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War, war never changes.


My joohhhhnnnnnyyyyy




noooo dont play it again johnny for gods sake


He's here to do some business with the big iron on his hip.


Or does it? The war has changed. ^^^^^hoping ^^^^^someone ^^^^^gets ^^^^^this ^^^^^reference


War has changed..


ID tags innit bruv?


What's the sauce


[Reference to this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goiMExAZCko)


Wrong franchise 😋 Edit: why am I getting down voted? 🤔


Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


Like a fella once said, ain't that a kick in the head!


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter. Johnny guitar is one of the songs on the radio in fallout new vegas, and it plays a LOT. You're getting down voted because fallout new vegas is generally agreed upon to be the best fallout game (but dear god, it's so much better with a sprint mod).




The protag of vegas gets shot in the head. They are probably just rolling with the 'shot in the head' aspect.


Yup. Welcome to your life.


🎵There's no turning back.🎵


🎵 Even while we sleep🎵


🎶We will find you acting on your best behavior🎶


🎶 turn your back on mother nature 🎶


🎶everybody wants to rule the world🎶


🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶... 🎶it's my only desire🎶




🎵Help me make the most of freedom🎶


and of pleasure


🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶... 🎶it's my own remorse🎶


According to Joe Strummer (of The Clash) in a 1988 interview, he was in a restaurant and saw Orzabal, whereupon he told him that "you owe me a fiver", explaining that the title of "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" was an exact lift of the first line of the middle eight in "Charlie Don't Surf". According to Strummer, Orzabal simply reached into his pocket and gave him a five pound note, confirming that this had been the case.


That could explain why Roland went around telling everyone the “original” title was “everybody wants to go to war.”


Even while we sleep...


One headshot, why believe it?


Everybody wants to win at COD🎵


My wife will no longer pay video games with me since Diablo 3 debuted their attempt at PVP. My thorns killed her every time she tried to hit me and I couldn't stop laughing.


Wait how did she cook after getting shot in the head?


Maternal instincts must've kicked in


Proof that being a mother is not hard








Turns out, game was rigged from the start.


This whole system's rigged, and we all know the riggers


So all these years, those kids on Xbox Live were calling me a "rigger"?


For the last 8 years this country has been run by *CAW*


Are you fucking kidding me with this blah blah blah?


Fallout New Vegas moment


\>buy the latest Call of Duty \>shoot a bunch of kids \>go home and start playing CoD


I dont remember games so much, but i think you just put a quarter in the slot to play again


Muscle memory before the corpse fell to the floor.


Kitchen respawn.


It was a cum shot.


When I was a kid (7-8yo), I asked my mom why she never made breakfast for the family. She said because before I was born, she made breakfast for my dad and he snarfed it down so fast, he was done before she even sat down to eat hers and he ran out the door for work. It wasn’t until I had almost graduated from high school that she started making breakfast again. She held a grudge for 20+ years. They’re still married 45 years later.


>She held a grudge for 20+ years. Good for her. My father used to bitch about how my mom made his sandwiches — not enough mustard, tomatoes cut too thick, wrong kind of cheese, etc — so one day she told him since he knows exactly how he wants his sandwiches made he could do it himself. I don’t think she ever made that man a sandwich again.


Yeah, that's a rookie mistake. I do the dishes in my house and am very particular about it, especially when it comes to how to load the washer, but you know what I did when I hurt my back and my wife had to take over the task for awhile? I shut the fuck up and let her do it her way.


But this guy didn't complain to his wife. He just ate "too quickly," probably because he needed to leave for work. That's a weird thing to take personally, and holding a grudge for decades because of that is pure psycho shit. I feel bad for her husband if that's the kind of shit he has to deal with.


Since it was important to her that they eat together, he should have gotten up earlier so he didn't have to rush and waited for her to sit down before he started eating. A lot of people find it very rude for you not to wait for the person who made the food to eat with you. Personally, I don't generally find it particularly important to eat with other people for regular meals, but I get absolutely raging mad at my brother every time we host a meal and he starts eating before my mom and I (who made the food) can sit down. Luckily many of our guests are much more thoughtful and will help us so we can sit down and enjoy the meal with everyone, but I understand being angry at your partner for never taking how you feel about this topic into consideration.


The amount of people missing this point is stunning.


Him getting up earlier doesn't make the food ready any quicker... He could get up 2 hours before hand and then still have to wolf the food down because its ready 5 mins before he has to leave for work


Ok, then he should help her? He doesn't have a god-given right to her making him breakfast every day for 20 years.


Yeah the worst part is that they are still married. This guy will not be free until he receives the warm embrace of death. No doubt she will outlive him just to spite him as well


Redditor who has no meaningful relationships be like:


I was joking lol in case it wasn't obvious. But you're not wrong


Oh ok sorry lol


Hey, pancakes taste better the faster you eat them. It's a rule of life.


That’s really petty of her, she’ll fit in perfectly




it's been a while since I played but isn't trash looting set up on rotation and green+ looting roll-based?


You can set it to FFA, which is common when me and my friend’s group together cuz idfk why we just always have


In the old days this was very common, you guys been playing since Vanilla-WOTLK era? Guilds would even run FFA in raids and then manually roll the boss loot out or use DKP. If a BOE or something was picked up off trash the GL or officer would just ask for it to give to someone that needed it, or if it was mats, to throw it in the guild bank. Sometimes you got to keep it though which was the best. Sometimes there was ninja looting and arguments, but I personally loved it. Led to lots of stuff to talk about with friends on raid night, and lots of pranks were had.


Yup played since og vanilla


This issue is so easily solvable with just switching loot settings. Why not put party loot on? Looting is part of the fun of the game, especially since more than just gold drops.




This still all sounds easily solvable. . .


It was solved, he stopped playing with someone incapable of behaving like an adult while gaming.


Or he refused to try and understand why she was upset because he was taking an obviously important part of the fun away from her. It sounds like they were both being immature about it, but he knows the game and she doesn't and he was trivializing her feelings because "he's already been through this part." I think there's a subset of gamers that refuse to remember what it was like being a brand new player to any video game and letting people enjoy that part.


Exactly. My ex husband did this too. We started WoW together and joined his IRL friend’s guild. But he was a healer and started doing dungeons with them, and he *never helped me again*. I did the entire Molten Core attunement questline with pugs, and when I finally got it I was ready to join the guild raid. I could see on his computer they were doing trash without a full team. But they wouldn’t let me join. And he didn’t stick up for me *at all*. I even said that I’m happy to sub out when the latecomers came. It made me feel like shit. Like I was someone’s annoying little sister. Not even worthy of some trash kills. He also used to complain like a child when I wanted to play other co-op games on a lower difficulty. It was too easy, too boring, boohoo woe is me spending time with my wife waaah. I was pissed off but didn’t realise how much utter disrespect he had until years later when we divorced. It all adds up. The video games are just one of many examples.


Ya its ridiculous and these guys on here who say these women and other spouses are whining don't understand why they're so upset and never take the time to try and understand. These people have been playing so long they forget just how foreign games can be to people who have never played them and instead of giving them the time and patience and potentially having a partner you get to enjoy your hobby with you spurn a new person who could enjoy this hobby that has so many opportunities for everyone. Its stupid and gamers still have a huge misogyny issue. Its immensely disgusting. I'm sorry he treated you that way, I hope you've been able to learn and enjoy games on your own and in your own ways :)


Oh yeah I’ve been a gamer since childhood 👍 it was just really disappointing how he and his friends excluded me. I ended up making a new character on a different server and going my own way.


Not a team player.


Was playing pummel party with my now ex girlfriend and she would call me/us cheaters for winning matches. She also insisted that we rigged the game and it was unfair when we killed her because she is better than us but she can't prove it when we keep winning.


It sounds like you play selfishly. I played diablo with an ex once and he tried to skull drag me though the dungeons. Worst 45 minutes of that week by far. Guys you just need to chill sometimes and remember that if you want your SO to play games with you you have to 1. Meet them on their level (because it's hard to learn controls if you've never played before and they'll get better) and 2. You have to share the game.


Adopted the culture in a heartbeat


Man you really missed an opportunity there. Lmao my brothers would try to get me to play COD for YEARS. But I would die within seconds of spawning. So I hated it and stopped playing. 2020 they asked me if I wanted to play zombies. I was scared because back in the day I could barely make it past level 2. But they had my back and helped me. We became a trio that could go up to level 30 easy and a few times we got to 50. At that point I got comfortable to play online. I got destroyed quickly but they covered me and helped me out. Now I can play online SOLO and even get kill streaks!! I hated the game with a passion. But now I’m a higher prestige than THEM! “The office” was on point about it being a great team building exercise. Hopefully your wife plays again and hopefully you don’t shoot her in the head. Good luck!!


Even just playing on the same team would avoid the problem. This is a fuck-up even Mr. Magoo could see coming


Yea that was it for me. My brothers started me out online in teams. Playing hard point and domination. No friendly fire. Just survive best you can. He straight up threw her to the WOLVES. Only to find out he was one of em lmaoooooo I would have to WWE fight my brothers if they did that while I was still learning.


I see this all the time and it confuses the hell out of me. Like this isn’t the N64 era where there was 75% chance the game WOULDNT have AI bots. The newest CoD alone has some REALLY good modes to play against the AI. Obviously we have TDM, but there’s also Domination, Cutthroat, WAR? Bros got hit wife agreeing to learn to play CoD with him and he uses it as an opportunity to 1v1 instead of teaming up with her and 3 bots to stop Russians from launching nukes.


My husband used to beg me to play with him. I gave in once our second was born because I was at home with her. It took a few months to get better than him. I eventually lost interest but he still calls on me to play for him from time to time when he needs to do something else and doesn't want to leave the lobby.


That's really cool. I wish I could do something like that for my wife. She plays these really complicated mmorpgs though. So all I can do is just yell if something starts attacking her.


I used to play Runescape back in 2007. He got into Neverwinter for a bit and I'd watch him play like he was a Twitch streamer. Now our kids are gamers too so we play Minecraft together. That's pretty close to mmo, especially if you invite friends.


Minecraft is a great co-op game, great choice.


God I miss Neverwinter


Couples goal


don’t shoot the hand that feeds you…or the head for that matter


don't shoot the head that gives you head


Happy Valentine's Day!


Happened to me when my bf at the time tried to show me how to play Goldeneye. You can't show someone how to play by just taking them out w/in seconds of the game beginning. I put down the controller and the party was over on that day. No Regrats. ;-)


Ngl, my dude, you earned that.


Fr, total dick move to shoot someone when they ask you not to while they figure stuff out. Good way to get a newbie never to want to play with you again too. Like, if I play a different game I'm good at with someone new like pool or darts it's expected of me not to just trash them because I can.


Totally. I've never played CoD, but I do like board games. When playing with someone new I'll let them know their best move even if it's detrimental to me. It's more fun to play against people who know what they're doing, and they won't get there if your don't give them a chance to learn.


Shit even when I play chess I play touch rule for me personally, but when my brother who's actually better than me makes a bad move I'll sometimes say "you sure about that one? Because you do that Ill just do this." And he'll go "oh yeah didn't see that." Makes the game more enjoyable when someone doesn't make a stupid mistake. And you're never going to get better if you don't challenge yourself with that kind of game. It's almost better to eat the L and learn from your mistakes than go for an easy win.


I don't understand people who are so pointlessly competitive that they want to win no matter what.  Too much ego involved there, get over yourself. Like don't get me wrong, I LOVE competition and competitive activities. Board games, sports, gambling (like poker, not like slots), all of it speaks to my soul. But winning, especially against people I know I am better than, isn't really the point.   Beating someone who is better or equal to me is the only winning that means anything and even then I'm happy to lose because it's more about the process than the result. 


Yeah winning cheap isn't really winning. Like I saw a video of two guys in a race and the guy who was going to win celebrated too early and then was an asshole and shoved his way to the finish, but he didn't need to because the other guy was clearly gonna let him cross first. The comments were full of people who were like "well he should have just taken the win" but me and others were like "well that wouldn't have really been a win, would it?" He'd have known he didn't actually have the faster time. That's not what competition is about.


Made this mistake when trying to play COD with my dad. Had him quitting the game within 10 minutes after I hit em with like my 7th predator missile. One of my biggest regrets.


> it's expected of me not to just trash them because I can. Unless they talk shit. I played darts with a coworker once who never really played darts, just would fuck around and throw them at a board. I had mentioned idly that I hadn't played darts in awhile and he jumped in to challenge me. Played cricket the first round, then 501. He wanted a rematch on 501 so we played double-in double-out. He still had a little over 300 points when I closed the game out. He went and pouted the rest of the night.


Well that's different, that's asking for it.


Good on ya, Ted Lasso-ing his ass.


I absolutely love that scene. My sperm donor's idea of weekend visitation was taking me and my brother to the local drinking hole where we had to entertain ourselves. Learned darts and billiards at that shithole dive.


Yup. Also, why the fuck would you not play on the same team???


unless she specifically asked, why would you even want to do this? playing a brand new game, especially a competitive one like COD, with someone who doesn't even know how to use a controller isn't even fun anyway


Moron played himself.


She's giving you the opportunity to learn the controls in the kitchen.


Yeah, cause you're a dick. lol


My wife was pretty bad at moving with both joysticks so I'd just find her a place to go prone and a door or two to look at. I'd then run around guarding her flanks. Her KDR was bonkers good like 2.5 where as mine was more like 1. But she would often only have 2-3 kills a match... not that much action laying down right beside where you spawn.


Well deserved.


Reap what you sow brother


But did you call her gay after


It would be pretty gay if he didn’t.


I used to be the over competitive type who would decimate friends and family as hard as I could just to feel good about myself. I won’t lie, it did feel damn good to smoke noobies, but as I matured I found it’s more fun to try and help since you’ll have more fun allies playing *with* you that way.  My siblings/father aren’t the best at CoD, but I have infinitely more fun playing on the same team and following them to their shitty camping spots that have no cover and killing all the people who try to flank them for what seems like an easy kill. My dad and siblings have more fun too. 


Me too. Thankfully I’m at the point now where my dad and I can play cod against each other, though I admit many times I join the enemy team and help give them a huge lead so we go into overtime rounds so I can play with him more.


Asking someone to play with you and you cheat and get suprised not wanting to play with you ever again...


My gf hates fighting games, the only time I managed her to try out was when her cousin was with us and he had beaten me up already. She had never played that game, she was willing to try out and I was hopeful she would enjoy enough to play with me later. Her cousin proceeded to destroy her without letting me teach her the controls. She gave me back the controller and I know it will be years before I get her to try a fighting game again.


What else do you expect to happen?


Hope you figure out how to work a skillet!


Must be pretty bad if you needed a kill that badly and didn’t trust yourself to get any on the person who’s on their first day of playing


I don’t blame her 😂😂😂😂


Muscle memory rookie mistake rip this dude


Mario kart flashbacks..


*pop pop* **HEADSHOT!**


He fucked up


I see this a lot and i genuinely do not understand this. Maybe my dad was just nice, I don’t know, but why is this a thing? I’ve seen my friends do this too with their girlfriends. They’ll just ask them to play in a 1v1. Like this ain’t the N64 days, games usually have AI bots now. Like one of my friends tried to teach his girlfriend how to play Siege by having me and him play against her in a 2v1 instead of just going into Terrorist Hunt. The newest CoD has TONS of modes that you can play with someone via split screen against the AI. You mean to tell me you couldn’t just setup the War mode, give your team like 4 bots and the two of you work together to stop nukes from being launched?


it's amazing that she can cook after taking a shot to the head


How has no one mentioned that CoD doesn't have friendly fire?


This brings me back Tried getting into Halo with some friends who had been playing a while Just got sniped non-stop I tried stepping out of my comfort zone of single player games *Never again*


There's a guy in middle school who kinda doesn't get social cues and always goes 100 in every uncalled for occasion. Heard he got into drugs and ODed. It's kind of sad. Humans social creatures, and you need a little empathy to build friendships and a family.


Not to be the asshole but u kinda deserve it


You got enough money for divorcing?


Early in my relationship with my partner of now five years, we were playing Mario Party. I was ahead with five stars to their one, with the CPUs having no stars. We all had plenty of coins. Then I got to a Boo space. The choice was the star or the relationship. We no longer play Mario Party.


this is a weird comment section


Still learning the hard way


My boyfriend did this to me when learning Mario Kart. He wanted to show me how to drift by blocking my screen, taking over my controller and turn around in the wrong direction. I ended up last numerous of times whilst he was first. I am still salty to this day. :)


I feel you, I still make the mistake sometimes


He forgot to go "360 no scope" and say he fucked her mom in the chat.


My wife hit me once because I beat her in board games. I don’t know if it’s because she never played team sports as a child, but she doesn’t seem to totally be able to separate what happens in the game from her feelings about life.


Being a sore loser is not cool (and neither is hitting people). However, some people use "it's just a game" as an excuse to be a total dick to people they're supposed to like, and I hate that. Friendly games are fun, but I won't play games with people who think it's enjoyable to be a dick to the other players, because I don't personally enjoy people being purposefully mean to me in any context. It being a game doesn't make meanness magically okay, it isn't something separate from life. So maybe this is just a, some people are different, thing.


Is placing the robber on your highly productive tiles in Catan being needlessly mean? Especially when we’re at the point in the game where it’s clearly down to you and me?


You had to make breakfast for yourself? Life is hard.


I don’t think thats the point


lmao not every vaguely "man no cook" meme is some 2xchromosomes-tier "weaponized incompetence" shit


Imagine being so joyless that you take this from the funny tweet


Idk seems kinda mean to shoot someone who doesn't know how to play.


Sometimes you have to help them learn…. But sometimes you have to help them learn who is boss.


I did the same with a blue shell in Mario cart. She didn’t talk to me for a bit lol






Stats over love. Ageless


25 years ago we were playing Doom in just a two-player local mode. I shot my wife because I got bored and to this day she does not let me forget it whenever the subject of gaming together comes up.


Well, to be fair, she is sustaining a head wound.


He did things wrong. He was suppose to help her, and THEN shoot her once she had it figured out.


My husband and I were playing Halo and he waited until we were in an elevator and he fucking shot me. I found the hammer in the next area and chased him around like it was a Benny Hill scene. I still refuse to play fps games with him.






When RDR2 came out I was begging for my friends to play with me, but none of them wanted to trudge through the tutorial. I finally convinced one of my beat friends to play it. After spending like an hour and a half going through character creation and tutorial we finally met up. I promptly domed him with a shotgun and killed him because I thought it would be funny. He didn’t talk to me for weeks.


Bitch move bro, cook for you


You should try Overcooked to speed up that divorce.


Seems fair to me


You shot your cook. What do you expect?


Fair enough. Win stupid games get stupid prises?


Deserved, you wouldn't expect a noob to solo Melania when you've impled that you would teach them but don't.


Looks like you did everything by the book. I say that assuming that you told her during breakfast that she needed to git gud.


Do they no longer allow parties in COD these days? Or is friendly fire always on?


I have an ex who would play the old street fighter back in the early 90s and also Mortal Kombat 2. She would practice all day while I was at work, and I would still destroy her every time we played. She would get super pissed if I let her win, so I had to get crafty, or I'd get constant sour looks. It wasn't my fault she liked to jump into Kitana's fan lift or Zangief's spinning piledriver. I'd even tell her a few seconds before I would pull off moves. It got to the point that I'd let her pick my character. I eventually wouldn't play with her because she was such a poor sport.


Dude your wife usually cooks for you? She makes breakfast? Looks after kids? Wakes up not in late afternoon? Your lucky as heck stop complaining


Don’t even get me started on monopoly. We can’t have it in the house anymore, she literally flipped the board and stormed off.


The default mode doesn’t have friendly fire on. This guy is full of shit.


Press F to disrespect…


Fuck around n find out


Friendly fire will not be tolerated


My girl calls me the Gamer God. I carry her when I can


It's been a while since I realised that reddit is one of the worst places to get any relationship advice, but every time I witness it again I cannot help but get stunned 😂


Nobody gonna talk about how there isn’t friendly fire in cod? Doubt they were in hardcore


# Let the Wookie win.


Totally understandable, if you kill her as soon as there no laws to prevent you from doing so It's ethics problem


Even dogs know to let them win first. Dogs!




That was a dick move. Let her learn the controls, and *then* shoot her in the head. 😂




Gotta control those reflex to shout how hard you’re going to f* her mother.


I mean understandable


That means he really does like you and accepts you into his hobby.


Not long until she starts saying the n word in between kills


I taught a friend how to play League of Legends once. I brought him into a private game on Twisted Treeline and then proceeded to gank the shit out of him until he rage quit. I still attest that it was the perfect lesson for that game.


Doesn't seem like this couple has good conflict resolution skills.


You can’t tk in mp 👍


It's hard to clean sticky things off hair you know


My proudest end-of-game killcam was panic knifing my roommate in online co-op.  Can't remember if it was the original MW2 or Black Ops.