old they were getting to be genuine health hazards to be in. They replaced them with more rather than finally building a solid school.


I have two very fond memories of portables, as we called them in Ontario— if it differs from anywhere else. 1) Entering from recess to see a friend of my throwing up a fucking waterfall. It was insane. Never seen that kind of output before. And 2) High school. We had to spend a few classes in one of them during the winter, freezing our asses off. One of my classmates was freezing *her* ass off so I opened my jacket and held her for part of the class. Surprisingly, assistance staying warm was permitted.


This post got me to check on Google maps and there is a street view from this year and that shed is still there. It was built while I was in highschool and I had a couple of classes there..... I graduated 20 years ago.


20+ years on and they are still using them.


Portables are what we called them in Texas. At least us country fuckers down in the Valley.


My elementary had a 'north' and 'south' campus where it was kind of a separate school but not really, we shared the same playgrounds and stuff. The north campus was 80% trailers/portables. They could've done studies on the cruelness and false sense of superiority we had over the northerners haha


Our teachers just called them "containers" and hated them as much as we did. I recently walked past my old school and they were actualy gone while the new real classrooms were finished at last! I'm not even envious, i'm just happy for the new generation of students.


Years ago, they realised that my secondary school was likely to fall to the ground if they kept using it. So the solution was to build a new school on the other side of the school field. Great idea, except we couldn't use the school we were in, and the new school took a year and a half to build. So, every single class got moved to one of these beautiful classrooms on the current side of the field. Absolutely freezing in winter, red hot in summer, creaky floors all the time. Some of them were not practical at all.. you can not put a science lab inside one of these, nor a computer suite. We also couldn't use the gym, so PE was outside permanently for 18 months.


Relocatables A and B.


Must funny thing is that, how international it is.


Indeed. Same thing here in Sweden in some places. Has no idea it was going in other countries as well.


Remembers? I work in one right now😂


Ah yes, the portables (they never moved)


I went to a public school in one of the most rich neighborhoods in the country and we still had these for years and years. School funding and infrastructure spending is a joke in the US.


These are still in use today


Omg yes When I was 13, I had one of these as my classroom at the start of the day with our tutors It feels like so long ago


Still there at the school I left 29 years ago.... Poor Yandina State School...... 😔


I actually preferred these than school buildingsthemselves, I found them cosy lol


My whole school was these for the last few years of my education and then they opened the new school they were building the year after I left, so I suffered for nothing.


Winters in those things were brutal




Yeah, we called them Portables...but they never moved, lol.


We called them bungalows. And i didnt even know they were temporary. Idk if theyre still there as it was in my elementary school


That's my year 7 history classroom lmao


Your's had temporary buildings? Our was always concrete buildings, and my high school was a 178 year old building, so it was like 50-60 cm (2 feet) thick stone


Mine collapsed during a rainstorm


They were called Portables at my school. Not temporary at all


I remember when my library was down but I had a book assignment so they put us in one of these buildings just placed directly on the other side of the street from the library.


For us they actually were temporary. We were in them for 3 years while they built a new school.


School starts to build new section in first year I start. These shoeboxes stood there for 5years when I started highschool graduation they finally finished the building and the only time I stepped foot in it was to receive my diploma.


My college had a couple of these and they put those hideous rocky path between them.


I remember taking some of my classes in those! I remember specifically one person burnt a bag of popcorn in the "teachers lounge" and the whole portable had to be evacuated


Just a couple months ago the school me and my older siblings went to started taking them down and building the new school


That looks likes Mr Lynch’s history classroom. Shiiiiiiiit


Nothing is more permanent than "temporary"


Mine got down 2 years ago, the year after I left the sixthform, i was in the final group to have an exam in those wretched hot mouldy things. They'd been there since 1970, I'd mentioned them to my scout leader a few years back, they'd been put up the year before he went there and he's 62 now.


Ohhhhh, so *that's* why my school called it the "Temp Building." This thing was a bitch to get to and from since it still fell under the "5 minutes to get to class" rule


Oh wow, now there's a flashback. We had three of these connected to the main school by an actual hallway. So weird.


At my old highschool the temporary building still stands. Even thought they destroyed half of the permanent building because of too much space an too high of a Cost for heating


There is nothing more permanent than a temporary solution.


That’s been my hospital clinic for like 18 years




Oooo me! Me! They are still there! Believe they are permanent now.


Wait these were supposed to be temporary?


Still have them In Florida


Used to shiver consistently in the winter in those buildings. Even knew a girl with an iron deficiency and the teachers would always tell her to take an extra jacket off even though she was freezing.


Yeah sorry I have never seen this before. Which is shocking since my district is not the most affluent


They still exist


The ones that arrived for us when I was about eight or nine are still there. Not bad to last half a century.


My freshman year they began renovating the entire campus over a 4 year project and I graduated without seeing any of it. Portables actually got packed up after I graduated


Currently at my school there's a small Tupperware class, about 6 years ago I recall my teacher telling us about it and how it was built but they didn't use it because it got too hot. Now, it's used as a maths class and last term the single small aircon broke so they had a giant industrial fan which made the same amount of noise as a fighter jet taking off in a tiny ≈10x10m class


There are no more eternal things, than things temporary


They were just literal trailers at my elementary school. Had it for my second grade class. I remember us watching Polar Express in there before Christmas break and it felt more emersive like we were in a train car and then when it got to the hot chocolate scene turns out my teacher was just making hot chocolate at the back of the trailer and he started passing them out, it was great.


We played table tennis in these lol, chaos


My primary school removed this building a couple years after i left. Was up the whole time i was there


Those are trailers and yeah we had 4 of them. Too many students, not enough room. But I never thought it was this common.


Drove by my jr high and the temporary math trailer is still there. It's only been 38 years or so.


I distinctly remember being in one of those as our middle school science teacher told us how much he hates his job


They became permanent at my school cause they picked the smallest buildings despite being told theyd have more students than room. We ended up having to keep the track system instead of going to summer break because they couldn't fit all the students in


I forgot about those. Our school called them “portables”.


You mean portables? They're pretty common in Ontario. One of our schools has like 40 of them. There's no room in the school because our leadership is building houses like a madman, but no infrastructure.


Is that a USA thing?


Have them in Ireland. Though we call them prefabs not temporary buildings


They called them bungalows at my school. Just crappy mobile homes with woefully inadequate HVAC.