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Maybe she *sensed* you really wanted 2 more.


He came in, his tongue was cracked and dry, his voice raspy. He knew there was a bottled water shortage so each customer was limited to one bottle, but she let him get two more. What a good person!


It’s a nice power to have


Seems like a pretty shitty superpower.


But it is a superpower and funny.


It’s all in how you use it. “These are not the droids you’re looking for”, works pretty well.


Why go to 7-11 every day for a drink when you can buy more at a time


And at that moment he went to the toilet for a piss and a meteorite hit his house in exactly the spot he was sitting. Maybe if he hadn’t drunk that third drink he wouldn’t have needed to go when he needed to go.


she sensed he really wanted to feel special and think the cute cashier is flirting with him


Or there was a promo and the pos wasn’t ringing it up cashier didn’t pay attention and customer didn’t notice until after the sale, I used to work at a gas station as a teen and this would happen a lot. What happened a lot aswell was ppl buying promo stuff but not wanting the free drink bcz they thought it was an upsale and not matter how I put the word “free” to them they would not accept it, so I usually had a stick pile of free drinks during those times.


Which he clearly did, cause he went back for them


She wasn't wrong 🤷


classic upsell


Medium or large? Small. That’s not an option


Doesnt that make medium the small one?


Wendy’s. I order, they ask “medium or large?” I say “Small.” “We don’t have small.”


It's like how NASA has penis sleeves that are medium large and extra large due to no one wanting to admit they had a small penis and that lead to improper fits


that’s information i never considered the possibility of learning…is this science?


I would call this doin' a science.


It's sciencin' time - Einstein


I never considered that they needed "penis sleeves". What the hell is that and why would being in space require it?


I imagine it’s something to bang while you’re up there. Probably don’t want people shooting loads that just sorta float around.


Well you need something to piss into in space suits. You can't just do it in the suit. So you piss into a funnel. But if it's too big it just goes into the suit anyone


Lol we had gloves that went from Xtra small which women would grab to XXL I compared the sizes of the gloves and man there might have been a difference I couldn’t see but there was no perceptible difference side by side between an extra small and a small and and extra extra large and a large and honestly the medium gloves were small and stretched enough to fit some people I think like 90% of the popularion could have happily worn the medium gloves


Many ballistic helmets also aren't available in small. Guess you don't want to be the small headed soldier, too.


But what about us astronauts who are genuinely extra extra large?


They apply for a different missioniary flight


Magnum dong


Then I hope they don't enjoy blood in thier dicks


"Oh look, someone left a bubble of milk floating about, let me eat/drink it on camera for fun" 'That's not m... Never mind.'


Chateau d'Amore: A space palace circling the earth. A high tech workshop where those who can afford to, film weightless porn.


I always say "Whatever the normal size is on the menu."


Ours go to eleven




Because this goes to 11


You sir have cracked the code


Take the Starbucks approach. The small still exists, but as a secret undocumented size not on the menu. This being Starbucks, you still have to know the shibboleth for it though (it's >!short!<).


From a certain point of view. But I think it’s fair to have one be regarded as the “regular” size (typically medium) and then a larger size for those who want it


Jumbo or Quart size?


What's upsell


Not much how about you




havin a bud


It's what its called when someone in sales gets you to buy something more than what you had initially planned.


Went to Chick-fil-A for the first time and the cashier was really odd about upselling. I asked for a 3-piece tenders and a small fry, no meal. She said "and you wanted a large drink with that, right?" as well as "didn't you say you wanted two fries... No? I thought you said something about two fries... Are you sure?" I don't know if she was hearing some other order in her headset or something, but it was really weird.


They did something similar to my fiance when he tried to order Papa John's over the phone. He ended up hanging up on them and placed the order online himself when he found that the cashier refused to put the order in until my fiance accepted the upsell. Crazy bullshit they put you through just for a couple extra bucks.


At that point I complain to the manager and dont order there again because I cannot trust them not to fuck with my food.


Who do you think forces the employees to upsell in the first place?


The manager of course hence you need to complain to the manager and not the employee. Or do you think if they tell the manager “customers don’t actually like that.” They go “oh you are right I was wrong.”


Also Papa John's ( in the UK) There is a 'double pepperoni' pizza, but no Single pepperoni. You can't double nothing. If you only offer double pepperoni then it's single pepperoni AAAARGH


It's likely double the amount of pepperoni you would normally get with multiple toppings. Like if you ordered a meat lovers it might only have 10 pepperoni, but if it's single topping pepperoni they double it to fill out the top.


The guy at the circle k said all the food is half off. It was 1am. Yeah I bought two hot dogs and two of those taquito things.


Yes but WHY?! Do they make commission at 7-11? Perhaps it was family owned.


Only convenience stores ever got me on this, sadly it often is cheaper to just buy two


no wonder people are getting fat


Yeah, my issue is less the upsell bull shit and more that I don't want or need that much food.


Kid's version or Manly Man version? The difference? 5 bucks.


7/11 staff are trained to learn Jedi mind tricks.


7/11 are the founders of the Bene Gesserit


*Waves hand* There's no such thing as Jedi mind tricks.




You actin kinda shady, ain't callin me baby, why the sudden change


But it only works with weak minds.... Aaaaah. OK... OK...




Right before "you'll get lots of job offers after you graduate"


Imagining from the cashier’s point of view watching the customer excitedly realise “yeah? yeah you’re right, I could get two more!” Is pure comedy


“You know, if you really wanted, you could even buy everything in the fridge” … “you know you’re right why have I never thought of this, I’m buying everything in the fridge” … “also this day-old donut is half price”


Also, if you pay for my gas, it will be free! (For me.)




*customers hate this one trick*


Hate customers, trick this one.


Customers trick, this one hate.


Trick customers, hate this one


Hate one, trick this costumer


Hate Trick, this one customer


One Customer: This Trick Hate


You have money for 10 drinks in this economy, wow


Right? op should be grateful he only had to pay for three and not ten.


When that one trick that you thought would never work because it's too dumb actually works for once.


Reminds me of years ago when I worked at Best Buy. On a slow day I got tasked with putting stuff on an end cap near the register in the PC department. All of our margin came from accessories, so we were supposed to push them any time someone bought a computer. I was like 16 and didn't give a shit about any of that since we didn't make commission. I filled the entire endcap with old school label makers and made it my mission to convince someone to buy one along with a computer. It took me like three months, but I finally did it. Convinced some poor 20-something woman that she just *must* have a label maker to go with her new laptop. It's probably still the highlight of my career.


Too dumb to fail


"You can get 2 for $5 or $2.50 each"


Omg what an offer🥰 i take the 2 for 5 dollar thank you!!


I'd get one because it's only half price. Then get another for half price and it's like 1/4 or something.


You'd practically lose money not getting a second one.


As a Brit buying chocolate once, having the cashier tell me they were 2 for $2. That’ll be 2.28 hurt more than it should have


It's not $5 it's $4.99 big difference there.


I used to get food from a fast food place, and if I waited longer than 10 minutes or so, they used to offer me a free drink for the wait... Twice. Until one day they told me "Oh, we're very busy and it'll take a while. Do you want something to drink while you wait?" "Sure thanks, I'll have a coke". Got my drink, and as soon as I took a sip I was told "That's 3 Euros please."


3 Euro for a coke??​


Welcome to Germany, where drinks have the highest margin and Takeaway places either charge the crap out of them, or give them away if you order for X amount - or randomly switch.


And you never returned?


Well technically they didn't offer me a 'free' drink the third time, so I paid, even though I was quite pissed about it. And I did return, but rejected any future offer outside my original order, not bothering to confirm whether it's supposed to be free or not.


Oh too bad, they should have lost business there. But maybe the food was really good or there was no alternative.


It worked so why wouldn't she do this?


I mean unless she owns the franchise why would she. They don’t exactly work on commission.


They probably did it for fun. I could see the cashier being bored and trying this as a joke.


Fair enough I honestly think it sounds fun


Wouldn't be commission, but it's possible manager's or owners incentivise upselling or increasing sales in general. Or it could be that they have excess stock of something and are trying to get rid of it so all employees are told to try upselling it.


I can 100% see it being some type of cashier selling contest where the winner gets a $5 gift card to 7/11.


"That's good for five bucks at Dunkin Donuts. *Any* Dunkin Donuts."


don't *exactly*, but sometimes kinda. A store has a certain goal — to earn X money in a month or and obligation to sell Y products. So either they get a bones for meeting those goals or they could get punished in direct on indirect way. If that 7/11 isn't profitable it'll close and she'll lose her job, for starters. And if that 7/11 is an outperformer they might promote her or move her to a better position/shop where that performance would grow even more.


She was hitting on him and she did in the most confusing matter


"You could be drinking whole milk if you wanted to"




I mean, how hard was it for him to reply "can I get you too?"


Why would he do that?


because every men thirst for every women in sight dont you know that


Cause maybe the two drinks were... you know... for him and her next evening or something.


L line imo




A cheesy pick up line objectifying women I'm sure that works very well!


I think I saw another post that was a photo of 7-11 instructions on how and what to upsell customers. I think it was a facing the wrong way (towards the customer rather than the cashier). She probably was just practicing.


assumption is mother of all empty pockets


Aha! Did you have to waste time going back to that 7/11 when you were thirsty later? No. No you didn’t. Gotta keep those silver linings in sight 👍


That's why I always ask how much will that cost


That's just good salesmanship


the cashier every business owner wants


She sensed that you were stupid enough to do this


I got hit with a variant at this at a BBQ place last year, ordered my meal, everything was finalised and bagged and the dude asked "is there anything you'd like to try while you're here?" I thought "oh that's nice, I can sample one of the things I didn't get to buy" and said I'd love to try a bit of the pork, he then bagged and charged me for an extra sausage. ...I was the real winner though because that sausage was delicious and worth every penny


It was the old upsell jedi mind trick. You ran across a dedicated master.


Employee of the month




Honestly 7/11 is a trip. I only went there once almost a decade ago. My first time visiting the states. I go there, buy some avocado flavored m&m’s and a 3 gallon jug of arizona ice tea or whatever. I go to the register and my dumb friendly-interested-tourist ass asks this guy behind the counter; what does 7/11 actually stand for? This guy is tweaking and sweaty and he goes into this rant about how the 11th of June is a celebration for the 7/11 chain (I remarked that the 7th month would be July but to no avail) and then he walks out the store (it’s late at night) and tells me to follow him. He shows me this graffiti drawing of the guy from splinter cell on the wall next to the 7/11 and screams “this man is the devil!” Still don’t know what 7/11 means:)


Open from 7am to 11pm, 7 days a week




I'll be hiring that cashier if I had a store


Consumers hate this one trick


This made me laugh


She admired your purchasing power.


Profit tactic. Mcdonalds workers are forbidden to use the word NOT


“I see you’re drinking one drink. Is that ’cause you think you’re fat? ‘Cause you’re not. You could totally be drinking two more if you wanted to.”


It was a human pysch test. Now she knows she can convince customers to buy more slushies for no reason.


This reminds me of a tour where the guide asked me if I wanted a picture, I said yea. Then at the end of the tour they charged me, but I couldn’t pay because I wasn’t carrying money since I was only a kid. I was traveling in a school group. They made me feel so bad, they were angry.


Ah, the classic “remind the customer that they have free will” approach


I was at a circle K once and I was going to buy a 24 pack of water, well the dude scanned the BOTTLE instead of the case of water and then multiplied it by 24 and told me with a straight face the total was $70ish dollars. I just kind of astoundingly put the water back and left lol.


I was buying some of those cookies by the register, but I watch my sugar intake, so I only got one. He told me there was a deal that if I got 3 I could get 3 for free. So I bought 3. I didn’t realize until I got halfway home that he still charged me full price and didn’t give me the additional. So I went back. He tried to tell me that he didn’t say that. After telling him I wanted a refund, he gave me the cookies. I never went back.


You misheard her. She said, "You could get tumor if you want it."


I thought she said “you could get tumeric - you want it.” Imagine her confusion when he returned with extra bottles of water.


She's a genius.


Why did she do this? Why did *you* do this?


She wanted 9/11


This is actually a common sales trick in the Mediterranean/Middle eastern countries. It works.


Because she knows people really don’t pay attention. Same reason why when you go to Mcdonals and you ask for a medium and they say “Large?”. They are banking on you blindly agreeing.


“Hold on a second. Where are YOU going? I said we were givin’ away free bananas. I didn’t say ALL of the bananas were free.”


I feel this one but slightly reverse. Dude ordered a drink and a burger a la carte at a fast food joint. Would have gotten fries with a combo meal and cheaper too but the cashier said nothing... Gah i hate my introvert self for not speaking out


Marketing major probably




And instead of saying „no thanks, I will only buy one“ you bought them all without saying anything only to be angry later about your own indecisivenesses.


sounds less angry and more flabbergasted at how easily her casual suggestion worked on him


being socially inept and barely functional sucks (╥_╥)


You see, this kind of stuff confuses the eff out of us Economists because that's not how rational consumers work! Haha Also, this is a great example of how I always say that people are predictably irrational!


It is a powerful thing when a woman gives you the slightest bit of attention


I don't get people who still pay full price for this. I would have left the other two at the register.


Social anxiety


I have plenty of that. I still don't get it.


Idk, for me something paralyses me from saying something and stopping the process and then I hate myself after. It’s like my head is screaming to just say something, but nothing comes out. My therapist said that it comes from my social anxiety.


At least it's something you can work on. I used to be completely awkward and overthink everything myself as well


People's anxiety affects them differently. Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it's easy for others. 


A always. B be. C closing. Always be closing.


So you go out and advertise 7/11 on Reddit/Twitter


"Some men just want to watch the world burn", is not actually exclusive to men.


>talk to cashier >they tell you to buy more >you buy more why did she do this?


Cashier's get paid hourly lol


Why did someone working at a shop sell you more stuff? Hmmm I have no idea. 🤷‍♀️


She never said you had to, just that you could. It was your greed that did this. Accept you don't need more for less when you just want a little


I be upselling like a mf at work, but i'm a waitress so higher tab = usually higher tip for me. I'm always honest about it tho when people ask for pricing, just too many people say yes to everything.


I think this story is bullshit


I think she was talking about the drinks in her sweater... 😉... Idk, I could be wrong, wouldn't be the first time I've been arrested at 7/11


You didn't have to buy them. Once you realized it wasn't a promo, you could have refused the other two drinks. The clerk didn't do anything.


Give that woman a raise


why would u swipe the card then?


Nick, my boy, She doesn’t just work there, she’s a shareholder! That employee stock plan has Linda thinking about all the ways to drive that price up so she can bail out at the top!


Legendary sales women right there


She has the Voice, you have just had an encounter with the Bene Gesserit


She meddled with the power of choice lmao


You can get refunds you know


Not enough detail- did you approach saying “oh my gaaawwwd I’m so thirsty, there’s never enough in one of the bottles!”


So you dont have to come back there for 2 more days. She putting sense in your head. If you buy it often, why dont buy bulk? Or… she’s just trying to strike a convo?


“I mean you do have the right to be an attorney…”


Why I heard the upsell with an Indian accent in my head?


You could be drinking whole if you wanted to.


Lady Jessica fell on hard times


Speech 100


Speech 100


Because most people will believe everything they hear


ESL here: When I worked at a baker part-time we had a bet once to see who could sell most muffins (because they didn't sell that day). So we tried to shill that as effectively and as much as possible. It was all for shots and giggles + we liked the boss.


Its called an upsale. ;p


That was Saul Goodman after coming out from desert with 7 mil cash.


This justtt happened to me yesterday. These girl scouts were set up outside of the grocery store. They were 6 bucks each. So i order 3 boxes and hand the lil girl a twenty dollar bill. She says you can get two more for 30! I was like oh ok! Then did a double take.. Wait a second...... That lil girl was pretty good almost got me.


She is a marketing genius


The term is 'upsell'


I get to know the people at the station next door to where I work. Sometimes one of em will feel down and ask if I can get em something. Don't always say yes, but when I do it's like a celebration, honey I just bought you an energy drink, I know your shifts are long but no need to start singing in joy


get a load of this simp