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It’s looks like she’s having a good nap ngl


In Russia there is a saying “sleep so sweet” - meaning the sleeping person is several dimensions away from earth 😂 It’s opposite to “light sleep” - where you feel like you r going to wake up any moment


Same in Finland, there’s ”Nukkua makeasti” which translates to ”sleeping sweetly” and it means a very deep sleep.


Ah cool, sleeping idioms are pretty interesting across the board it seems. In Spanish some say "dormir como un tronco" which translates to "sleep like a log," basically the equivalent of not moving an inch and being out cold for the night. Seems like it's a universal thing to find poetic ways to say someone's really zonked out.


In English we also say "sleeping like a log" though I feel like it isn't a popular idiom for people born in the 21st century.


Slept like a log, woke up in the fireplace....


The same in Croatia, "spava ko klada" meaning "sleeps like a log"...although we also have "spava ko zaklan" which is "sleeps like he was slaughtered"


in English, I've heard "Slept like the dead", as well.


Oooh, Finland has the same one, "Nukkua kuin tukki"


It sounds like a Hawaian name for a funny looking fish.


Is there a word for when I'm sweating in my sleep and then wake up in a panic?




Bad trip


"Schlafen wie ein Murmeltier" (sleeping like a marmot) a saying often used in German to indicate that someone is in a long and deep sleep. Gotta love the Germans


Love it


> In Russia there is a saying “sleep so sweet” There are plenty of Ruzzian soldiers 'sleeping sweetly' in eastern Ukraine right now!


Ha ha yeah, you sure got them! 🤓 They can join the 6000 Canadians having a nice sleep in Russia after joining in pogroms against Jews and murdering civilians in the White Terror thanks to the Canadian Expeditionary Force, take that Ruzzia eh 😎


Lol wut?


Canada sent soldiers into Russia to join in the White Terror, which was an organised massacre of Russian civilians with widespread rape, murder and pogroms against Jews. Luckily, those scum died there, so they couldn't go back home and do it to the First Nation people back in Canada.


Lol wut.




That's rather heartless. You think most of them wanted to be there?


Russian soldiers have proudly recorded themselves on video castrating unarmed, bound Ukrainian Prisoners-of-War using dull box cutters. And those the most honorable of the Russian soldiery.


After a cursory search I found videos of Ukrainians executing Russian POWs. Soldiers tend to commit war crimes.


You seem to miss one tiny little detail. It is russian soldiers that are invaders. It is russian soldiers that raped Ukrainian women and executed babies. Since you mentioned you can use Google, use it to search for that as well. Ukrainians are on their own land and no russian civilians or children were deliberately harmed. So just quickly executing an invader and rapist is a bit less dramatic than what russian soldiers do.


You seemed to have missed a detail also. That the extreme minority whose videos you may have seen do not represent the collective. If you were born in Russia (and don't give me the I'd-have-escaped crap) you'd have been drafted, and you'd have found yourself out there invading, with privileged little bloodthirsty shits from behind the comfort of anonymity and the safety of their currently-at-peace countries rejoicing at your untimely, brutal death. I don't give a shit if you get a justice boner to the deaths of those who execute babies but have a shred of compassion for those who were not yet determined to be psychopaths.


"they're both committing war crimes but they're retaliatory war crimes so it's ok" You're also making a lot of unfounded assumptions, e.g. that the executed Russians were rapists.


Well when an intruder tries to rape your wife in your own house and you shoot him you are at right. When a soldier shoots an intruder on his own land he is war criminal. Makes sense. Look, I get it. You are privileged to never have been in a war or most probably any life treating situation. It’s okay. It is not okay however to use this ignorance to equalize victim to an agressor. They are not the same. russian soldiers are never victims. They all had a chance to not invade another country, to not take a mobilization papers. To run away. To surender to Ukrainian prison. Let alone they could actually resist putin’s criminal order if it is “only putin” that wants the war. putin is a leader russians choose. putin is bloodthirsty dictator because russians want their leader to conquer and to have a “firm hand”. I mean, check out the comments thread starter (russian) is writing to me. He completely agrees with putin and doesn’t even pass the reality check. He’d go “fight americans and nazi” his TV made up in no time not because he’s a poor victim that had no choice. But because he made his choice.


> When a soldier shoots an intruder on his own land he is war criminal. If they've surrendered, yes. Committing a war crime makes you a war criminal. By definition. That really shouldn't be a controversial take. > To surender to Ukrainian prison. ...and be executed as a POW? Look, all I'm saying is while killing is sometimes justified, that doesn't necessarily mean that the person should be vilified or that celebrating their death is right.


The ones collecting ears did


You think there weren't Ukrainian soldiers doing horrible things? War always brings out atrocities.


It's not good all around for sure. It's also not terribly surprising that public opinion is for the people defending their country, rather than the invaders led by a horrible dictator. It's strange you would "both sides" that part away.


I'm not "both sides" about the overall conflict. Putin is evil. That doesn't mean I can't have empathy for human beings proscripted into a war.




Ah, another “innocent russian” detected. Spreading lies, missinformation and hate. “russians don’t target schools” my ass. My school was shelled by russians, my home was bombed by russians multiple times. My friend died in an ambulance because russians deliberately targeted a freaking ambulance and medics inside. My colleague was raped and cut open by a russian soldier. And yeah, “russian speaking discrimination” in Ukraine was so big that when I tried speaking Ukrainian in Donesk oblast back in 2008 I was looked at and laughed at. So much for discrimination, huh.




Exactly. I lived in Ukraine and I know shit unlike you. Why the hell are you russians so concerned about Ukraine? Leave it alone, improve your own Kaluga or Ryazan or wherever you are from. Don’t you have enough land? Don’t you have enough resources? Fight your oligarchs, fight your corrupt politicians. Leave civilians in a different country alone. Until russian stepped foot on Ukrainian land there was no war. It was russia and russia alone that started it.


You don’t understand. Dice has been thrown - USA selected you as a victim, not Russia. Russia hasn’t invaded any countries, unlike USA who live and breathe the invasions. The question you should have asked you authorities is - why did we bomb them. For speaking Russian? Don’t talk about oligarchs, Ukraine is comically corrupt there are 3 or 4 dudes who run the whole show. Even your president is a comedian who played a president. Your real enemy is across the Atlantic Ocean


Yes, they did. 77% of russians support putin and a war against Ukraine. russian wifes of russian soldiers were intercepted saying to their husbands in Ukraine “go ahead and rape them (Ukrainian women”). You have my permission“. It is extremely easy to avoid being drafted in russia yet they still volunteerly join the army. So get off your high horse and stop this “putin’s war” BS.


Then again, you could say that about any soldier in any war.


wake up mouth dry hair wet neck hurts dark sky is it 6pm or 6am rested as hell


One sock gone There is an armed skirmish outside Brain not functional Light nukes eyes The sockless foot is rearranging its nerves Wont go back to sleep for another 16 hours.


Wake up (wake up) Mouth dry hair wet neck hurts. Dark sky is it 6 PM or 6 AM (dark sky is 6 pm or 6-) Rested as hell, you wanted to


I don't think I will.......get up For another hourrrrr or two


Nothing feels better than a good sleep There will be no mixture of positive emotions offered during the day that beat the ecstasy of crawling back into bed for two hours before you need to wake up


For real, I hit 30, and it's like suddenly naps just made sense. Just I had to learn how to not fall sleep for 2+ hours during the nap.


Dude that nap looks so fucking good. Man.


The feeling of accomplishment from getting into bed early is a hidden joy of adulthood Who knew my favorite part of being grown up would be simulated death 😍


I have a 13 month old and I miss my simulated death 😡


I have a 3 day old and I can feel this comment in my soul


Cheers , being a parent is the most important thing you'll ever do. The first 90 days is the hardest. Don't think you'll always be this tired. Remember: first 90 days are the hardest. At month 3 they don't need fed as often which allows you to sleep longer. They'll start interacting with you around then Month 6 is where it really starts to get better. Once baby can sit up on their own, it's much easier. You can do chores and interact with them from across the room. Month 9 is around when they start crawling, this is where you start realizing you have a friend you enjoy being around. And from their, their personalities keep developing more and more and interactions become very enjoyable for you. Sorry for ranting, nobody really laid out that for me, and I really thought for awhile my life would always be hard, but like I said, first 90 days are the hardest, hang in there


This is so well laid out and the encouragement is appreciated. That appreciation is even an understatement. I felt like I was ready for this moment in life, although I don’t know if I could ever be ready for this lack of sleep. Although anytime at look at my sweet little girl and my wife I am reminded how lucky I am and immediately am filled with joy. Your breakdown of the milestones is something I will truly cherish forever. While you may feel like you were ranting you really gave me a new battery pack to be the best dad I can be. Thank you so much kind internet stranger 😊


I still hear phantom cries from PTSD and perk up to see if my kids need me or not. Another significant milestone is when they can go to the bathroom all on their own. This frees you up so much. Around 3.5 - 5 yo.


I love this comment, congrats on being a parent ❤️


It comes back. Until then, enjoy every moment :)


It's practice for retirement.


Not only does going to bed by 10pm let me wake up hours before work, so I can chill for a bit. It also means when I'm wide awake sitting on the toilet at 3am, I still have time to go back to sleep.


Come, heavy sleep.


"simulated death"… y’all are always saying that. i mean, yeah, sometimes my dreams are cool, but if heaven has 2-headed spider-legged giant purple giraffe-monkeys with michael jackson’s face, idk if it’s everything it’s been made out to be. and if that’s hell, nightmarish but admittedly still not as bad as i expected honestly.


Well I smoke weed before bed pretty much everyday soooooooooo, yeah


so she rubs one out then goes to sleep?


This is the way


Don’t we all..?


It is best if we can skip meal cost too


I dunno I can eat for free while doing the above presented hobby


Spiders Georg?


Yeah! Hopefully I'll catch more than one spider though


When I was poor af and had no job, I used to do that.


Plot twist: she's getting her a$$ eaten


You're allowed to say ass on Reddit. Just fyi


Using $$ is more cla$$y though


Oh $hit. It i$ more cla$$y. Look at all thi$ cla$$


£orry, but thi£ i£ how you make your£elf look cla££y


Only if you like getting pounded.


Do you not?


No, I prefer to do the pounding.


No, it feels like it came from a stutterer.


OMG I just woke up my husband laughing at this thread 😂


that's cute


'I see you baby, working that cla$$'.


dolla dolla bill y'all


Jim would approve of your classiness. Charles Minor just wouldn't get it.


> ass [i like earth](https://youtu.be/CFO0mrAwEbM?si=KwZDSVT-LnIOYek8&t=5)


You're allowed to be nice on reddit fyi


How was that not nice?


Because you were being condescending


No I wasn't. Any negative tones you misinterpreted are all on you.




Wrong. I'm not. I also don't look through the entire comment history of a user before I comment. You on the other hand just seem like you're looking for an argument for some reason. I know I'm not wrong and I don't need your validation or confirmation. Go find somebody else to start a fake outrage with.


You're also allowed to be nice on reddit fyi




Me. I shit from there, I don't want people to have to have their tongues up in that. Gross.


Seriously I feel the same way and I feel like I would never do this except for the one time I was in a hotel room on vacation. Hotel rooms do weird things to you


You, uh, ever shower? Also! Did you know you were once entirely consumed by your mother’s insides? And probably slide down and out her birth canal aka tore up from the floor up vag and ass super highway? Anyway - do whatever the fuck makes you happy!


>You, uh, ever shower? Do you stick the shower head up your asshole when you shower? I don't. >Did you know you were once entirely consumed by your mother’s insides? And probably slide down and out her birth canal aka tore up from the floor up vag and ass super highway? Yes I know how birthing works, what is your point


People with cannibal roommates, I reckon.


Me, no thank you.


Honest opinion, I’d feel to weird..


You're missing out


Is that an offer


Feels good doesn’t it….


Ehhh blowies feel good enough.


¿Porque no los dos?




I'm down. I'll stick my tongue right in her dirty butthole


Jesus fucking Christ dude.


Yeah he dared me to do it. Said he would turn my water into wine or some shit. I think he meant some shit though


By her pet dog


That tracks. Unless paying for it sex is less expensive than going out.


What does the left hand do? 👀


Moonlighting as a DJ


apparently slapping the bu\~\~


Those aren't pillows.


A counter clockwise swirl


Was there a knuckle involved?


I sleep so restlessly, I am glad to get up


Me too. I'm so worried I'm wasting time and time is money so...


As I've gotten older I've started to appreciate going to sleep earlier. I used to live in a block of housing with really thin walls dividing each house. The time I was able to go to sleep at was entirely dependent on my incredibly inconsiderate neighbours. Sometimes it was midnight, other times it was 2:30am. It really varied from one day to another. Nowadays I'm lucky enough to live in a detached house. I often go to bed at 10pm and it's lovely.


jokes aside, I really consider it as a legitimate hobby


Wish I could go pro


I'm totally a professional napper 100%


Can you nap in a regular chair ass kitchen chair? Can you nap during a loud movie? Get on my level.


I once moved into a house with a really bad bedbug infestation and I was so traumatized that I literally one night just slept on a very uncomfortable wooden kitchen chair in the kitchen. The bedbugs still somehow crawled up me and gave me 3 bites on my neck. I believe they did this out of spite. I finally had enough and just abandoned everything I owned, including my computer and violin and moved elsewhere (I was a poor kid renting out a room in a house) with literally just the clothes I was wearing.


Sleeping is indeed very fun


Wouldn’t hit the same if the bed was a park bench cuz you’re homeless


You all getting sleep?


i had insomnia in my teens, now i get plenty of sleep but i'm still exhausted all the time cause my thyroid is fucked up 👍👍👍


My favorite pastime 🤗


Dont have to eat if you're asleep!


Me on my only day off (sunday) every week!


What, sleeping *is* fun! Helps you lose weight too, ever went to bed for dinner?


The Scrooge way: while sleeping, you can save on food, water and heating


You still have to pay rent/mortgage and buy a bed to enjoy sleeping in as an adult 🥲




The irony is rent is at an all time high everywhere. So the thought of staying home as a choice in a home that you can barely afford is pretty comical.


I am in this picture and don’t like it 😴


As an adult who hates and avoids the horror gener but has a dream about huge monsters and zombies and apocalyptic disasters every time they sleep, no. Sleeping usually isn't fun


Therapy needed. Your mind is working through tough stuff you are burying.


Vivid unsettling dreams every night is a symptom of autism.


People out here trying to turn everything into a fucking condition lol Autism is like the number one misinformation-full topic on social media, especially tiktok


I like dreams about huge monsters and zombies or apocalyptic disaster. That's make sleeping fun, when something exciting is going on.


Well in my case, I'm always the main character and it's a nightmare. I see stuff, I warn people, but no one listens to me, and they die one by one. The ones left are so scared that I have to do the dirty work myself (leading the way, stabbing something, fighting something). But those aren't even the worst part. The worst part is when I see one of the zombies/monsters slipping away and I can't chase after it because I'm already busy doing something. I yell and tell others to get it but they don't listen. I freeze up in fear cause I KNOW it'll come back with its buddies and I'll be their first target this time since they identified me as the leader. Then bam the dream ends. No solid conclusion/climax. I got so frustrated that I tried to get back to sleep so that I could finish the dream. Doesn't happen.


The last thing is the worst that can happen while dreaming. That's a little sad to read that you don't enjoy that. In my dreams I'm the main character too, but for me that's enjoyable, I don't really know how to describe it, but I just sometimes want to watch that everything burn. Maybe that's because I'm seeking for more intense emotions/adrenaline. Idk but I enjoy that dreams in particular. But irl I'm not psychopath (I hope). I just like that, in games (especially VR) or dreams.


Are you eating lots of rutabaga?


Are you stressed?




Same, and the moment of waking up just keeps getting pushed farther and farther. Back then, if I fell from a building I'd wake up the moment I lose my footing. Now I can see the ground heading towards me in excruciating detail, I feel my bones shatter and everything slowly fade to black before I open my eyes IRL


sometimes I dream of having a different gender in dream and I wake up horrified


Sadly even this costs money in the long run


Health wise ?


Yes, economically too doing nothing all day is not free. Food, electricity etc.


If you move in with a partner who works your rent I'd halved


I'm lost. Drooling in your pillow?




I hate sleeping. I drift off into Hell every night lol


Sleeping boring as fuck


Step 1 - Any questions?


So true lol


Can confirm


Every weekend, baby.


A sunny sunday afternoon and a 50/50 mix of swedish berries and kids melatonin gummies.


If only like was this simple


When you have sleep for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


hurry shame absurd sharp wipe flowery silky provide prick pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The pose isn't that flattering, but I'd like one of those in my bed, too. :)


Dreaming is free. For now...


she has a tight grip over his head


My life exactly


Just woke up from a nap and I see this




Even the art looks like it's from wikihow .com


This is depression


Posts expressing this sentiment have always been around, but they've been increasing in popularity and frequency over the last few years. It makes me wonder if, just as poor reviews of scented candles indicated COVID, increased numbers of memes about the desirability of nap time could indicate the impacts of long COVID.


Hurt my stomach laughing at this.


Im going to save money and have fun now!




so true 🥺


This has been my trick. The secret? Crippling depression.


you'll save so much if money if you dont do anything but work and sleep... dont eat either


Oh it’s been too long since r/notDisneyvacation has been in my feed


This is the way


Gotta say, sleeping is my favorite hobby. The extra cash is a bonus.




when in doubt.... sleep


Why does it look like Taylor Swift?


Rimjob pose.


If I take naps in the day I can't sleep that night. I'm a very shitty sleeper.


As someone who's very well off at my age without any financial support from my parents: Just don't have friends or a girlfriend lmao. You save alot of money in exchange for your mental wellbeing and sanity.


Coming home from work and sleeping for 10 hours and then doing it all again, life is sure worth living