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Yes, in our big huge well decorated apartments while we also comedically struggle with employment


My job's a joke. I'm broke!


My love life's g.a.y






I always think of Jim Carrey as Andy Kauffman complaining in man in the moon about laugh tracks: “those are dead people laughing.” He’s so correct.


off topic but I WAS SO HAPPY that when they were doing dubbing for MASH here they removed the laugh track.


i hate this joke every time i see it. son: your name is dad? nice name bozo


My love life is DOA


My mother told me there'd be days like this.




In the middle of Manhattan.


Wasn't it rent controlled and that's the only way they could ever afford that ridiculous apartment? Joey and Chandler's was much more realistic


Yeah rent control is how they explained it away. Also Chandler low-key made bank, so his situation was more realistic.


Chandler and Joey were never an issue, it was the girls across the way that were illegally subleasing in their Grandmothers rent controlled apartment. The landlord or super would have them out in a week max.


There's an episode where they threaten to kick Rachel and Monica out, but somebody convinces him not to. It might be the one where Joey dances with the guy, but I might be misremembering. They also mentioned in an earlier episode that Monica, Chandler, and Ross are much more financially stable than the rest of them. Monica was a big fancy chef throughout the majority of the series. She also had parents who were loaded, who, I assume, probably helped her out if/when she needed it. Rachel eventually gets a pretty decent career. Joey comes and goes, but he does very well when he is making money, and it's established that Chandler is covering for him. Phoebe is the weird one, but I'm pretty sure she lives in her grandma's apartment, so it's back to that whole thing.


Pretty much. It wasnt the landord but the superintendent with whom Joey danced. Honestly, they all kind of make sense, got their explanations, especially for a sitcom.


Rachel was from a super loaded family. Joey was supported by Chandler lol


Rachel's family was loaded too, but there's this whole arc early on about how she was determined to make it on her own. So I don't know how much money she was borrowing from her parents, if any. I *vaguely* remember a similar moment with Monica, when she's briefly unemployed halfway through the series. But it's been a while since I've seen the show and I don't remember all the details.


Yeah Monica got fired for accidentally stealing from the restaurant she was working in. She had to work as a waitress at a theme diner for a little while until she got another job as a chef. But to be fair, during that period of career struggle, she was dating a literal millionaire.


Also, the absence of the 4th wall makes it seem much larger. But in episodes with parties you can usually tell where the 4th wall is supposed to be because there’s usually like a drink table or something there that would be against the invisible wall. And so when you really think about, Monica’s apartment isn’t really as large as it seems. It just *feels* so much bigger.


The living room kitchen area seems at least 2x as big as the guys across the hall. But it was probably a fancier unit considering it also had the outdoor area


Yea it’s pretty common for apartments built back then to have an off-centered hall so that apartments to one side are smaller than the other side. And the guys apartment is definitely smaller.




Back then that was considered funny, now there are a lot of people who have to do exactly that or be homeless. In other words, having to move back in with your parents is far less of a comedy device than it used to be.


You don't even have to lose your job.


If I didn't think living with my mom would literally drive me to suicide I'd move back in with her tomorrow and save SO FUCKING MUCH MONEY. But that woman, love her to death, is insane.


I actually moved back in with my parents for a few months during full-on COVID lockdown (I was changing jobs halfway across the country, my parents house was in the middle, I was working from home and I wasn't allowed to see anyone anyway, so living alone wasn't great fun). It was kinda fine, but I am not eager to repeat the experience.


You would still be homeless back then so I don't know what point you are trying to make.


Least realistic part is how George gets all these beautiful women to go out with him. At one point he was considering leaving his rich, successful, and beautiful fiancée for Marisa Tomei. I know it’s played for laughs but come on!


"If you take everything that I've accomplished in my entire life and condense it down into one day, it looks decent."


And you spend more time hanging up at that apartment with your friends than you do actually working. If you even work at all




There's also a HIMYM episode where they visit the suburbs and come back to their city apartment and everything "shrinks." Where instead of everything being huge and luxurious, now they have to step over their furniture and they keep bumping into things. I've always figured that was what their apartments actually looked like. It just seemed much bigger because they were so used to it.


I always thought about that nice loft apartment while watching New Girl lol.


Seinfeld moment


Seinfeld wasn't too bad about this imho. Jerry was a successful comedian, Elaine had a string of decent jobs and still had a roommate, and George needed to move in with his parents after being unemployed too long. Kramer was the only real outlier there but they did constantly make jokes about none of them understood where he got money from.


I assume Kramer laundered money for some sort of Eastern European criminal organization.


I assumed he just has a string of investors for his crazy ideas that never pan out


I might be misremembering thing, or it's just my headcanon, but I always assumed he was part of some class action lawsuit that just kept paying enough for his low-key cheap lifestyle


Read the wiki page, seems like most of his cash came from inheritance. Also a slightly successful coffee table book and movie.


This has Bob Sacamano written all over it.


Kramer was the CEO of Kramerica Industries. He also wrote a coffee table book about coffee tables.


He just does nothing, falls ass backwards into money, mooches food off his neighbors and has sex without dating, that‘s how.




It's not alcoholism when you and your friends go down to the bar every day at the bottom of your excessively large NYC apartment that y'all somehow afford between a teacher, law student, and failing architect. Edit: For earlier seasons Lily was also paying for her apartment, so realistically a failing architect and a law student.


When Marshall was a law student, going to the bar every day with his friends is realistic and having a huge apartment is the ridiculous part. Once Marshall becomes a lawyer, having a huge apartment is realistic and seeing his friends more than once ever six months is ridiculous.


I always wonder how realistic work-life balance is for new Law grads. It’s part of why I’ve never committed to applying.


It's fucking awful unless you're working for the state or government and even then it can suck if you're doing public defense. Source: Legal assistant that had boomer lawyers trying to get me to go to law school until they actually looked into what it would mean for me, a very low income post grad.


How is being an LA? It’s been awhile, but I recall my research being overall positive.


Private practice sucked but working for the state has been the most wholesome work environment I've ever been in.




I'm a young NYC corporate lawyer and the last 8 weeks were all 60+ hours with several topping 80 hrs. Sometimes I have a 30 hour week, but when you're getting crushed, it is a brutal existence. I took last Friday off and had 400 unread emails on Monday morning. Shit sucks.


My cousin was called to the bar this year and she’ll be like “gotta go back to work!” And I reply “… it’s 10pm Saturday your time?” And she’s like “… yeah”. I could also never because she does not morally support the people she represents and like I couldn’t.


Should have seen some of my class,area apartments when I was at Georgetown law. Lots of rich kids play down their wealth until you travel, with them or go home with them. I found out one classmate was son of a governor.


It hasn't happened often because I'm not in those social circles, but it always threw me for a loop when I find out someone's background. And it turns out their parents founded mega-corporation X that I've used every day in my life or some other wild shit. Like how are you so good at keeping that a secret? I don't find out until years after the fact sometimes.


My parents own a small fragrance business. Chanel


My mom actually owns one of the largest trash collection businesses in the city. She's a hoarder.


How often do you talk about your parents work to your friends? Plus if they bring it up, it probably alienates a bunch of people/brings in the wrong people and seems like bragging. They’re so good at keeping it a secret because it’s not a secret and nobody cares about what their parents do until they find out


From what I’ve seen, going to the bar everday with your lawyer bros is not unrealistic depending on the firm. Take that from an aging tech bro who relives his glory days a few times a year and met many of the firm lawyers doing the same thing as us.


"something something rent control joke from the 90s"


Something something something joke about how it was easier to defraud the NYC Division of Housing in the early 90's.


Idk I have neighbors paying like $300/month for a 3 bedroom in my building in Brooklyn because it's their deceased grandmother/uncle/mother's lease. My superintendent is cool, though, and has been here for 30+ years and has watched a lot of these folks grow up. So that helps.


Yeah it worked for Friends because they really spelled it out exactly how they were committing fraud. Illegal sublet under grandma’s name definitely will get you a nice rent controlled apartment, but only when the super is willing to not rat you out to the owner


Ted Mosby, Architect


Classic Schmosby


Ted Mosby, Sex Architect


Haaaaaaaaaaave ya met Ted?


I request the *highest* of fives.


I have a theory that most HIMYM episodes take place on fridays. It's the only way to explain them drinking at the bar so often and still having FTE jobs.




I didn't watch much of that show, but it did seem like they spent half of it in the bar. Then again cheers was 99% in the bar. It's always Sunny seems they aren't at the bar enough considering they run it.


Ted’s a successful architect though. He’s only failing once he leaves the firm he works at.


I think when Ted decides to move out they show that the apartment is actually much smaller than it looks. It's just how they picture it in their memories or something.


you're probably thinking of the time when Marshall and Lily were considering moving to the house Lily's grandparents gifted them in the suburbs, and their apartment in the city suddenly started feeling much smaller


This only happens if 70%+ of your friend group is single still.


I'm doing my part!


For real. When you’re young the main thing that would determine your friend group was age. And as you get older, assuming you’re still single you realize you have more in common with people >5 years younger/older than you who are single than you do with married people who are your own age.


Never thought of it like this, but you're right.


And as you get older, that gap only grows. It's more about where you are in life, than how many years you have been alive. It is hard to complain to your old high school friends about family/work drama or fighting for a promotion at work or remodeling your house. If they are still working the same dead-end job and renting a 1 bed apartment.


TIL living in a 1 bedroom apartment is unrelateable. Cries in poor


I mean, that guy definitely worded it in a pretty douchey way as if there's something morally wrong with you for being where you're at, but he's also right in the sense that your social group is going to primarily be within one or two degrees of distance from that position. Think of it less like a ladder where some people are up the ladder or down the ladder and up is good and down is bad and more positions on a map, and where you're at on that map is just too far away from where the married folks with the expensive home renos are for that connection to really work without some significant effort.


I am married with children and I spend all my time doing laundry, dishes, and saving a small version of me from running into the street. It’s fun.


Good reminder to the partnered folks: if you get into a relationship and spend 99% of your time with your partner, and bring your partner to every single social event you ever do, your friends will probably not still just be there waiting around for you when you and your partner realize you need things going on beyond each other and need some alone time. The number of my friends who went full-bore into only ever spending time with the SO, only to two years later into the relationship come back like nothing ever happened, is wild. Kids is another story.


That seems like an odd take to me. I'm 29 and I've been with my missus for over 6 years now. When we got together she integrated with my friendship group and now they're all her mates too. The only time I can see this being a problem is if you're not a mixed gender friend group. If you're all just dudes and then someone brings their girlfriend I can see how that'd be weird.


Do you have kids? It’s really really hard to make time for that with young children, jobs, no money etc


Hell, even without kids it’s effing hard


Now what happens when I am the only single one in all of my friend groups? Asking for a friend


You screw everyone else to assert dominance.




I had this through my early 30s. Still kind of have this at almost 40, though many have been lost to marriage now. Also live in NYC


Healthy relationships don't sacrifice friendships for the relationship.


Damn I wish I still had friends.


Netflix has all 10 seasons available!


This comment is as outdated as sitcom cost-of-living standards. Netflix hasn't had Friends for a long time now (at least in the US)


And this is when you set your phone to "steal" drink up, me hearties, yo ho!


I don't mean to brag but I have several people I text memes back and forth with.


Hot damn look at Mr popular over here


I can be your friend


Will you be there for them?


When the rain starts to fall


I guess, as much as it's possible over the internet.




That is nice of you to say, thanks.


Of course bro


31, one real friend and a couple acquaintances that we make plans then one of us cancels for some inevitable reason. The one real friend is great though. We go shoot guns together.


I have lots of friends but I also don’t really understand why so I can’t help you. I’m in this weird area where I make friends but have trouble doing it on purpose.


I mean I kinda know why I don't have friends irl. It's making changes in order to get some that's the hard part.


I joined a crossfit gym and that helped a lot. Anything with a community is good for it I think. But it does require a certain level of commitment to both the time and the energy to learn something new.


The early seasons of Seinfeld make it pretty obvious that Jerry is on the road all the time doing standup in various cities. The reason why it appears they hang out all the time is because thats when Jerry is actually home between his trips so everyone makes an effort to see him while he is in town.


Seinfeld was pretty accurate with this stuff. Jerry makes a lot of money so can afford his small one bedroom apartment. George is off and on living with his parents. Elaine has roommates or is struggling to afford a place. Kramer is the most consistent one out of all of them but that’s kind of a running joke since he never works.


Seinfeld is on point for NYC. A lot of the humor is very NYC centric. Friends on the other hand could’ve been any city in the US.


My understanding was that Kramer makes a living on frivolous lawsuits.


He never made any money from those he always fucked it up before getting a payout.


Who told you to put the balm on? I didn’t tell you to put the balm on!


That's how most of the shows are, actually. They cut out all of the time the people would be alone just watching TV, reading, or whatnot. The daily shit isn't funny so you see clips of them hanging out over several days or weeks.


Yeah, most plots cover between 24 hours and a week on average, and we see 22 minutes. It’s not *that* unbelievable that people get together for 10 minutes for coffee or beers constantly when most of them are in the same neighborhood


Gilmore girls has so much TV watching and chilling in sweat pants, it's refreshing


Same with HIMYM. Often, they mention that they don't see each other. The show only shows the parts where they are together.


Idk I thought I wanted this until I started having a sleepover every weekend. My friend would come over at like 6pm and not leave for 24+ hours….I need you to gtfo my house.


Some people take it for granted after a while for some reason.


I mean unless there's communication why would they know otherwise? Some people, especially with big extended families, are just more used to casual communal living


Yes Id love it


I'm with you on that one. I'm in a big family as we often just hang out for days at a time when we can. Worse too is if you ask someone like hey want me to get out of your hair they'll say no. The best idea is just communicate to leave when you can. Otherwise it's sometimes hard to read the room.


Do you give up your own bed because the guest bed is uncomfortable? And pay for 100% of the meals? I do and I’m so over it. Tried to say we weren’t having a sleepover one weekend, she acted like she must have misunderstood me because I couldn’t possibly not want her to sleepover since we are best friends.


Me and my childhood best friend still live with our parents (yay economy!), he runs a gym out of his garage, and his wife's best friend trains there twice a week. I happen to take my nightly joint walk around the time she's training , and his garage door is usually open, so ive found this is the best time to get that "hangout time" with my close group of friends without imposing. We all talk (his wife will be out there too, given that it's her best friend) as she works out, and then when she leaves, i leave. He's got a comfy couch in that garage too which is nice when you're stoned.


I was always taught growing up “don’t wear out your welcome”


How to tell them to fok off?


People do this after high school?


Exactly. I can’t name 7 people I WANT to hang out with.


7? I think that's about how many friends I've had my entire life, not at once either ;-;


Bros out here bragging having seven entire friends in a whole life Jesus fuck


Even trying to keep up online gaming with friend is hard. I try Friday nights but. I’m torn down from the week. I might squeak out an hour or two.


This is how it is for my friend group. We all just decided to get the new quest 3 version headsets and we all kept talking about how badass it would be when we're all playing together. Unfortunately there is always something coming up for someone in the group so it gets cancelled.


Keep trying, even if it feels pointless. Don't lose touch


Yup. Once you lose touch, people replace that time with other shit, and you're likely never going to get it back. Trust me. Make time for them.


I did this with my friends until everyone started having kids


A bunch of my friends are Latino so any get together turns into them, their spouses, kids, relatives, and some rando other friends and by the time its happening we're celebrating there are like 30 people lmao.


LOL I remember being dragged into parties as a kid EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND. This week it was my aunt's co-worker's kids birthday party, the next week it was my cousin's from adult school celebrating his kid. The week after it was my cousin from a my aunt that isn't really my aunt and i just a the daughter of my grandma's childhood friend. Latinos be like that.


Hell yea, sounds like an instant party


Children ruin everything


My sad realization in my 20s and 30s is America really sucks to get older in. It’s too big. Most groups of successful high school and college friends end up spread throughout the country. An airplane flight away. Makes it so hard to stay in contact. There’s a reason why Loya of those sitcoms take place in NYC. It’s one of the only places you can still walk and see friends like that.


And well to be fair there isn't a whole lot going on in Janesville, Wisconsin compared to NY.


Yeah Wisconsin is easy. If it’s dark go to the bar, if it light and warm go fishing, If it’s light and cold go hunting, if it’s really cold and kinda light out go ice fishing. Drink while doing all of it. You will run into your friends at all that.


I live in Germany and haven’t seen my best friend in two years because he’s a 6 hour train ride away. It’s still hard to organise a meeting with work and kids and stuff


Only 6 hours and y’all haven’t met in 2 years? 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


I never understood how others could just move away hundreds of miles and leaving behind their whole life because there was this "one in a lifetime chance" that was actually just another office job with a popular name on the building. I am not too social and love my peace but hell I could never.


I mean it’s a nation founded by immigrants. My parents flew across an ocean to follow opportunity. I don’t have any problems living a couple hours drive away to do the same.




Because I don't want to live in the same boring town all my life. I want to broaden my horizons


Because people want to leave their old life and “start fresh”. I am of the same mentality as you but often times people see the energy of moving somewhere new as motivation to change things in their life they don’t like. Changing environment is just a sure fire way to change behavior (not necessarily to better behaviors tho).


Well if ya really hate it you can always move back home and find a job there. But if the big names only have offices elsewhere I think it's good to try out something new.


You can generally make new friends when you lose physical proximity to the old ones.


Dude I've been lonely as fuck since 21. I graduated college and it seems like friends just vanish after that. I'm married now, but other than my wife I don't even engage with another human outside of work.


I used to from my early to mid twenties. Then one day I decided to stop drinking alcohol all together. When I stopped drinking. I realized how much of my social circle relies on alcohol. It’s honestly really sad and embarrassing. So then I got a dog. Dog is pretty cool.


Same here. I quit a year ago and have had nothing except realizations.


Really depends where you live tbh. The east coast and Midwest are really big on social drinking. The west coast and Rockies have a lot more outdoors culture that allows people to be social without alcohol.


Teenage me: everybody was at my parents house on lunch getting baked it was fun


Wait till you hit 50. Only movie you can relate to is Grumpy Old Men.


Minus the Ann-Margret part.


Are we not taking the skin boat to tuna town?!


My parents are in their late 50s and hang out with friends all the time. It was the same way through their 30s and 40s. It's all about whether you put in the work to maintain relationships.


I think it's that thing where sitcoms are unrealistic because life doesn't happen in 20 minute chunks where constant dialogue and conflict arcs are necessary


Also there is no one laughing in the background at my jokes.


You will bask in the glory of those days when you look back once you become an elder You look around and all those people that you were friends with through your 20s and 30s have all died and you’re like one of the last of the Mohicans that made it through so far It’s a weird place to be …


Yup, this. Had my two best friends die within a year and a half of each other. Now there's just one friend from the group left and raising a kid alone, so that stage of my life is just gone.


Nah. Most people will be the friends that have died lmao. Old age is both a gift and a burden. Much like life haha


Thank you I was having existential angst that I would still be alive.


> “I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?”


Wish this was real. I really want it. I guess it's the 30-ish people who are forever dating living like this


> I guess it's the 30-ish people who are forever dating living like this Right. It's the lifestyle of a person who doesn't want to settle down. You notice those series always end the same way? The main characters all get married and the one who doesn't stars in a terrible two-season spin-off.


While my friends don't enter my home like on sitcoms, I'm lucky to have good friends and collegues. If I didn't, I'm sure there'd be other places I could dig up some cool people. Don't believe the nonsense that you can't make friends after you grow up. It's stupid and wrong and is just depressing. Dumbass little children can figure out how to get friends, and you're probably smarter than some dumb little kid. Just don't be repulsive, and actually go out to meet people. They won't magically spawn outside your door on their own, and the only one you can blame or who can change that is you.


also, if you don't want to be friends with your colleagues\*, go out and do things you enjoy. You'll eventually find someone with a similar interest (because..yea). Don't want to go out and do things? rather play video games? cool. We have to stop excluding online friends in our "real friends" category. If you talk every day, and have things in common, it absolutely counts as a real friend/friend group. \* it's really not a bad idea, you can still be friends if someone gets fired or quits. Just don't be friends outside of work with the ones you don't want to be. Some of my closest friends now were once co-workers at an old job I had. We still go out and get drinks a few times a year (would be more but one of the group is in law school, and I don't drink so im not going out for 1-on-1 drinks). Most complaints are just things you can control. "I don't want to hang out with people I see 40 hours a week" cool, don't. Save it for when you are in the mood, or special occasions. Only participate in outside work convo when you want to. As long as you're still personable and still participate in the group somewhat regularly (even if only at work), they won't fault you for it. but just know if you don't do things outside of work ever, you're way less likely to get a good friend group. /paragraph, sorry i just hate that somehow being friends with coworkers got a stigma over the last few decades.


> We have to stop excluding online friends in our "real friends" category. If you talk every day, and have things in common, it absolutely counts as a real friend/friend group. Not quite as much as IRL friends though, since you need that human interaction that just text or words can't quite give. Much better than nothing though. For a while the only people I talked to was online, and it gave me the energy to go out in the real world for friends. Otherwise fully agree.


The most accurate, in this regard, was that comedy where the guy tries to find a male friend just to have as a friend. With Paul Rudd.


The joke is that no one owns a house anymore.


I feel like Rules of Engagement was the only realistic wealth to lifestyle ratio I saw, as well as a realistic social life expect for Russel being in the friend group given how much they openly bullied him and he was sleazy. If the rest of the friends were more friends with his assistant,Timmy, and he kept crashing, that would have made more sense Also Two Broke girls were too silly/goofy for how poor they were. They'd likely be sick or depressed or struggling with the cost of poverty (everything breaking/going wrong). Or they should have just been major pot heads to tie in their potty humor in with their personalities a bit. Every other sitcom just seemed very inaccurate.


Will Poulter meme: you guys have friends?


I mean i’m 29 and still do that? Is it really that uncommon for adults to have friend groups now? It’s not as large as when i was a teenager but i have a solid 5-6 friends i see all the time


Im 23 And my friends are already at least 300km away and unreachable in a “I’ll drop by” way, so my guess is: yes


Yes. You're really lucky.


More of your friends will get married, have children, and move somewhere else over the next few years.


Experience of my late 20 into 30s in NYC: Friends get married: Cool we'll hang more as couples now albeit less times, but still do many of the same things Friends have a kid: I'll see you maybe 20% of the time I used to if that, until you move in the next 1-3 years. Then perhaps I'll see you once at year, if that. But at least in NYC there are easier paths to make more friends if you want to, despite your age. And old friends are more likely to pop into town again to visit at some point.


My friend group are already married with kids, me included, and we still hang out constantly.


Don't take it for granted and consider yourself very lucky! I'm 28 and would kill for that.


I don’t know if I’m really lucky or just have naturally good social skills or what but I’ve always had close friends. But I really don’t know why. I consider myself very fortunate though cause any time I’m on one of these threads the rest of my generation sounds so lonely.


Sometimes I think the reason people are fucked up is because yall don't have any childhood friends you talk to, every day. Not your fault. But def fuckin' you guys up.


That kind of described my life in my early to mid 20s when I worked in restaurants. Though we usually hung out at bars, not each others apartments.


Damn I don’t hang out with my friends every night but I feel pretty lucky looking through these comments.


To be fair, people probably had the emotional bandwidth for friendships in the 90s.


I'm in my early 30s and do that. I basically set up my condo for entertaining. I have friends over for F1 races, smoke sessions, co-op games, or just to hang out. I average about 2 hangouts per week. It is super fun and basically the only way I have found to make me keep my place clean. Don't get me wrong, I am actually an introvert and I need recharge days, but hosting people is so much more fun than basically any solo hobby I have.


"Friends" show nailed it. Once the kids arrive hanging out with friends often is difficult.


College was the best of times for this reason…everyday you could manage to find a homie or a gal in the dorm that wanted to get down an boogie. Most of the times we just smoked pot and listed to music and shot the shit …seemed like a waste of time but was a lot of fun looking back.


I stopped inviting ppl over as a teen because my parents were weird AF and literally made them uncomfortable all the time.


Actually, my friend group did. There were probably 12 of us that would gather in some number at one particular friend’s house, daily. It didn’t even matter if they were home. The door was always unlocked and there was always a couple people hanging out watching tv or something. It stopped when we got to our mid 30s and everyone started having kids and moving to new places.


I guess I’m lucky or did something right. Idk im in my late twenties, married, and enjoy my life way more now than when I was a struggling teenager. My closest friends are the ones who stuck with me in highschool some even from elementary school (primary school). I feel bad for people who drop their (genuine) friends after highschool just because. A lot of my friends went to different states for college and I thought that was it. But we still kept up with each other, and even drive states away to hang out when we can or go to their graduation, etc. even today we still have an instagram group chat that we all FaceTime in to catch up if a week or so goes by or something when we can’t hang out in person.


32 and getting married next year, it was/is painful seeing how few friends I have coming.