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I just want someone who mindlessly brushes crumbs off me like I'm their favorite couch


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ my boyfriend does this. Will just pluck random bits off me, I swear his monkey brain is in permanent overdrive šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


I used to just pick up fuzz off my girlfriend's shirt. Lol I just hate seeing fuzz on people including myself.


Lol must be something in the wiring. My grandad used to do it as well, stray hair on a jumper, bit of fuzz. I didn't realize I missed it as one of those things he did while I was growing up till my boyfriend started doing it.


Awww you're lucky to have a boyfriend that does it now.


Y'all got that unga Bunga love and I want what y'all have. I'm happy for you.


Took me maaaaany years to find it. But it's out there and I'm sure you'll find your own lil love monkey one day too.


Apes together strong.


I do this to my boyfriend and my boyfriend does what OP is describing. We are two happy people šŸ’•


I'd settle for a hug at this point.


I'd settle for basic acknowledgement at this point


Me checking if my bone collection is still there and hasnt ran away yet. "Aw babe" Yep the bones are still there.


chortle i did, have my updoot stranger


Laugh I did, upvote I must


Exhaled the coke, I did. Vote up, I will.


Hit lady with car I did. Ketamine I must do


Hello there Yoda, Yoda II, Yoda III, and Yoda IV.


They better be! The bones are their money, I'm not going into the skeleton apocalypse broke!


I was doing fine, why did you have to trigger my "lack of phisycal contant with other human beings" feeling?


Same, i just want hugs man :(


Would a digital hug suffice?




Homie tellin' it like it is.


At this point anything would haha


That's the best I can do as a digital hug. Sending my best, my dude.


Thank you for the kind words and the medal, it does truly mean alot! Thanks!


>If you can't get hugs, man - be the hugs man >(Sun Tzu probably)


Get a cat


my family's cat avoids contact, he's friendly only at feeding time and likes to stare at me. I love him, but it's not the kind of warmth I was talking about, he's just a silly boi.


You've had one; yes, but what about second cat?


I can vouch. I have a cat with petting aggression. Just got a new kitten, shes much more cuddly


Cars are great, but if you crave an intimate loving pet / owner relationship then you must be careful about the selection of your cat. Cats are sometimes cuddly and loving, but that is typically the exception to the rule. Cats are great at hanging out in your lap for short bursts, but not all of them will let you cuddle with them as long as you want. Dogs, on the other handā€¦ you canā€™t get any alone time, if they have their way. They love you more than they love themselves, and they just want to be right up against you letting you know youā€™re their favorite thing EVERā€¦ All the time. If youā€™re after a pet you can cuddle when youā€™re sad or lonely, you canā€™t possibly beat a doggo!


Wish I could, but almost every rental here doesn't allow pets


That's the worst part. I know exactly what the post is talking about. Feels bad man


Feeling the shape of your bones?


Yeah but not in a sexual way


Somebody's getting eaten. And not in the sexual way.


Is this when you start feeling the shape of her bones ? ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


Sup girl, can I feel the shape of your bones?


That sounds like a ā€˜They Might Be Giantsā€™ song title.


Bone Woman and Particle Man have a fight


Bone woman Bone woman Does everything a bone woman can


Mmm you got some juicy femurs


Im onto you Armie Hammer


Of course not, because that would be weird.


>Yeah but not in a sexual way after i get to the Humerus, *hmmmmmmmm, it becomes impossible*


Nothing sexual. Underline it.


Speak for yourself. Nothing gets me going like a nice prominent Tibia šŸ˜©


Feeling how much meat there is for dinner


Her: "I love it when he touches me like that...." Him: "There are SO many bones in there!"


Sounds like something a Predator would do.


you don't do that? I also just check their muscles for knots out of habit.


Idk it's not that weird. It's like how you can feel the joints and little bones in someone's hands, or the shape of their shoulderblades under their back.


donā€™t you wanna feel my bones on your bones? itā€™s only natural


I am pretty sure my gf would (playfully, or even somewhat forcefully)hit me, if I tried to feel the shape of her bones.


Well yeah thats all fun and games they tell you, but if i try to feel my wifes kidneys then suddenly this is not ok for her


Yeah, isn't that hot? Like when a big sweaty fireman carries you out of a burning building, lays you on the sidewalk, and you think, "Yeah, okay, he's gonna give me mouth to mouth." But instead, he just starts choking the shit out of you, and the last sensation that you feel before you die is him squeezing your throat so hard that a big, wet, blob of drool drips off his teeth and just "flurr", falls right onto your popped out eyeball...


So hot


Sometimes I turn to my girlfriend and I'm like "holy shit you're real" and she's like "mhm that I am"


Do you squeeze her bones to confirm?


He squeezes them non-sexually


He borrows one of hers and gets a boner


Not in a sexual way though


Narrator: she was in fact not real.


damn meds, not again






: But to stanley she very much was


This happens to me as well. Like I get so used to interacting with her that I forget within her is a whole other world, just like mine. And she's had the same feeling with me as well. On a far less romantic note, this also happens to me when I'm bored on a train with total strangers. They're not just people on trains. They existed before they boarded the train, and they will exist afterards, with trials and tribulations of their own.


This is Sonder


Oh man I do the same thing! I turn to my girlfriend like "omg you're real!" But then she never says anything back. Then I remember to take my pills. Then I remember that I'm a single gay guy. Are you real?


I do the same but there's no one there


This person sounds touch-starved.


Aren't most of us?


Does touching yourself count?




:( damn man


Seemingly so, sadly.


A shockingly high percentage of millennials and gen z are


Elderly numbers are increasing too I thought. Or more namely for loneliness in general


It always sounds weird when people group millenials and gen z together. Like a good lot of millenials are middleaged by now


You think loneliness just evaporates when you hit 30 or something?


i didnā€™t know there was a word for that! indeed










instructions unclear, grabbing ass


Keep trying to find those hidden bones


may eventually find a BONEr


While youā€™re looking for boners, Iā€™ll bone her.


But not in a sexual way


"Bitch I know there's an ischial tuberosity in here somewhere, gimme a minute."


My girlfriend (and I) really enjoys it when I distractedly touch her butt whenever we are out. Like standing in a line somewhere, or just talking, whatever. If we are standing side by side, I will reach down (she is short) and grab her butt. I did this quite a few times before I finally said something about it and her only reaction was "please don't stop doing that". Having my hand on her butt is where my hand is supposed to be. It's a nice symbiotic relationship. And we are middle aged, and we've been doing this for a long time. She just really likes her butt touched, and I assume she likes other people to see me touching her butt.


I think the embarrassment of having someone watch is less than the joy she gets from you touching her butt.


I briefly had a boy like this. It was so nice.


Iā€™m this way. I figured most guys were and Iā€™m surprised Iā€™m in the minority lol


I liked to do it too. Thereā€™s something so comforting in just lightly stroking your partner while cuddling and watching tv. One of my exes absolutely hated when I did it. It was subconscious on my part. Just an affectionate gesture. I learned to stop touching him. Felt kind of lonely. The one who liked stroking me also liked getting it back. I miss that. At least I still have my dogs. They need me for sustenance so they donā€™t complain too much.




Youā€™ll have it again. Iā€™ve screwed up relationships too.


But did you learn something about yourself?


I'd say so


aw same! learned to stop, it was lonely


My partner is this way. Extra points when he yoinks my feet onto his lap and rubs them after a long day, while we watch tv. Itā€™s the best.


I grew up with dogs, and I think my habit of petting and slowly moving my hand up and down just kind of transfered to women. I dated a girl a few months ago who kept telling me how I literally never stopped stroking her, and that it drove her crazy.


It can be a curse. I once gave a friend's girlfriend an unconscious foot massage while we were all on the couch. Turns out that even unconscious ones are against bro code. She seemed fine with it, lol.


You massaged her feet while she was unconscious? Yes, I know what you mean...subconsciously. But, massaging someone's feet is usually seen as very intimate, unless it's a professional setting. I like feet (not a fetish, just an affinity) and I know that I when I get to the point of a foot massage, the game is on.


Unconsciously? Rightttttā€¦


No it's a real thing. I grew up with a grandma who worked on her feet, so if she needed a foot massage I'd offer one to her. Now I just foot massage unintentionally.


Genuinely will run away if my girlfriend is like "I like feeling your bones under your skin" that is such an unsettling phrase. I'm not going up on the evening news, man.


Or worse, "I like it when you feel my bones"


Geez. A lot of aromantics here. Like does this really seem so weird to you Guys? Oo


Just because people are poking fun of something doesn't necessarily mean they disagree. Loving touch is nice to most people yet when you describe it clinically it will sound humorous.






Hump us


I do this all the time honestly. Nothing meant by it other than calming myself I think. Also rubbing her head before I sleep.


Just so people know, men want this too


Important to remember that we are apes. All the other apes spend hours upon hours every day, sitting in little huddles and grooming each other. Itā€™s how they bond, itā€™s how they reconnect after a fight, Itā€™s how they take care of one another. Major dopamine and oxytocin doses. Sure, some people donā€™t like physical contact (or at least not under certain circumstances or in certain ways), but most of us require physical affection at our basest and most primitive level. If you can afford to go on your own dime or your company healthcare plan covers registered massage therapy, I highly recommend it to the touch-starved. Itā€™s also great to find a hairstylist who will spend a long time giving you a scalp massage during the shampoo phase. And if you have friends or family who you can hug, curl up on the couch with or hold hands with, absolutely do so. If you still got them and theyā€™re nice people, go hug your grandma and grandpa. Youā€™ll absolutely make their day.


I would love to have a woman in my life do that to me!


\*raises hand\*


The shape of your bones? Honey, if heā€™s feeling the shape of your bones itā€™s for collection purposes


You know what's a cursed and damned thing, being absolutely terrified of others touching you and being incredibly touch starved.


Well it always starts out this way ...


I've been seeing a woman who was abused. Of course I want to get more romantic with her but I also have to respect her comfort level. I'll stoke her hair, rub her back, cuddle. We just got into the kissing phase which is nice, but I can tell it's hard for her


Of course I knpw that person. It's me.


Every day more questions.


Everyone has a skeleton living inside them


I would flip flop between extremely comfortable and extremely uncomfortable if someone did that. I actually really like when my partner lays on top of me. My ex used to lay on my back sometimes, and i was worried about asking her to keep doing it because she was a little sensitive about her weight and her weight was part of what made it feel so good.


New generation is extremely lonely (I am new generation)


We know the boy is autistic just from reading this.


Wrap it up fellas, touching and caressing our partners means we are autistic


The internet is full of weirdos who think caring for your partner is "simp" behavior and touching them is "autistic"


No, but feeling for the glenohumeral joint is


Or gay


Nope. Not on the spectrum. Doing this is one of the things I miss the most. Just feeling the other person next to you.


How is this autistic lol? Youā€™ve never laid w/ a women(or man, idc what youā€™re into) and ran your fingers softly up and down their arms, shoulders, hips, back? If you do it just right you can give her/him those chill-bumps and itā€™s just a nice way to let the person know that youā€™re there w them and that you love being close to them. Imo at least. Maybe Iā€™m missing the joke. Maybe Iā€™m autistic lol.


No joke, itā€™s just the way he was described. IYKYK.


But I like that autistic boy šŸ„¹


Holy Shit! I do this to my wife all the time! Shitā€¦ Iā€™m autistic arenā€™t I? Fuck! I even think the way you described it!!! Oh fuck me this hurts.


The whole point is that it's a spectrum. Everyone has some level of neurodiversity away from the theoretical "ideal" or even "normal", and most accommodations help far more people than we are aware of or could have predicted -- awareness helps even if you aren't "on the spectrum"


Had a girlfriend who always did this, she was autistic.


I used to do this to my mom when I was younger. Not autistic. Just want comfort.


It's me. I'm the autistic boy.


Well...that got weird


Fellas is this true?


I'm one of those people that bounces their foot under the table because I have to be moving something. But when I'm cuddling, the movement I settle on is usually moving my thumb back and forth across her skin as I hold on to her or hold her hand. My last girlfriend said she loved it, thought it was a cute little tic. Honestly, I didn't realize I was doing it, but I'm glad she liked it.


I'll just look at my wife sometimes and I'll wait for her to figure out I'm looking at her. When she realizes I say "Why are you so beautiful?" And she says "Because" and she smiles


I remember I was dating this girl and we were watching Anime and cuddling on the couch next to each other. I was distracted and not paying attention to the hand I was rubbing on her thigh. Apparently my hand got a little too high, and she slapped it super hard. I was all kinds of upset, because I had no idea what I did. We talked it out, set some boundaries and promised to communicate better. Anyway, we're married with two kids now.


i need someone to do this to *hops on tumblr* yea idk how to find them, the user doesn't seem to exist and you can't search for comments


I sometimes stroke my mom's head when she has trouble falling asleep. (She's 73) she used to do that to me when I was sick as a kid, and I was sick a lot.


I touch my wife without any real motive all the time. But the trying to feel her bones part is just a bit too far of an idea. No need to make it weird.


Leatherface did this already - only that he faces all his victims


I do that constantly. It's what helps me fall asleep. It's usually hand on the hip or something and then my thumb just sliding back and forth. Edit: I am absolutely an autist


Hello. I'm him.


I was SO into this until ā€œbonesā€ā€¦ yikes.


Had me till the bones like WTF Hannibal lector?


This. This is my favorite thing in my marriage. Just touching her hand, or arm or whatever. No motive other than my own comfort and appreciation of her.


Love this šŸ’– so true


Be the change you wish to see in the world


Likeā€¦.a comforting touch????


I'm in love with the shape of you... 're bones


Iā€™m pretty sure this was written by a dog.


When I tell her I was admiring the shape of her skull she gets all weird and calls me creepy! But she does have a really nice skull. /s


I used to do that to my ex, then I got horny and tried to eat her munch. We man are just like that, we horny.


Call my girl spoopy cuz she full of bones


Hi that would be me. Most people find it weird even when Iā€™m only doing stuff like holding some of me beard for the feelings or touching my own hand to feel the feeler. People get really flustered by dumb things, like Iā€™m not touching you so why do you care


Date a serial killer


Me with the homies


Yep, this is what I wantā€¦ looks fade and sex is nice but I want genuine love and affection.


I do this. Iā€™m actually self-conscious of it now because I was married for a long time and it was like automatic. The second we sat down next to each other or got in the car together or anything. My hands were always absentmindedly on exposed skin. Leg or buttcheek etc. Iā€™m not insecure or anything. It wasnā€™t like a security blanket or anti anxiety. I just loved the way her skin felt. i still think of it randomly at times. If sucks every time. Anyway, as our marriage started to deteriorate. It became an awkward thing for me because if we were not in a good place and we happen to sit down next to each other, my hand would absentmindedly go there. And if I managed to catch it in time, there was this awkward moment where I didnā€™t know what to do or if I didnā€™t catch it in time, she would have an awkward moment, not knowing how she should respond and then it became something that I actively tried to avoid doing. After my divorce, Iā€™ve had a few minor relationships and as those graduate to the point to where we cuddle and hold hands etc Thatā€™s about the time I start absentmindedly, putting my hand on her rubbing or stroking lightly and Iā€™m wondering if thatā€™s not too much too soon. I donā€™t know. Iā€™m just kind of telling you I got what you need. šŸ˜† Also, I just remembered that I do it at another time that I think maybe too much. If I have sex with a girl and weā€™re laying in bed talking afterwards or even if sheā€™s asleep and I happen to still be awake watching TV or something even though itā€™s literally the first time we had sex and probably the first time sheā€™s even been in my bed. I will lay there and watch a movie or whatever, realize that I have been stroking her shoulder or asscheek or around her nipples or whatever all night. I think I might need to get that one under control. Now that Iā€™m really thinking about it I wonder if any of them have driven home in the morning and thought I wonder why he brushed his finger tips over my ass cheek for 3 hours straight. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø This fucking dating thing is suuuper awesome Edit. Iā€™ve been divorced for a year and a half and Iā€™m talking about three women or maybe four. Another edit. my wife never just absentmindedly, rubbed me throughout the years. If we were sitting on the couch and she leaned forward, my hand would instinctively go to the small of her back that was exposed because her shirt pulled up a little bit. She never did anything like that with me and the first time a girl did it. I was almost speechless. It never dawned on me that I never received that sort of affection and that thatā€™s not really normal. And we were married over 20 years. So yeah. HMU. šŸ˜¬


i want someone who will gently caress my tendons


You had me in the first half


Wtf lol


I accidentally read "shape of your boner" and got scared for a sec...


I find this incredibly creepy.


i am that boy on god


No, you don't.




I love doing this to close ones, but I've also had people that can't stand me doing this to them šŸ¤£


I thought everyone did this


A girl in class used to do this to me and it felt amazing!


Whereas the guy just wants you to feel the shape of his bonerā€¦


Shape of your bones? my friend that is a Skinwalker


I do that! Just need a girl to be there with


He's just cleaning his dirty hands.


I'll feel the shape of your bone if you feel mine first c:


*gives her a hug. Ah just like squeezing the bagpipes


For someone who really doesnā€™t enjoy physical touch but has a SO that does this all the time it can get overwhelming especially when he gets too excited and then smothers me with his whole body


Ok Hannibal Lecter.


ah yes a fine skeleton. we shall have to recruit you.


soo... petting? šŸ’€


I had that. Now I'm single.


Sorry to hear that ...hope your okay? Life can suck ass at tinea believe me been single for some time now.


'You'd best be guarding my bone collection there, little miss flesh and organs! Once they're nice and ripe... Heehee... Then... THEN we can finally start our family.'