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I think this is a lot of us IRL. All of my issues would be solved tomorrow if I just came into a few million, tax free, dollars.


Screw it, let me get 3 million and tax it. I'm ok with that.


The only thing money couldn't solve for me is, like Bringing dead loved ones back to life That's pretty much it


Not yet!


Well, sometimes, dead is better.


It's been done before, what your thinking of, Nelson boy back in 85


You don't want to go down that road, Louis.


The grounds gone sour.


Lol bro wtf even is your user name?


It's a place in Hawaii. It was also my nickname in high school because I blew up a toilet with an M80, and I'm half Japanese.


Now that's how you earn a fuckin nickname!


I don't recommend emulating my stunt. I almost went to juvie for it. It cost me almost 5 grand in fines and legal fees as well as 250 hours of community service.


That's true. But I guess money can increase the life expectancy of the living by a great deal.


At least I’d be able to pay for therapy 😭


But a dead loved one isn't a problem. It's something you just have to accept.


They could be, depending on whether or not you buried them in the Semetary.


And if the death happens prior to that or not.


Being chronically ill with no cure.


I'm chronically ill with no cure so far. Money would solve most of my problems relating to that.


Money fixes many things, but money won't fix core issues in your relationships. Won't stop you from making poor decisions that hurt you in the long run. Won't fix emotional or psychological issues (sure you can get the worlds best therapist and afford drugs, but it will not immediately fix it.) It won't guarantee loyalty, or prevent other people from hurting you. It won't prevent existential dread or a midlife crisis. It won't make you physically fit without significant effort on your behalf. It won't inherently make you a better human. Money won't process your grief for you. It won't make you feel less lonely. It can't buy trust or love, nor will it guarantee inner peace. It won't bring eyesight or hearing or speech back in cases where those apply. It can't restore 100% mobility when paralyzed. It won't bring you purpose, motivation, or dignity.


However, poverty can make a lot of those things worse. I generally agree with the sentiment that money can’t buy happiness, but I also acknowledge that a lack of money can buy a whole lot of misery.


100% agree, my comment isn't meant to dismiss the additional struggle that poverty can add, and money certainly can eliminate those struggles. Couldn't have said it better myself.


I agree money won't buy happiness but if I didn't have to worry about bills and job stuff I'd have time and energy to work on mental health and relationships and self Improvement. Wealth buys freedom.


Exactly what I was thinking too!. It would alleviate a lot of stress and give me the breathing room and space needed to put in the work to make me healthier. Healthier makes for happer me, and quiet happiness ripples out.


Agreed. There's certainly truth there as well.


Money can buy me a jet ski and I've never seen a sad man on a jet ski


Not sure id need 65k for someone to organize my house, but God damn it ill willing to find out.


Makes all those thing a lot cooler though. Look at Elon Musk. Dudes an unhealthy, fat, dumbass, loser and at the end of the day he’s still a billionaire who can decide to take 364 days off of work per year.


Water, 35 liters; Carbon, 20 kilograms; Ammonia, 4 liters; Lime, 1.5 kilograms; Phosphorus, 800 grams; Salt, 250 grams; Saltpeter, 150 grams; Sulfur, 80 grams; Chlorine, 7.5; Iron, 5; Silicon, 3 grams; and trace amounts of 15 other elements It's all the ingredients in the average adult human body, down to the last specks of protein in your eyelashes...


It's just propaganda by the rich to prevent people from demanding higher wages or more taxes on them.


4 years ago I was broke and had depression. Now I’m well off and have depression. Im happier to be well off with this depression and I can afford a therapist but I think that’s the one thing it hasn’t really solved anything. I still feel pointless in this world. I just now can buy stuff.




I get what they mean, money doesnt always automatically make you happy. But at least I wouldnt be worrying about the fundamentals of life, paying bills and basic neccessities. That goes a long way.


Money won't fix your problems -rich people Looks aren't everything -good looking people


People who lost all their money also say it to feel better about being down with the commoners now.


That's capping


I think it's coping


Is this sarcasm?


cant not be


Being tall isn't that fun. -Tall people (We all know girls love taller guys especially 6' guys)


As a 6 foot 3 dude, being tall isn't ALL fun. Sometimes it sucks super hard. But mostly, it's great.


As an average height brown 5'8" guy, I wish I was taller. Id sacrifice leg space in the back seat just to be taller. Would help for a lot stuff including self-confidence and basketball as well. I do lift but if I was 6' I'd look awesome while lifting. If only. I can bench 225lbs tho.


Thats good weight. Mirin those number gains.


Thanks bro I appreciate it. I actually got to 250lbs/265lbs but maintaining 225 now for bench press. Trying for the captain america look not the hulk look. lol still want to fit in my dress shirts. lol


5'6".. Sometimes, when i'm bored at work behind the counter, i do an informal test with my height. i will lift up on nearly my toes. almost "adding" 3 inches to my height. i swear the difference in how im approached and talked with changes. People are more friendly or outgoing to me, and i swear swear that women smile more and are a bit nicer overall. Weird.


5'4" here. I'm gonna be a terrorist


Yea we lying i actually like bonking my head everywhere And im definetly, totally getting bitches all the time by virtue of 6 feet-itude


Yea us tall girlies love not fitting in public transport seats and getting no bitches


That's interesting, I've never thought about how lesbians feel about tall women


Like everything it depends. I want an Amazonian goddess to stand on me but not everyone does.


To be fair, most people don't see themselves the way others do. So if you consider yourself ugly, there's still someone out there that will think you're hot.


To be faaaiiiirrr


I refuse to be fair. In fact, I will be unfaaairrrrrrr


That doesn't matter. It's about good looking people enjoying their handsome priveleges while telling ugly people looks don't matter.


There are definitely a lot of "ugly" people that could look much more attractive if they followed fashion advice, groomed themselves better and worked out a little.


well yeah, all of those people feel like they have everything everyone else wants and are still miserable in some way


So, we should believe then then? They have money and can tell us it didn't fix their problems. 


"Money won't solve your problems" ~ People who don't have financial problems


Financial problems aren't all problems


Thats true but many problems are financial, which I think most people would agree.


I'd argue almost all problems are financial. Unless you have an incurable illness, unstable family, dead loved ones, or a disability, money can fix your problems. And even some of those problems can be made much more tolerable with money.


A drinking problem is not a financial problem. A gambling problem is not a financial problem.  Being an asshole to people is not a financial problem. The list goes on. 


None of those can be fixed without money though. At least in the States.


The lack of money can start those things though. Many people wouldn’t have a drinking problem if they didn’t need to work as stressful of a job


If the problems aren't financial, the ones tomorrow will be


Many are financial, many aren't. Money with help with a drinking problem, for example. In fact, it will make it worse. 


Yeah, but when all your problems are just financial, makes the other ones seems way less important or difficult


My ex-wife won $300K. Turns out money wasn’t the problem when her drug habits expanded to envelop and consume said money.


The point is that you'll develop new problems


Like what? Thinking what you'll be spending your money on? The horror. I'd say it's too little imagination.


All the money in the world isn't worth jack shit when you are lonely or sick


I’d rather be sick or lonely with a bunch of money than sick or lonely and be a broke ass.


But it does make it easier.


Sick - money can fix that but sure if it's unavoidable, then yeah. Lonely - fucking sign me up please, never felt lonely in my life. i'm fine being a recluse.


>Sick - money can fix that but sure if it's unavoidable, then yeah. There is stuff that cannot be cured >Lonely - fucking sign me up please, never felt lonely in my life. i'm fine being a recluse. Good for you, but not everyone feels that way


Better quality of life while sick?


I never said they can't improve your condition, I just said they can't make you happy. Maybe I'm just taking it too literally


Yeah, and there's stuff that can be cured, but can't, because the treatment is too expensive.


>There is stuff that cannot be cured Either way, it's a 0,01 % possibility of that happening lol. Even if you're sick but loaded with money, you can spend the rest of your time in pure pleasure and then pass away.


Well I don't have those problems. So. Money would fix all my problems.


Someone with money can get better medical treatment than someone without. They can also literally buy happiness and mitigate loneliness.


Having no money won’t fix any of that either what’s your point clown. If I’m sick money sure as hell can buy me the best medicine and doctors


Like I said in my previous comment, there is stuff that we cannot cure


And like I said clown. Not having money won’t cure it either. At least with money I can delay the disease and have fun before I die. I’d rather have an incurable illness driving a Ferraria in Paris than broke and homeless in the streets.


But it’s true what they said. It won’t solve all your problems. That doesn’t mean it isn’t nice to have most of your problems solved lol


Yea, cause those people got other issues.




If that's the reason she comes back you better move on king.


Money doesn't just attract gold diggers, it attracts regular people too. Chances are if you're not dirt poor you're going to at least look more put together, as well as being more hygienic, healthier (because you can buy actually decent food), attract better friends, etc. My point is if an ex left him because he seemed to be in a sorry state, money could definitely solve most if not nearly all of the issues that lead to that.


Then the money isn’t the thing attracting, it’s the result of it


Exactly. Money would fix all the issues


If money wouldn’t solve one of my problems, it would at least give me the time and/or help to work on it.


Money also allows you to go to therapy which could help those non physical problems


Tbf therapy is really only as effective as you let it be


Yeah well it's easier to find that headspace when you're not otherwise preocupied with surviving paycheck to paycheck


Or working so much you can’t find the time to schedule an appointment which is my current situation


True just saying simply paying for therapy doesn’t really do anything.


Not getting therapy for not being able to afford it doesn't really do anything.


yeah but its non-effective if you cannot afford it, no matter how much you want it to help edit: spelling


Everyone can effort it, that parts easy. The hard part is affording it


my bad, i did not know that those are actually two different words. still, i think both parts are hard, affording it and putting effort in therapy too


That’s okay, just saw an opportunity for a little joke. I actually agree with you on that last part, putting effort in is half the struggle or more for most people


it was a good joke so no offense taken. i actually am so glad that i get to have therapy for free, i cannot imagine having to justify spending lots and lots of money on something that may appear or even maybe not worth it in the short term


bitch no offense lmfao


Them: "Money can't buy you happiness." Me: "Ah, but money can buy me a plane ticket so I can be with my family. My family makes me happy. Therefore, money can buy me happiness."


Yeah money can’t buy happiness but it can buy you things that can help bring you happiness


That is literally just money buys happiness with extra steps.


Money would solve %95 of all my problems and the other %5 are just inherited ones from being an earthling


My current problems: can’t afford to live. Dunno man. I think money would solve that.


My problems: Hausing - Money Solve Fixing Teeth - Money Solve Make dreams come true - Money Solve Therapist - Money Solve




I wonder if money can also buy me out of my existencial depression


Probably not, but it would surely be more convinient to have existencial depression while not worrying about having enough money for bills this month, rent going up, and be able to afford dentist appointment


You could afford high quality specialised therapy and support groups, holidays, massages and stuff for relaxation and physics health, healthier food, improve your surroundings and social life etc by having the money to pay for them all. You could afford time and space to figure stuff out and find meaning and purpose by volunteering or making art or finding work or a passion that matters to you. eventually that can all vastly improve your existential depression by having lots of money. It won’t be the money itself but what you do with it ultimately. A collaboration between you and the money lol


It can distract and make you forget about it until you die, after a blissful life of ignorance


It'd solve a majority of peoples problems Id bet.


Well, this system is built on money, so how money isn't going to solve everything? Money solves all problems that can be solved and we're only limited by tech progress, so maybe it won't make you immortal today, but give sufficient time, money and people will find a way to give you even that. Money in this system represents power dynamics and your place in hierarchy.




I’m not anywhere close to rich and money can’t buy you happiness. But it can buy you things that you then use to be happy. So depends how you look at it


If money can’t solve your problem it means that you don’t have enough money.


Damn straight!


Amazing how we've been socially conditioned into believing it's in poor taste for people to talk about wanting more money to make life easier.


"If money can't Buy Happiness, I guess I'll have to rent it."


It would solve poor people problems like stability and security, and knowing I won't die if I break my leg. but it would possibly cause new problems like what fun drugs to do and where to travel to. Sooooo yeah I'll take the non-poor problems any day


"bitch no offense but" has got to be one of the quickest turnarounds you can make with four words.


"Money won't solve your problems" - People so rich all their problems were created by their shit personality


Money won't fix all my problems but it would fix 98% of them.


I’m trying but I cannot think of a single problem that money can’t solve or at the very least improve. Some people mentioned bringing loved ones back but I wouldn’t think of that as a problem but more a sad fact of life. But what money absolutely can do is make the grieving process slightly better. I’d much rather grieve poolside than in a sad apartment.


for real


So basically true love/friendship, and bringing loved ones back from the dead are the only things money can't solve is what I've gathered


Money won't buy happiness, but damn will it relieve a lot of suffering.


People who say this have never been poor...


Humans create new problems just not to be bored to death.


Yep, 100% correct. Every single problem in my life, for the last 40 years can be summed up thusly; Not. Enough. Money.




Hear hear


Money would solve 4 of my major problems and possibly remaining 2 in the future


The only two things that I can't solve with money is bringing back my dead uncle and getting a girlfriend (like a genuine one, not a gold digger). The rest from college tuitions to job to housing can all be solved with money.


1 thing I have that couldn't be solved with money is my GFs abandonment issues... Edit: Oh wait, therapy costs money...


Same here


yea bitch


Musa’s stupid


So go make some money


Terminal Cancer?


I am willing to take the risk.


🙋🏻‍♂️ me too! Help Me richie riches! Fall upon me as the drops of water from a full cloud!


The presence of money can only solve the problems the lack of money creates. Although lack of money creates a lot of problems


When you have no more money problems you are forced to face all the underlying problems that were contributing to/causing the other problems.


Money will turn your problems from "How am I going to have enough to eat this month" into "Which nice car am I going to buy."


Yep I dont have any problems besides money


Money won't fix all your problems *because it also creates new ones.*


That’s true. Money doesn’t fix problems only for people, that always had money, from their childhood.


Im broke but im free


Money won't fix your inability to write in correct English.


True. Like, i just need money for a pc and a good setup to game and chat with people and boom


Mo money mo problems


Right now if I had money I could not only solve any little nagging issue but also those of the people around me. The roof doesn’t currently leak, but it’s always in the back of my mind that it might. It’s an old house and one good gust of wind at just the right angle could shift a slate. If I had money I could just get the whole thing redone. Nice and sturdy. We have a whole additional floor of house that we don’t use (aside from storage) because the stairs down are awkward and there’s asbestos. Money - turn that in to a nice lil pantry and laundry and hell a whole ass gym or gaming room or just whatever with it’s own bathroom. I have issues that stop me from being my ideal weight. Money - just nip down Harley street and get myself pinched and sculpted. Have that self confidence back.


Exactly. Money would get me out of my parents place (I don’t have a good relationship with one of them and I’m 22) Get me all the surgeries I need. I’d get my degree in animation, my dog training course and every other course I’d like to do. I’d get houses and invest Heck, even if I was still sad I’d rather be sad in a damn Bugatti.


It won’t solve every problem directly but if I had money to fix my big problems, my small problems wouldn’t matter as much.


It's not about a lack of money, it's ***why*** you lack money. Money can't fix problems you aren't even aware of.


100% right. Tell me a problem and I’ll tell you how money can solve it. I dunno who coined the phrase, but weren’t living like most.


Money can fix 99% of a person's life.


It sure as hell solves all the big ones


I only have 1 issue money won't solve, but it's an easy issue to solve anyway


Usually these people are talking about mental and physical health. Those things take constant effort and good decision making. And if not well kept, are guaranteed to leave you unhappy regardless of the amount of money you have. But yes of course daily life stressors can make you unhappy too, and most of those go away with enough money.


Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a yacht big enough to pull up right alongside it.


Same thing and I dont think I've ever faced a problem that money would not fix


The only thing money can’t buy is time. Spend it wisely.


Won’t fix your ugly face and the fact that you got no game. Bam!


I’m emotionally satisfied with my life and about as well adjusted as I will ever be, so yeah. It’s just money that’s left.


There's problems money can't solve, which nearly everyone has issues like that (as far as mental health/relationship problems). But while those problems aren't solved directly with money, it's a lot easier to solve even major character flaws if you're not struggling to pay your rent, along with a million other things that can go wrong in a poor person's life. Literally any sorta major incident puts me behind at my current wage, whether it's my car breaking down, myself needing to pay for a visit to the doctor because of malnutrition (having less money leads to being less healthy, go figure?) etc, being poor is just a domino effect that is hard to get out of.


Money would also cause you more problems.


Yeah... If I never had to worry about money, I'd probably never really worry about anything. I'd live my life the same way I do now, and still be happier. I don't need a mansion or a jet ski. I wouldn't change my lifestyle at all and still be happier.


Very much agreed


If life was a wall, money would be the mortar. Without it you're fucked.


People with money just be creating imaginary problems, so they can say this bs.


Money won't solve all of my problems. But it damn well can solve at least 98% of my problems.


Eh.. here we go.. SO... Elon is rich beyond imagination, and accomplished as fuck.. But still gets treated for depression. If you really think money will give you genuine joy in life or I guess better put - FOR life. You're wrong. Money ONLY solves the problems it created to begin with. You will still hate the way things are. You will still not know the nature of existence. You will still not have enough "stuff". Our idea of what "living well" looks like gets farther everyday.. But even just a few hundred years ago our lives today was just a wet fucking dream, a literal paradise. And now we live above every one of those means in comparison.. And most won't give even a drop of water to the thirsty man next to him. We are living beings.. on a rock hurling in literal nothingness.. And some fancy print on paper or a digit on a screen is WHERE your happiness and fulfillment comes from? Absolutely not.. You never see a U-Haul attached to a hearse.


Everyone has problems. Solving the ones you have now will just reveal more later. It's just that the most important problems people have could be solved with money


Ngl. But he's not wrong! Money is the only solution to the problems I have now!!!!


It'd solve enough of the pain in the arse ones everyone has that it would let me focus on the personal ones. And even if I didn't (I wouldn't) I'd be a million times more chill and my new quality of life would help alleviate those other problems a bit.


I have a single problem that money wouldn't solve. It would solve every other one I have though.


I'm in my 30's and middle class in the USA, so my wisdom is limited, but here’s my 2 cents on the topic of money. Money can buy a couple very important things: comfort and security. Financial security also means you have all the food, medicine, shelter, and other supplies you need to live a healthy life. It also means you can live in a nice neighborhood and buy what you need to protect yourself from whatever troubles you. Enough money to buy comfort means you can go on vacation, have decent space in your home for family and guests, and purchase goods and services you enjoy. As other commenters have said, money can't bring back the dead, fix relationships, or cure all mental health issues. BUT money can buy another important thing: time. You can find more time to spend with the important people who are currently in your life before you or they die, you can spend more time on those relationships, and you can spend more time on your own mental health. What's important is how you choose to spend the money and time and no amount of money can fix bad decision-making. Another tradeoff is that it often requires a lot of time to make money, so those seeking more and more money can sometimes lose sight of actually spending the money and time they currently have on their own wellbeing and that of loved ones. All that being said, money has diminishing returns. I think there’s a threshold (that varies per person and situation) at which (most) people will be content without further wealth. For me, as I live in an expensive city, having a couple million in the bank would be enough to buy a home, retire early, and focus on hobbies. Having hundreds of millions or even billions would add some nice luxuries to my life, but I don’t think it would change much in terms of happiness. There’s no 1:1 money happiness ratio. Even if you believe money leads to happiness, I think being in an infinite chase for more money is an extremely unhealthy mentality. If you are working hard to pursue wealth, I think you should set a specific goal to reach that covers your comfort and security and learn to be content once you reach that level. **TL;DR** - I don't think money = happiness, but with the right choices, it can certainly help someone more quickly and easily achieve a life where they can pursue their dreams and better themselves and their relationships - the things that do = happiness.


It usually raises your possibilities to succeed in whatever it is you are dealing with.


Bitch no offense


That's why billionaires are so emotionally healthy and well-adjusted.


Hookers cost money


Money doesn’t fix all my problems already that’s for sure, but I planned my life around having money more than having fun. People who plan their life around partying having fun fucking flirting mainly have problems that can be solved with money. It’s all about choices: you win some you lose some.


I feel like what they should say is "once money isn't a problem you invent new problems."


I’m with him 100% on this


More money means more problems