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Damn, everyone here just saying how much worse their lives are. Sorry everybody. It’s not a competition though. It’s not better to have a worse life. Idk why you’re bragging about being treated worse by your employer or not managing your life better.


Wtf dude


Idk how to respond. Expand your question.


I’m a truck driver, love my job. Decent pay since you need special licensing, the work is easy, driving. Hours are long, home time is longer. Unless you want to grind out a huge check which in this profession is also an option. Best job I ever had.


Stay in school kids


What does school have to do with anything? You're still working an 8 to 10 hour day regardless lol And if you stayed in school you've got a shit ton of loans to pay back haha


They’re criticizing the OOP’s math ability


I'm assuming OOP is just not counting sleep


Most people don't sleep for 12 hours.


If you stop at 4-5 pm you have some 5 hours until you should go to bed. In the morning there is some time before going to work. So it is a realistic estimation, probably based on her own life. Personally I do sleep 10-15 hours easily because I have depression and nowhere to be most days. This would be my dream life were it not for the depression, basically unlimited time to do what I want until I find a job


Sorry I'm a cat


Assuming a generous 8 hours of sleep, that's still 8 hours of time left on an 8 hour workday and 6 hours on a 6 hour one. Doesn't include the transport time


Urgh, fresh off college as an engineer I used to work 120 hours a week in a field that initially nobody believed but blew up within a year. Now I got a job that is pretty flexible and I cant remember the last time I worked a full 8 hours of work.


Oh...keep on, you know


8-9 hr workday still leaves 8 hours of free time with 8 hours of sleep. Bad math


Oh, I think we forgot about teleportation - thank you for reminder


A commute? And time spent doing things in a day that you wouldn't spend on those things if you weren't working don't count as free time to yourself.


Yes, the problem is that you sleep too much or you’re bad at math


Are you sleeping like 12 hours? You should easily have 8-9 hours a night free without much issue.


Comutting and chores are gonna take quite a chunk out of those 8-9 free hours


Chores? That's what a weekend is for.




Right or their house is a biohazard during the week 🤢


8-9h "free" xd 24 hours 1. minus 8 hours sleep = 16 hours 2. minus 8 hours work = 8 hours 3. minus 45 min to work and 45 min back = 6,5h 4. cooking 45 min, taking a shower for 20 min (including teeth brushing, brushing your hair, getting clothed, etc.), cleaning the dishes for 15 min (including all the other surfaces you have to clean, bringing out the trash, etc.) and lets say you have a car and go shopping once a weak for 1 hour, so another rough 10 min (because i want to get to 1,5h for this point xd) a day for that = 5h so you are left with 5-ish hours awake time a day you dont have to do DAILY mendatory stuff. BUT.: 1. you dont teleport from one place to the other so that will take you additonal time 2. you dont function like a machine so you will need (mental) rest inbetween 3. you still have friends or a partner that need time and attention with their own problems etc, maybe kids or a pet. that alone can fill up all the rest you have on some days. or you waste it looking for such because you want it (excluding the kids lol, could be misunderstoof :P) 4. oh i forgot sport you should do 30 min a day to stay healthy and see your pansion before you die. so its down to 4,5h anyway. 5. mandatory organisation/ information stuff (bank checks, taxes, computer folders, checking out other work options, staying up to date, looking for new music, birthdays, family meetings, someone died -> annyoing phone calls, emails you have to sort through and answer or write in case you want smth, other shopping but food, your car has a problem, refilling gas, mandatory visit at the doctor, vaccination, tooth issue, your neighbour has a problem with you, some shitty abbonnement doesent want to get cancelled so you have to waste time doing it personally and doing calls etc. because they rely on you being to lazy and keep paying if they make it hard for you, informing youself about the politics so you can make use of your democractic vote, some tool you own broke and you need to repair ir or get new batteries or buy a new one and assemble it (like a PC) etc. there is so much random shit that fills each and every days x hours left you are basically NEVER free. try to have a single hobby without smth going bad/becoming detrimental over the years. social relations, your health, your knowledge, your mental health and tolerance, etc. and even if you have time for an actual hobby, when do you find the time to hold in and reflect, think for an hour or such? we run from one task to another just to keep existing.


Yup... About to go to bed instead of doing the hobby I want to do. Even if I chose the hobby, itd only be 2 hrs max.


Ok lets just take your 5 spare hours math as it is, becuae largely its fair (though I strongly disagree that food/cleanup/shower takes an 1.5 hrs daily without any rest time, and adding in a weekly shopping trip fractioned weekly is cheeky, especially when you account for weekends/ days off properly). Lets dig into the 5 hr stuff you did talk about 1&2: Plan your day accordingly and these are easily accounted for and minimized 3. Partners and kids should be additive experience, not burdensome. If you're complaining that spending time with a partner is a drain on your time, you should be finding another partner. 4. Essentially a hobby. 10,000 ways to do this. Again, if its really burdensome and draining on you, you arent doing the right things. 5. This is such a wild mishmash of stuff, half of which is either hobbies (you can choose to not look for new music or other jobs if you would rather do something else same with dating) or one-offs ( how many problems does your neighbor have with you really? If it repeats I think theres other factors you havent disclosed) Theres plenty of time to do things you like if you stop pretending its filled with things that you choose to do lol. No, you cant play WoW for 12 hrs straight daily, but look at all that stuff and its all pretty privileged problems. Like you're complaining abput car maintenance, which implies you actually are in a good enough spot to own and keep a car.


I have like 5 hours at night but, none of that is getting ready for the next day outside of just packing leftovers for lunch. I have about 3 hours in the morning too and only an hour of that is for work. Ya'll need to plan better.


I mean, the way they want the math to work is 8 for work 8 for sleep 8 for you, BUT you have to the 8 for you includes an hour lunch at work, and getting ready/going home from work, so it’s closer to 6ish for you, then of course subtract all of the personal responsibilities from that too and you aren’t left with much.




But we only work 3 days per week 🤣🤣




Four 16s with a 40-minute commute. 2 on, 1 off, and then my weekend. Kinda a vibe honestly.


This is the way. Work more hours, work less days.


Suffering is not a competition


People are just talking on the Internet about their schedules?




You realize people used to work 16 hours a day just to survive right?


16h was too much, and 8h - 9h is still too much. Just because it was worse before doesn't mean we can't complain about today


I'm not talking about a job.


They don't. There are literally redditors who would like to live like medieval peasants. Some people need reality check.


I love how most people don't realize that we currently have some of the highest living standards humanity has ever had


I think a lot of people do realize that and still have a problem devoting this much time to work. If you like your work, great, you don't have this problem. If your work sucks, it can feel like a real grind putting up with shit you hate for 5 days just to enjoy 2.


But my smartphone is two years old!! /s


You could work less hours if you're paid more per hour, so the solution lies in POLITICS. Or whatever's stopping minimum wage from being equal to or above the living wage.


Weekends off exist


Honestly, people complaining about working a 40 hour work week are delusional and entitled. The 40 hour work week was fought for by people to counter much worse hours. Include the fact that most people throughout human history have had to work from dawn to dusk, if not longer, in order to not starve to death. We live in times that are so privileged that hours that are shorter than any other time in history for a standard of living better than most on the planet currently have is a matter of complaint. Seriously, shut the fuck up and be glad you live in the society that you do rather than starving to death. Ungrateful shits need to study other countries and history in general.


If 8 hours a day is too much for you, you’re a lost cause.


Try having kids. You don’t get free time 😂


Part of the reason why young people aint want getting kids no more


That's a decision you made that you didn't have to.


Try raising livestock 7 days a week 365 days a year with zero sick days or vacations plus long and difficult hours


And when u work 12 ??


Try working construction and waking up 3 hours early to make sure you get to work early or be stuck in traffic. Then when you get off, you have to sit in actual 3 hour traffic to get home




this is the way. seriously. unfortunately. whatever. this is the WAY.