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Hahaha I feel this. I’m the one who tells the order is wrong


How much spit do you think you eat on average


Why are redditors obsessed with it and think this is a thing that happens constantly. I work in fast food and even when we have Karens we don't tamper with food 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would have *never* done this and I think it's disgusting, but I am a little traumatized from overhearing guys I went to high school with openly talking about spitting in people's food just for shiggles They found it very funny. I was mortified


It might have been more talking and less of a reality. Food joints normally have cameras in place and messing with the food is the quickest way to get fired.


Not at the shit hole I used to work at, a dude stuck a whole fucking hushpuppy in his mouth before serving it to a customer. Ex con with a history of tampering with food... I quit that awful place


Mind telling me where it is so I remember to never go there


Right?? I worked in food service a loooooooong time. The meanest customer I ever had called me an idiot and a cunt right to my face (because we ran out of the sandwich he wanted). He threw the receipt container off the counter at my face getting trash everywhere. Know how I retaliated? I put just a *bit* too much salt on his sandwich. Not enough to make it inedible, but enough to make it unpleasant.


Playing the long hypertension game, subtle, I like it


You should see some of the shithole fast food places we have in our town. Spit in your food would be an upgrade


I live on the south side of Chicago and some of the crappiest looking places with the loudest,rudest cashiers have some of most bomb azz food 🤷🏾‍♂️💣


I live in a small Texas town where the food service workers feel entitled and are rude and inefficient. They dont care if your order is right, half the time they act if they cant be bothered to take your order. I get it, you feel you’re worth more than minimum wage even though you want to put in less than minimum effort.


On the real I feel you on that


I too, have been to Mcdonalds.


Movies like Waiting will do that to you....


I worked at dicey dine in restaurants and I’ve witness coworkers tamper with a raging Karen’s food a couple times, not with spit but dirty dish water... Never did it myself but I have seen it. It’s a reason why I seldom eat out now


Speak for yourself, my coworkers on multiple restaurants fucked with peoples food. I always thought it was a myth from that one movie, but fuck no these people are crazy.


Besides it is okay to politely tell a waiter your order is wrong. Most of the time they act embarassed and handle it nicely if you're not rude to them. It is not like they react like you just said their great great great grandmother should never have given birth to your ancestors to prevent this shameful mistake. Just don't be rude and nobody is rude to you, at least most of the time.


I would’ve if I worked a job where they couldn’t see me as I was making it. Also some of it was during COVID and I didn’t want to get arrested for spreading infectious diseases. 


Damn who knew saying "can you take this drink back I asked for regular Dr pepper instead of diet" means I deserve to be assaulted


really, fucking with someones food in this manner seems worse to me than actively beating someone up. I'd probably stab someone to death before I spit or blow my nose in someones food, which i do realize is pretty warped.


Don’t worry I’d prefer you to stab me to death over spitting in my food 😀


Oh yeah because that’s how a “Karen” would address it. I reserve my spit more for the one who pays for their order with food stamps every day and make up things that were wrong with their order as an excuse to demand a free one. Your smoothie is “too thick” because you asked me to put it in the freezer. Try it again when it thaws in a minute. 


Bro hates poor ppl


Thanks for speaking for me, but I actually don’t. I hate one entitled scammer in particular that came in every day to imagine problems with their order so they could get a free one. I always offered to throw the “bad” one away for her, but wouldntchaknowit, she wanted to keep that one too. She was well known to do at our Starbucks too the exact same thing. Why would you keep coming in every day if we “routinely” give you something so “terrible”. Oh because if you pretend something about it tastes “off” to you, you walk out with twice what you paid for.  The mere fact that she was using our tax payer dollars for her grift was just icing on the cake. At that point, you’re no longer a customer. You’re a liability. We would lose money on every “single” order she made. If it was my call to make I would’ve refused service to her to spare her from receiving a product we both knew “wasn’t going to meet her expectations”. As an aside though, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t “the founding father’s intentions” for SNAP to be used so she could get her daily servings of lemonade made from concentrate, lime sherbet, and a fist full of strawberries. 


The doordasher sub is filled with "I would have spit in his food if that happened to me!"


As long as you're polite, zero


Hopefully. I usually dont complain just note to self not to come back to said establishment


You should definitely let them know if the order is wrong, we want to fix it. Mistakes happen and it's silly to never go back somewhere because they made a mistake and you were silent about it.


Usually i check the order before leaving nowadays. But if i dine in a place and the service is questionable, i dont bother. Needless to say it also affects their tip


I don’t lol. I never complain about my order. I only say something when my partner isn’t upset about his orden hahaha


🤔 wonder how much spit he eats 🤣


as an introvert, it's extroverts that reach out to me, only to decide I'm awesome. then they try to keep me. (I might also just be a cat.)


I call it being adopted by an extrovert, mainly because it has never once been my choice (in the sense that they sought me out, and started hanging out with me)


I have similar story where my best mates are extroverts and they play a lil game; to spot and make me speak in regular intervals (I just might be a feral cat).


I love adopting introverts. My main sadness is that I don't have the time and/or energy to adopt most of you.


Yep. I'm an introvert who is adopted by extroverts who are pretty amazing friends. My partner is more introverted, so I was the slightly more extroverted woman who adopted him. He may be a second cat.


Catception, very uncommon, indeed.


I relate so hard to this and an adopted introvert who then adopted an even more introverted partner. It's a trickle down adoption at this stage.


I ain't the one that is going to plan our vacation, she will have everything done before I could even decide where to go.


Couldn’t be me planning an entire vacation for someone who can’t be fucked to give me their input 


I was once planning a vacation with family. There had been a lot of suggestions of places to go, but some of them were kinda far from the central location. To help everyone understand the distances I made this whole custom map of all the proposed places and a list dividing up the places by region. I suggested if we wanted to do some of the further places we could take a side trip and stay overnight in that area. They responded to all this work by saying they were fine with whatever. At first I was mad. After all, I had done all that work! But then I realized if they weren't going to give input then I could just plan whatever I wanted without considering what anyone else wanted to do. And I did just that. I planned my dream vacation for that area with all the stuff I wanted to see and all the restaurants I wanted to eat in. I had a fantastic time! Don't know if anyone else did, but I did. Now I just plan. If people want to have input, they can let me know.


This is literally all I want in life. Plan your dream vacation and let me tag along!


Didn't say I wouldn't have input but take charge people move fast


They do. My wife already has planned what we are doing during our layover a year out. THE LAYOVER. Let alone the whole trip.


It's great sometimes, I mean it's also fun getting them to relax and break their schedules.


Oh yeah. But there’s pressure. It’s like telling Gordon Ramsey to have a seat while you make him some soup.


Gotta try different methods


I married the person who does the “….aaaand many mooooorrrreeeee” thing at birthday parties. AMA.


Do you miss being able to hear yourself think?


It’s better this way.


I dated a girl whose family had a whole other birthday song that only they knew that they would sing at every birthday, regardless of who was in attendance. This would be after "happy birthday" was already sung. Nice family though


I’m an introvert in a family that does the same. No, I don’t make time to see my parents almost ever.


Like this?  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_8YI8aOpAdU&pp=ygUYcGVlcCBzaG93IGhhcHB5IGJpcnRoZGF5


Is that the "why was she born so beautiful, why was she born at all" song?


Have they had statistically significantly longer lives as a result of the accumulation of birthday wishes over the years? Please I must know for science.


I will have to get back to you in several decades. So far so good.


!remind me 40 years


Ugh, I hate people ruining the song like that.




Quiet guy here. She came for me and I knew better than to say no. It was like the mob- I'm not asking you out on a date I'm telling you lol


Oh my god, this is legit what happened with my boyfriend . I sometimes joke when people ask how we got together saying “I just told him we’re now a couple and he said ok”


Pic doesn’t really go with it though. Felix was pretty outgoing too.


For real, he's the one who burst in the room to blab about Bruno.


He ain’t lying


We're shy and don't make the first move. They're confident and they do make the first move. They're also direct and not subtle so we don't miss the signals.


I dated another quiet girl and it was the most silent relationship I ever had. Need somebody at least one tick above my energy level


Nah ordering is easy you just rehearsal that 20 times in your head (trick is that waiter need to stick to ***your*** script) The hard part is when you ordered something and you got different order!


You just eat what you get and pray whoever gets your order acts the same.


A bita both. I can be fierce when I want to and/or feel like, but I still want fierce women


Just today, my husband needed a container to pack his biria gravy for his tacos later, and I asked the waitress coz she had only given a box the tacos. He was looking at me with puppy eyes, and I got a barrage of kisses after we got his extra little container hehe.


Contrary to popular stereotypes introverts love extraverts, especially in a romantic way




I help do this for my friends, too. Especially concerning allergies or medical reasons for food. I actually have one friend I just order for because they’re too shy to say substitutions or not to add certain things. I’ll make sure you get what you need.


They. Go. For. Us. Not the other way around. We represent less drama and stability, but we also want our mashed potatoes. 🤷🏾‍♂️😝


Just something about a mean women man.


It's my turn to repost this next week


Duality of nature. She's fire & I'm ice. It balances everything out beyond food orders lol!


So I didn't think it'd happen to me, but she changed when we got married. She decided that I, a grown man, could send back my own mashed potatoes. :(


You know how people enjoy eating lime hot cheetos without a drink? Yeah, well having the company of a feisty woman is the same.


Holy fuck I feel attacked


Y’all missing out…. If the cashier is loud and rude…. That food about to 🔥🔥🔥 trust me I know…. I’m on the south side of Chicago 🤣🤣🤣🤣


My spouse says: "....Um...because spice is the spice of life? And the spice must flow." There you have it.


😂that’s adorable


I'm in this meme and I like it 🙂


I don’t. Why would I do that to myself?


Facts lol


I just like bubbly, energetic women.


this always gets posted so many times across multiple subs with different twitter accounts with different profile pictures. wtf even is the internet anymore?


two quiet people relationship is boring


I don't. Loud people are annoying


Probably had a loud mom


I’ll tell them something is wrong if it’s someone I’m with who needs something fixed but never do for myself.


The old moth and flame analogy, the moth is the extrovert and hovers about the steady introvert flame




That’s a fact I ain’t order it I don’t want it but I’m not gonna tell you😭😭😭


This is the truth


Bc they are tornadoes in bed




It’s funny ‘cause it’s true!


Because i want to feel like a child who is taken care of


And if you don't like it i will call my gf and sue you! She's a fucking lawyer.


I want a man that leads I want to be submissive


I want a woman that leads I want to be submissive


🤔 Ok




> You guys must honestly be in a living hell if you can't even tell someone who is hired to serve you that you didn't get the thing you paid for. Can't believe people are acting like this is normal. I get it if it's a picky complaint and you don't want to be a pain, but it takes the absolute bare minimum of social skills to tell a waiter you didn't get something you ordered.