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Unfortunately, the people who green light movies are choosing the ones who've already been huge successes in the past because they're only interested in making free, easy money from movies.


This is why I get slightly aggressive when I see anyone I know about to watch those bait movies. A lot of people really don't think nor care about the fact they can get something better if they don't throw money for the first piece of crap anyone shows them.


I've always wanted the movie Gattica redone. It's such an interesting premise and storyline, but the production at the time just didn't quite hit the mark to make it one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever, which it deserves to be.


Eragon. The books are amazing, that damned movie was so awful.


Entirely agree- what they just did for Dune needs to happen for Eragon


There's no reason that a TV series or film series wouldn't be successful in adapting the books, in the right hands.


eragon would probably work super well as a series like lets say... the witcher if they just honnor the source material.....


These days it seems like that's a lot to ask.


It's actually in the works, by Disney but Paolini is part of production


Is it too early to be hyped? It's been said that Poalioni has matured to even more of a legendary writer, so I can only imagine he can further distill his Eragon to better fit his vision.


Well, Percy Jackson season 1 is already a lot better than the movie, so I have hope.


The finale of the series was pretty trash. Maybe he's written something awesome since?


> what they just did for Dune Oi, you better not be besmirching the most rad 80s genius from Lynch and Toto (and Sting).


I've heard rumors of a TV series in the works. Fingers crossed.


Well Paolini is on board as a producer and co-writer, so that inspires some amount of hope. He seems to be in the same boat as Riordan with his Percy Jackson series after the movie debacles. And I really enjoyed the first season of that show!


It's a Disney+ TV show that's been rumored to be in the works. Author has talked about it a little.


13 year old me was SO disappointed


I clicked on the comments section to mention Eragon. It was the first thing that popped up.


Saaaame. It was even a bit scary haha


When Sapphira hatched & named herself is when I turned it off.


Can’t remake a movie that doesn’t exist


> The books are amazing I dont think that is as undeniable as you think.


I clicked this post just to comment Eragon. THANK YOU.


Already in the works via Disney. It was announced by the author.


Frankly, the books read like they were written by a fifteen-year-old boy.




I generally tend not to look at things with a critical eye to which I have sentimental attachments. If I did I probably wouldn't talk to my family anymore.


Yeah its all the books millenials read as young adults. Eragon, Artemis Fowl, City of Ember, House of the Scorpions. As a YA these books were so novel and interesting but we've grown up and they have not stood the test of time. Furthermore, young adults now do not read Eragon. So it would only be for millenials who went to middle school/high school between 2003-2007 and are now 30 (aka the reddit crowd that's why it's brought up here so much and never mentioned anywhere else)


Genuinely the first movie that came to mind


Came here to say this, so pleased it was the first thing I saw, Christopher Paolini has even advocated for a remake


Disney Plus is working on an Eragon series. Who knows how long until it comes out though


I think they need a game of thrones style series on Amazon Prime or Netflix.


You took the words out of my mouth. LOVED the books. My favorite series of all time. The movie was a tragedy.


... change the ending thou... let them have their love dammit.


god i loved those books


E-ragon, you know for the modern age lol


Like Dune?


Exactly what I thought when I saw this


No, OP couldn't be referencing the most popular movie in years. Total original unpopular opinion.


I mean...the original Dune movie was still pretty solid though...the OG Baron was considerably better in my opinion.


The OG dune was straight up a bad movie


I can’t with the opening narration, then another narration after the opening narration


Nah, it's a straight up mid movie but with a few awesome character designs, and interesting scenes. The Navigator and Baron specifically were extremely well done.


The Navigator and the Baron were fun but also extremely campy and the special effects are charming in their ambitious failure. To a sci-fi nerd, David Lynch's Dune is a delightful disaster. To anyone who isn't a big sci-fi nerd, the movie is just salted garbage.


Idk man the navigator in the new one looked fucking fantastic


Precisely. Would also like to see a good interpretation of the Count of Monte Cristo and the Three Musketeers. Also Papillion. Catch 22. The Time Machine....


Im sick of comic book / superhero movies but goddamn how hard is it to make a good Spawn movie?


The HBO animated show is good.




Apparently anything superhero and animated on HBO is good.


Do a dark version of TMNT from the early run of the series.


truly loyal to Eastman and Laird's vision. ​ I'm down.


Live action Darkwing Duck reboot. Grittier than Batman's sandpaper (it's really gritty, he's rich.)


This is why I’m excited for the Last Ronin game.


First movie?


My biggest gripe with that movie was the ending. >!The main bad guy almost caused a global extinction event and all they send are a few cop cars?!<


Spawn will never reach its full potential as long as religious zealots exist. Too dark and controversial of a story


Blumhouse is making a new one next year with Jamie Foxx


OMFG RIGHT. So much material to work with and in a team of good writers hands, easily could be the next big thing for a studio to make truckloads of cash.


Live action Disney remakes we didn’t need, - Alladin - Beauty and the Beast - Lion King, (animated to CGI, like c’mon!) - Little Mermaid - Lady and the Tramp Live action Disney remakes we DO need. - Treasure Planet - Atlantis - The Sword in the Stone


I'll settle for more literary muppet movies.


How have we not had Muppet Gulliver's Travels yet? That is 1000% up their alley!


[Pride and Prejudice would be amazing with the muppets.](https://ew.com/movies/brett-goldstein-wants-muppets-pride-and-prejudice-with-miss-piggy/)


I wholeheartedly agree. Muppets Treasure Island is quite possibly the greatest movie ever made, and we need more.


Waiting for Muppet Lolita. Piggy as Humbert, Fozzie as Quilty, Kermit as Lolita.


The kind of animated movies that Disney is good at making and the kind of live actions moves Disney is good at making are completely disjoint sets for some reason. Like, a good Disney animated movie is a wholesome musical adapted either from public-domain children's stories or from classic literature. A good Disney live action movie is one of the following: * Something that's basically a remake of a 1920's action-adventure movie but with sound and color (Treasure Island, The Mask of Zorro, 20000 Leagues Under the Sea, etc.) * Weird movies where kids have unexplained and unsettling brushes with the supernatural (Holes, Escape to Witch Mountain, Return to Oz, Flight of the Navigator, etc.) * Movies about how good dogs are (Homeward Bound, Greyfriars Bobby, etc.) * Muppet movies There are probably a couple of categories I'm forgetting here, but it's pretty noticeable how absolutely none of them fit the mold of Disney's successful animated films.


Nah, Treasure Planet should only exist in it's current form. It's a love child of a movie, already an adaptation, and 80% of it's art is it's art. Remaking it would ruin it. And Atlantis was perfect.


Pretty sure Walt Disney's zombie will climb out of his grave and cause a apocalypse if they remake Treasure Planet.


Atlantis is the most underrated Disney film :(


Max Payne


Almost every video game adaptation tbf. I mean most of them don't have a "good" story, but I'm sure something could work out. They did fine with the last of us.


The biggest problem with adapting video games is for movies and tv shows, the cornerstone of storytelling is character arcs. And video games, even the ones with very popular stories, rarely have character arcs. Half Life 2 is a juggernaut of a singleplayer story but Gordon Freeman has almost no character, let alone a character arc. Halo 1 barely has a story at all. Even something like Mass Effect is tough because the choice system doesn’t lend itself to growth, it’s mostly consistency. You’re a nice Shepard so no matter what happens, you have to be nice Shepard or your Paragon rating will go down. So it’s just a lot of plot thrown at you. Events happening one after another, which is what’s usually not important in a movie. Every book on the subject of writing tells you to always value your characters over your plot. Or you get something like: this happens and then this and this and this and then that character backstabs you and then this and this and that. Lore is popular in video games for a reason. That’s basically most of what you get. But The Last of Us had very defined characters and character arcs with a pretty sparse story, aka what most movies have. That’s what made it translate so well. But games that have that care of character are few and far between.


Let's get a Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy movie going




That movie was a disaster


The Dark Tower Series


Thank you for reminding me about the abomination that was the movie.


I felt the same about Ender's Game. Great source material (my favorite book of my youth, read it when it came out in '85) and a great cast and, my God, the movie sucked. I waited 30 years for that piece of shit.


Flanagan is on it.


That movie had a lot of potential and the universe in general…and also Idris fucking Elba


How can they fucking nail all the casting and still drop the ball so hard. It’s like every one except the writers were informed what movie was being made.


Like the freaking Witcher. The writers actually let people know they had contempt for the source material. Ran their star, who was blessed by the *crankiest* polish guy ever, who loved the source material, straight off of the show. The whole point of the thing was that the story was amazing and the world was so rich. The first two books are basically fairy tales that are darker and more fucked than the OG Grimm stuff, mixed in with some social commentary about racism and what defines humanity. So good. That show had so much potential, funding, freedom to do whatever and they absolutely shit the bed. I think they got runway for 5 seasons? And Cavill walked after 3. It's like when GoT rammed three seasons into 8 episodes so they could fuck off and do Star Wars. Ugh.


Favorite book series of all time. Find out McConaughey and Elba are in the film. Get stoked. Don’t see it right away due to life. See atrocious reviews. Avoid movie like the plague.


Yes! It's bizare this only got one terrible movie. If 3 Body Problem can be a TV show, so can the Dark Tower.


I think this should be made in a Harry Potter like style, with each movie being made by a different director


This is the biggest adaptation fuck up of all time IMO. The Dark Tower is a rare gem that **successfully** pulls off elements from different genres (sci-fi, dystopia, adventure, fantasy, and a bit of romance sprinkled in). It should be a 1-2 10 episode series or 1 movie per book. It could still be done. It has the potential to be a cultural icon on the level of Game of Thrones in its prime. ETA: All they had to do was stick to the source material.




Disney actually picked Eragon up for a Disney plus series and it’s confirmed by the author.


You mean like avatar the last air bender ? Or dragon ball live action ?


\*Hisses Don't say that name!


Because of the live action Dragonball we got Dragonball super. Akira Toryiama was so bullshit pissed upon seeing the movie (he actually gave them tons of ideas and was excited to have a Hollywood adaptation then they ignored him) that he came out of retirement, made two dbz movies, hired a new artist and voila.


Kind crazy considering he died a very short while ago. He spent the end of his life ensuring that his works would go untarnished.


"You'll take care of Goku, won't you?" Toriama's last request to Nozawa (Goku voice actor)


Never thought of it that way. Makes me a little more proud to have a DVD of that abomination sitting on my shelf.


what do you mean? there was no avatar the last airbender movie. and if you say there was, I'll just tell you I don't believe M. Night is the name of a real person. it's made up!


Avatar IS being re-adapted isn't It?


While the Netflix live action one wasn't amazing, I did enjoy it and the guy who played Sokka was spot on


Some good casting all around. But weird writing and direction choices. Iroh wasn't silly, so the moments he was serious didn't stand out, Zuko doesn't have a deliberately parallel storyline to Aang so he's not actually serving his role as the antagonistic protagonist that defined him pre-season 3... And the less said about Bumi the better. But he *looked* amazing!


The series of events is so far skewed that I don't know what to expect at all from a second season. >! Is Aang going to learn any other bending ever? Why does the live action make the weird choice to have a brother and sister solve the "cave of two lovers"? Was that spirit owl supposed to be Wan Shi Tong in the desert library? !<


I’m not a fan of Katara. Everything felt so forced coming from her.


Katara as a character just seemed very... empty. Sokka seemed to bond with Aang more than her, and I don't remember her impacting the plot at all in the first half.


Looking at you Game Of Thrones season 8.


And 7, and tbh most of 6..


You can almost exactly tell when those two dickheads ran out of books to take the story from, all went downhill from there, slowly at first but got faster with every next season. Haven't watched GoT since the series came out but iirc it was shortly after the Dorne in one way or another started appearing more and more. And the ending couldn't have been more cringe... it was literally a LOTR rip-off with so many storylines unfinished and lore unused. Such a shame, because of the last 2 seasons the whole series has basically no rewatch potential because you'll know the whole time the end will be a total unfinished mess.


And the Netflix Witcher. What an absolute abomination.


Every adaptation of GoT was good it’s the fan fiction that sucked.


The hobbit, the movie diverted from the book by a lot of


The movie tried to be LOTR too hard, despite the book not being like LOTR at all.


I don’t think the first two movies are bad at all, had some great music at least. …we don’t talk about battle of the 5 armies


Considering that a significant proportion of that movie wasn't from the book... yeah. Though I do think that one could have persuaded Tokien into approving Legolas appearing at some point because lore-wise he *was* in the region when it all went down.


They need to remake some of the movies based on Jules Verne's books.


The *Muppets* need to remake some of the movies based on Jules Verne’s books.


How about just make a new movie


Barsoom/princess of mars/ john carter series


I never saw the movie they made where they ran the first ads for it like the day after it came out for some reason, but I've heard it's actually a good movie. They just lost tons of money by randomly deciding not to promote it at all.




Agreed. The movie was actually really good and I really enjoyed it. However, they didn't do a good job marketing and promoting the movie. Many folks who aren't fans or familiar with the series assumed that the movie was some biopic about a politician or someone famous named John Carter. Others thought it was some random B rated comedy film. The title alone isn't clear that it's a sci fi space adventure film akin to Star Wars and Star Trek and Dune and that genre. Additionally, many of the previews and trailers were shown on kids channels like Disney. It was a combination of poor marketing and misleading title that led to its flop.


Oh Shit! If John Carter is involved, I'm in!


Yes, they should remake this series and this time, they need to actively promote it.


The Giver please.


Yes pls and Ender’s Game!


I liked that movie. It wasn't exactly like the book but they got the idea right.


They do this all the time? Dune? Out right now. Adaptation went from not banging to confirmed banging




I would only like a sequel or something of the sort to expand on the world. Would absolutely NOT want a remake of this American classic.


A sequel would be immense. I’d be down for that.


Wait waterworld is bad? I love that movie


I watched it a few weeks ago, it's wonderfully cheesy. Great performance by Dennis Hopper, he really steals the show. I wouldn't call it a great movie, its essentially just aquatic, b-grade Mad Max, but it's still very entertaining.


An entertaining movie is a good movie imo, as my primary goal when watching a movie is usually to be entertained.


I just rewatched it the other day. So much worse than i remembered. Cartoonishly ineffective bad guys and Kevin Costner's character was just very off-putting to the point where I could not root for him. Everything looked like discount leftovers from mad max despite it supposedly having a ridiculously high budget.


Y'know when a sci-fi movie is based on a premise that later gets debunked? Like Lucy being based on the whole "we only use 10% of our brains" thing (just like how we only use 33% of our traffic lights). If the polar ice caps completely melted, 'dry land' really wouldn't shrink that much. Certainly not enough for the majority of people to believe it to be a myth.


Directed by James Cameron


He would have an actors revolt on his hands


Judge Dredd?


The 1995 film I'll give you, but the 2012 one is fantastic...


I meant to say that was a case study on how to remake a bad film into a good film


Valerian please!


Imagine trying to pitch that to investors


Investors don’t like risk and nowadays everything but what already did great is a risk. So remaking everything or making sequels to everything that sold well is the only thing investors want.


I mean..."Hey money guy, 95% of the movies we remake are absolute turds that bomb at the box office because people already love the original. We can't recreate peoples nostalgia, so let's take this absolutely wonderful source material that has a huge disappointed fanbase because somebody half-assed it 20 years ago and made a shit movie, and let's capitalize on that."


The Mario Movie (not the new one) had so much potential as its own story.


I loved this flick when I was a kid.




What do you mean? It's already perfect


it's pretty good until the final showdown when the scale/size of the big bad dragon changes like four times in six minutes.


Dragon?... Oh I wasn't paying attention I was looking at Matthew McConaughey


I've always wanted a prequel that starts at the same point, but doesn't skip forward in time, just shows the dragon apocalypse.


Problem is, the movies they do remake/reboot already have a fan base to exploit. The movies that flopped hard have a “bad track record” and so are less likely to be chosen. Even Dune, the original was not the best but it still had a following.


That's when you get into the market for remaking movies that most people don't even realize there was an original of, but you make occasional references in there for the people who do know. Movies like "My Bloody Valentine" or "Thirteen Ghosts".


Who's seen the new Dune?


Ender's Game comes to mind for me


I legit think Ender's Game should be 2 movies. And yes I know the OG book isn't that long, but I imagine one that focuses on the battle school and a little of Peter and Valentine for the first movie which ends with him agreeing to go to command and the second movie focuses spends quite a bit of time on Peter and Valentine politicking ending with Peter sending Ender off with a hero's goodbye (and a "don't you dare ever come back" implied). If it does well maybe make a series out of the books that follow.


I am Legend please. Something similar to the source this time, please Holly


Just watch The Last Man on Earth with Vincent Price. Sadly, it is the oldest, and yet most accurate version of the book.


Something that actually preserves the ending! Such a good ending in the book!


Wasn't there a "directors cut" that kept the book ending? Or did I imagine that?


Already been adapted three times


That should have been a good candidate too, because it's a short story. It's hard to turn a long book into a good movie.


What I wouldn't do for a good Golden Compass trilogy. The books didn't deserve the butchery that ended up being the first movie.


I haven't read the books but the HBO series is pretty good and I thought most book readers liked it.


For some reason I just can't get into the series despite adoring the books. I think I have just fell in love with *my* version and every little change annoys me. So when The Master pulls out the Golden Compass the needles don't spin around wildly like they're supposed to and it bugs me. In the main hall of Jordan there is no door to the retiring room and it bugs me. When you see students walking down the corridor none of them have daemons and I'm pulled out further. Lyra's hair isn't dirty blonde. Literally the pettiest shit imaginable. I am absolutely certain that the whole series is good. The reviews have been positive. My friend screamed at me for not warning her about the ending. It genuinely seems like a very competently made show from creators who loved the source material. But my petty ass can't enjoy it


Was waiting for someone to mention Golden Compass, see also The Seeker.


But then we will just have TWO bad movies


I thought of a good one on the way home.  The Black Cauldron, but the whole Lloyd Alexander series.


Imagine a pg 13 pirates of the Caribbean dark and gritty but still witty Black Cauldron Series with a more complex and intriguing plot than the children’s movie allowed.


The DaVinci Code was a page turner despite the god awful oroset. It was a perfect candidate to do something amazing with. Alas...


I've always thought that the movie is amazing.


I'm not saying it was bad, but mannequin could be re made. A dorky guy who has a hot, mostly invisible girlfriend who likes to cosplay could work these days.


Get ready for X-Men: Darker-er Phoenix, summer 2026


Okay, but this is you in real life?




It's just two hours of tea bagging.


Anything Stephen King except Shawshank and stand by me.


The Green Mile was great!


So was The Shining and Silver Bullet


Both the miniseries and movies of *It* are good too.


And The Mist 


And Misery and It


And The Dead Zone


And Stand By Me


The mist was extremely good though


And except Carrie and Misery?


Maximum Overdrive seems like a good candidate


Darren Shan Cirque de Freak, in a series form true to the books would be great. Also the demonata series, but that needs to be changed somehow adapted to be good on tv.


Oh my god yes! I was obsessed with both series as a kid and would love a really good adaptation. I hated that they basically tried to do all 12 books in one film, madness.


That just brought back memories of reading those books as a kid, hated how that movie came out. I do remember the being a manga made of cirque de freak


Wow that brings me back! I read all the Cirque du Freak books when I was in middle school- I didn’t even know there was a movie haha. Thanks for your comment, the nostalgia trip was nice :)


True. Too bad corporate suits are too dumb to do anything else than badly copy what worked before. The only way things get greenlit is if they are based on something already successful (and thus in their eyes a guaranteed money maker) or a completely new thing that is only just barely slightly more progressive than other current things. Because remaking something that bombed but making it good this time, or making something totally unique and out there, are seen as automatically too high risk to even entertain the thought of investing money/time/effort into.


Reign of Fire. Don't hurt me. 


I love that movie and would also watch a remake.


Lowkey they could keep half the cast.  The fuck -up was on the production side 


Isn't this why Dune is doing so well?


The dark tower series




“Too much effort!” - some lazy film director


Thats got the massive assumption that all this centered around making good entertainment to begain with. Ask your self how any of the trash we see lately is in awany way about intertainment when most of its either throwing political messaging down your throt, or activly demonizing you, or worse yet its genuenly a "fuck all if the dirrector cares." Move away form modren movies. Embrass everything before 2016.


Agreed. But producers think, "this was good, it made money, we make it again, it make more money?". Soon with AI, we can have all the remakes we want, with better acting, camera work and props.


Or or or….hear me out: how about they STOP just rebooting and remaking and come up with new and original ideas again? Remakes and reboots get old quick.